
Same stone - low versus high setting

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Groovy Chick

Nov 11, 2003
Which do you like better? This is the same stone in two different settings. The first pic is of a low setting, the second a higher setting. Both are platinum. Stone is 1.53ct RB, E, SI1 with slight blue fluorescence.

This is the low setting...

old setting2.jpg
This is the higher setting...

Low. I don''t necessarily mind a higher setting, just not THAT higher setting. The prongs are much more earthy and delicate looking on the low setting.
Thanks in advance for your opinions. I will come back later to see what everyone says!

Also, what are peoples'' opinions in general of low versus high settings for RB stones? Which do you prefer and why?

i like the high setting.
I think I like the lower setting but I would really need more pictures to compare.
Definitely the lower setting. Just looks better.
My personal preference is for low settings...but like Tacori mentioned, I''d need to see front, side, top down shots to really weigh in on yours.

The good news is--both are beautiful...I like your stone too!

I like the lower setting better as well, but it would be helpful to see more pics (maybe from different angles). In general I prefer lower settings to my rings, just so I don''t have to worry about them snagging on clothing and getting knocked around too much.
I will upload a couple more pics later when I have time.

One of them is my old setting and the other is my new setting. I won''t say which is which yet but don''t worry because I love my new setting soooo much more than the old!

I prefer lower settings in general. I wish my e-setting were lower (and it's not even all that high) because I am constantly afraid of knocking it on things. I have a sapphire ring that I almost forget is there when I'm wearing it, because the setting is so low and streamlined.

Strictly appearance-wise, I prefer THAT low setting to THAT high setting--it's just more curvaceous and feminine, while the high setting looks bold and "stock" to me. However, all things being equal (ie the high setting was the same as the low setting, just, well, higher), I'd just say pick which appearance looks best to you--it's purely preference!
1.5 ct diamond.....high setting!!!!!

Right now I'm leaning towards the high, but I'd really need to compare them from the same angle. I like the curviness of the low setting but the height of the high one. Do you have any matched shots in terms of vantage point?
Low setting.
I like the lower setting soooo much better! It looks more graceful, like the ring is actually a unit instead of a head just stuck on top of a band.
I like the lower one. It looks more fluid and like it belongs on your hand rather than the diamonds just sticking out out of nowhere. I also tend to knock my rings on stuff with anything that is larger than around a carat or so.
Date: 5/21/2007 8:49:52 PM
Author: FacetFire
I like the lower setting soooo much better! It looks more graceful, like the ring is actually a unit instead of a head just stuck on top of a band.
My thoughts exactlly! Go low! :)
With just those 2 pictures, I can't really tell the difference. But my preference is always for low settings because they're more practical. It's just too easy to bang a diamond around when it sits high above the finger. On the other hand, high settings do make the diamond "pop" out and look huge since it's closer to the eye.
I like the lower setting as well.
Plus it''s so much easier to bang the ring on things accidentally when it''s set that high~
Lower. Like kcoursolle said, it looks more fluid.
I''d vote low ... both are lovely, but the low setting looks more cohesive to me, somehow. Either way, though, you still win!
Low setting, definitely. I think it looks gorgeous in the lower setting, but it''s a personal preference. I''ve never been too fond of higher settings.
They both look nice! Your diamond is beautiful and whichever setting shows it off the best is a great choice!
I have to laugh! Most of you prefer the low setting yet I have just changed from that to the high setting! I''d had the ring for nearly a year and it bugged me how "lost" the diamond was when viewed side on. Every time I saw a high set diamond I would appreciate how nice it looked and how it really stood out compared to mine. Finally I saw this setting with a one carat in a shop window and I couldn''t resist it any longer. I got my newly set ring back a few days ago and I just love the new setting so much!

Will try to upload more pics when I get home from work!

Thanks for all your input. Interesting that most seem to prefer low settings! I just love them high!
Here''s the low setting from side on...

old setting1.jpg
and here is my new high setting... You probably all think I''m crazy but I like the high setting more. The low looks better in photos but in real life I much prefer the high.

I prefer things to be set up higher, but I like the prongs and crown of the low setting better.
I think most like the low setting because the base is very unique: it is soft, flowy and feminine whereas the new high setting is a simple 6 prong stock crown setting. Perhaps if you prefer a high setting, is to look for something that is also curvy (flowy) and feminine?
Without a doubt, low.
I prefer the high setting!!! My center stone is 1.51 and I, too, had a low setting in the beginning. It really bugged me and all I could think of was how much better it would look with a higher head. So, I took it to a jeweler and had them swap the heads - I am thrilled with the results. I also went from 6 prongs to 4. I love my ring now
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