
Quite unhappy w. b-pics... (long-winded vent, sorry!)

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Oct 11, 2008
After hearing everyones' great experiences with b-pics, I was hoping for one of my own. Not so.

I just got word from my photog that the proofs were done. I was crossing my fingers they weren't, as I've been checking up on the website and was not loving what I was seeing. They aren't terrible- but they're not great... and there are very few. After a two hour session she only posted NINETEEN photos. She told me to expect between 25-30. Worse yet, there's one whole outfit that she didn't include... I can't imagine the all the photos in that "outfit" turned out poorly- I have no clue why there wasn't even ONE salvageable image.

What makes me most annoyed is that I brought a very specific bridal outfit- A cute blueish robe that said "Bride" in crystals across the back. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted a shot of the wording, even if you couldn't see my face- that was the WHOLE point of the outfit. Is there a photo of this? Nope.

Should I e-mail her and ask why there are so many "missing" photos? The only thing I can think of is that they all looked horrendous
Why else wouldn't she include them? During the shoot she seemed uber concerned about any skin or roll or pudge showing. I'm no supermodel, but I'm pretty petite. (5'4, about 121lbs). I've got some curve to me and don't have defined abs or anything, but I told her that's fine- FI knows and loves what I *actually* look like. Nearly EVERY photo is just of my face. Face, face, face, face. I didn't pay her to take headshots, I paid her to take b-photos. Gah.

Sorry for the long vent. I don't even know if it's worth it to contact her... I'm seriously considering passing on having an album made and just forgetting I paid her any money. I don't want to upset her by telling her I dislike the majority of the photos, but I also don't want to give FI a surprise album full of blah photographs that aren't particularly pretty, sexy, or feminine looking.

ETA: She also didn't include one ring shot, which I specifically requested..
I would say something. Really. I''m actually really POed for you right now, so I''ll stop my post there...
I would definitely say something. Even if it's not for your own sake, her future patrons may benefit from your constructive criticism, and I do think she at least owes you an explanation as to why she didn't follow through on specific requests you made, if not a redo of the shoot if what she delivered was indeed just face shots.

Just wondering, is that normally her style? To be so face focused?

I'd give her the benefit of the doubt, and talk to her about it before getting too worked up. She probably doesn't realize how upset you are at the results, and most photographers I know put their client's satisfaction first since that's how they get more business. Hopefully you can get some closure on it one way or another.
Freke, I''m going to FB message you... Maybe I''m being dramatic, but I know you are passionate about photography... Perhaps you have some insight.
I''m sorry the photos didn''t turn out the way you wanted. That really sucks and you have every right to be upset.

But I do have a question. Did you see her work on a blog? Only because I know photographers will show a small sample of their work on their blogs. And if it''s b-pics, maybe she only wanted to show face pics for privacy reasons.

Either way, I think you should bring up these issues with her. Seriously, she must have those photo''s somewhere. Ask her for them, regardless of how they turned out. Remember, you are the paying customer. You should get what you want.
Already an update: After a FB consult with the fabulous Liz, I decided to send her a cordial e-mail asking to see the remainder of the unedited images. I simply said that the photos were nice, but I was hoping to see a handful of shots that weren''t there. Hopefully she''ll agree
Freke said something to me that I think is very accurate: She seems to be curve-phobic. I would willingly show my mom these photos. That says it all!

When I booked the session she didn''t have many examples available- she had recently forged into the world of b-pics. What she did have, however, looked quite nice. In retrospect (and I guess I knew it at the time I booked), I should have paid a bit more and booked with a local husband-wife team that captures a-MAZING images with sass and personality. Lesson learned! If you''re gonna get b-pics, really INVEST in them.
I''m glad you said something! If you are not satisfied, then I see no reason to keep it quiet. Hopefully she agrees to send them to you and there are some good curvalicios shots in there!
Good luck and keep us posted!
Absolutely call her and let her know that you''re unhappy. Absolutely.
Photog wont show me the other photos. Because they''re unedited or some with closed eyes/not perfect poses/etc/etc they''re not an accurate representation of the studio''s work. I get that- I really do- but I''m not about to post them to the world, you know? The e-mail said the ones she edited are the best of the bunch.
I guess that''s a matter of professional opinion, but I wish I could see the un-perfect images of myself, too. My face is fine in the images, but that''s all they are. My face. Lots of my face. Technically they''re the photog''s property and don''t have to be released. Blah.

I may ruin the surprise for FI and tell him/let him look at the photos and choose what, if any, he thinks are worth printing.

It''s kind of funny, because with b-pics you don''t show them off and say, "Look how great this pic is!! You should go to the same photog I did!" You just relay your experience verbally and express whether you were satisfied or dissatisfied with the final result. What if FI thinks closed-eyes and bad expressions are sexy?
Pils, was there a contract? If so, does it specify exactly what you get? Either way, I wouldn''t just let it go...especially since she''s new to this genre of photography, she needs to know that her methods aren''t working.
That really sucks, you should be able to see them as after all you paid for them if they are just shots of your face that isn''t technically B-pics to me

Can you dispute the charges through your credit card maybe?
I am positively INCENSED for you.

<---me right now.
Date: 10/24/2009 8:42:32 PM
Author: FrekeChild
I am positively INCENSED for you.

<---me right now.

Ditto. Ditto to Octavia as well. Since she is new, she needs to realize her methods aren''t working. If she doesn''t right this situation, I think you need to exercise the full extent of wonderful websites like Yelp, Wedding Wire, Project Wedding, etc (after she gives you files for what few images you do like).
Date: 10/24/2009 8:19:26 PM
Author: Octavia
Pils, was there a contract? If so, does it specify exactly what you get? Either way, I wouldn''t just let it go...especially since she''s new to this genre of photography, she needs to know that her methods aren''t working.

Seriously. An unhappy customer and bad press is not the way to get more business...she knows that right?
Hopefully she will soon MTG. Seriously though, what kind of moron gets paid for something she''s just starting a business with, and goes out and pisses off one of her first clients?! And then when the client says she''s unhappy says, "Oh sorry, it''s YOUR FAULT the rest of the pictures weren''t good enough."

<--I still look like this.
Date: 10/24/2009 9:12:54 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Hopefully she will soon MTG. Seriously though, what kind of moron gets paid for something she''s just starting a business with, and goes out and pisses off one of her first clients?! And then when the client says she''s unhappy says, ''Oh sorry, it''s YOUR FAULT the rest of the pictures weren''t good enough.''

<--I still look like this.

Date: 10/24/2009 9:12:54 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Hopefully she will soon MTG. Seriously though, what kind of moron gets paid for something she''s just starting a business with, and goes out and pisses off one of her first clients?! And then when the client says she''s unhappy says, ''Oh sorry, it''s YOUR FAULT the rest of the pictures weren''t good enough.''

<--I still look like this.

Seriously!!! WTF! Pics of your face are not b-pics...if you wanted portraits, you could''ve gone to Glamour shots!

I would definitely NOT let it go! You paid your money and you have the right to be happy with the product! If they are not boudoir pics, then they are not what you bargained for and if the rest of the pics really do suck, that is her problem, not yours, and you should get a do-over or your money back! Seriously!

What is wrong with people these days? There really is just no concern for customer service anymore!
Sorry to hear this, PPM. Sounds like your photographer is not sure what B-pics are supposed to look like! Lame. I wouldn''t let it go yet--she should at least attempt to make things right with you.
Date: 10/24/2009 9:51:52 PM
Author: hisdiamondgirl

Seriously!!! WTF! Pics of your face are not b-pics...if you wanted portraits, you could've gone to Glamour shots!

This is exactly what you need to say to her in an email. Ridiculous.

Not only that, but if she couldn't manage to get a decent shot of you with your eyes open that is HER problem and she should be BEGGING you for a re-shoot to make it right. I wouldn't let this go.
Ditto Luckystar!! If she has a decent camera, she should be able to judge immediately if your eyes are open or closed and shoot again. That''s just the worst excuse I have ever heard. I''d request a re-shoot, or perhaps, go with someone else and ask for a refund.

Bad photos=bad photography.
Hey all... As it stands, I''m going to let the cat out of the bag and allow FI to pick the images he wants and then give him the book before the wedding. I can only choose 7 photos I''d want to include, so hopefully he''s less of a critic and will like a few more.

I don''t have the time/desire to argue about this with her. I considered telling her I didn''t want an album, but there are around two images that I really do like. If FI isn''t wowed, we''ll just use our print credit and pass on the photo book.

Once everything is over and done with I will let the photographer know my thoughts on the image selection practice (ie: That the customer should choose what photos are edited) and explain that I think it''s pretty crazy to not include a whole OUTFIT or a shot that was explicitly requested and say it''s because of poor smiles or poses (A digital camera was used, so photos were available for review immediately after being taken). I know she''ll be defensive and angry- who wouldn''t be when their work is criticized?

My battles over customer service and bad business practices often fail... The last time I went for the jugular (coughdressfiascocough) I was nearly sued
but in the end I survived and things settled down.

I don''t look like an ogre in any of the images. And per the response e-mail, I guess the non-selected shots are more portrait/snapshot-like too.

I''m hard to please, I guess
For any curious folks that I''m FB pals with, I''d be more than jazzed to share (seriously, 99.9% are that tame). Most are reminiscent of my senior photos (if you add jeans and cover up my decollete, anyway)
Date: 10/24/2009 6:11:06 PM
I just got word from my photog that the proofs were done.... I've been checking up on the website and was not loving what I was seeing. ....she only posted NINETEEN photos.

The quoted phrases have me confused though. They way it sounds is you are strictly going off of whats posted on her website, which wouldnt be all of the proofs/photos you would be receiving. Even strictly "boudoir photogs" tend to put the "more tame" photos on their website, and only post the riskey/nude photos with expressed written consent from the client, specifically mentioning "those kind" of photos can be posted. So especially if she does other kind of photography, and is just branching into this, she wouldnt want to post too many "sexy shots" on her website. The ones she put on the website are probably the ones that are PG-13, and not all the shots she did. Your "proofs" should be every single shot she took that day. So if you say she "didnt include an outfit" but did indeed take pictures of you in it that day, then obviously she has pictures of it, she just didnt post those on her website.

Again I guess Im just confused because its sounding like she posted a sample of your photos on her website, but your proofs should be emailed/given to you directly. So are you sure the photos on the website are it? And that she wont be sending you all shortly?
NakedFinger: She has a proofing website, which I'm referring to. The proofs aren't even proofs- they're a selection of images that she has chosen and already edited. Out of those, I choose which ones I want to have printed. It's specific to me and password protected. Her sample boudoir images/portfolio are separate from this. There are literally only 19 photos I can choose from, though FAR more were taken.

I was told that she won't allow me to see the remainder of the images. She doesn't deem them 'quality' photos. She edits only the photos she thinks are accurate representations of her work, and those the *only* images clients can pick from.

Kind of backwards from how I thought professional photos worked- I thought you saw all proofs (all unedited photos- everythink taken during a session), YOU choose what you like, and THEN the photog edits it. Not so.
PPM - did you ask her what the chances for a reshoot were? I mean if you didnt get what you wanted (shots that you asked for, costumes that
you asked for). I dont know if you are still on good terms with her but it might be worth asking.
Ok, as the wife of a professional photographer, I'm telling you that you have a right to get what you asked for. Firstly....

1. Give her more time. Many people do not realise that the editing process can take quite a while, particularly if there are hundreds of shots. Most wedding shots are out through photoshop to tweak lighting etc to make them perfect. You will not notice this (unless she is crap at photoshop too!) but it does take some time. How long ago was your session? I would give her at least 2 weeks turnaround time. If she has had plenty of time then...

2. Call and make an appointment - discuss what you asked for and calmly ask if there are actually shots that match these requests. If not, ask why? She may have these shots but thinks you don't want them. ASK! Photographers are not mind readers. Be very specific about what shots you want.

3. Did you sign a contract or agreement? If you are really unhappy - skip getting the book done. Mostly this is just a big rip off to be honest!

4. If you are really unhappy, please speak up and tell her. It's you session- your photos. Don't suffer quietly due to politeness.
Date: 10/25/2009 11:43:12 AM
Author: PilsnPinkysMom

My battles over customer service and bad business practices often fail... The last time I went for the jugular (coughdressfiascocough) I was nearly sued
but in the end I survived and things settled down.

Oh my gosh, I know
. That is why it was such a bummer to read about this. Is there any way, though, she would be willing to give you a reduced price on another setting in lieu of the album (and then you could get an album from somewhere much cheaper like mpix or blurb). I think that it would be a good idea to have a meeting with her and explain what your impressions of b-pics were and what she could do to help you get this.
The photos have definitely ALL been edited (all the ones that are being released, that is). I was given notice to make my selections for prints and albums.

I can get over that the photos aren''t uber sexy and are more cutesy- at least they *look* fine, but I couldn''t shake my disappointment in not having two specific shots... One which was very bridal and one of the completely missing outfit.

Though I was told the unedited photos would not be released and hours were spent editing the images that WERE available for my selection, I wrote to the photographer again. I essentially begged that one of each of my ''desired'' images be edited and included in the photo book, even if they''re imperfect. I offered to not use my print/upgrade credit if he took the time to do so. I said that I understood the photos may not be an accurate representation of the photog''s talent, but that the only individuals who would see the images were me & FI, and that it was so, so important to be able to include these shots, even if I looked silly. And I mean that. I guess it doesn''t make sense to everyone- "Why would you want to include an image that isn''t flattering or beautiful?" Because the point of the session was a pre-wedding gift, and the particular missing images were of importance to me. FI knows I''m not always sexy and sometimes look goofy- the album will be filled with plenty of flattering photos of my mug, anyway. I should toss in two so-so images for good measure

I just want these shots. And I hope, hope that I will get them. Or at the minimum, if I''m turned down, be able to SEE them to know that they''re truly awful, awful, awful photos. But I can''t imagine they''re that bad.

Wish me luck. I don''t feel great about it, and I worry that I was rude or disrespectful to an otherwise nice, kind professional... But I just want more of an explanation as to why I can''t have two images that I really, really, really wanted.
I truly hope that they allow you to get those two images you want. I''m sorry you have to let your FI know about them before your wedding!
I am coming in late to this, but please don''t feel like you are being disrespectful. Yes the photographer is an artist, but she was also hired to capture something for you, and if you feel she did that inadaquetly than you have a right to feel like her job was unfufilled. Especially if she said you will have at least 25 images, she owes you six more at a minimum My wedding photographer also only gives edited images, but I was very careful to discuss with her how she edits pictures out, I mean, if the pictures that a photographer captures of a couples first kiss aren''t beautiful asthetically, should they not have those pictures? Not exactly apples to apples but you hired her to capture those outfits/ images and she didn''t fulfill.
Keeping my fingers crossed...
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