
Rotated head doesn't line up with the setting?


Apr 18, 2011
Hi All,

I recently received the ring from WF and love the diamond but am unsure about the setting's head. The Legato Sleek Pave setting itself looks great but the head (more specifically the prongs) don't seem to exactly line up. I'm somewhat obsessive and am annoyed by things like this regardless (square coasters not lining up with the ends of square tables :rolleyes:) so I wanted your opinions as to whether this is normal/ok.

I tried to get a pic of it. Let me know if I need to take another. You can see the lack of symmetry by focusing on the prongs compared to the band. I would expect each prong to be an equal distance from the setting. The only "normal" reason I can think of for it being different would be that they needed to bend the prongs that way to hold the diamond or it's because I asked them to try and prong a feather (which I assumed meant just rotating the diamond...).

Thanks for the advice!

EDIT: Couple more pics

2011-05-06 15.48.27.jpg

2011-05-10 17.22.19.jpg

2011-05-10 17.21.15.jpg
The ring looks tilted to one side in the pic. Could you take another one more head-on? It's hard to tell by the way the ring is positioned, at least for me :cheeky:

ETA Oops, sorry, you must have added more pics while I was typing!
I think I see what you mean in the first pic. The prongs look just a tad off. Not sure I would have noticed if you hadn't brought it to my attention. I guess it all depends on how much it bothers you. It's a beautiful ring!
Thanks! So is that common, possibly caused by the stone, or just the craftsmanship?
Yup, I definitely see tilted prongs, especially in the side view picture.
I can see it for sure.
I see it, I'd find it massively irritating, and I think you're well within your purview as a customer to have it corrected. I don't think it should require remaking the whole setting, happily.
adrift02|1305074615|2917950 said:
Thanks! So is that common, possibly caused by the stone, or just the craftsmanship?

I think it's the craftsmanship - you should contact the vendor - ugh, so sorry about this!
I can see what you're saying. That would definitely drive me nuts. From what I've heard on here, WF has great customer service. I would get in touch with them and see what your options are.
Tell them. they will bend over backwards to fix that. That is one of their most popular rings and they do not want any bad products with that one.
Easy fix, send it back and let them make it right! It would bug me too.

Hee hee... places like WF must love PS for the business that goes their way and also curse us at the same time, we are all obsessive perfectionists :rodent:
Ok, I contacted WF and they are going to fix it.

Thanks for all the help everyone, this really is an awesome community!
That's great Adrift02! :appl:
I want to start by praising WF on the no-hassle fix at no cost to me. I wasn't even questioned once about the problem (though I sent images to be helpful).

But, I'm surprised by how long it's going to take. I shipped it overnight to them on Monday 5/16, which means they received it Tuesday morning 5/17. This morning, 5/19, is when I received the return package confirmation and was told that I am still looking at 2-3 business days just for the verification process. To be fair, Vera has been in contact with me from the beginning and told me upfront that I was looking at a 5-8 day turnaround.

Still, doesn't this just seem too long? Maybe an expert can chime in here, but isn't fixing the head much easier that resizing the setting? Even that can be done by a local jeweler in a day. Obviously, I'm being a bit impatient ;( but I just wanted to know what you guys think about the process, does it seem abnormally long? I guess I was just thinking that they would be rushing to fix their mistake ASAP.
I don't think it's long in the scheme of things. It really depends on what type of orders are ahead of you and it may not be easy to just put your ring to the front of the pack for the fix. I'm sure they will try to get it done as soon as possible but it really will depend on how available the bench person is that has to do the fix. Hopefully, it will be done sooner than you think!!
adrift02|1305836412|2925920 said:
I want to start by praising WF on the no-hassle fix at no cost to me. I wasn't even questioned once about the problem (though I sent images to be helpful).

But, I'm surprised by how long it's going to take. I shipped it overnight to them on Monday 5/16, which means they received it Tuesday morning 5/17. This morning, 5/19, is when I received the return package confirmation and was told that I am still looking at 2-3 business days just for the verification process. To be fair, Vera has been in contact with me from the beginning and told me upfront that I was looking at a 5-8 day turnaround.

Still, doesn't this just seem too long? Maybe an expert can chime in here, but isn't fixing the head much easier that resizing the setting? Even that can be done by a local jeweler in a day. Obviously, I'm being a bit impatient ;( but I just wanted to know what you guys think about the process, does it seem abnormally long? I guess I was just thinking that they would be rushing to fix their mistake ASAP.

Doesn't seem abnormally long to me. I sent my ring back to be sized and I think it took 10 days from when I sent it before it was back to me. At least they've given you an expected turnaround time and are in communication. Plus, from what I've heard some handmade pieces could take 6 weeks to get back if modifications are requested! If it makes you feel any better, they are probably cushioning the expected turnaround time a bit so it may come sooner than expected.
Thanks for the reply's. I guess I just need to account for the orders in front of me rather than the bench time. It's just so hard to be patient, especially after having the ring :love:

BTW, I just want to reiterate for anyone who stumbles upon this thread, I am very happy with WF and their customer service. Mistakes happen, especially with large quantities of product, what counts is how they handle those mistakes. Vera has been especially communicative and friendly while resolving this problem...Vera if you read this move me to the front of the line! ;))
Frankly, I don't know how stuff like this slips through the final QA check before it goes to the customer. Not focusing this on WF because I see it happening all the time with many vendors.
I agree, since I found this issue with my ring I've noticed similar issues with some other members' rings as well. But, I think that points to the underlying reason for the level of quality, most people don't notice (or care) about these small imperfections. If most people sent their ring back like I did it would cost the vendors enough money that they would step it up.

Being that my fiance is still annoyed that I forced her to part with her ring because of what she considers "my obsessiveness", I'm guessing we are the minority here at PS ;-)
Grrrr, just found out yesterday that they don't plan to have the ring returned to me until 6/6 :angryfire: . From when I sent it out (5/16), that's a 21 day turnaround (or 15 business days). This was definitely one of the things that made me hesitant to purchase online. That turnaround time is not only longer than the original 5-8 day estimate, it's longer than my original order time, including a couple days delay submitting payment (which only took 11 days total).

Again, Vera is in communication with me and is apologetic to a point, but isn't saying she can help. It's just discouraging that the order isn't being given more of a priority being that they are fixing their original mistake. I haven't seen such long delays from what members have posted on other vendors ;( .
oh goodness. I'm sorry :(sad
That's real awful. I am sorry and I hope that it works out.
I'm sorry to hear about the delay. I had to have my semi-custom ring adjusted and it took about a week and a half. First they had to have a review first to see if they could fix it or if the entire setting would have to be remade. This may be adding to your delay too.

I know WF is a little busy right now but from what my boyfriend is saying, it is well worth the wait.
I would be flaming mad, if you give a customer a time frame then you should stick to it.
Adrift, I want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to get the ring back into your hands as quickly as possible, but we also want to get it right to minimize the amount of time you'll spend without it.

Vera did say that most repairs typically run 5-8 business days turnaround, but that she couldn't confirm the anticipated return date for certain until the ring had been inspected.

Gummy's suspicion was right; upon inspection, we felt it would be best to remake the ring and that's why the date Vera projected for completion was a bit further out.

The extended turnaround time isn't because we'd placed a lower priority on it, it's because we cannot shortcut the steps needed to properly remake the ring. It's like baking a cake; a cake needs 40 or so minutes to bake through to proper consistency, and trying to cook it in just 10 minutes won't yield a desirable result. :-)

Getting your ring back to you is a top priority for us, but we want to be sure it's done to your satisfaction too, and we know that's what you want as well.
Thanks for the follow up reply Allison.

To be clear, I'm not faulting Vera for her ~8 day estimate. She said she wouldn't be able to confirm until after inspection and did her best to give me a timeframe. And, she has followed up with me and assured me that she is doing all she can to complete my order as soon as possible.

I'm just surprised and disappointed at the total turnaround for fixing this mistake. Based on some others' experiences I've read about, it can't be helped that this timeframe feels too extended. It's just one of those things that must be heavily weighed when considering future repairs and purchases.

Regardless, at this point I'm just hoping for the ring to be completed by Friday the 3rd, relieving me of that weekend and pushing it up one business day (from 6/6). The diamond was beautiful and I can't wait to see it again :love:
Hi All,

Just got the pictures of the completed ring (to be sent today) and wanted to bring this story to a close.

Overall, how do I feel about my experience with WF? While obviously I would have preferred a ring free of defects initially, and of course I would have loved to have seen a crazy quick turnaround, at this point I'm a satisfied customer.

WF (and Vera) have been in communication and friendly throughout the process. Regarding the timeframe, I don't know at this point what would have been "more reasonable". It was longer than expected compared to what I had read but having to recast the ring was unexpected and surely added to the turnaround. The main thing is WF did their best to expedite my order and managed to complete it 2 business days early for me. Now at least I have the ring for this weekend plus another day :)

I would say this thread is a now a recommendation for WF. Mistakes happen, the main thing is trusting that the vendor will resolve those issues. WF gave me no problems fixing the ring, remained in communication, and did their best to fix the issue within my timeline. What more can a customer ask for?
I had a similar issue Adrift with another reputable vendor and I can assure you, I believe your experience of repair has been a walk in the park compared to mine thus far as I am still waiting for mine 7 weeks later ... that's another story and similarly I am overall happy with the customer service, but I completely sympathise with having to return the ring and wait for it to be remade. You would think a rotated head is pretty obvious to the professionals. It took a local jeweller all but 3 seconds to see exactly what was wrong after I'd spent 2 months trying to explain that I could see it was wrong. All the best for enjoying your (fiance's) beautiful ER.
adrift02|1306966665|2935691 said:
I would say this thread is a now a recommendation for WF. Mistakes happen, the main thing is trusting that the vendor will resolve those issues. WF gave me no problems fixing the ring, remained in communication, and did their best to fix the issue within my timeline. What more can a customer ask for?

This sums it up perfectly and kudos to WF :appl:

please post pics of the ring once you get it!!
Circe|1305075787|2917976 said:
I see it, I'd find it massively irritating, and I think you're well within your purview as a customer to have it corrected. I don't think it should require remaking the whole setting, happily.
Exactly. That would drive me insane!