
Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I crazy?


Mar 8, 2010
I can't tell anymore if I am being very picky, or not assertive enough. And if the latter, what should I do?

I recently took my ring in to get adjusted down in size a bit. It was just a bit too loose even with speed bumps. I took it to a local jeweler, with an in house bench, who has done resizes and done repairs in the past for me and I have been very happy. In fact, they resized another ring for me (another ring also in platinum with speed bumps) at the same time as the subject one and did an excellent job!

This is what it looked like before (ignore the duct tape at bottom, I was trying to help it fit smaller, but I think you can still get some idea of how it looked/tapered. It is an old ring, but the shank itself was in great shape and while thinner it was not particularly thin from wear or beat up.


I wanted the speed bumps to remain as it is top heavy and I do have larger knuckles. I was sizing if down from about a 5.25-5.5 with the bumps to a 5 with bumps. I knew this could make it a bit harder, but I did not care if they built bumps up more or sized down.

So, first time I got ring back (they were backlogged and it took 2 weeks) it was way too small/narrow. I could get it on in store at first but then I could not even get it on or off over my knuckle except between 2:26pm and 2:46pm, and only if I had not eaten any salt all day. It looked PERFECT but too small. I don't have pictures of this.

So, I took it back the next morning and they were going to bump size up "just a bit". The benchperson had worried it might be too small.

I went back later in day to pick it and up and put it on and though I noticed the speed bumps were all but non-existent, it seemed to fit and so I took it home. Well, yikes, the thing spun like crazy - even though it fit - over the weekend and that would NOT do. Again, no pictures, but imagine the speed bumps being more like entirely absent and the band being a bit squared at bottom.

I took it back Monday morning. The benchperson guessed right away it was too big this time. I told them I needed the bumps. They told me they had gotten a bit flattened when she bumped it up. They agreed to build them back up. I picked up the ring the next day and it fit PERFECTLY but now it looks like this...does it not look very wonky to anyone else?:


And is also very thinned out at shank - it used to be about 1.5mm wide, now it looks about 1mm, the "height" is also thinner, at about 1mm. You can kind of see the sudden taper here as well as how it "squares off" like some quasi euro-shank at the speed bumps:


Again, it fits perfect, but this was bothering the hell out of me yesterday (mind clean thing). I emailed the business owner this morning attaching those photos and stating I am not sure what resolution is, but I am very unhappy with how thin it is is, and how wonky it is. I actually don't expect a perfect circle or anything, but I don't want it looking wonky either unless it was caused by me wearing it! I did not get a reply (and have not yet at end of day) but had an appointment near them so stopped in an hour later and talked to a co-owner, main owner's son. He told me only solution is to reshank it, which would be $800-900 (Canadian), because it has been worked on and resized so many times and is so thin from that. BUT I DID NOT WANT IT RESIZED THREE TIMES in the last week! I wanted it done once! He said that it was the right size was the important thing, and recommended I just wear it until it does break, if it does, and then we can fix it a couple times until it makes more sense to reshank. I admit I did not stand up enough for myself then - and basically just left - as I was so damn speechless. Like, dude, it was not my decision not to get the sizing right three times over! I don't have almost $1,000 to replace a shank either, nor do I think the suggestion to keep wearing it "until it breaks because we had to resize it three times even though we sort of knew it might not be right" is a great solution.

I went back to work and emailed the owner again to add I had seen his son, repeated what he had told me, and added that I was feeling very upset about this entire thing. That I knew my ring was never super thick shanked, but I certainly was not worried about the durability and it certainly had LOOKED a lot better, and that I wished I had stuck to the tape even though the fit was so much better! I still have not heard back, and I know they are closed for a week starting Saturday for holidays.

I don't know what to do. I have never had that kind of service from there before. I know I will never "see" the wonkiness when I wear it, except looking a little "square" at the bumps, but I DO see the thinness, and not only does it bother me but I worry about it even though I am very careful with my hands when wearing rings. I do want to see what the owner says, but I am not feeling very confident after the responses so far and wonder if I am the crazy one?

It bothers me even more that it fits perfect now, ha ha.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

It looks wonky to me.

1 mm deep is below standard, even for a lightweight band.

It looks wider than 1 mm to me, but 1 mm wide is also below standard. That exists, but not on the bottom of a thicker band. That thickness is usually for plain bands.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

ChristineRose|1469157739|4058216 said:
It looks wonky to me.

1 mm deep is below standard, even for a lightweight band.

It looks wider than 1 mm to me, but 1 mm wide is also below standard. That exists, but not on the bottom of a thicker band. That thickness is usually for plain bands.

Thanks Christine.

I don't have calipers so I could be a bit off on the measurements, but even the son (who is a benchperson himself but is not one who worked on my ring) agreed it was "very thin"

Yeah if it was a spacer, 1mm might be desirable!
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

When a bench messes up a couple of times, it is a sign you need to take it somewhere else. Seriously.

I am sorry this happened, but some benches just aren't as skilled as others. I do think the sizing beads complicated this a little, though.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Oh I agree diamondseeker - and I did give them a couple times with this ring (like I said I have used them a lot before with NO issues!). But the thing is - there is no point in going anywhere else now as I feel there is little to do (and I don't live somewhere with tons of benches). I don't want to mess with the thin band anymore and I cannot afford a reshank so now I just feel stuck living with it (until it does break and then I go somewhere else).

I know it was the same benchperson who did the attempts on my ring this time around each time; I am rather specifically disappointed in them. They have 3-4 different gold and platinumsmiths and my past experiences have always been great. I hope the owner responds to me tomorrow.

I know the bumps would have complicated things (though they got my other one perfect) but they also assured me it was very doable. If I knew it was going to be "wonky" I would have opted to just build the beads up more or have asked them to add a "shim" to bottom.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

I had a similar problem with a multiply-resized, weakened, distorted ring. You couldn't see it from the top but it bothered me so much I eventually got a new setting. I feel your pain. Resizing is treated very casually on PS but my experience is that it has major potential for going wrong.

I would ask for a reshank and meet them halfway - perhaps you pay for metal and they cover the labour costs as it was their error (unless they warned you beforehand that the ring might distort and you agreed to risk it, which I don't think happened).

Or contact the original manufacturer and get their opinion on what if anything can be done?
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

oh I am so sorry this happened to you. Agree with DS, be very careful giving them your ring again. :nono: :errrr:
I would worry about them completely wrecking the ring if they were to reshank it.
Maybe do as susief said, ask the original jeweler what can be done, at what cost, and ask your jeweler to pay for it? Might be worth asking at least.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

^^ oh yes, reshank with the person who made the setting, not them!

I would call the manufacturer and ask if they can assess it and give you a quote for repair or reshanking if necessary to return it to its original state. Ask them to put this in writing and take it to the jeweller that damaged your ring.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Susief: it is an antique ring (from Edwardian period) - the maker is long dead, and this is most definitely not a ring I would ever reset. The antiqueness is why I have it! However, the ring shank itself as I said was in fine shape/excellent condition so not worn as you would expect for a 115+ year ring which makes this even more upsetting.

I will keep everyone updated. I will see what the owner proposes, if anything, first. It is just so frustrating for me as I know this is a place where even others send more complicated repairs to and I have always had good experiences with them until now.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Ah. That IS a problem...

You said you were happy with other bench people at the same place - could you request specifically that one of them re-shank it?
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Yeah, if that was done I would specifically ask that the owner (or another senior benchperson they have) did it.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

susief: I missed one of your comments earlier. No, they never warned me it might end up distorted, misshapen, or significantly thinner.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr


I feel you. It's a PITA, but I wouldn't bother to extend the pain. Cost you more headache and money. You can't see the bottom. Hopefully it won't break. You've lost confidence in this bench. I would just leave it alone until it breaks.

As to thinness of bottom of shank, I am in the same boat as you. I will post a pic of how thin the shank of my ring is, and I am just crossing my fingers that it won't break before I decide on a more permanent setting. I tell myself, "Platinum is strong. I won't wear it to work out. It should be ok for another year or two." :?

Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

The more times a ring is worked on causing a need for filing, sanding, and polishing of the shank, the thinner the material shank will get. You can't put bumps into a ring without some effect extending outside the bumps themselves. They are like an orthotic being placed in a high fashion and delicate lady's shoe which more or less will become somewhat noticeable. When you can only see them from the bottom of the ring, then it is pretty much a success because the point of using such add-ons is to make the ring fit good enough without cutting a piece of the shank out. A brace on the outside of a person's leg may do the trick for helping them stand or walk, but it is somewhat unsightly. These little bumps are miniatures of such appliances to some extent.

The more you do with the existing metal, the thinner it must become in order to get back to a smooth, bright and shiny surface. In the end, you will need a proper 1/2 shank to replace the entire bottom of the ring. All of this work to put in the bumps has accelerated years of wear into a few days unfortunately.

I'd suggest you have someone agree to make the adjustments while you are there and try everything on BEFORE polishing is done. That will help eliminate loss of more metal needlessly. Even waiting while a 1/2 shank is fitted to be sure you are happy with the correct size may prove beneficial. Getting a ring size correctly often needs the person who intends to wear the ring be present in advance of the finishing processes. If you have fingers which swell and shrink, like most of us, then sizing only fits properly now and then anyway. A gold filled wire ring guard often is the cheap fix and makes wearing the ring more comfortable over a wider ange of finger sizes and only tight when required.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Thank you both LLJsmom and Oldminer.

LLJsmom: is yours that thin from wear or something else? This is my permanent setting, and I guess I could just "go with it" until it breaks (which would hopefully be years rather than months). I am careful with my rings, but I also want to wear it and enjoy it.

Thanks Oldminer for your comments about bumps and sizing and so on. I do understand of course that every time it is worked on and polished it becomes a bit thinner, but it was such a dramatic change, and while I knew the bumps extended beyond what was "visible" I did not realize they could have that much impact as you describe. I am in part kicking myself for not just going somewhere else after the first time, or making sure that the bumps would not cause a big issue beforehand and so on or asking the right questions - I asked questions but not the right ones I guess, but I honestly did not know. I also had no idea that rebuilding them up again would be an issue, or could further affect the integrity of the ring. I really do not want to throw blame on them, as I do think they are skilled, but it was maybe just miscommunications from both sides, and I accept my part in that as well.

I certainly have learned from this for the future to specifically request the opportunity to try things on before they are polished.

I did get a call from the owner's son. I won't hash the details of the call except to say it was not a pleasant call for me and I think it is fair to assume not for him either, and to say that he clearly is not a fan of speed bumps either, but they have essentially offered to add in more material at the bottom with a laser welder to make the shank a little "heavier". He clarified that the size it is now is what I am happy with as well.

Oldminer, I would be interested to hear your comments on whether this is worth doing, or if I should just cut my losses like LLJsmom suggests and just live with it and hope it holds out for a while. I definitely cannot spring to do a half-shank replacement at this time, but perhaps in a few years things would be different. I have some time to think about it, as I would not take my ring back in for this until the week of August 1.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

I actually think you have quite a bit to be upset about. They really should have educated you on the risks, merits and challenges at each stage of the work. Personally, if they were unwilling to make it right for me...I would just get it re-shanked by a different jeweler (using a laser welder if it it platinum). I would not wait for it to break. I would not allow them to mess with the ring any further. I would not bring them any more business. From reading your posts, I think you'll be unhappy until your beautiful ring is back to its glory.

If your fingers change a bit over the year, my mom has ring guards on her rings (big knuckles, tiny finger). Like this (but a bit nicer looking).
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Thanks rockysalamander.

My fingers change a lot over the day, never mind the year! But speed bumps have always worked really well for me. The guy I talked to today is SO against speed bumps though and likes rings to be super snug. His solution was basically "don't wear your rings when they don't fit right" (i.e too tight). That would mean I could only wear my ring basically a handful of hours on any given day!

Getting another jeweler to reshank it just is not an option right now. I don't have the money for that (I did call around for a couple other quotes and for a half-shank we are talking a significant amount of money, and there is really only two other places here I would even consider having do that work). So my options really are either to let them add more metal in with a laser welder, or leave it and wear it as is.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Honestly, the first bench should offer to re-shank it...or at the least split the cost with you. Really bad business thinking to lose a long-time customer of something like this. If your ring is insured (or even just the diamond), do check your policy. If the ring has a known defect or risk due to a poor repair, they may not be willing to cover it if something more terrible occurs. Most policies include some kind of clause that obligates you to keep the ring in good repair.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

If you can live with it as it is, I suggest that may be the best bet. Continuing to try to perfect a problem rarely results in a perfect outcome, but more patchwork with new and different noticeable irregularities. If the ring looks nice from the top, just don't over-examine the part no one ever sees unless you show it on purpose. If the ring fits and is comfortable at this point, it likely will last for several years without wearing out. There is no rush to get a 1/2 shank replaced. When it is time to do it, you will have little choice, but not yet.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Wise counsel Oldminer.
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Oldminer|1469287260|4058606 said:
If you can live with it as it is, I suggest that may be the best bet. Continuing to try to perfect a problem rarely results in a perfect outcome, but more patchwork with new and different noticeable irregularities. If the ring looks nice from the top, just don't over-examine the part no one ever sees unless you show it on purpose. If the ring fits and is comfortable at this point, it likely will last for several years without wearing out. There is no rush to get a 1/2 shank replaced. When it is time to do it, you will have little choice, but not yet.

Thanks so much. It does look perfect from the top and of course I am the only person who when looking at the bottom would even know it is thinner or different than before. The fit is also perfect and comfortable through my finger fluctuations even on the swelliest side (which for me is not always so easy to achieve!) and I also don't miss the irony that part of that perfect fit may come from it being so thin! The plus side is that means I can keep it on more and see the issues less :wink2:

I did get a better quote for the shank yesterday, but this morning I have been thinking my best bet may be to let myself just "get used to it" as is and wait. Seeing a couple other people on here who have lived with thin plain shanks with no issues for a long while helped. I also don't wear this ring with any other ring on the same finger so the thinness is not as visibly noticeable in comparison to another ring. I think I can better justify spending a good chunk on repairs in a few years.

I think I am just mostly disappointed at this point about the customer service, both before and after and their response to my concerns, including conmunications. I am very reluctant to go back to fix anything not because I doubt they can do it, but their response to my concerns (and they don't particularly care to have me back either for this or anything!). I am glad there is at least one or two other good benches local to me!
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

This would make me so upset! I'm so sorry you are in this situation. Oldminer has graciously given you the best advice based on his experience and good sense. Given your situation it's the best course to follow. I hope you can enjoy wearing your beautiful heirloom ring.
Oldminer is right, no one sees the underside even though you know it's wonky.
I hope you can find some mind clean in all of this! Good luck to you :wavey:

Oops I was typing this at the same time you were responding to Oldminer!
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

Ha Bonfire, his counsel is so wise we all just jumped on at same time :) I really am appreciative of his time and opinion.

It helped to just hear from people like yourself that I was not being totally unreasonable for being upset, which I felt like the bench was saying I was. That in itself has helped with the "mind clean" aspect in a way. I know there are many other things in life - including my own - to put my time and energy on right now so I think I will just try to keep it on as much as possible so I can see all the pretty and ignore the less pretty parts. See how that goes over the next while.

I felt a bit better when a benchperson gave me another quote yesterday said it was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen after seeing its wonkiness and all - brought me back to reality as I do love this ring so much!
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

I'm glad you've come to a decision RaiKai and I think it's a very sensible one. For what it's worth, my ring was much more distorted and thinner, but I wore it for a couple of years with no problems (I changed the setting because I upgraded, not because it broke), so I expect you will be fine from that perspective. Enjoy your beautiful ring :))
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

I am bumping this as I cannot decide what to do.

The wonkiness was bothering me so I took it somewhere else (with a good reputation and recommended by a couple of friends) for another quote for a half-shank. They called me today after their bench had the chance to look at it and gave me a quote of $560 CDN (way more reasonable than what the people who messed it up advised!), but they also advised their bench says because it is platinum they don't necessarily think it needs to be done and wanted to call and give me the option to do it or not. They will do it if I want it done, and while if it were 18k gold they would recommend it for sure, they think because it is platinum it is not necessary. Also because of the taper, while it will be a bit thicker, it would no be significantly thicker. I told them I would think about it overnight and let them know tomorrow.

So, according to them it seems if I do it would only be for the aesthetics when it is off my finger. In this case, so it would be less wonky to my eye. I can't decide if that is worth it or not. It kind of is, but I wonder if I am being silly and wasting money.

On the other hand have had two other benches advise me to do it after seeing photos only (both experienced in antique jewelery and repair) out of concerns that the thin shank may ultimately affect the upper parts of the ring.

What would you do?
Re: Resizing - am I right to be upset about this? Or am I cr

I would do it if I were you simply because it seems to annoy you this much. Making it less wonky and getting peace of mind would absolutely make it worth it imo. :wavey: