
Reset of 1.22 M stone from halo to solitaire!


Nov 17, 2009
It seems that until i reset a stone (any stone) i won't calm down!!! :D :lol: :cheeky:
So as some of you know, i was thinking of reseting my solitaire ER in a halo setting, until my DH, who was totally against the idea, got me a brand new halo ring in YG and settled the matter!
I'm very very happy with the new ring and i also enjoy my ER right now, but there is a RHR here that could use some resetting...i think :naughty:
It's a 1.22ct, M color, SI1 clarity stone, which i had set in a WG halo setting a long time ago and at the beginning i thought it looks very nice but after the first few months it ended up sitting in the drawer, because i was never wearing it.
I think that my main problem with the setting is the fact that it sits very very low on my finger and the diamond is set in a bazel, so the whole thing seems to me very...flat.
Since now i have a beautiful halo ring that i really wear a lot, i think that i'd rather reset the 1.22ct stone in a solitaire setting, which might actually flatter my stone better.
I've done some thinking and searching and i think that i'd like something like the Julia modified solitaire or the Sophie solitaire.
I will post pictures of the ring as it is now and of the settings that i'm considering. Please share your thoughts, opinions and ideas!
First up the pics of the current setting:



Here is a pic of the loose stone, before i had it set in the halo, sitting on my dry hand!

And here are pics of the settings i like!



OOO I love that first setting! Looks gorgeous!!!!
I've always had a soft spot for the Julia - I really like the prongs and think the profile is so graceful.
Normally I prefer 6-prong settings but I LOVE the Sophie so that one gets my vote!
I rarely gasp.. but it was a BIG GASP when I saw the Julia- so that's where I'd be going!!! The Julia is stunning!!! Oh, how I love that!! And with your M in there --- yummy yummy yummy!!! :lickout: :love: :lickout: :love:

I hope Julia wins!!

I do see what you mean about the existing setting being 'flat', where as the Julia it just jumps out and makes a delicate but quiet statement. That's how I see you - classic, elegant, delicate, not frivilous... ok,Julia it is - all settled - "Add To Cart" :praise:
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:
Honestly I don't think you could go wrong with either of those settings. They are both super feminine, subtle and classic all at once. I also think they would both look great with a diamond that is M color. While I do love the Julia, the Sophia tugs at my heart a little bit more for this particular diamond....but like I said, I think both would be beautiful. :love:
I vote Julia as well. It's one of my favorite settings of all time.

The other one is beautiful as well, but in the picture the design seems to be a bit chunky (at least for me) so Julia all the way!!
Both are beautiful but I think the Julia compliments the stone better :love:
Another Julia vote!
Ladies thank you for your opinions!!! I vote fot the Julia myself! So far, i haven't found anything that i'd like better... :love:
I am preferring the julia as well....but i prefer solitaires to halos.
natyLad|1356246207|3338422 said:
Ladies thank you for your opinions!!! I vote fot the Julia myself! So far, i haven't found anything that i'd like better... :love:

So --- "Make it So!" ... "Add to cart"!!! :naughty:

It is so feminine and flowy and delicate and just ...PERFECT!!! your stone would look amazing in there!! You'd be a far better human being if you had that reset into the Julia -- I can tell --- :Up_to_something: (I'm trying to be helpful! Is it working?? :lol: )
Julia hands down! If I ever get an OEC that will be my setting. It's one of the first settings I saved when I found PS.
natyLad|1356246207|3338422 said:
Ladies thank you for your opinions!!! I vote fot the Julia myself! So far, i haven't found anything that i'd like better... :love:

Love it want it do it!!!!!!!! ;)
The Julia is amazing! Another Julia vote here :))
Enerchi|1356262786|3338452 said:
natyLad|1356246207|3338422 said:
Ladies thank you for your opinions!!! I vote fot the Julia myself! So far, i haven't found anything that i'd like better... :love:

So --- "Make it So!" ... "Add to cart"!!! :naughty:

It is so feminine and flowy and delicate and just ...PERFECT!!! your stone would look amazing in there!! You'd be a far better human being if you had that reset into the Julia -- I can tell --- :Up_to_something: (I'm trying to be helpful! Is it working?? :lol: )

I think it's working very well Enerchi :D !!!
Oh Julia Julia Julia... You make my heart flutter... The sheer look of you makes my heart ache with love.

If I were to ever reset my OEC into a solitaire, it will be going into your open arms Julia.
I guess I am in the minority here . I really like the Sophie. :appl:
Julia all the way. Can't wait to see it!
I think that i decided on the Julia with some alterations for a more personal touch ;)) I'll get to the project after the holiday season :appl:
YIPPEE!! I'm so glad you picked the Julia!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Can't wait to hear the personal modifications!

Love that setting!! :love: