
ridiculous ring fears - imagination

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Jun 29, 2006
Okay I haven''t had my stone now for 3 months and while I''m totally fine with the process and time etc as far as making the ring is going, I find my imagination running wild. Forgetting what my stone looks like, thinking it is going to be ugly, that I''m going to be bored with it quickly... now a part of myself says this is ridiculous because I had the stone for 6 months before that and if anything I fell more and more in love with it (from what I can remember LMAO) and it never ceased to amaze me... now there were bursts where I was more obsessed and bursts where I was more distracted by other things, but it wasn''t on my hand, I had to get a box out so it wasn''t there winking and tempting me 24/7. But now that its gone I keep thinking oh its just not going to be lovely.... I must have imagined the sparkles.... maybe I never should have bought it, I do like my plain gold band and have found that''s all I *need*.

Is it normal to "forget" your stone? Or to have its memory fade? When you get it back does that all go away in an instant or does it take some time to get reacquainted? Or am I the only person who feels like this? I''m not talking about having the stone gone for a couple weeks but for months.... do you start having weird thoughts like it doesn''t sparkle anymore? LOL I look at pictures and it helps a little but part of my head is telling myself "oh well it sparkled that ONE TIME" LOL
I had asked about your ring in another thread but I guess you never saw it. How is it progressing? It's still with Ocean, right? When are you expecting it to be completed? My personal experience is that all my diamonds looked better after they came back set. I'm sure yours will be the same.
Cehra, I can''t answer your question - but I just want to say that I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

Do you have any idea when to expect your ring? I am sure you will love it even more once its set in its new home.
When I got my asscher back it was even prettier than I had remembered. I wasn''t without it as long as you, but hope that will be the case for you as well. Keep looking at all the gorgeous pics you took!!!
well, i''m closest to being in the same boat, although I did visit mine in march
. i do think though that your stone is going to be even better/bigger than you remember and you will probably cry with tears of joy and awe when you see it in it''s new setting. I do think the time that passes makes the memory fade and it''s easy to second guess while it''s gone. I think all of that will vanish the momement your hubby gives it to you.
Date: 6/6/2007 4:31:22 PM
Author: Chrono
I had asked about your ring in another thread but I guess you never saw it. How is it progressing? It''s still with Ocean, right? When are you expecting it to be completed? My personal experience is that all my diamonds looked better after they came back set. I''m sure yours will be the same.
oh yeah I missed that, I''m sorry.... which thread? Yeah, still with ocean and things are moving along. I''m not putting pressure on her to finish, in fact the opposite.... to take her time and enjoy the process. She''s an amazing woman. I''m so flattered that she took me on. Our working relationship is a-typical.... We were set to have it done in time for my anniversary but I asked that it be pushed back because I anticipated some things going on with her and thought there would be too much pressure (she''s got something going on) and I didn''t want her or I to have that.... so I asked her to wait. That''s pretty a-typical LOL There were some very early miscommunications that threw the entire design process in a direction that just wasn''t right and we both laughed when we realized that this one *tiny* thing basically wasted several weeks and *many* of her hours. She''s patient, I''m patient, we enjoy talking about non-ring related things and there''s a special flow.... we appreciate each other. Its enjoyable and I''m in no hurry. It will be ready when its ready and that''s exactly how it should be. Its funny because with any other project, like my pendant, it will be so simple and I''ll be like hurry up and get it done LOL But wth Ocean I have a talented designer who has graciously agreed to help me design this very specific head that is complicated and unique and I''m very picky about.... in return I''ve given her many things that she can decide to combine bits of her, bits of me, and unify the whole ring....

You know, when I was a kid I would sneak to the living room in the middle of the night or when I was alone and *carefully* cut along the tape seams and open my gifts then carefully rewrap them wth another layer of tape over the seams - I couldn''ts stand waiting LOL As I got older my feeling changed.... I actually enjoy the linger of suspense.... and I think that is a big part of my relaxed please take your time so I can relish every moment attitude here LOL I still feel anxious and excited and eager and impatient but ultimately I just want to wait until THE moment comes along and all of the stars have aligned LOL Working with Ocean gives me the best of both worlds.... she is very detail oriented, and yet she doesn''t have the ego concerns that ::cough:: other designers might have. She has a strong esteem for her abilities, and has amazingly original ideas, but she likes to do lots of styles not just wire work or pave or engraving... she likes variety and it makes for a designer who has more ideas than she can actually create pieces for. And then I come along and have designed this ring in my head and have almost no ability to express it and she has taken the time to really get it out of me and embrace it. I cannot thank her enough. I will think of her every single day for the rest of my life. And hopefully once the ring is done and we''re no longer in business we will continue to have reasons to stay in contact outside of jewelry :)

Its funny because I don''t worry about the ring so much, just the diamond LOL But your words are reassuring... I hope it misses me as much as I miss it and it will be happy to see me and shine for me :)
Date: 6/6/2007 4:54:09 PM
Author: mrssalvo
well, i''m closest to being in the same boat, although I did visit mine in march
. i do think though that your stone is going to be even better/bigger than you remember and you will probably cry with tears of joy and awe when you see it in it''s new setting. I do think the time that passes makes the memory fade and it''s easy to second guess while it''s gone. I think all of that will vanish the momement your hubby gives it to you.
Any news for you Mrs S? I know you turned it over to hubby.... but has he selected something??? And I think you''ve been away from your stone far more than I have.....
Sara - I lost my 1.50 F VS2 diamond ring last July. I found it again in December. In the meantime, I had filed an insurance claim and was actively looking for a new diamond. That is how I found PS.

I had one picture of the old ring. My jeweler was going to remake it. I was getting pretty anxious about the whole remaking process. We were all anxious about getting the new one to be as nice as the old one.

When I found the ring, it was simply beautiful. I had forgotten how well designed and well made it was. How well matched the side stones were. I haven''t stopped wearing it since.

I am confident that you are going to love your diamond when you get it back. It will be much larger and more beautiful than you remember. It will be really fun!

Enjoy the process!!!
Date: 6/6/2007 6:09:35 PM
Author: Fly Girl
Sara - I lost my 1.50 F VS2 diamond ring last July. I found it again in December. In the meantime, I had filed an insurance claim and was actively looking for a new diamond. That is how I found PS.

I had one picture of the old ring. My jeweler was going to remake it. I was getting pretty anxious about the whole remaking process. We were all anxious about getting the new one to be as nice as the old one.

When I found the ring, it was simply beautiful. I had forgotten how well designed and well made it was. How well matched the side stones were. I haven''t stopped wearing it since.

I am confident that you are going to love your diamond when you get it back. It will be much larger and more beautiful than you remember. It will be really fun!

Enjoy the process!!!
oh those words are so reassuring!! I hope you''re right! I imagine wanting to take endless pictures of it.... I was pretty obsessive with just the stone LOL Hey, anyone know what the polite # of pictures is? I want to try not to exceed that ROFL!!!
C, I haven''t been able to be around much lately, and was just wondering about the status of your ring. Glad it is coming along - can''t wait to finally see it (I had trouble visualizing the swoopies, etc) when it is done!
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