
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Swimmer, babies eye color usually solidify at about 12 months. Jane's are grey-blue, but I can see brown around the pupils now. We'll see what happens.

Drk, frustrating!

Charger, I've been comtemplating the baptism thing since I was pregnant, I've been struggling with my beliefs for much longer though. I've discussed with my husband (raised Catholic, doesn't go to church wants her baptized) and my father (a devout Catholic). It's all or nothing for me, if we do it then we're going to be part of our church community, and I'm not sure if it's a community I want to be part of so I continue to put it off and contemplate. Your pictures are GORGEOUS!

Ginger, I love the new avatar!!! So glad A and Chewy are becoming friends.


So we started rice cereal, she's mostly spitting it out at this point, of course. I'm doing breakfast and lunch right now. J is trying really hard to scootch during tummy time. Quit rolling from tummy to back after doing so 4 times, what a goof!
lol ginger, prob a little of both??? J totally loves staring at P and trying to reach for her, she stays out of his range most of the time but sometimes she will lick his hand or come sniff his face. he is still so uncoordinated that i try to keep them apart mostly (or J from getting to P) but hopefully soon they'll both be a bit more happy to be buddies.

swimmer i love your idea of a feed in at DRK's hospital!! HA talk about stirring the pot in a good way. your little boy is sooo cute! J tries to eat his entire fist too.

DRK i also have to applaud your amazing efforts to keep feeding K exclusive BM. really it should be easier! and K is looking crazy healthy!!

AFM quick jump in that i think we have a tooth sighting, last nite J was eating and then suddenly he would start screaming and trying to stuff his hand in. we thought we saw little white under the gum a few weeks ago and pedi even though so but she said no i dont think so. but when we looked in, it seemed 'more white' and/or closer to the top. so i guess we'll see...but the random bouts of screaming sometimes when he's totally happy before that and the way in the last week absolutely everything and anything goes straight into the mouth--he has even taken to chewing on the blankets and stuffed animals, anything he can fit into his mouth and just 'knawing on'... we'll see. i am not ready for him to have a tooth yet but if it comes, it comes.

And I just got the Brazilian Blowout, it is fabulous!!! Wet my hair is 90% straighter, she just hands combed dried it and then flat ironed it with large swipes for about 3 minutes and that is IT and it looks like I just spent 45 min flat ironing it!! I am excited to see how it wears. Oh and it's sooo smooth, way smoother than when I would just flat iron it. I might actually just be able to air dry it and have it look cute for the first time in my life! Vesper if I get a chance I'll take a pic later today but if you have ever flat ironed your hair--it's basically the same thing but smoother, feels softer and takes about 5% of the time which I am ALL ABOUT right now with a baby and a job and a husband!!!
kim - thanks! i've been looking at my preggo gingerbread lady and thinking, "wow..that is sooooo 6 months ago" but didn't do anyhting about it until i have a presentation to do and procrastination to! sounds like j is on her way to being moblie! that's what A started doing just a few weeks before he started army crawling.

mara - ooooh! i want to see!! pics quick! lol...we're not ready for teeth yet around here either. everytime he's kinda fussy we say..."maybe he's teething?" but nope, not a nubbin in sight!
Claire, 9 months

Swimmer, I think that's great that you donate your milk! Wow!

DRK, your situation really sucks. Are there any laws or guidelines that govern how employers should accommodate BFing where you are? I know I'd totally be all, "You must provide me the time and ability to pump!"

Yes, BFing is the hardest part of being a parent for me. Last night we went out to dinner and as I was pumping afterwards, I thought about how much I don't miss pumping every day. On the other hand, now all my hard work is really paying off because BFing is so easy and takes so little time. We were over our best friends' house the other night; they have a one week old, and his mama is feeding him constantly and having some issues with him latching so is pumping some of the time too. Claire indicated she was hungry so I popped her on my boob, and after two minutes or whatever she was done on the first side. My friend's husband was like, "No way! You aren't done already!" I guess you don't pay attention to how long BFing takes until your child and wife are doing it. :twirl: So now, after 9 months and all the difficulties, I really do think that BFing is finally easier than FF in terms of time and clean-up. But it took months and months (and quitting work) for the tables to turn.
Drk, I really hope they get something worked out - that just seems so unfair in your job. That no one complained for 8 weeks means it wasn't a big deal, and BM IS sterile! :((

You all have the cutest babies - I love weekends, so many pictures.

So who all braved the stores today? My mom and I went out to Target and got Micah a bunch of new clothes because is outgrowing EVERYTHING. Meresal, I copied you and got that super cute elephant footie pajama. It's so cute, I could hardly wait for bedtime so I could put him in it. I even had to put him on his tummy and see if his baby butt looked as cute as Deuce lol.

Then after I had to take my mom to Urgent Care. She has had a cyst on her chest for over a week that looked angry and horrible - it was huge, the size of a golf ball, red and swollen and turning white in places. It drained a bit on its own but I finally convinced her to go, and they lanced it. The skin was so infected that the numbing meds didn't even work. She has to go back in the morning and get more done. I feel so bad for her.
I'm still trying to catch up here.

DRK~ I hope you're able to figure something out with BFing and work. And, kudos to you for sticking with it.

MP~ Prayers for your mom!

Lily has slept really well the past 2 nights! I wasn't able to get a sling or carrier. I can't find one that's comfortable at the stores around here and haven't been able to get to a bigger town yet. But, I'm still looking. I finally asked my MIL who lives down the street to take JT at least once a week to give me a bit of rest too. It's hard for me to admit and ask for help with my children, but everyone is happier now. I've implemented nearly everything from HBOTB so thanks for the great suggestion!

Just thought I'd post a little pic of the kids. Lily's cheeks crack me up!

Shiny, Lily is so adorable! JT looks like such a proud big brother.
Mara, I think you've convinced me! DH got me a gift certificate to Red Door Spas for my b-day, and I'm going to see if they do the Brazilian blowout there - I'd love to see pics if you get around to posting some!
Adorable pic SS, what a proud big brother!
Morning, ladies! I just wanted to *introduce* myself here. I've been oogling over your baby pics for months. PSers make some gorgeous children! Baby Nolan was born on July 30th and I'm in love. :love: It all feels very surreal still.

Labor and delivery was pretty uneventful (besides hurting like hell :naughty: ). I had BH contractions since about 28 weeks so it's hard to tell when labor really started but, from the time we thought I might be in labor to Nolan's birth, was less than 4 hours. DH recorded the audio of the entire thing so maybe someday I'll listen. He was a bit traumatized by seeing me in so much pain (as short-lived as it was) and said he couldn't believe people do that more than once!

We've been home for a little over a week and things are going great. My biggest worry was breastfeeding but Nolan nurses like a champ. He goes every 4 hours overnight (and 2-4 during the day) which makes me feel like the luckiest woman on the planet! I'll take it as long as it lasts. Nursing is exhausting though. I feel so sleepy during and right after feeds. He does go a while though - about 25 minutes. DH has been great. He does spend a lot of time on the computer though since he's obsessed with editing pics and videos of our little man! DD has also been fantastic. She'll be around for another 3 weeks until school starts...then I'll be on my own. ;(

I felt like an old pro on the preggo thread by the end of my pregnancy and now I feel like a total novice again! I hope that I'm able to contribute to the thread soon!
Congrats puppmom! Glad to hear L&D went well and that Nolan is a great sleeper and feeder. :)) Looking forwrad to having you share in the thread.

SS - beautiful photo!

AFM - Dalila is sprouting about 3-4 new teeth right now! The ones next to her bottom front teeth are coming in - and her front teeth look like they're not far behind. She's such a good teether. She was a bit fussier this weekend and had a slight fever and one red cheek yesterday - but everything else was ok.

On a related note - do babies inherit the teeth of their parents? Like if mommy's teeth are shaped a particular way - is it likely that the baby will have the same shape? I'm trying to figure out if she'll have mine or DH"s teeth. :)

On another note - I was reminded yesterday how important it is for us as mothers to make time for our partners to reconnect and have some alone time. I was feeling a bit distant from DH last week - I think it was because we both had a busy week focused on work and taking care of Dalila etc. We didn't really spend much time together. It was a weird feeling. We made some time for each other yesterday and I feel much more intimate and connected now. :))
welcome pupp! Nolan is so cute, hope you post some new pics of him here soon!

I also got very sleepy while nursing, actually usually the first 5 min were the hardest. It only lasted for maybe 2 months for me, maybe til supply regulated?... but I hated it. I also got nauseated at the same time. So it also made it harder for me to want to eat a lot like I was supposed to be for the milk. I read that it's something to do with hormones and the let down but you rarely see it talked about so I felt like a freak!

Glad to hear things are shaping up nicely. Don't worry, you did this once before, even if it was a long time ago, I bet it's like riding a bicycle, it'll come back to you! is a small iPhone photo for you. I guess the most important thing to note for me is that the pic looks normal to me in terms of straight hair because I used to straighten it with the flat iron. So look wise it looks like oh ok that looks straight. But not like crazy ridiculously straight or anything. In this pic I'd had it in a ponytail for half the day. But the most important thing for me is how it looks when it's wet and how easily it dries or flat irons when I'm doing it. It took my stylist WAY less time, like 1/5 of the time it would normally take after the treatment. And yesterday I had my hair up and I took a quick shower and didn't wash my hair and NO FRIZZ after 10 min in the shower. I just hand combed it out and put it into a pony tail and that was it. Actually now that the oils in my hair have coated it after 1.5 days (I wash my hair every 2 days usually because I don't like how dry it gets otherwise, it's my best bet on keeping it healthy) it's almost TOO Straight if that makes sense!! I might need to wash it more now because it is almost too limp (I also have heavy hair, so it gets weighed down easily). Anyway so far I would totally do it again but we'll see!

Sha... so true about trying to spend partner time together, it's so easy to be all about the baby during busy weeks esp with work!!

MP...hope your Mom's cyst heals up quickly! BTW I saw a friend's baby with the target elephant jammies on the other day!

Summer...ditto it being great you are donating!! But holy crap that is a serious overproduction--how much do you estimate you produce, maybe like 70oz a day?? On one hand I think 'jealous' but on the other hand I know it can be just as much of a pain as underproduction. One of my gf's produces about 40-50oz a day and her daughter is 8mo so she is going to also donate once they get closer to not using the milk she's making, right now she's eating like 40oz a day so they don't have much leftover but as she's adding more solids in that will go down.

re: eye color, J's eyes are hazelish right now...they were blue gray on birth and now they are brownish around the pupil and the outer rim is like a greenish blue. Greg's are a lot like that too, hazelish but turn more blue if he is tired or wearing a blue shirt. I have a feeling J might have eyes more like G's than mine.

and in other news, I am hating going to work today. I don't know why but I've been SO busy and I just feel a little overwhelmed. we'll see how this flex thing works out but I am still thinking PT is my ideal if I can make it work. We'll see.

AFM I got some great pics of J the last few days on my camera so once I upload I'll have to post one..or three. :lol:

mara brazilian blowout 0810.jpg
MP, love the new hair! I wish I could rock short hair like that, but it really does not suit me.

Lulu, what a great pic. I love her little hands and feet.

Vesper, your two boys are so cute!

Charger, I didn't have supply issues, but I did have latch issues, so I had to breastfeed, then cup feed BM, then pump. It was exhausting, so I know how you feel. You're doing great, hopefully your supply catches up for you soon. And I love your newborn shots, they are so gorgeous. I am so sad I didn't get any professional ones done, but it just wasn't in the cards.

Lindsey, look at those eyes and cheeks, adorable!

DRK, so sorry to hear about all of your trouble at work. I can't believe they are doing this to you after all this time. I hope you can find a solution, especially after all the hard work you have put in to keep feeding her BM. Love her bath pic!

Swimmer, hi! We were date twins, I had forgotten. M apparently had other plans ;)) Glad to hear things are going well, and what a cutie you have. I did have an oversupply for a while, from when I had to pump so much in the beginning, but it has evened out now. However, I do have about 500 oz in the freezer that I'm not quite sure what to do with. I kept it originally in case we continued to have problems, but now it just sits there. And I do use some when we go out, but I just end up pumping to replace the missed feeding so it's sort of a never ending cycle. I wonder if I can donate frozen milk? We've got some blue eyes here two, although I have just started seeing some brown in them, so I'm thinking they will change. I guess we'll see.

Ginger, so adorable about A & Chewy. I have a feeling that our cat is not going to be pleased at all when Miles starts to take an interest in her.

Kim, I have been having the same dilemma as you regarding baptism. I think we will probably not do it, although we are definitely getting some pressure from family members who feel it should be done. We'll see I guess.

Mara, I would also like to see some pics of your blow out! Oh, you posted one while I was writing this up - it looks great!

SS, awww, cute pic. JT does look like such a proud brother. And Lily has great cheeks.

Pupp, welcome! Quick labour, indeed. You beat me by about half an hour, and I felt like mine rocked through!

AFM, well it looks like we are finally coming out the other side after a week. Friday was the worst, I ended up trying to sleep on the sofa because Miles would only be calm in his swing, and only got about an hour of sleep between 3 and 9.30, after going to bed at midnight. I won't go into all the details, but I'll just say I'm glad he seems to be better now. And of course, after that night, D said well I'll be on duty tonight so you can try and get a bit more sleep. What does Miles do? Goes down around 8.30, gets up at 3 to eat (which I have to do), and then sleeps soundly until around 6.30. So D DID get up with him to let me sleep an extra hour, but basically got a full night's sleep before doing that! Go figure :rolleyes:

Was not on here on the weekend for a pic, so adding one now. His four month pic from last Monday.

PrettyBlue, what a goreous picture of a darling boy! Sorry for the rough nights.

Pupp, welcome and congratulations! Breastfeeding is challenging in the beginning for so many women, but at almost 6 months out I can tell you it's gotten so much easier.

Eye color: I wish Jane's eyes would stay grey/blue but it's highly unlikely since my husband's eyes are brown and that color almost always dominates. Most babies are born with blue eyes.

SS, offers free shipping and no sales tax (at least to my state), if you can't get to a place to buy a sling and want one I'd check their site out.


So she ate a bit of rice cereal this morning. I made her brocolli yesterday, will give it to her for lunch.

She woke up crying over and over again starting at 5:30 this morning, it was so sad. Little tears streaming down her face, wouldn't open her eyes. I wonder if babies can have bad dreams.

The cold has almost run its course. Hooray! Hoping to walk with a girlfriend today.
4 months, 2 days

swimmer - wow, hard to believe i've been on ps for 5 years! time surely flies!

pup - welcome!!


baptism went great as did the after party we threw. let's see what else... well, miss em rolled from back to belly to back again for the first time today!
KimberlyH said:
She woke up crying over and over again starting at 5:30 this morning, it was so sad. Little tears streaming down her face, wouldn't open her eyes. I wonder if babies can have bad dreams.

Micah does this sometimes. Not necessarily tears but the sad, sad cry like he's so heartbroken - and of course, it leaves ME heartbroken. I always feel so bad when they do that, and I do wonder about bad dreams. What do they dream about? Mommy going away? ;(

Pupp, welcome! That is one awesome delivery - can't wait for pictures!

PB, what a little cutie! I love his onesie, and those cheeks, ack! And that happens to me ALL THE TIME with DH. He will watch Micah at nights on his days off (Monday, Thursday and Friday) and the baby always sleeps way better for him than he does for me. I feel so loved :rolleyes:

Mara, I really like your blowout. I am considering doing that when my hair grows back out for winter. I just hate having to mess with it so much.

SS, loooove Lily's cheekies! What a cute picture of your babies, they look so happy.

My mom got her cyst lanced and a wick put in to drain out more of the infection. They also put her on antibiotics and Vicodin for the pain (especially during the night). It was yucky, I saw the bandage when they took it off (I went in with her since my dad is really bad with pain and needles), because the doctor felt the need to show me. It was really gross, but the cyst itself looks so much better. It's way smaller already. I'm glad she went, it will probably heal up now.

Micah was super fussy yesterday and slept and ate a TON, even for him. He ate an ounce of sweet potatoes and all of his bottles had rice cereal in them, but he just kept eating. And he didn't spit up hardly anything (one mouthful, on me of course) so he was definitely digesting it. I think he was teething, because he just seemed unhappy and he was chewing HARD on my fingers with the back of his gums where that crazy molar is. Poor baby.

My friend that works in a local NICU told me that a baby was born there a day or two ago without a brain, and the family wants them to keep the baby ALIVE. That is so selfish I just want to hit something! And the baby is suffering because he has to be on all kinds of machines to keep him alive. Arg, it makes me so angry! :angryfire:
jcrow...yay for Miss E!! i bet the baptism was darling. i am missing the boat on J's..he'll be like 15 when we do it.

MP... maybe give M more solids? J loves sweet potatoes and sometimes he'd eat like 3-4oz of them when I was starting him. I just let him lead me on what he wanted to eat. Plus SP is a great nutrient loaded carb--more healthy than rice cereal since I am obsessed. After we added in his 'dinner', our pedi told us we had to remove the cereal from his bottles, so that is when I started giving him more substantial dinners.

J was a SUPER crab yesterday afternoon and evening--nothing made him happy and no smiles. Two teething tablets and a tylenol paci later he finally calmed down and napped a bit then went down to sleep after eating 3oz of solids and guzzling 8oz of formula. Before bed he always gets super happy and wants to have a giggle fest--posted a vid on the other site. Poor baby... we think that white blob we see under the gum has to be a tooth.

Really disliking work today... it's Monday and I am already stressed out. :nono:
Mara said:
After we added in his 'dinner', our pedi told us we had to remove the cereal from his bottles, so that is when I started giving him more substantial dinners.

Really? Why?
PB, what a cute picture of Miles!

Puppmom, congrats on baby Nolan! Glad to hear that everything is giong well.

Mara, your hair looks gorgeous!!! I am definitely going to get it done in the next couple of weeks.

Sha, I know what you mean about it being hard to connect. DH & I got a little distant after our first son was born, and we had to work on building intimacy again. I was worried about it happening again after our second, so I've been trying to be a better communicator (we both get distant & self-involved since we're both introverts), DH has really been great, though, and has made a big effort to be emotionally present whenever he's home. And I'm surprised to say that our sex life is now the best it's every been during our marriage. I don't know why, but we just feel more connected. I guess that we're one of those couples that having babies brings us together ...

BTW, Sha, I also wanted to mention that I love the pic of Dalila you posted a few weeks ago. I love looking at all the little girls since I just have boys 8)
MP she said because then he was starting to actually learn to eat food so she wanted him to get out of the habit of 'drinking' solids aka the 'easy way' of giving him more food. I was worried because he loved oatmeal in his evening bottle and I know it helped keep him full so I was afraid he wouldn't get enough to feel full and sleep, but I just started mixing the oatmeal into a veggie instead to give the same amt of fullness but he had to learn to 'eat' it instead of drinking it. It actually was really easy, I was worried he would not take to it...but basically I didn't make the switch until he was somewhat consistently eating at least 1 meal a day so he had the 'chewing/swallowing' down and it wasn't a struggle anymore.

Umm I just wrote that while I am seriously starving and now don't know if it made sense. Let me know if I am confusing. HA. Now must shovel food into my mouth before my 1pm.
Mara- I'm digging your Brazilian, looks FAB!! Will have to go that route once I'm done with BFing. Sounds like you and I are hair twins. I too have super heavy-thick hair that tends to be on the frizzy side- NOT "cute-curly". It takes me like 1/2 hr to blow it out straight and sometimes also have to use the iron (haven't since giving birth- no time!). Anyway, it's on the dry side so I can go DAYS without shampooing it. And boo for Mondays at work.

Ginger- THANKS for sharing your BF story- it REALLY gives me hope! And too cute about chewy and your LO

SS- Lily is PRECIOUS! And what a handsome big bro

MP- Hugs for your mama

Pupp- Hiya! glad to see you here

Sha- THANKS for the reminder about reconnecting with your SO- my LO is 8 weeks old and it's been a whirlwind, but I plan to give him an extra-long hug and kiss when he comes home from work today!

Phoenix- I LONG for the day when BF will be easy and take up less time!

Swimmer- you are SUPER MAMA with all that milk Too cool that you donate it.

Kimberly- I too sometimes wonder if babies dream, especially when N makes a "quiet noise" in his sleep.

We took N to the concerts in the park yesterday afternoon, as the weather here has been unseasonably MILD. Anyway, he totally loved it- we have this little tummy time mat that we laid on the blanket and his little arms and legs were going crazy- almost in time to the music which was an ABBA cover band. My parents and other friends with their 2-year old also went. We hope to go to a couple more before they end next month

It's been an uneventful Monday around here, but the week ahead will be busy- I start a mother's gathering group thing tomorrow. We'll see how that goes! And then I've got two work events- a shower for a co-worker at the office on wed and our company picnic on thurs. both are totally optional for me, but I thought "why not attend?". Speaking of work, the HR gal sent me an email to set up a time to talk about my extended leave request. I'll keep you all posted once we set a time to talk.

Oh yeah, last bit of news- Confirmed that my gestational diabetes is GONE! Had to wait 6weeks PP to take the glucose test, but it's the only way to totally know. YAHOO
Pupp - Congrats to you and your hubby. Meena shares a birthday with Nolan, well two years older.

Drk - Boo on the hospital.

Swimmer - Good for you on donating BM. I would do it if I have extra. I only pump a tiny bit more than J eat each day.

I am really loving this age since J is strong enough to sit at the table with us at restaurants. He is just happy to look around. It makes going out to eat much easier.
We are feeding him solids twice a day now. We went for two days with one meal a day, and then moved to 2 meals. Meanwhile, he is still getting the same number of bottles/nursing sessions. I bought 20 jars of Earth's Best 1st and 2nd food since it was on sale for $10. Once we finished those, MIL will be making Chinese porridge with meats and veggies for him. I gave him a couple puffs yesterday. I was expecting him to gag; he didn't but wasn't sure what to do with it. He was pushing it around with his tongue, but not really gumming it. And then it probably just dissolved in his mouth. Will try it again today.
As far as his mobile skill, it's still just rolling and rotating in circle. If we hold him upright, he'll push up with his legs. But that's about it.
Sleeping is great. I can just put him down in his crib, and he will fall asleep now.

Hi to everyone else. I love all the baby pics. PS babies are the cutest.

CG - Yay for no more GD. Good luck with the extended leave.
THANKS, QT! Too funny about J and the puffs

By the way mamas, what does AFM stand for?? :tongue:
AFM=as for me. it took me a while too.

I am considering giving J puffs soon too just to see what he'll do. He already likes taking drinks of water from our glasses, so if he sees us drinking he will totally pull to try to get over there too. But then he gets mad if we don't give him an actual sip of what we were drinking which doesn't work if it's coke or wine or something!! So then I get his own sippy and give it to him.

CG... yeah my hair tends to be drier and is super thick and heavy. It's like horse hair! Which is why it's CRAZY that it's so soft and smooth now. Actually today it's even more so than in that pic...I have had a bunch of people say how great my hair looks today. Which I guess is why people pay for it!! And sit in a chair for what felt like forever!

I also went to a coworker's shower while I was gone, it was fun to show up with J and just leave HA!
our deep freezer broke. i just lost about 1,000 oz of breast milk. i can't even calculate how many hours of work just gone.

i'm just numb right now. and a little sick deep in the pit of my stomach.
gingerB said:
our deep freezer broke. i just lost about 1,000 oz of breast milk. i can't even calculate how many hours of work just gone.

i'm just numb right now. and a little sick deep in the pit of my stomach.
Oh honey....I'm just sick for you. I'm so so sorry :((
oh ginger! no!! ugh, how heartbreaking!

charger - really? you had to wait 6 weeks to test for diabetes? i had gd, but i don't remember them testing me after i gave birth, but the first meal i had was a choice between french toast, oatmeal and cheerios. hello carbs! and i never got tested again.
Just got back from long vacation (so fun and so needed) and head back to work tomorrow. Crazy. Trying to read a bit to catch up....

Ginger~So, so sorry!! I was there. I didn't have that much left but I seriously felt ill and I cried. Oh did I cry. Luckily most of mine still had a frozen center so I was able to refreeze and use it. Big hugs!!!

Quick me update...K has his 6 month on Thursday. When I weighed and measured him a couple weeks ago he was 18lb 2oz and 27.75 inches long...I'm excited to see how ginormous he is now. He's crawling (luckily still not super fast). He wants nothing to do with sitting up....just dives down to crawl. He's still eating a ton (I know, you're all going duh, the kid is huge) and we've gone to two solid meals a day. He has become a crap sleeper again after vacation, although I'm pretty sure it has to do with the two teeth that have been sitting at the surface for like 1.5 months now. Hmmmm.... nothing else really. Total love bug. All our friends on vacation loved him. He loved the beach and was a total trooper on the 10 hour drive. Oh, and how could I forget my favorite thing...the kid is in LOVE with his big sister. Tayva just has to look his direction and he's all smiles. Love it.

I start back at work tomorrow and for a week for teacher meetings I have to be back full time so both kids start full time daycare tomorrow. I'm so sad but I know it's only a week and then I'm back to my part time schedule. This is the first time K has been in daycare so I'm a bit nervous. Weird.

Alright, enough rambling. I'm hoping I'll have time to get caught up with everyone more tomorrow during my first training! :wacko:
so, i'm thinking it's time to get either a jumperoo or exersaucer for em. thoughts on which one?
Ohh Ginger, I am so sorry.

Jcrow- We had C's Christening this weekend as well! Congratulations!

In honor of our celebration this weekend, I will post my belated picture. This christening gown was worn by my mom, myself, and now our son. It is over 60 years old and still one of the most gorgeous pieces of cloth I have ever laid eyes on!
