
Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase...

Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Missy, I just now saw this thread. The earrings you purchased are beautiful. They are going to look amazing with your long dark hair. Great choice!!! You certainly deserve them!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Those look amazing! They are actually bigger than I thought they were. I hope that you like them!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

yennyfire|1409595354|3742928 said:
I prefer the first pair (I'd want to swap out the stone with the fish eye), though I do think that they are dressier than the 3rd pair, which you might be able to wear more often. If the 3rd pair were closer to the ear, I'd probably like it more. Of course, if your DH hates the 3rd pair, then I guess it's not really an option? I can't wait to see what you get....they are going to be gorgeous, no matter what you select!

ETA, we posted at the same time! I love the pair you chose and can't wait to see what you think in person!

Hi Yenny! Thanks for chiming in. My dh didn't hate the 3rd pair but he knew I wanted a shorter dangle earring preferably just below the earlobe so he knew that the 1 and 1/4 inch long earring wouldn't be what I wanted. And he's right. He often is and knows me better than I know myself a lot of the time LOL. I hope it is as nice in person and falls at a good length on me. I will be sure to post my thoughts when they arrive. And pics too of course. :cheeky:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

TruLuv858|1409596375|3742934 said:
I LOVE them, Missy! What a great and special buy!! Enjoy- and I'm sure they will suffice your craving or at least another year ;)

Thank you TruLuv! Fingers crossed they satiate my desire for old cut diamond dangles because they are more than I wanted to spend especially with me not working. Hoping they take the sting out of that. Bling is healing. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it LOL.

junebug17 said:
Ooh that's the pair I like! Can't wait to see them on you, I hope you love them- they look great on the mannequin lol!

Hi Junebug and thank you! I hope they look better on me than the mannequin though she has the better ear haha.
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

diamondseeker2006|1409602971|3742976 said:
They look beautiful, Missy! The ear shots help a lot to get a feel for the size! I hope you love them as much in person! Then we'll need real earshots!!!

Thanks so much diamondseeker. I agree the earshots she sent helped me decide. These were actually the first pair I fell in love with over a month or so ago. Then the other earrings made it a more complicated decision but the pic of them on the ears helped me realize this is what I was looking for. Let's just hope IRL it is as pretty. I bought another pair from her last year (the ruby and diamond earrings I posted a pic of in this thread) and they exceeded my expectations so hopefully these will be the same. And I promise real earshots when they arrive!

Calliecake said:
Missy, I just now saw this thread. The earrings you purchased are beautiful. They are going to look amazing with your long dark hair. Great choice!!! You certainly deserve them!

Thank you Callie. Not sure I deserve them but you are so sweet to say so. You deserve a huge OEC diamond though with all your encouragement and kindness!!! Tell your dh I said so! :appl: :halo:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

tyty333|1409610416|3743040 said:
Those look amazing! They are actually bigger than I thought they were. I hope that you like them!

Thank you tyty. I hope they are not too big IRL because I prefer more delicate vs. large for earrings. What really sold me on these were the pleasing shape as opposed to the second pair which I felt was less harmonious if that makes any sense. Anyway I have to wait and see when they come. Some things are easier to purchase online and some are not as easy. For some reason I had some difficulty choosing with this purchase.

I appreciate everyone's opinions and advice. It helps bouncing things off you guys. Bling and otherwise as I find PSers are a wise bunch with excellent and discerning taste. :wavey:

ETA: Ironically I just found out the jeweler I purchased these earrings from broke her leg 5 years ago and has 3 plates in her leg also. Talk about weird coincidences. I told her I wish we only had our love of bling in common and that I wish we both led less interesting lives. That is minus the battle scars haha.
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

My goodness, that is an unfortunate coincidence about the broken legs!

Sounds like you have a great source of antique earrings! The ruby ones appear to be beautiful, too! We probably need some more close-up pictures of those because I don't recall a thread??? I do remember that you got a ruby necklace so I assume those were to wear together!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Just saw your update. I agree that the smaller pair looks more pleasing on the ears. Ear shots when they arrive!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Lovely Missy, they were my favourite. Beautiful :love:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

diamondseeker2006 said:
My goodness, that is an unfortunate coincidence about the broken legs!

Sounds like you have a great source of antique earrings! The ruby ones appear to be beautiful, too! We probably need some more close-up pictures of those because I don't recall a thread??? I do remember that you got a ruby necklace so I assume those were to wear together!

Thank you diamondseeker. I cannot remember if I made a thread on the ruby and diamond earrings. I am not sure if it warrants a whole thread though. I did post pics somewhere on PS. I just can't remember where...either colored stones or antique and vintage jewelry.

They are one of my favorite pairs and I wear them whenever I can. I don't usually wear them with my ruby necklace as I usually don't like matching jewelry and though they are from different eras it feels too matchy to me to wear them at the same time if that makes sense. Though I do have a pic of them together and just for you I am attaching some pics of the earrings. The first pic shows a good real life perspective of the size.

They are platinum and have 1.3 ctw diamonds and .85 french cut rubies. IRL the rubies are very red. No pink or purple IRL despite what the 2nd pic shows. It's hard to capture their true color and I am sorry about the blurry shots. It is hard to get clear pics on your own ears. 8)




Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

thecat|1409645173|3743231 said:
Just saw your update. I agree that the smaller pair looks more pleasing on the ears. Ear shots when they arrive!

Thank you thecat and I promise I will post ear shots when they arrive. Even if I don't like them and decide to send them back and in that case I will post them here. Otherwise I will start a thread in Show me the Bling.
Btw, love your screen name. :sun:

Monnyjay said:
Lovely Missy, they were my favourite. Beautiful :love:

Thank you Monnyjay. It was difficult deciding and then of course second guessing myself the whole way. I guess it is easier for me to obsess over jewelry as it takes my mind off the current situation lol. It is a welcome distraction honestly. Thank you for adding your opinion. :wavey:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Those earrings are perfect! I was hoping they would be your final decision! :appl:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

CanuckAB|1409692444|3743602 said:
Those earrings are perfect! I was hoping they would be your final decision! :appl:

Thank you CanuckAB. They should be here in another day or two. :appl:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

No earrings yet. :blackeye: They were due yesterday and still have not come. When I track them it still shows they are scheduled to be delivered Wed Sept 3rd at noon...LOL but not LOL because I want them! ;(
Where are they and when they come I hope they are worth the energy and anticipation. :devil: 8)
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Ugh, so frustrating!!! Sorry about this missy - I want to see them too!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

junebug17|1409878080|3745098 said:
Ugh, so frustrating!!! Sorry about this missy - I want to see them too!

Thanks Junebug! It's OK. It's not the seller's fault but for some reason all her shipments from the PO that day are not trackable and did not show up to their destination as expected yesterday. She sent the earrings one day upgraded express insured mail so it was supposed to arrive Wed Sept 3rd. So much for the efficiency and reliability of the PO LOL. She wrote it seems there is a problem at that post office since all her packages are now missing. There is nothing she can do for 7 days because that is how long the PO makes you wait before they will start searching and before you can file a claim.

Not what I wanted to hear but it's not a big deal considering everything else as you know. So I am still hoping they show up tomorrow and it is not a case of them being lost. And in any case it's not like I would wear them around my house which is where I am most of the time these days and I am doubtful I would wear them to PT though you never know I just might haha.

Thanks for your empathy and believe me you will be one of the first to know when they show up as I will be posting pics! :wavey:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Missy, your ruby earrings are just stunning! :love: I love them!

That is weird about the shipping problem! I hope they come soon!

This is also weird but I found another pair that must be close to identical to yours! If they are not the same, they at least must be made by the same maker! They are gorgeous, too!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

diamondseeker2006|1409893929|3745214 said:
Missy, your ruby earrings are just stunning! :love: I love them!

That is weird about the shipping problem! I hope they come soon!

This is also weird but I found another pair that must be close to identical to yours! If they are not the same, they at least must be made by the same maker! They are gorgeous, too!

Thank you DS. I really love my ruby earrings and they are probably one of my favorite pairs next to a pair of gorgeous vintage earrings I got from my jeweler in Lambertville years ago that are emerald cut. Those might be my #1 and then these #2. But I do have a lot of earrings that I love.

That's my seller! I love her stuff. :love: It's funny because I don't know anyone here who has bought from her (besides me that is) and I think her antique jewelry is TDF. And I think she is pretty honest in her descriptions and always willing to send more pics when requested.

I am hoping the earrings show up today but not feeling good about it as the tracking still has not been updated and it is 3 days later now. I must stop refreshing the tracking info. :lol: Watched pot and all. :cheeky:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Missy your ruby dangles are gorgeous!!!

Those are my favourite style - I love the mix of colour and the scalloped outline :love: and the French cut rubies look to be in fantastic condition in your pics - one of the benefits of wearing them in one's ears as opposed to on the finger I suppose ::)

I know what you mean about dangle length! I'm super picky about that too - and it's more than how it looks - if the wire or chain is too long my hair usually jumps in on the fun and then I get to play Detangle Detective... My hair won't do anything I want it to - hold a curl, for example - without half a bottle of product but oh, it'll tangle! You have pretty hair ::)

Eeek, okay, back on track... I hope your new pretties come in today!! I like your three original choices better than the last pair with the sapphires - they're beautifully blingy but not quite as feminine, I think? I think it's the scallop!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

I actually have bought from her before! I bought an antique cross (not a great pic, sorry!). I agree that she has gorgeous stuff!

Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Yssie|1409920414|3745324 said:
Missy your ruby dangles are gorgeous!!!

Those are my favourite style - I love the mix of colour and the scalloped outline :love: and the French cut rubies look to be in fantastic condition in your pics - one of the benefits of wearing them in one's ears as opposed to on the finger I suppose ::)

I know what you mean about dangle length! I'm super picky about that too - and it's more than how it looks - if the wire or chain is too long my hair usually jumps in on the fun and then I get to play Detangle Detective... My hair won't do anything I want it to - hold a curl, for example - without half a bottle of product but oh, it'll tangle! You have pretty hair ::)

Eeek, okay, back on track... I hope your new pretties come in today!! I like your three original choices better than the last pair with the sapphires - they're beautifully blingy but not quite as feminine, I think? I think it's the scallop!

Hi Yssie, thanks. It's my favorite style too. And I wish I had straight hair isn't that always the case lol. Straight haired ladies want curly hair and vice versa. Believe it or not when I was young my hair was stick straight and wouldn't hold a curl either. It changed in my twenties... weird.

OK bad news but more on that in the next post.

diamondseeker2006 said:
I actually have bought from her before! I bought an antique cross (not a great pic, sorry!). I agree that she has gorgeous stuff!

Hi DiamondSeeker. Beautiful cross. Thanks for sharing it here!
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Earrings came and they are beautiful. But I took them out of the box and one of the earrings broke off the lever back. It just crumbled. I am upset and now not sure what recourse I have. I emailed her and told her exactly what happened and am waiting to hear back. The thing is it was in the box and looked fine but when I took them out it just broke. Like it was paper thin. I am so disappointed and also worried she won't take it back because it was not in the condition she sent it but I didn't do anything but carefully take it out of the box. I didn't even get to try it on. :blackeye:


Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

I'm so sorry missy! Not the news we were hopping for. I'm sure she'll do something as you are a repeat customer and she'll want to keep you happy. :(
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

I am so sorry! But the good news is, it should be a very easy repair! Do you have a good bench jeweler? I think Circe has had some good ones and bad ones, so she might be able to recommend someone if you don't have one.
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

CanuckAB|1409937772|3745503 said:
I'm so sorry missy! Not the news we were hopping for. I'm sure she'll do something as you are a repeat customer and she'll want to keep you happy. :(

Thanks CanuckAB. I emailed her and asked if I could call her and she gave me her # and we just spoke. She thinks it is an easy fix and that the O ring just wasn't closed right. And then it is an easy fix and I will wait for my dh to come home from work and check it out as I think the O ring is broken. And then it requires soldering.

diamondseeker2006 said:
I am so sorry! But the good news is, it should be a very easy repair! Do you have a good bench jeweler? I think Circe has had some good ones and bad ones, so she might be able to recommend someone if you don't have one.

Hi DiamondSeeker, thanks. I think the O ring is broken and I don't have a jeweler I trust that can work on these 100 year old earrings. I remember nightmare stories one of them being Circe's experience but don't remember if she ever found someone capable of working on antique pieces.

Another question I have is if these earrings are too delicate to wear. I don't want to have to worry about losing them and now I am not sure they are safe for wear. I am not hard on my jewelry at all but this just crumbled when I removed it from the box so I am concerned. I know platinum is more brittle than gold and the O ring and earrings are platinum. The O ring is very thin and that is why I think it broke.

Mel reassured me it was an easy fix no matter what the problem but I am unsure as to my best course of action. I know this is silly but I also don't want to piss her off because IMO she has some of the nicest antique jewelry anywhere and I plan on acquiring more pieces from her little by little but if this transaction does not go well i.e. I decide I want to return the earrings despite her assurances she might not sell to me in the future.

The good news is all this has taken my mind off my leg. :cheeky:
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

:eek: :(sad
Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

VRBeauty|1409944136|3745567 said:

Aww thanks VRBeauty. You are a sweetheart. Don't feel sad for me though. I am disappointed but it's not a big deal. Now it's just a hassle no matter what I decide. Either send it back to get fixed if it is not a simple fix and I don't think it is as I think the O ring broke off partly. Or just return it since it seems to fragile at the attachment to the lever back. Unfortunately Greg is the one who has to deal with the Post Office if we have to send it back to get fixed or returned and he doesn't need another thing added to his to do list. :knockout:

I just put on the complete earring and it is very comfortable. Here's a quick earshot since I did promise. Not a great shot but the best I can do under the circumstances. Sitting on the couch with leg elevated and head titled doing a selfie. Never thought I would be uttering those words haha.

ETA: Almost forgot the first pic.



Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Update fyi:
My dh said the wire connection is broken and feels that the other connection is also too fragile and thin and not secure for wear. He said they both need to be reset thickened and soldered for safe wear.

So I called her and left a voice mail and just emailed her too in case that's her preferred method of communication. I have never returned any jewelry before and I am not happy about this.

If she is willing to do what is necessary to make them safe and secure I am willing to get them back but if it cannot be done or she is not willing to do it I am going to return them. Sad because I searched for a while for earrings like these.

ETA: She said she will make them more secure for me but then emailed me asking don't my ruby earrings have the same connection. They don't. That connection is thicker and more secure. No comparison. I hope she really will do what is necessary to thicken that O ring connection. Attaching a pic of the connection the ruby earrings have.


Re: Question about antique earrings I am about to purchase..

Oh geez missy, things have been so rough for you, I was hoping this would go smoothly! I don't blame you and Greg at all for being concerned about the safety of the earrings, I'd feel the same way. They are beautiful and look fantastic on you, but I too wouldn't feel comfortable wearing them unless they were more secure. Keep us posted!