
Real Housewives of NY is out of control!


Aug 19, 2009
DH is at his sleep apnea test so I am laying at home watching TRHONY and eating nutella out of the jar, WOW this is the most insane episode ever. The "countess" is releasing a single-PS, she''s tone deaf, Kelly is straight up nutting up and Ramona is just as twitchy as ever. You know it''s bad when Bethenney seems like the nice girl:-)
Date: 5/13/2010 10:55:50 PM
DH is at his sleep apnea test so I am laying at home watching TRHONY and eating nutella out of the jar, WOW this is the most insane episode ever. The 'countess' is releasing a single-PS, she's tone deaf, Kelly is straight up nutting up and Ramona is just as twitchy as ever. You know it's bad when Bethenney seems like the nice girl:-)
Ramona is in her wine coma, Kelly is freaking out. The countess can't sing if her life depended on it... Like that chick from Atlanta.... Don't be Tardy for the Party... Kim?? OMG puhleaase.. If the countess is sooooo concerned about class, she should get some classes in singing lessons... Please!!!
laughing at all the nonsense for sure. these women are freaking nuts. who acts like that!!

Jill has totally disappointed me, I used to think she was the one who had it together but her true colors
are showing. Bethany has a lot on her plate, probably too much (and love that girl''s ring)
Kelly''s mind (or whatever) seems fried.
Alex - glad to see her speak up
Ramona - a nervous wreck. how fast does the blood pump through her veins I wonder !!
LouAnn - who she is and what she really is - don''t mesh imho
OMG!!!! the "live" performance of the "countess''s" sing. ROTFLMAO!!!!! That was soooo embarrassing!!!

Freakin nutst is right bebe!!!!

i know, I used to think Jill was the best of the bunch, wrooonnnggg!

Bethenney''s ring is gorgeous!

MY DH hates when I watch this, he thinks it rots my brain
, but it''s so funny!!!!

And as someone who interacts with people like this (but about 15 years older) frequently for work, it''s just HILARIOUS!!!!!!
I''ve never chimed in on a real housewives thread before, and honestly I''d never seen RHONY until this past season. I liked the first season (OC) and have followed it here and there by watching online on Monday nights (my "off--do nothing" night) but have since picked up the NY version as well. Let me just quote a friend''s quote: "Dey all got snakes in dey heads." Seriously! It is still deliciously fun to watch, though, this show!

Alex is the only HW I''ve been able to far. And I think that''s only because Simon hasn''t been around as much this season? Jill''s husband is awful, Bethenny''s FI is questionable imo, and the rest of the group is just strange!

I can never catch a good look at Bethenny''s ring--is it a pear center with baguette sidestones or what?
I didn't get to watch last night's episode yet, but I'll say I've been appalled by Jill's behavior this season. I always used to like her, but she's just be awful! She acts like she's the queen bee and everyone should follow her and like the people she likes and dislike the people she dislikes. I just wanted to slap her every time Alex would try to have a conversation and Jill would just talk louder than everyone else until Alex gave up. Ugh. She seems so immature.

eta: From what I can see of Bethanny's ring, it looks a lot like Ammy's reset - a pear with trap sidestones.
I love this show! They're really bizarre people on the whole, I must say. They make great television.

The Countess rubs me the wrong way. As my grandmother used to say: If you have to tell people you are something, then you probably aren't.
She is quite beautiful, though. I can only wish to *look* as good as she does. But her behavior is really appalling. (Money can't buy you class?! No. It can't. Thank you for demonstrating that for us.)

Jill reminds me of the "friends" I ditched after high school once I realized that they were just catty, insecure little beasts.

Kelly needs some professional help, I'd say.

Alex is so socially awkward, but she seems to be pretty tolerable.

I like Ramona. She's out in LaLaLand, but I love the way she says everything that pops into her head and then just apologizes for it later. It's hilarious.

Bethenny is hilarious, IMO. I like the way she keeps her cool when Kelly goes crazy on her. Love her ring.

I think Sonya is really beautiful. She seems to be really fake still though, so I have no opinions on her, yet.

On the whole, this show is an AWESOME way to spend a lazy half hour. (I DVR it and fast forward until I see hands flailing, that's how you know it's a good scene to watch.
It's like watching a trainwreck. I can't stomach any of them, but strangely drawn to the show. Last night dh came into the room while I was watching them yell at each other during lunch on he yacht, and he asked why I'm watching the show. He said if he wanted to watch girls being b*tchy to each other all the time, he'd just hang out with his 3 sisters, He's totally right!
Here''s the ring:

The show has gotten really, really crazy, to the point where it seems less and less likely to be real each season. This season is kind of sad. Every episode is an argument. But, of course, I still watch.

As crazy as these ladies are, RHONJ appears to be returning, much to my disbelief, and it looks like more of the same, and none of it good. But, I will watch this too. RH is one of the few programs that I do watch, which is really, really sad.
This show is a terrible guilty indulgence of mine and DH leaves the room when I watch it. I also thought Jill had it all together, but she''s just been terrible and immature this year.

The "countess" really fries my ass. Despite her pretensions she grew up in blue collar America and her grammar is bad. The song was just embarrasing, but true-money can''t buy you class!

I have to say this about the New York ladies--unlike the other groups of housewives they do a lot for charity.
Date: 5/14/2010 10:10:20 AM
Author: Loves Vintage
Here''s the ring:

The show has gotten really, really crazy, to the point where it seems less and less likely to be real each season. This season is kind of sad. Every episode is an argument. But, of course, I still watch.

As crazy as these ladies are, RHONJ appears to be returning, much to my disbelief, and it looks like more of the same, and none of it good. But, I will watch this too. RH is one of the few programs that I do watch, which is really, really sad.
That ring is gorgeous! I swore it had traps, but it was really hard to get a good look. I find myself zoning out during the show and just staring at her hand
My husband hates this show, too. Turning it on is the only guaranteed way I''ve found to get him to leave "his" TV room.

I hear that they''re doing a Real Housewives of Chicago show, and I''m really dreading that. I love my city, and we already have a bad reputation as it is. Do we really have to parade a bunch of ridiculous women around on a reality television show to ADD to that bad rep? I mean, based on the show''s history of choosing women, what are the odds that the Chicago women will be stable? Zero, if you ask me.
Haven, it can''t be as bad as the Atlanta show....
Date: 5/14/2010 10:42:01 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Haven, it can''t be as bad as the Atlanta show....

So true. I don''t think there are enough rich crazy people in Chicago to be as bad as Atlanta! I would be surprised if it was even as bad as NJ.

Haven, a few years ago someone forwarded me this with pics:

Highland Park Barbie: This trendy homemaker Barbie is available with the Lexus or BMW SUV or a souped-up Hummer 2, gets lost easily, and has no full-time occupation or secondary education. Traffic jamming cell phone sold separately. Optional: matching gym outfit.

Cicero Barbie: This recently paroled Barbie comes with a 9 mm handgun, a Ray Lewis knife, a low-rider Chevrolet with oversized wheels and tinted windows and a Meth Lab Ken. Talking version also speaks Spanish and includes two sons: Cesar, star of his high school soccer team; and Jose, wanted in four states.

Oak Lawn Barbie: This version has relocated from the city and comes with her very own street sign to post in the backyard, and a basketball hoop to hang from the garage roof. Doctor''s fees to pay for counseling when E.J. Korvettes, Shopper''s World and Zayre''s closed are extra.

Lincoln Park Barbie: This yuppie Barbie comes with knee-high black boots, a Louis Vitton handbag, choice of a BMW sports car or New Convertible Beetle, Starbucks cup, credit card and shallow Ken. Season pass to the zoo and Chicago Sport and Social Club membership sold separately.

Alton and Peoria Barbie: This model comes in Wrangler jeans two sizes too small, a NASCAR shirt, big hair, a six pack of Coors Light And a Hank, Jr. CD set. She can spit over 5 feet and she can kick Ken''s hiney when she''s drunk. A pickup is available with Confederate flag bumper stickers.

Alsip Barbie: This version has it all; tattoo of a snake on her upper thigh, every eye shadow shade Maybelline has ever made, a can of Aqua Net, and two sets of keys for her doublewide. Optional accessories include sidewalks and a pick up. Bumper sticker that says: "My kid can beat up your honors student" sold separately.

Halsted Barbie: This Barbie actually comes in two variations. One has long gray hair and arch-less feet, Berkenstocks, no makeup and a mutt. Or Boy-cut brown highlighted hair, Ambercrombie Tee and cargos, combat boots and a pitbull.

Humboldt Barbie: This bee-atch of a Barbie comes with a knife to stab other Barbies in the back, miniskirt and tons of makeup.

Lake Forest and Kenilworth Barbie: This True Blonde shops exclusively in town. She drives a Land Rover (sold separately). She has an MBA from Northwestern but has never worked outside the home. Her child''s stroller is bigger than your house and her tennis trophies are discreetly hidden behind CEO Ken''s golf trophies.

She knows enough Spanish to talk with the nanny; Tagalog to speak to the cook; and Polish for the house painter and housekeeper respectively. Her family owns a winery in Napa, but she buys cases of "2-Buck Chuck" at Trader Joe''s - hence the need for the rear-loading Land Rover.

Berwyn Barbie: Big hair sprayed black hair with overdone makeup and housecoat, cooks up a batch of mean meatballs and lasagna. Comes with plastic covered sofas and a fridge in the basement for company.

Wrigleyville Barbie: Cubs hat and tank top, bleacher tan, Kosher hot-dog and overpriced Old Style in hand. Optional accessories include a wooden porch that can accommodate up to 24 of Barbie''s best friends. Keg (and Ken) not included.

Beverly Barbie: This talking Barbie says: "Did you know I am Irish? Irish rules!" and sings the South Side Irish song. Comes with a bottle of lite beer and U of I T-shirt. Also includes an assortment of "Kiss Me, I''m Irish" buttons and green accessories for the South Side parade. Boyfriend Ken wearing a white hat, Sister Skipper wearing McAuley uniform, and cousin Joe in his Crusaders sweatshirt (sold separately).

South Side Barbie: Goes by the name of Barbeequa and for one low price, includes all of her sistahs: Midgeequa, Jauneequa, Shaneequa, Taneequa, and Lulu; and all of her brothers, Leroy, Willie (gold toof extra), Tyrone, George, George and George. They all live together in her two-room tenement, furnished with the latest in leather and zebra prints. Bling bling sold separately.

Bridgeport Barbie: This Barbie also talks and all of her sentences Include an assortment of "d''s" and "doe''s." She owns her own bungalow and comes with season tickets to the White Sox.

Northbrook Barbie: Her authentic Coach bag is always filled with plenty of cash from daddy''s bank. She and her friends from high school, including Hazelle, come complete with animal intestines, paint cans, fecal matter, kegs of beer and a video camera. Lawyer''s fees are extra.

Oak Brook Barbie: Authentic Kate Spade wallet includes credit cards From Fields, Nordstrom and Saks, and a photo of the family dog, Rex. Comes with monogrammed towel set for her mornings at the bath and tennis club, and riding pony (with real hair) for her afternoons at the polo grounds. Kitchen set provided by Tiffany & Co. Backyard runway for her private jet sold separately.

Willow Springs Barbie: Has a complete wardrobe for her weekends of ballroom, two-step and line dancing. Boyfriend Ken comes complete with a beautiful brown UPS uniform (shorts are extra) and a bicycle to get to work (delivery truck sold separately).

Chicago Ridge Barbie: Comes complete with a uniform from Our Lady of The Ridge and four monogrammed bowling shirts. Talking version brags of having the best handicap on the South side and being able to drink Ken under the table. Accessories include a mitt for 16-inch league games, six-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, a pack of Marlboro Lights, and a rusted pick up with chains on the tires.

Orland Park Barbie: This is a grown-up version of Barbie with three kids, all of whom got straight A''s in school, 36''s on the ACT, and college scholarships because they were the best on the team. Includes blowhard husband Ken, who is seen and heard at every little league game; daughter Midge, head cheerleader; and son Ken, Jr., the captain of the football team.

The standard version comes with a Ford Windstar, a bi-level in Brook Hills and an assortment of Coach and Kate Spade knock offs bought at a house party. The talking version says "Not MY kid. He wouldn''t do that" and "Really? My cleaning lady won''t do laundry!" The deluxe version comes with faux fur and a home in Crystal Tree that will never be paid off in their lifetime. Orland Park Barbie has a twin sister named Naperville Barbie (sold separately).

I MISSED IT! I wanted to see her sing lololol

I watch this show on and off along with all the other Real Housewives.

These shows are amazing.....

on another note, I saw THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRESS on Say Yes to the Dress. I''m assuming it was a re-run. The girl was African American (sounded Jamaican?) with her fiancee and he tried on this slender all lace dress that just made me

sorry Way OT
Monnie! Oh my gosh, that is HILARIOUS. I''m going to see if I can find the pictures somewhere online. Oh, man.

For the record: I have never owned a Lexus, BMW, or a Hummer. And until this year I''ve always worked full-time. I''m sad to admit that I do get lost easily, and I am guilty of running around town in a gym outfit.

The Lake Forest and Kenilworth Barbie is my favorite description. Hahaha.
MOnnie-So funny!!!!!!!!

yeah, as far last night, yep Money CAN"T buy you class and man oh man did the " coutness" illustrate that!

I only watch NY and NJ, the OC and Atlanta versions I find kind of boring, but NY and NJ are so insane, and in my backyard) that I can''t resist
Date: 5/14/2010 10:00:57 AM
Author: Haven
I love this show! They''re really bizarre people on the whole, I must say. They make great television.

The Countess rubs me the wrong way. As my grandmother used to say: If you have to tell people you are something, then you probably aren''t.

She is quite beautiful, though. I can only wish to *look* as good as she does. But her behavior is really appalling. (Money can''t buy you class?! No. It can''t. Thank you for demonstrating that for us.)

Jill reminds me of the ''friends'' I ditched after high school once I realized that they were just catty, insecure little beasts.

Kelly needs some professional help, I''d say.

Alex is so socially awkward, but she seems to be pretty tolerable.

I like Ramona. She''s out in LaLaLand, but I love the way she says everything that pops into her head and then just apologizes for it later. It''s hilarious.

Bethenny is hilarious, IMO. I like the way she keeps her cool when Kelly goes crazy on her. Love her ring.

I think Sonya is really beautiful. She seems to be really fake still though, so I have no opinions on her, yet.

On the whole, this show is an AWESOME way to spend a lazy half hour. (I DVR it and fast forward until I see hands flailing, that''s how you know it''s a good scene to watch.

Haven, I could have written every word of this!
Date: 5/14/2010 12:23:01 PM
Author: Clio

Date: 5/14/2010 10:00:57 AM
Author: Haven
I love this show! They're really bizarre people on the whole, I must say. They make great television.

The Countess rubs me the wrong way. As my grandmother used to say: If you have to tell people you are something, then you probably aren't.

She is quite beautiful, though. I can only wish to *look* as good as she does. But her behavior is really appalling. (Money can't buy you class?! No. It can't. Thank you for demonstrating that for us.)

Jill reminds me of the 'friends' I ditched after high school once I realized that they were just catty, insecure little beasts.

Kelly needs some professional help, I'd say.

Alex is so socially awkward, but she seems to be pretty tolerable.

I like Ramona. She's out in LaLaLand, but I love the way she says everything that pops into her head and then just apologizes for it later. It's hilarious.

Bethenny is hilarious, IMO. I like the way she keeps her cool when Kelly goes crazy on her. Love her ring.

I think Sonya is really beautiful. She seems to be really fake still though, so I have no opinions on her, yet.

On the whole, this show is an AWESOME way to spend a lazy half hour. (I DVR it and fast forward until I see hands flailing, that's how you know it's a good scene to watch.

Haven, I could have written every word of this!
I was going to say the same thing. I also completely agree with Bebe about Luanne--who she actually is vs. what she tries to portray are opposites.

I've always liked Bethenny and still like her. Both Alex and Ramona have grown on me this season. I used to really dislike Alex because she and Simon both seemed to go out of their way to be superficial. Now I think that it was just an exaggerated version of themselves that they portrayed for the first season. Like they didn't know how they should act, so they went the superficial route. Now they both seem a little bit more comfortable on the show and as a result, they seem more down-to-earth. I'd say Alex is one of my favorites now--she's a smart girl.

Ramona may be a bit nuts, but I appreciate that she doesn't say anything behind anybody's back. Alex pointed it out in last season's recap. She said she always knew where she stood with Ramona, but that wasn't the case with Bethenny. Bethenny still tends to say more behind a person's back than to the person's face, but Ramona's lack of any filter results in complete honesty all the time. And I like it.

Jill has always annoyed me. She likes to be the "connector" in any group. She must have thousands of acquaintances, but few close friends. Kelly is nuts. So far I like Sonya, but I think that she's been a kept woman for too long.
I forgot to add that Ramona''s daughter cracks me up with the comments about Ramona''s vow renewal. "Why do you need to have a second wedding?" Haha
The thought going through my mind last week as I watched? "Wow, Can you believe that Alex and Bethenny appear to be the normal ones now?"

I (guiltily) watch all of the versions. I feel like with the OC version, at least the original set of women did appear to already be friends. But all of the subsequent housewives appear to be chosen to "play a part" on the show. Why would anyone in their right minds want to be friends with these people if all they do is fight? It just seems like the show is one setup after another.

Bethenny is much more easy to take this year. I think she has a lot of issues and I feel sorry for her. She does have a very sharp wit though.

Ramona - I can''t stand her. It is not necessary to blurt out every little thing that pops into your head with no regard for anyone else''s feelings. And it is important to stop and LISTEN once in a while for goodness sake!

Jill - I used to like her, but now she just acts like a teenage girl.

Alex - I have really come to like her. She seems the most real and normal of the housewives. I do think the producers really worked hard at making her look bad in the first season.

LouAnn - I used to like her too, but she is getting very catty. I do think she is beautiful and elegant (looking, not necessarily her behavior!)

Kelly - I just can''t figure her out.

I do think the show has deteriorated over the years. (But it hasn''t stopped me from watching...)
Date: 5/14/2010 12:23:01 PM
Author: Clio

Date: 5/14/2010 10:00:57 AM
Author: Haven
I love this show! They''re really bizarre people on the whole, I must say. They make great television.

The Countess rubs me the wrong way. As my grandmother used to say: If you have to tell people you are something, then you probably aren''t.

She is quite beautiful, though. I can only wish to *look* as good as she does. But her behavior is really appalling. (Money can''t buy you class?! No. It can''t. Thank you for demonstrating that for us.)

Jill reminds me of the ''friends'' I ditched after high school once I realized that they were just catty, insecure little beasts.

Kelly needs some professional help, I''d say.

Alex is so socially awkward, but she seems to be pretty tolerable.

I like Ramona. She''s out in LaLaLand, but I love the way she says everything that pops into her head and then just apologizes for it later. It''s hilarious.

Bethenny is hilarious, IMO. I like the way she keeps her cool when Kelly goes crazy on her. Love her ring.

I think Sonya is really beautiful. She seems to be really fake still though, so I have no opinions on her, yet.

On the whole, this show is an AWESOME way to spend a lazy half hour. (I DVR it and fast forward until I see hands flailing, that''s how you know it''s a good scene to watch.

Haven, I could have written every word of this!

Me too!

And is anyone else completely grossed out by the guy Countess was smooching on in the bar? Hubby thought he was disgustingly yucky, too. The ''innuendo'' that they would get it on at her house - - before or after the tennis - - was a real "Eeewwww!" moment for us. Blech.
The Countess sounds awful!
That''s about the only part I''ve seen/remember.
does anyone else think Alex''s hair is too "big" ? She doesn''t live in Dallas, ya know.

I have to wonder if the producer''s intend to portray each housewife in a different way each season just
to keep interest up.
I''ve been so absorbed with the Real Housewives of NJ, that I simply couldn''t process the NY ladies too. So haven''t been following this bunch... goodness gracious they sound entertaining...

I also got hooked on the Atlanta housewives, but with the NJ ladies back in action, "BIGTIME" I don''t think I can stand it, but I do need to tune in and catch up with the NY crew.
Date: 5/14/2010 1:27:58 PM
Author: elrohwen
I forgot to add that Ramona''s daughter cracks me up with the comments about Ramona''s vow renewal. ''Why do you need to have a second wedding?'' Haha
Yes! I love her!

Me and my husband (yes, he actually sits there and watches it with me ..) do NOT understand what is up with Ramona and her 17-year vow renewal thing, AT ALL.

I agree with all the ladies that said it''s sad how Alex and Bethenney seem like the normal ones this season!

Jill is one big disappointment. She is SO childish. I just watched the episode last night where Perez Hilton had the story about Bethenney being pregnant, and I couldn''t believe how Jill was all "If she''s pregnant, she needs to keep this private. She doesn''t need to be speaking with the press." and even emailed Bethenney saying that! Like uh, a) who the "f" asked you for your opinion on this and b) SHE WAS TRYING TO KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT.

The Countess is quite classless, yes.

Sonya seems very fake to me, but I''m still reserving judgement on her until we see more ..
Oh I was wondering when this thread would turn up!!! DH and I refer to PS as my "secret shame," but RHONY is my secret shame around him. I totally hide out when I''m watching.

Some random thoughts:

I SO wish I''d seen season 1! LuAnn is from the Midwest? What the what?

I''m also convinced that Bethenney''s ring has either side traps or trillions. They look way too big to be baguettes (unless it''s a double row?) She''s one of my favorites simply because she''s smart as a whip and funny as heck. She''s not the most likable, though, and does a lot to sabotage herself. In a way that endears her more to me.

Alex is the least cringe-inducing. Can''t say the same of Simon.

Ramona is bat sh*t crazy. I don''t think I could be in the same room with her for more than a minute. Her walking down that runway in the fashion show with her eyes popping out of her skull? Some of the best TV I''ve seen in a really long time.

I thought Kelly was pretty dim until I heard her use the word "anonymity" correctly in a sentence. (You go girl!) She got a few points for that but she''s still not the brightest bulb.

Jill I feel sorry for. She''s not as glamorous as the others and her insecurity shows in a big way. She has a big heart but is terribly needy.
I thought LuAnn was from Connecticut originally?

Not that we don't have un-classy people here, obviously
And I don't think she's from the "rich side" of the state either.
Date: 5/14/2010 4:25:02 PM
Author: elrohwen
I thought LuAnn was from Connecticut originally?

Not that we don't have un-classy people here, obviously
And I don't think she's from the 'rich side' of the state either.
Hehe, I'm originally from Central CT so I can certainly attest to that!