
Sapphire worth keeping? (another sapphire - sorry!)

I'm afraid that I cannot just simply answer you when you demand as I don't come to PS every day. I have not been avoiding you, I haven't been on this Site for a few days.

You have different names on Ebay? If you don't then somebody is using your photos. There was a yellow sapphire for sale (either a heart or a trillion) that had exactly the same photo but the carat weight on the stones was different. I found it quite by chance but the photos were EXACTLY the same. The carat weight was different. I didn't save the items as I wasn't intentionally looking. It was just one of those things that I came across.

Since you are here - please can you explain why you don't take natural unenhanced photos? Yours are very clearly manipulated. If you are proud of the gemstones you sell, why not let the gemstones speak for themselves?
NO, I don't have any different names on Ebay and I don't have any heart or trillion yellow Sapphire to sell for long time and I NEVER use the same photo of one gem for several auctions because I don't have any auction style. I'm not sure another seller copy my photo or not but I'm NEVER do like that and "almost my photo already have a watermark". I'm not clear about that.

I'm not sure about have you ever been an experience take a gemstone photo for sell? If you had take a gemstone photo you can understand me easily.
Because when you take a raw file photo. The gemstone photo is below standard and cannot use due to the white balance because of white balance is hardly to control and it make the color of the stone not same as real life somes of raw photo are more blue somes are more red due to the over sunlight surrounding in my room.

And the photo that I enhanced, I enhanced it to be a standard photo and I control the hue and saturated of photo MUST be match on the real stone. How it possible for me to get the unenhanced photos if the unenhanced photos is below standard and not beaty than the actual stone? How it possible gemstones speak for themselves if the unenhanced is below the standard and the color don't match in the actual stone.

Moreover if the customer aren't clear in my photo I still have and video clip it's will make the customer feel confidence to buy the stone.
I cannot said my photo was over enhanced quality or NOT but "treanbeen" and and my 522 customers are happy with my stones and my enhanced photoes.
Best Regards,


And these are 2 unenhanced Tanzanite photo with 2 difference white ballance but it was taken in same time.
The first is more red and brown and the second are more red due to the effect of the sunlight in my room. The unenhanced photos was not enhance by me but was enhanced by sunlight.
So if you are get this 2 raw photo will you use this photo quality for sell? How can I let the gemstones speak for themselves because of the unenhanced photo is below the standard?
May be I'm really busy in this weekend to come and answer your question again in PS, **edited by moderator. please read our trade policies**

Best Regards,
This is a "Sphene" not "Yellow Sapphire" as you said in first time and this photo have a watermark.
and I DO NOT have any auction style.
Best Regards,
Marnar: Thanks for your responses. I don't think it matters here if this is a sphene instead of a sapphire. LovingDiamonds knows her stones well and in this case, inadvertently referred earlier to another stone she saw, because she pointed this out on more than one occasion and it has happened multiple times. The point is, I believe, that she has seen this stone elsewhere in other listings. She is pointing it out to you because it appears as if there are multiple listings using the same photo for each listing, instead of having photos of each respective stone for each listing. So the question for you is have you used this photo any where else online to represent any other listings?

Thank you for trying to understand and clarify.
Hi minousbijoux,
Thank you very much for your suggestion, I'm will try to understand.
No I'm not. I have not used this photo or another photo to duplicate listing in any where else online, I have only one store and I never do like that before.
But I don't understand why she is accuse me but she don't have any evidence?
Best regards,
Your friend Marnar

For goodness sake, please read what I have said and when you have, an apology would be good.

Minous - thank you!
Ok, I will try to understand that but I never do a photo copy and make a duplicate listing before.
Best Regards,
Oh sorry, LD, didn't know you were online to answer for yourself! It seemed like it was starting to go in the wrong direction and I wanted to have your back and nip it in the bud...
minousbijoux|1331424944|3145865 said:
Oh sorry, LD, didn't know you were online to answer for yourself! It seemed like it was starting to go in the wrong direction and I wanted to have your back and nip it in the bud...

Bless you, thank you Minous. To be honest, it IS very late here and I'm going up the wooden hill in a mo! x
It's pretty color. It also could be a lab created stone. But it would be nice if it turned out to be a natural stone.

ETA. I'm glad everyone here seems to have made up. Phew.
Emmajoy, did you end up keeping the stone?
Poor Emma, we probably scared her away :(( :o
Hi guys!! you did not scare me away! I have just been working non-stop for the past week.

I did return the stone. In the end, the decision was made based on a fact completely not discussed in this post, and one that has nothing to do with Marnar - I didn't want such a small stone. I had "won" a setting from jewelryhoo on ebay, and this little sapphire fit perfectly. However jewelryhoo messed up and sent me a half finished ring, so I had to return it. After seeing their poor craftmanship, I wasn't about to order another, and couldn't really figure out what to do with the stone.

I still feel a little bad for Marnar. I'm a lawyer, and all I see are problems all day, so perhaps I'm a bit prone to look on the bright side. In my communication with him, what comes across to me is someone who is trying to run a good business. I think that he certainly adjusts the white balance in the photos, but I do not think the stone looked any different IRL. The color was the EXACT same and frankly it was gorgeous - the issue was one of cut which I posted a picture that highlighted.

The issue of grading is something different. I understand the point that someone in this business should know the difference in grading houses - however, I also would give him the benefit of the doubt that perhaps as a seller in Thailand (which, to my understanding only recently acquired the testing technology we are discussing) there was no demand for this type of testing. Again, this is a "benefit of the doubt" statement. Certainly, he could totally be a lion in lambs clothing - but if you want you can ask him to send it for testing. I think that's fair.

So, this has been very long. I'll add one lat thing. A lot of people on this forum say that you have to make a few mistakes to learn how to shop and what you like. I thought that I had outwitted the system after my first few purchases were epic wins. However, since then I've made more than a few mist-steps. As everyone says, I think PS is a great resource because it teaches you to articulate what you want. More that that, I think it teaches you that your perfect stones are out there. I'd rather have 1 perfect ring than 10 rings I find "great, but..."

I am on a new quest with my new found knowledge - I will keep you all updated!!
I don't know how I feel about this whole situation. I guess next time I've established a relationship with a vendor and trust him I won't mention it here because I think he was treated poorly.
I'm sorry if I soured your relationship with him, I never should have posted the vendor photo. I do think he is a good seller and would buy from him again.
You didn't sour my relationship with him. This thread is a good opportunity for education gone wrong. It isn't your fault so please don't apologize! It is rare that a vendor from ebay comes onto the forums to clarify. Hershil (sp) from star ruby does sometimes and our favorite cutters come here. But Marnar was new, and I feel, treated poorly. There is nothing I can do about it now. Hind sight is 50/50. I just don't want to be responsible for his reputation to be sullied.
Treenbean|1332180132|3152166 said:
You didn't sour my relationship with him. This thread is a good opportunity for education gone wrong. It isn't your fault so please don't apologize! It is rare that a vendor from ebay comes onto the forums to clarify. Hershil (sp) from star ruby does sometimes and our favorite cutters come here. But Marnar was new, and I feel, treated poorly. There is nothing I can do about it now. Hind sight is 50/50. I just don't want to be responsible for his reputation to be sullied.

I am very happy you have had good experiences with this vendor, and I'm glad he came on this site to clarify things, but the fact of the matter is that he uses a lab that many have stated to be bogus and has questionable results. If Tan, one of the ebay vendors I liked, started selling gems with SLP lab reports, I would probably stop buying from him, and warn about it as well. I have done a lot of research on and off this site about SLP, and it just doesn't add up. I don't believe I have treated him poorly (and I apologize if I did), but the fact remains that he uses this particular report, and I think he should stop because it has a very poor reputation in the gemological community.
Hi TL,
Out of all the stones on his site when I did a search with the word "certified" in sellers store, none had SLP certs. We just happen to have the one sapphire on his site that was SLP certified.?. He also stated that the gem could be re-certified for the OP's peace of mind. I don't doubt your research. I just cannot damn the vendor for one SLP certified gem, especially after his offer.
Treenbean|1332184568|3152240 said:
Hi TL,
Out of all the stones on his site when I did a search with the word "certified" in sellers store, none had SLP certs. We just happen to have the one sapphire on his site that was SLP certified.?. He also stated that the gem could be re-certified for the OP's peace of mind. I don't doubt your research. I just cannot damn the vendor for one SLP certified gem, especially after his offer.

Yes, he did say all those things, which is nice, and I hope he sticks by his words. I don't know this vendor, so I don't know when or how many times he started using SLP, but I think he should stop if he wants to retain a good reputation. There's a lot of negative talk about that lab, not just from me, but others on the net, and on this site. While you don't fault him for one SLP lab report, it could be the start of something where he obtains more. We just don't know for sure. Sorry to be such a stickler on lab reports, but in this day and age, sapphires are treated to the max, and you have to protect yourself as much as possible. The first step is to stick with highly reputable labs.
Hi guys!!
Thank you very much for all of your advice.
I will stop forever to use SLP lab to guarantee my stones in next time and will use another reputable Lab like a BGL, AIGS or EMIL to bring my credit and my reputable back.
Best Regards,
Marnar - that is very reassuring - thank you. Just a suggestion but if you offer buyers the option to choose which lab to use then they can use the lab they "trust" most. Personally, of the ones you've listed, I would opt for AIGS but I know there have been a few issues recently. Others may prefer Burapha etc.
Thank you Marnar!
FWIW, I think that folks here raised legitimate concerns and Marnar did a great job of presenting himself in a forthright manner. If anything, as a result of this thread, I am more likely to buy from him and not less. There are so many labs that don't have the capacity to test for invasive treatments. My first criterion would be that the vendor have a good return policy, and if so, I would consider purchasing stones. The first stones I would purchase would likely be garnets, spinels, tourmalines, tanzanites and I would work my way up to sapphires only under very certain circumstances: 1) I had worked with them for a while and trusted them; 2) it was certed as unheated and had the inclusions to prove it; or 3) it was stated as heat only and had a cert from a reputable lab to prove it (at this point, that would likely only be GIA until AIGS gets their equipment in a few months time) OR - just thought of one more - 4) the vendor would agree in writing to allow me to return it if, after having been sent off to a lab here, it came back as different than represented.

I do think that many of us are skeptical borne from our own experience. That doesn't mean every vendor is tainted; it means that caution should be taken and it may take a learning curve to find those vendors that have stones as represented - visually, and as written.

I for one, am always looking for new vendors and will definitely try you out, Marnar!
I thought the outcome was positive. Marnar has shown himself to be a very composed vendor who tries to do right by his customers and provides excellent customer service. The fact that he keeps an open mind and made the decision to offer a host of labs for testing (and dismissing SLP) is a forward step in the right direction.
I hope we have another trustworthy vendor. My vote would be for AGL as an option. If the stone is as stated, then the cost would be on the buyer. If the stone does not end up as stated, the cost would be on the seller.

If the cost of certain reports are too high for the seller to risk, then perhaps only the AGL Gem Brief ($55) could be an option to look for something as simple as heat enhancement. Maybe AGL could even be asked to call the purchaser based on Gem Brief tests to determine if the _purchaser_ wants to pay for more tests. This way, the seller does not risk paying for something as expensive as a Prestige Report, and it would still give the option for a buyer to pay for a Prestige Report if the stone warrants that level of testing. This would make sense for stones that are stated as having no enhancements. If I purchase such a stone, I would want it be checked for enhancements like heating and fillers, before I would want to test for origin. I would not want to do this for heated stones because then I may end up paying lots of money for BE-diffusion on my own.