
Resizing a ring

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Jan 25, 2009
Hey all, this is my first post!! Just want to get an idea of what all you educated folks think. I have a ring that was given to me by my boyfriend and needed resized. The ring was something like a size 8 originally, white gold ring with an oval, blue sapphire stone, flanked by two 1/3 carat princess cut diamonds. It was a brand new ring, so there should not have been any integrity problems with the ring.

He took it to a jeweler down the street and was quoted $40. He asked if he wanted rhodium plating and said it would be a little more with that. He went to pick it up and the guys said it''s gonna be $103 with the rhodium plating. Originally my boyfriend asked if it would cost over a $100 and the guy said oh no, nowhere near that.

Now I called the owner back and he said that he told my boyfriend it wouldn''t be anywhere near $150. Well if you ask me, $103 is a lot closer to $150 than the original $40 plus a little more with the rhodium as he originally quoted. He also told my boyfriend that something happened with the stone coming loose and that''s why it cost more too. I called the owner and he said it cost that much because of the rhodium plating and that we were not overcharged. I still feel jipped. I called around and talked to other jewelers for quotes and was given $40 with rhodium unless there are problems. I asked if there are problems will it cost around $100 and they said no, and once we quote you that''s the price we charge. If the guy said it would cost $100 from the beginning I wouldn''t care, but I feel like we were jipped. Am I wrong for feeling this way, or is $103 a fair price????


Dec 12, 2006
Welcome to Pricescope I dont know about the rodium plating as I dont have any white gold rings (yet, lol) but the $40 bucks sounds fair for the sizing.


Jan 25, 2009
yeah he tried to say white gold costs more because of the rhodium, which i understand, but....


Jul 13, 2007
Rhodium is ultra expensive, so if the ring was replated, I would expect to pay more. Where I live, it would have cost $40 for sizing + $60 for rhodium plating. If you bought the ring at the store, I would *expect* the first sizing to be free. Something sounds iffy in this situation, but to me it''s more a disclosure issue. The price is reasonable for sizing plus a full replating of the entire ring, but the quote should have been precise, not at all speculative. Was replating the entire ring necessary even? I would talk it over with the jeweller, and would probably take my business elsewhere in the future.


Jan 25, 2009
the thing that got me was that the rhodium was not really nessessary if there was no re-sizing done. I don''t understand why the jeweler asked him if he wanted it because it was a brand new shiny ring. do jewelers typically resize a ring without doing the rhodium, and if they do how does it look if it''s not reapplied? the rhodium that was on it originally was not worn off at all. i''m not an expert on how it works, but when i asked the jeweler on the phone he said that it had to be completely re-done so that the colors would match and that''s why it cost so much.

the other thing that i don''t get is that some places will re-plate for free if you purchased the ring from them, for example blue nile does this. If they can afford to do it for free, do they really eat around $60 for each ring they re-plate? That doesn''t make sense to me.
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