
Really bummed

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Jul 14, 2004
I picked up my ring from the jeweler's this afternoon. I had a prong straightened and the ring sized from a 7 to a 5. It's a platinum simple solitaire. It's lopsided. I mean the round part. It isn't round anymore. The platinum on one side looks a little ripply. They didn't tell me that welding it would destroy the tiny 1pt. diamond that was set into the inside of the band. I was upset about the little diamond. I didn't notice the lopsidedness until I got home. I don't want to take it back because I don't want them do do anymore damage. At least my diamond seems fine and it's my diamond.
I am so sorry to hear that! Bench jewelers are human, so mistakes are made. I understand you don''t want them to fix it, but perhaps they were rushed? Did you have a specific turn around time?

I personally would really be upset as a store owner to let something that obviously damaged to leave my store, so their QC sucks. Bring it back for their inspection, and if they tell you not to worry, or refuse to do it over for free, then demand your money back for the alteration and for at least half the price of the NEW alteration to get it to the original condition, and WALK...

But do go back and at least let them look at their shoddy workmanship. It''s only fair to show them their mistakes, and let them see how it will affect their business, and their future business!

Good luck!!!
Rowan, I can feel your pain.

Like you I learned the hard way that not all Jewelers can work in platinum. I purchased a stone and custom mount for my fiance' from separate PS vendors. I entrusted a local jeweler with over 55 years of experience, 35 in the same location, with the simple task of mounting the stone. Easy I thought.

All of this occurred back in August and my fiance' had only had her ring for 2 weeks. The local jeweler removed the diamond from its temporary white gold setting easily enough, but mysteriously he found that the sidestones in the custom mount were loose. He called me and notified me of this. Sounded fishy so I called the designer who verified there was no way the side stones were loose. The platinum head was made with the dimensions of my stone in mind so there should have been no reason for the sides to have loosened during mounting. An easy thing to do, the designer told me to go ahead and let the jeweler tighten the sides.

One hour later I received a call from the jeweler that my mount had begun cracking and it was no longer usable. I should have seen this coming, but assumed all jewelers could work in platinum. I was wrong and had to send the mount back to the designer for repair of damage (not caused by them). My fiance actually had to part with her ring for 7 days so the designer could mount the stone for me properly. Believe me when I say you are fortunate you do not have to deal with a parting such as this.

To make a long story short, everything is OK now, but I know deep down inside the ring is not exactly as it was when it was made and it makes me sad. She is happy though. I am not concerned about the durability as the designer has already resized it with no problems, but it has shown me that when it comes to platinum jewelery care must be taken to verify the abilities of chosen jewelers.

I did not let the jeweler attempt to fix the problem himself. My chosen jeweler did not make the mount so he was not going to fix it, but you should give yours a chance to make the problem right. He wants you as a long term customer, and you want what you paid for.

The moral of this story could always be worse.
I''m so sorry this happened. Did they know there was a small diamond on the inside of the shank? Nicrez is right, you should take it back to them and show them what went wrong with your ring. I''m sure they will be happy to fix it. Good luck, let us know what happens.
I think that it's not fixable and should just be replaced. It doesn't seem to me that they took the proper care to do this job right and probably breathed a sigh of relief when you left without seeing that.

damn happy clicker...Edited to add:

I am very sorry that you have to deal with this. I've been there several times. It's hard to find someone who can do good work anymore.
Sorry to hear about your ring!

Personally, I''d demand my money back, complain about the workmanship, and NOT let them fix it! I''m sure you can find another jeweler who can make it all right again.

Diamond Killers!!

I feel so bad for you Rowan!! Wrecked your shank and killed your little Surprise Diamond!!

You have to wonder how people can cheerfully, with a smile on their face, hand that disaster back to you and expect you won''t notice.

Even though you don''t want them to touch your ring, or anything again (I completely understand), you should bring the damage to the owner''s/manager''s attention. At the very least the shop/store should, at their cost, replace your setting.

Head up!! It will get better!!
I agree with and understand your not wanting to take the ring back to them to screw up the job even more...but I think this definitely warrants a visit back to complain about the workmanship and the complete botch of the job. There really should be some repercussion here, since they''ve ruined the ring for you. If they were not comfortable working with the platinum, they should NOT have attempted the repairs.

I''m so sorry...this situation totally sucks and I hope it gets resolved soon...
Date: 2/8/2005 6:39:16 PM
Author: pqcollectibles
Diamond Killers!!

I feel so bad for you Rowan!! Wrecked your shank and killed your little Surprise Diamond!!

You have to wonder how people can cheerfully, with a smile on their face, hand that disaster back to you and expect you won''t notice.
Tiffany''s did that to me 3 times. And didn''t get why I was furious!

Oh my--of course you are upset! Are you really sure you don''t want to give them the opportunity to correct this situation--or at least give you a proposal of intent? Perhaps when you''ve had the chance to "sleep" on it, you can approach this unfortunate situation with a different resolve.
Keep us posted.......

That totally sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with taking it back to show them but I can see how you wouldn''t trust them to fix it. Can you get your money back?
Thank you all for the support. When I told my husband,he was furious. He took me back down there and was very polite and explained that I was obviously very upset and didn''t want to fight about it, but he wanted the diamond replaced and the ring fixed properly and if not to be replaced. That was today. Hopefully the owner now knows I have a big bad husband who is upset he''ll be very careful with it. I hate feeling like I''m hiding behind my husband, but sometimes it works.
You go girl!!
A big high 5 to your husband!!! I think that after having paid for something so nice, he had no problem confronting the people who screwed it up! Good for him. I hope it gets fixed correctly.
Wow! Well I hope it all goes well. This sucks doesnt it!

When my ring was all messed up (I cannot believe they would give that to me) I fought like hell and they just ignored me, then I took my Fi in with me and the securty g uards came over and told us that we needed to leave because he was scaring the employee. He looked DOWN at the guy telling us to leave and said I WILL LEAVE WHEN SHE DOES HER JOB PROPERLY. We got our money back even though she told me she wouldn''t refund it since they didn''t do what they were supposed to and ruined 3 rings.

I like having a big mean-lookin dude.

I really hope that you get this settled correctly. What a bummer.
Thanks! Sometimes it''s good to have a big mean-looking dude.
I got my ring back today. It''s much better now. I''m so relieved.
SO glad to hear that! I know that I felt sick when I was having ring problems the first few times around.
Yay!! Glad to hear it too!

It''s really frustrating to have to go through this kind of madness. I''m sure it''s hard, tedious work at times but I''d think a sense of pride would keep quality up. Even if it means telling us that the item just isn''t ready yet. I''d prefer to wait than to be disappointed.
Oh that''s good news, so glad they fixed it. I bet you feel so much better now!
So happy to hear that your ring is better-sorry you had to go through that hell! I''m just curious, were they able to replace your "surprise" diamond? The thought of that little secret stone being damaged made me sad!

WooooHooooo!!! WTG, Rowan!!
Thanks Everyone! Yes, he did replace the diamond, which makes me very happy because I was just heartbroken looking at the empty hole where the little thing had been.
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