
Saturday mornings with kids and without. FUNNY!

definitely true!
Oh, not true at all! At least, not my experience. My Saturday mornings are the best bit of the week, I get time to snuggle with a warm, lovely little person who thinks I'm amazing and tells me I'm beautiful. Although she has my DNA, so she also thinks that 9am is early enough to get up, thanks. That surely helps... ;))
Haha, true, true. Love being part of a DINK couple. We even have the bed - except ours is a Swedish foam bed with the adjustable/massaging base. :tongue:
Hahahah I don't care if it's true or not but the right side is hysterical. And I'd like to think it's all true makes the right side even more funny. :lol: kid doesn't wake up until 8:30 most days, including Saturday. And it's really not all that hectic. I sense a wee bit of hyperbole.
Jennifer W|1404927055|3709828 said:
Oh, not true at all! At least, not my experience. My Saturday mornings are the best bit of the week, I get time to snuggle with a warm, lovely little person who thinks I'm amazing and tells me I'm beautiful. Although she has my DNA, so she also thinks that 9am is early enough to get up, thanks. That surely helps... ;))

Me too -- my boyfriend! :cheeky: As an added bonus I generally have a perfectly prepared cup of coffee presented to me shortly after the "beautiful" bit. :bigsmile:
Dee*Jay|1404931407|3709885 said:
Jennifer W|1404927055|3709828 said:
Oh, not true at all! At least, not my experience. My Saturday mornings are the best bit of the week, I get time to snuggle with a warm, lovely little person who thinks I'm amazing and tells me I'm beautiful. Although she has my DNA, so she also thinks that 9am is early enough to get up, thanks. That surely helps... ;))

Me too -- my boyfriend! :cheeky: As an added bonus I generally have a perfectly prepared cup of coffee presented to me shortly after the "beautiful" bit. :bigsmile:
Hahahaha! Just after I typed that, I realised that it probably applies to my husband too. :bigsmile:

eta, he does wake up at six. On balance, I like the kid better on a Saturday.
You know... Some of us "couples" find other things to do Saturday morning other than just snooze in bed... :angel: :dance: :clap: :wink2: :love: :wavey: :appl: :bigsmile: ;)) :)) :D

Have a great day .... I will,

The ironic part of this is that until you've had the kid Saturday morning, you can't truly appreciate the without kids Saturday morning!

However, I would have never forgone those mornings - I have two great adult kids and a granddaughter to make Saturday mornings fun again - not to mention an early riser Yorkie pup!
I'll take early Saturday mornings WITH by kids. thank you very much. Cannot imagine it any other way! I used to be a late riser, nowadays, I get up before the kids so that I can get breakfast ready before I go hiking, or before their 8am sport's practices.
My sister used to tell my husband and I how lucky we were to have our Saturday and Sunday mornings kids free. I would have gladly given up every one of those mornings to have a child.

Jennifer W, Your description sounds like pure heaven to me. I'm sure you are a fantastic mom!
MissGotRocks|1405026105|3710811 said:
The ironic part of this is that until you've had the kid Saturday morning, you can't truly appreciate the without kids Saturday morning!
However, I would have never forgone those mornings - I have two great adult kids and a granddaughter to make Saturday mornings fun again - not to mention an early riser Yorkie pup!
This, is the truth!

Gypsy, thanks for posting this. It's not often I read something and laugh this much. Funny. The part about yelling "scrims" is still making me giggle. Maybe because my last one had a slight speech impediment and understanding him at times took some decoding. At any rate it brought back lots of memories. And I wouldn't trade one of them for all the "lazy mornings" in the world.
My BFF and I are planning a spa weekend. We both have 1 year olds and we are both pregnant. Our main goal for the weekend is to sleep in past 7am.