
Rosie O'Donnell should be ashamed

momhappy|1480476906|4103626 said:
nala|1480476026|4103619 said:
ruby59|1480276193|4102941 said:

Rosie O'Donnell, you have officially crossed over the line. Have a problem with the father? But you never go after the child.

You owe both an apology.

I think that I'm puzzled by this whole thread Bc I'm seriously wondering why people are using the term "out" in conjunction with autism. Should autism be a deep dark secret that only parents should know about their children? There an entire movement called autism awareness out there precisely to demistify this condition so that those who suffer from autism can be viewed normally. As long as we keep associating autism with a social stigma or some kind of social taboo, this awareness movement will not accomplish its goal. And precisely Bc Rosie is a parent of an autistic child , maybe she is driven to further this cause. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. The problem is that egotistical parents view autism as a defect that reflects on their genes, and some even live in denial and do not get the child the proper help. That is what this movement is all about. And at least Rosie has gotten the conversation going.

This thread isn't about whether or not we should or shouldn't be raising awareness for autism. I think most people would agree that raising awareness and/or normalizing it is generally beneficial.
This thread is about how it's a parent's choice to decide. Some random person should not get to decide if it's right for a particular family to talk about a child with autism. Autism is complicated and if someone chose to keep it personal (for whatever reason), then I respect that. Again, I don't necessarily think that not talking about it means that it's taboo, it's embarrassing, it's abnormal, it's shameful, etc.
Unfortunately, I don't view the Rosie/Donald feud as a productive conversation-starter about autism :blackeye:

If you want to separate autism awareness from this thread, and dismiss Rosie's possible intentions or her rationale that the ends justify the means when it comes to autism awareness, then the issue is about retweeting. She retweeted. I don't follow her or anyone on twitter, but my understanding is that the media made this public. She was teeeting to her followers. People who follow her bc they support her. Then the media exposed this retweet. And as OP made it accessible for all of us, we are all here discussing but no one is focusing on her hashtag or her comments. No shame autism. Or encouraging the Trumps to use their presidency as a platform. No. instead some people here keep referring to the video as if she produced it.

So let's talk about the damage that the media caused by exposing her retweet.
For those who are worried about young Barron being bullied bc of this video. I'm sure his parents protect him enough to where he does not even watch the news, given what is said about his father and mother. Do you guys really think they let him hear the disparaging comments his dad made while running for election? Or did they let him see his mom's nude pictures? If he's being bullied as a result of this video, was he bullied for his mom and dad's behavior as well? My guess is that his parents choose his social circle wisely. So the real offense here, according to those of you who keep repeating that Rosie was motivated by pure evil, is that she is communicating to these parents that some might suspect their kid has autism. What an evil speculation to make!
So if you are really posting a thread to bash Rosie as a bully and not acknowledging that perhaps she retweeted with the end goal of increasing autism awareness, ask yourselves if we would be having this conversation if Barron had Down syndrome. Do people get "outted" for having Down syndrome? Do parents choose to keep it a secret? Of course they don't because many times it is obvious. Its not a medical condition that is confidential. And that's how many of my friends whose kids have autism feel. They do not consider autism a learning disability. They like to inform those who come into contact with their children that they have autism. So that people know how to respond to them. And I'm some cases, approach them without scaring them.
I haven't read all the comments in this thread. Tekate, you comments were very easy to follow and I think most people understood what you were saying. I have no idea how you could have explained your position any clearer. Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters are excellent examples of how the press attacks children.

I completely agree that ALL children should be off limits. With that being said, ALL presidents and their families are unfortunately under a microscope. If Trump's son does in fact have autism and he wanted to keep this a family secret, he should never have run for President. One would assume that the family would have realized this and discussed how they were going to handle it before running for President. Trump could do so much good for bringing attention to Autism regardless if Barron has it or not. Instead they chose to threaten lawsuits.

Ruby, By posting the video how are you not doing the same thing Rosie did to a much lesser degree? Your state all children should be off limits then you posted the video about Barron. I never would have been aware of this if you had not posted the video.
aljdewey|1480781115|4104548 said:
House Cat|1480780074|4104542 said:
There are so many moms out there who are championing for Autism and other various diseases. Their children are far too young to consent to their moms "outing" them. Their children might not ever understand what "outing" even means. Are these moms wrong for going public?

I know many moms who have discussed their children's conditions in a public way because they needed support and information. This is how healing and treatment options can be revealed. I have a hard time believing that they have betrayed their children's privacy.

I am really sorry that you were violated and had your own personal information revealed. :nono:

Housecat, I think you misread the last part of my post.....I wasn't violated. My comment was related to Rosie someone who's had details of her life shared publicly without her consent, I would have hoped for better from her.

That said, though, I'll answer what you asked regarding moms who champion or go public. There is a HUGE difference between a parent choosing to disclose information about a minor child in the name of supporting a cause that benefits one's own child and *someone else* who isn't vested in that child's best interests raising questions about the kid's medical status.

A parent has the right to make decisions on behalf of his/her minor child, and that includes disclosure of a condition if s/he feels it will be the child's best interests either directly or indirectly. But no one else has that right. Not the next neighbor with no legal status over the child. Not the child's pediatrician. And most certainly not a talk show host whose intentions are dubious at best considering her bitter, public, and mutually antagonistic relationship with the child's father.

The only people who should be making decisions or inferences about Barron's medical status are his parents, and only his parents. Of course, this is only my strong but humble opinion.
Oops, I did misread that line. :shock: Christmas shopping is getting to my brain. Too much Mariah Carey Christmas music over the department store speakers! I'm sorry about that. :))
Tacori E-ring|1480739540|4104483 said:
ruby59|1480739283|4104481 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480739033|4104478 said:
ruby59|1480738372|4104474 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480729759|4104451 said:
Ruby, I feel like we are having two different conversations. You said, in a post I quoted, the media/people know kids are off limits. I am not sure how I can make my point clearer. That is NOT REALITY. You put your family in the public eye and anything goes. Not saying it is right, I am saying your memory/logic is wrong.

Trump is in the public eye. So his is wife.

And even his adult children may be fair game.

But imo a person can be a celebrity and hold a high office and still keep his minor children's lives private.

And again I ask whose children are you referring to?

Several posters have posted examples including myself.

Obviously, I was asking for children other than Chelsea and the Obama girls.

Chelsea was way before I had computer access.

And with the Trump girls people did not post excuses for why it was wrong. It just was.

Nothing about your posts are "obvious." Part Gypsy also recalled Amy Carter. Media existed long before the internet. I am confused by which part you are confused by.

Yeah, I am extremely confused as well. I don't understand why Chelsea and the Obama girls aren't perfect examples of this? Plus Amy Carter? You can't pick and choose when insulting someone's children is ok and when it isn't.
This is beginning to resemble that campaign trail taunt - "they won't even say Islamic terrorist." Apparently nothing will do but for everyone to acknowledge that Rosie was wrong, without any context or qualifiers.

Rosie was wrong.


Now I'm going to go back to watching the Donald J. Trump prezidency - uhm - unfold.
Tacori E-ring|1480727753|4104443 said:
ruby59|1480727517|4104442 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480725467|4104438 said:
AGBF|1480722343|4104427 said:
Jambalaya|1480720932|4104417 said:
Other celebs/public figures have also attacked minor children and the press have reported it. In 1992, Rush Limbaugh referred to Chelsea Clinton as the White House dog, and she was only 12. Also, in 2012, a tea party PR exec referred to Obama's daughters as classless sluts. They were 13 and 16.

Not saying it's right; I'm saying that I don't think it's true minor children have always been off-limits.

You are absolutely right that minor children have never been off-limits, but they should be. All children.

I remember how horrible MANY people were to Chelsea. Everyone in the public eye seems to be fair game for press. Again, I think those living in glass houses need to put down their stones. Trump is one of the biggest violator with inappropriate comments.[/quote

This is specifically about minor children, someone Trump has never made an inappropriate comment about.

And what happened to Chelsea is a poor excuse for what was done to Barron. Kind of like Susie was mean to Jack so I can be mean to Amy.

I think those of us who commented on Chelsea were pointing out that minor children are NOT off limits. That's the point of this whole thread right?

And the point I am making is that past occurrences, no matter how reprehensible, are not an excuse for what is happening now with Barron.

Tacori E-ring|1480739540|4104483 said:
ruby59|1480739283|4104481 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480739033|4104478 said:
ruby59|1480738372|4104474 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480729759|4104451 said:
Ruby, I feel like we are having two different conversations. You said, in a post I quoted, the media/people know kids are off limits. I am not sure how I can make my point clearer. That is NOT REALITY. You put your family in the public eye and anything goes. Not saying it is right, I am saying your memory/logic is wrong.

Trump is in the public eye. So his is wife.

And even his adult children may be fair game.

But imo a person can be a celebrity and hold a high office and still keep his minor children's lives private.

And again I ask whose children are you referring to?

Several posters have posted examples including myself.

Obviously, I was asking for children other than Chelsea and the Obama girls.

Chelsea was way before I had computer access.

And with the Trump girls people did not post excuses for why it was wrong. It just was.

Nothing about your posts are "obvious." Part Gypsy also recalled Amy Carter. Media existed long before the internet. I am confused by which part you are confused by.

Unfortunately some on here can only comprehend if someone regurgitates what they themselves spit out.
Calliecake|1480788434|4104562 said:
I haven't read all the comments in this thread. Tekate, you comments were very easy to follow and I think most people understood what you were saying. I have no idea how you could have explained your position any clearer. Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters are excellent examples of how the press attacks children.

I completely agree that ALL children should be off limits. With that being said, ALL presidents and their families are unfortunately under a microscope. If Trump's son does in fact have autism and he wanted to keep this a family secret, he should never have run for President. One would assume that the family would have realized this and discussed how they were going to handle it before running for President. Trump could do so much good for bringing attention to Autism regardless if Barron has it or not. Instead they chose to threaten lawsuits.

Ruby, By posting the video how are you not doing the same thing Rosie did to a much lesser degree? Your state all children should be off limits then you posted the video about Barron. I never would have been aware of this if you had not posted the video.

And men and women should not go into acting. Sports players should not be in the big leagues. No one should run for office, etc. Do not do anything that can put you in the news, as your family will then be fair game.

You cannot be serious.
VRBeauty|1480821047|4104642 said:
This is beginning to resemble that campaign trail taunt - "they won't even say Islamic terrorist." Apparently nothing will do but for everyone to acknowledge that Rosie was wrong, without any context or qualifiers.

Rosie was wrong.


Now I'm going to go back to watching the Donald J. Trump prezidency - uhm - unfold.

Yes, you go back to sticking pins in your Donald Trump doll and hope that our country fails big time.

I am beginning to wonder if some on here would actually like that to happen to make themselves feel better about Clinton losing.
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.
Tacori E-ring|1480890792|4104788 said:
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.

What about the other injustices that have happened out in the world. I am sure not everyone here has heard about them but it did not stop other people from posting them here.

And are you really comparing this little site to Rosie O'Donnell and her twitter followers.
ruby59|1480891591|4104794 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480890792|4104788 said:
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.

What about the other injustices that have happened out in the world. I am sure not everyone here has heard about them but it did not stop other people from posting them here.

And are you really comparing this little site to Rosie O'Donnell and her twitter followers.

It appears the *point* of this thread is to say that children should be off limits to the media/speculation/judgments. It also seems you believe this is a private family issue. So by bringing more attention to the rumors it is a bit like adding fuel to the fire. I don't remember any posters saying children should be spoken about in the media. However, you seem to reject the idea that this has happened many times and will continue to happen. This site does show up when you google things. So while I am not necessarily comparing PS to twitter, I would also not compare this thread with other world news posters share. If you believe this is not an issue to be publicly discussed, the motive for this entire thread seems hypercritical.
ruby59|1480888482|4104775 said:
Yes, you go back to sticking pins in your Donald Trump doll and hope that our country fails big time.

I am beginning to wonder if some on here would actually like that to happen to make themselves feel better about Clinton losing.

You think we need a voodoo doll for that to happen? Donald Trump is badmouthing China on Twitter this evening, after making a call to Taiwan to further business interests. He's a disaster on his very own, and he's not even technically president yet. But yes, let's take this topic about Rosie O'Donnell saying something stupid to page 4!
Tacori E-ring|1480892136|4104795 said:
ruby59|1480891591|4104794 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480890792|4104788 said:
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.

What about the other injustices that have happened out in the world. I am sure not everyone here has heard about them but it did not stop other people from posting them here.

And are you really comparing this little site to Rosie O'Donnell and her twitter followers.

It appears the *point* of this thread is to say that children should be off limits to the media/speculation/judgments. It also seems you believe this is a private family issue. So by bringing more attention to the rumors it is a bit like adding fuel to the fire. I don't remember any posters saying children should be spoken about in the media. However, you seem to reject the idea that this has happened many times and will continue to happen. This site does show up when you google things. So while I am not necessarily comparing PS to twitter, I would also not compare this thread with other world news posters share. If you believe this is not an issue to be publicly discussed, the motive for this entire thread seems hypercritical.

When the Obama children were disparaged, the topic was brought here. And everyone agreed emphatically that it was wrong.

I expected no less then that when I brought this topic here. Instead I got excuses.
E B|1480892473|4104796 said:
ruby59|1480888482|4104775 said:
Yes, you go back to sticking pins in your Donald Trump doll and hope that our country fails big time.

I am beginning to wonder if some on here would actually like that to happen to make themselves feel better about Clinton losing.

You think we need a voodoo doll for that to happen? Donald Trump is badmouthing China on Twitter this evening, after making a call to Taiwan to further business interests. He's a disaster on his very own, and he's not even technically president yet. But yes, let's take this topic about Rosie O'Donnell saying something stupid to page 4!

And he also prevented a major company from going overseas, saving many their jobs, especially at this time of the year
ruby59|1480892506|4104797 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480892136|4104795 said:
ruby59|1480891591|4104794 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480890792|4104788 said:
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.

What about the other injustices that have happened out in the world. I am sure not everyone here has heard about them but it did not stop other people from posting them here.

And are you really comparing this little site to Rosie O'Donnell and her twitter followers.

It appears the *point* of this thread is to say that children should be off limits to the media/speculation/judgments. It also seems you believe this is a private family issue. So by bringing more attention to the rumors it is a bit like adding fuel to the fire. I don't remember any posters saying children should be spoken about in the media. However, you seem to reject the idea that this has happened many times and will continue to happen. This site does show up when you google things. So while I am not necessarily comparing PS to twitter, I would also not compare this thread with other world news posters share. If you believe this is not an issue to be publicly discussed, the motive for this entire thread seems hypercritical.

When the Obama children were disparaged, the topic was brought here. And everyone agreed emphatically that it was wrong.

I expected no less then that when I brought this topic here. Instead I got excuses.

No. No one is making excuses. No one said her comments or the video were appropriate. Your logic is so off. People were responding to things you were saying which you seem to believe are facts. Please re-read this thread if you continue to be confused.
ruby59|1480892678|4104799 said:
E B|1480892473|4104796 said:
ruby59|1480888482|4104775 said:
Yes, you go back to sticking pins in your Donald Trump doll and hope that our country fails big time.

I am beginning to wonder if some on here would actually like that to happen to make themselves feel better about Clinton losing.

You think we need a voodoo doll for that to happen? Donald Trump is badmouthing China on Twitter this evening, after making a call to Taiwan to further business interests. He's a disaster on his very own, and he's not even technically president yet. But yes, let's take this topic about Rosie O'Donnell saying something stupid to page 4!

And he also prevented a major company from going overseas, saving many their jobs, especially at this time of the year

Less than half of what they're planning to send to Mexico, and at the expense of the taxpayers of Indiana. Sarah Palin herself called it "crony capitalism." But I'm all for discussing this in-depth in another topic. The fires he's lighting with China seem a little more important, though.
Tacori E-ring|1480893079|4104802 said:
ruby59|1480892506|4104797 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480892136|4104795 said:
ruby59|1480891591|4104794 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480890792|4104788 said:
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.

What about the other injustices that have happened out in the world. I am sure not everyone here has heard about them but it did not stop other people from posting them here.

And are you really comparing this little site to Rosie O'Donnell and her twitter followers.

It appears the *point* of this thread is to say that children should be off limits to the media/speculation/judgments. It also seems you believe this is a private family issue. So by bringing more attention to the rumors it is a bit like adding fuel to the fire. I don't remember any posters saying children should be spoken about in the media. However, you seem to reject the idea that this has happened many times and will continue to happen. This site does show up when you google things. So while I am not necessarily comparing PS to twitter, I would also not compare this thread with other world news posters share. If you believe this is not an issue to be publicly discussed, the motive for this entire thread seems hypercritical.

When the Obama children were disparaged, the topic was brought here. And everyone agreed emphatically that it was wrong.

I expected no less then that when I brought this topic here. Instead I got excuses.

No. No one is making excuses. No one said her comments or the video were appropriate. Your logic is so off. People were responding to things you were saying which you seem to believe are facts. Please re-read this thread if you continue to be confused.

I suggest you doing the same.

Please explain those giving reasons that if Trump wanted to keep his children's lives private, he never should have ran for office.

Or those who feel we are misunderstanding Rosie and she had no bad intentions.
E B|1480893163|4104803 said:
ruby59|1480892678|4104799 said:
E B|1480892473|4104796 said:
ruby59|1480888482|4104775 said:
Yes, you go back to sticking pins in your Donald Trump doll and hope that our country fails big time.

I am beginning to wonder if some on here would actually like that to happen to make themselves feel better about Clinton losing.

You think we need a voodoo doll for that to happen? Donald Trump is badmouthing China on Twitter this evening, after making a call to Taiwan to further business interests. He's a disaster on his very own, and he's not even technically president yet. But yes, let's take this topic about Rosie O'Donnell saying something stupid to page 4!

And he also prevented a major company from going overseas, saving many their jobs, especially at this time of the year

Less than half of what they're planning to send to Mexico, and at the expense of the taxpayers of Indiana. Sarah Palin herself called it "crony capitalism." But I'm all for discussing this in-depth in another topic. The fires he's lighting with China seem a little more important, though.

All I can speak to is when it was on the news and saw the relief on the happy faces of those who would have lost those jobs.
Calliecake|1480788434|4104562 said:
I haven't read all the comments in this thread. Tekate, you comments were very easy to follow and I think most people understood what you were saying. I have no idea how you could have explained your position any clearer. Amy Carter, Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters are excellent examples of how the press attacks children.

I completely agree that ALL children should be off limits. With that being said, ALL presidents and their families are unfortunately under a microscope. If Trump's son does in fact have autism and he wanted to keep this a family secret, he should never have run for President. One would assume that the family would have realized this and discussed how they were going to handle it before running for President. Trump could do so much good for bringing attention to Autism regardless if Barron has it or not. Instead they chose to threaten lawsuits.

Ruby, By posting the video how are you not doing the same thing Rosie did to a much lesser degree? Your state all children should be off limits then you posted the video about Barron. I never would have been aware of this if you had not posted the video.

Ruby, please re read what I said above. I completely agreed with you that ALL children should be off limits. I also feel what Rosie did was terrible. I said that Trump is now going to be President of the US and because of this he and his family will be under a microscope. I would think it would be close to impossible to keep Barron having autism a secret, if he does in fact have autism. At this point no knows what the truth is.
ruby59|1480893360|4104804 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480893079|4104802 said:
ruby59|1480892506|4104797 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480892136|4104795 said:
ruby59|1480891591|4104794 said:
Tacori E-ring|1480890792|4104788 said:
Ruby, you have a very interesting way of thinking. I actually would have never seen the video had you not started this thread. So I am starting to wonder what your true motives are here.

What about the other injustices that have happened out in the world. I am sure not everyone here has heard about them but it did not stop other people from posting them here.

And are you really comparing this little site to Rosie O'Donnell and her twitter followers.

It appears the *point* of this thread is to say that children should be off limits to the media/speculation/judgments. It also seems you believe this is a private family issue. So by bringing more attention to the rumors it is a bit like adding fuel to the fire. I don't remember any posters saying children should be spoken about in the media. However, you seem to reject the idea that this has happened many times and will continue to happen. This site does show up when you google things. So while I am not necessarily comparing PS to twitter, I would also not compare this thread with other world news posters share. If you believe this is not an issue to be publicly discussed, the motive for this entire thread seems hypercritical.

When the Obama children were disparaged, the topic was brought here. And everyone agreed emphatically that it was wrong.

I expected no less then that when I brought this topic here. Instead I got excuses.

No. No one is making excuses. No one said her comments or the video were appropriate. Your logic is so off. People were responding to things you were saying which you seem to believe are facts. Please re-read this thread if you continue to be confused.

I suggest you doing the same.

Please explain those giving reasons that if Trump wanted to keep his children's lives private, he never should have ran for office.

Or those who feel we are misunderstanding Rosie and she had no bad intentions.

It's well established that public figures, including politicians and celebrities, have diminished rights to privacy compared to regular citizens. By choosing to become public figures, politicians and celebrities expose themselves, and thus often their family members by association, to scrutiny. Positive and negative comments and/or actions will ensue.