
Renovations at Wedding Venue

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Jul 28, 2007
I am having a fullblown Bridezilla meltdown ladies!!!!

I have just found out (not directly from the freakin resort) but from one of my guests!!!! that the resort I am having my wedding at in 7 weeks (YES, THAT''S RIGHT, SEVEN FREAKIN WEEKS) has decided to renovate their beachfront pool starting three days before my wedding.

Said pool is directly in front of the beach and the chapel we are getting married in!

What really gets me, is that they havn''t even told me - I had to find out from a guest for crying out loud. I am too upset to even deal with it, within 10 minutes of finding out, my Mum has called the general manager, the wedding co-ordinator and the ceremony co-ordinator and she is out for blood! You can always rely on your Mum!

To make things even worse, I have fully paid for everything. Yep, wait for it!

Chapel hire for ceremony $1700 (1.5 hours!)
Reception hire and food for 20 ppl $6500

So I have paid over $8000 and they didn''t even have the balls to call me and tell me!

Free construction noise and crappy views - apparently that''s my wedding present
Oh No!!! Sorry honey!

Someone else had this problem before. Suggest to the venue that they buy/hire topiary to somewhat cover up the renovations area so your weddings views will not be so


Hope that it is a one day renovation?? I''m a positive thinker LOL
Thanks guys. Apparently they assure me that they will remove all the workmen from the site before my wedding starts, and that they will be no construction equipment left around, so we shouldn''t see it from outside the chapel. But I am not convinced.

And the works are going on for 4 weeks - they are draining one of the smaller pools and resurfacing. So our beachfront rooms (that we paid an extra $100 a night for) will look over an empty pool

What upsets me the most, is that I have paid so much money in venue hire charges (over $4k) and they can''t spend 20 cents calling me and explaining that the venue won''t look like I was expecting. That''s what craps me right off!!!
Date: 10/7/2009 1:33:25 AM
Author: FrekeChild

Not cool, call ACA, today tonight they will sort it out :P
Great idea Dee! FI belongs to a union and they get free legal advice. He had already called the lawyers before he left work! He is fuming!!!!
they may take it on...and really as much as I hate those shows they do wonders in getting them to act

- YAY for your FI, hopefully they have some idea for you :)
ETA: Edited out because it was getting dangerously close to giving legal advice which could get me in a lot of trouble!

Sorry to hear how horrible they are being. I remember booking a hotel in Bali when I went there last year expressly because they had a swim-up pool bar, and then when I got there I found out they were renovating the pool so I couldn't use it! I was really disappointed, but that is nothing compared to having the view/scenery at your wedding compromised!
Oh that really sucks honey!!

Can you ask for partial refunds, or for them to throw extras into the package? Perhaps ask them to delay the reno''s until after your day? (I mean come on! Starting 3 days before a wedding??)

I think the mere threat of contacting ACA if they don''t rectify the problem would be enough of a reason to make sure they get the problem fixed.

Hope you get some answers soon!!
so sorry to hear!! glad you are seeking legal advice! it was totally wrong of the venue to not inform you of this! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you though, that the construction is done way before your wedding.
i hope they compromise by DELAYING their renovation - whats a few days of delay anyway?

keep us posted!
I would be

I would read over the contract and see if you have any recourse.
I am so freakin mad still! My Mum (who lives in Cairns) is going to turn up at resort today as they didn''t call us back yesterday and go and speak to the general manager and wedding coordinator.

FI is insisting that he wants them to push the renos back, which I am sure they won''t. But I do however, want a substantial discount!!!

Will keep you updated!!!!
Date: 10/7/2009 9:43:23 AM
Author: cleokizzy
i hope they compromise by DELAYING their renovation - whats a few days of delay anyway?

keep us posted!

I agree. This would be the ONLY solution I would be happy with! I''m so sorry you have to deal with this!
I am sorry to hear this!

They probably won''t delay a renovation, due to the cost involved in a delay...I am not sure where you live, but here in the states there are all sorts of permits and such that stipulate when you can work.

However, I would demand that they refund the $100.00 charge for the upgraded view from your bill, as well as demand that they drape the area so that you are assured that you will not see any reno work at all...period.

This will be okay.
Oh i am so sorry honey!
Oh my gosh that is so horrible. I would be livid.
I really hope that they do something to either fix it, or make up for it.
I am so sorry honey. I would definitely call and see if they would reimburse you some money. Maybe suggest reducing the $100/night beachfront fee to $50/night or at the same rate as a non beach front room since you''ll be looking at backhoes and overweight construction workers while trying to look at the beach.
i am so sorry. please let us know what happens.

here''s the thing, i don''t remember how big your wedding is, but when 150 people show up and see a construction sight and start asking questions, and you let them know that you did not book a construction sight and the hotel was not even kind enough to let you know of its plans, none of these people are going to ever stay at this hotel again. and when they tell their friends, i mean come on! how big is your town? the news might even be interested
heehee coco you are so devious
oh no honey

go for the jugular
sons of biatches i cant believe that.....take blood
Thanks for all your support guys, this is really stressing me out so close to the big day I tell you!

Anyhoo, my Mum had a meeting with the general manager yesterday and he has been absolutely fabulous so far. He is allowing my Mum to handpick which suits we want for the best views, ensures me that all workers will be offsite 1.5 hours before my ceremony starts and won''t be back, they will be putting up extra screening so we can''t see the empty pool and as they already have a legal clear pool fence, they don''t need to put up fencing etc. They will remove all construction vehicles, equipment etc.

That''s what has been sorted so far. I am still in talks with them as to the money/discount side of things, and the rates for our guests. The good news is, I think the works will impact us a whole lot less than originally thought, but I still am unhappy to pay full price.

I will keep you guys updated!!!

On a more exciting note, I have my final measurements today and they will cut the fabric for my gown! The designer is leaving it to the very last minute for me so I can get to my wedding goal weight! I am another 2 kilos down (32kg total!!!!) and only 3 kilos away from my wedding goal weight! I can do it girls!!!!!
Date: 10/8/2009 4:27:08 PM
Author: honey22
Thanks for all your support guys, this is really stressing me out so close to the big day I tell you!

Anyhoo, my Mum had a meeting with the general manager yesterday and he has been absolutely fabulous so far. He is allowing my Mum to handpick which suits we want for the best views, ensures me that all workers will be offsite 1.5 hours before my ceremony starts and won''t be back, they will be putting up extra screening so we can''t see the empty pool and as they already have a legal clear pool fence, they don''t need to put up fencing etc. They will remove all construction vehicles, equipment etc.

That''s what has been sorted so far. I am still in talks with them as to the money/discount side of things, and the rates for our guests. The good news is, I think the works will impact us a whole lot less than originally thought, but I still am unhappy to pay full price.

I will keep you guys updated!!!

On a more exciting note, I have my final measurements today and they will cut the fabric for my gown! The designer is leaving it to the very last minute for me so I can get to my wedding goal weight! I am another 2 kilos down (32kg total!!!!) and only 3 kilos away from my wedding goal weight! I can do it girls!!!!!

Amazing news! Congratulations on the weight loss as well! I''m cheering you on for those last 2 kilos from the US!
Awww, thanks Clairitek, you are a sweetie
YAY :) glad it seems to be all working out :D

I can''t wait to see your pics sweetie I am hanging out for your wedding :D
Honey, I''m glad the manager is working with you guys. I''m hoping things will get resolved satisfactorily.
Date: 10/7/2009 9:08:40 AM
Author: hawaiianorangetree
Oh that really sucks honey!!

Can you ask for partial refunds, or for them to throw extras into the package? Perhaps ask them to delay the reno's until after your day? (I mean come on! Starting 3 days before a wedding??)

I think the mere threat of contacting ACA if they don't rectify the problem would be enough of a reason to make sure they get the problem fixed.

Hope you get some answers soon!!

Ooh! ditto to what she said! Go for the jugular.. in their case, their pocketbooks

And they should def postpone the renovations until after your wedding.

Heck, I'd go for a discount or extra perks for them not informing you, ALONG with them delaying the reno until after your wedding.
Shoot high.. that way they don't have as much room to bargain back at you with
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