
PS Mommy Thread-Newborn to 12 months!

Date: 5/14/2009 10:58:07 AM
Author: MustangGal
Kyle aslo doesn''t sleep well if he''s unswaddled. We tried it for a few nights when he was about 8 weeks, and he would wake up twice like your baby. When we swaddle him, he sleeps the whole night. He''s 13 weeks now and we''re still swaddling. I have a couple of the Swaddle Me ones that velcro closed. He squirms sometimes and gets his arms out, and the nights that he does that he wakes up around 3:30am and I have to catch his arms and put them back in. I think his arms wake him up
I figured it is something like this... I am torn between toughing it out and getting him used to being unswaddled and just swaddling him. He is a little too tall for the swaddle, and I don''t think I will want to do it in the summer because it is too hot, so I am thinking of toughing it out. I am on maternity leave for 10 months so really, it isn''t like I have to get up for work!
Date: 5/14/2009 5:29:32 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie

Date: 5/14/2009 10:58:07 AM
Author: MustangGal
Kyle aslo doesn''t sleep well if he''s unswaddled. We tried it for a few nights when he was about 8 weeks, and he would wake up twice like your baby. When we swaddle him, he sleeps the whole night. He''s 13 weeks now and we''re still swaddling. I have a couple of the Swaddle Me ones that velcro closed. He squirms sometimes and gets his arms out, and the nights that he does that he wakes up around 3:30am and I have to catch his arms and put them back in. I think his arms wake him up
I figured it is something like this... I am torn between toughing it out and getting him used to being unswaddled and just swaddling him. He is a little too tall for the swaddle, and I don''t think I will want to do it in the summer because it is too hot, so I am thinking of toughing it out. I am on maternity leave for 10 months so really, it isn''t like I have to get up for work!
This one feels like a tough one, especially when they were sleeping so well. I vote tough it out. It took me a false start or two, but within 3 or 4 days, it was a done deal. It was a relief not to swaddle anymore.
Date: 5/14/2009 12:26:11 PM
Author: pavelover
dd hi. just wanted to say, i also have gone thru weeks where i worry about supply. also experienced not feeling full/getting engorgedc anymore. my bff said hers were the sAme and i dbl checked w a nurse. normal. bbs get very efficient and good at their job. could be a grwth spurt too but h will take care of that for you. isnt it crazy how many ? there are about bf''ing?
last wwk i thought i had a plugged duct bc my bb was sooooooo sore and t had slept 7 hours the night b4 and i was engorged. couldnt find any info on that except plugged ducts. later i went to mommy group and there is a la leche leader there. she knew exactly what i was talking about. said when u get full/go too long it can be really sore! it`would get better in a few days and it did!!!! i wish that info was around on the web but yay that she was there!!!!!
oh are u using cloth diapers? do u do any aio? any recommendations?
I think bfing moms always worry about this stuff
You just have to trust in nature! Actually, I find that if I am careful to EAT enough in the day I have ample milk, but when I don''t eat properly that''s when I feel like I am dry.

We are not using cloth diapers...yet...I think that when I get back from my trip back home next week I may give it a try. What;s AIO?
Gues what!! Hunter rolled over from back to front today!!

The first time I assisted him a little, but he has done it 2 more times since then totally unassisted! He is 12 weeks old on Saturday. You know what''s funny though? The whole reason I thought to see if he could do it was because MustangGal said that her son was rolling over... I hadn''t even though about it being possible for a baby that age. So I thought, "well let''s see?" And he could! LOL!

TGal I am going to tough it out. We''ll see how it goes!
Date: 5/14/2009 5:38:59 PM
Author: dreamer_dachsie
Gues what!! Hunter rolled over from back to front today!!

The first time I assisted him a little, but he has done it 2 more times since then totally unassisted! He is 12 weeks old on Saturday. You know what''s funny though? The whole reason I thought to see if he could do it was because MustangGal said that her son was rolling over... I hadn''t even though about it being possible for a baby that age. So I thought, ''well let''s see?'' And he could! LOL!

TGal I am going to tough it out. We''ll see how it goes!
3 months is possible. lili''s J was out hiking canyons at 5 months.

And try a couple of methods. One arm out vs cold turkey. I found cold turkey worked better for me. However she still had the pacifier as a soother. I''m weaning her off the paci now as well.
Conrats Dreamer! Isn''t cute when they figure it out? Now when Kyle flips we smile at him, so he smiles back and laughs. He got stuck half way over the other night, and realized he could suck his arm that way. He just stayed on his side kicking and sucking away.

I bought the large size swaddles, they''re plenty long, and say they go up to 20+ pounds. They''re also knit, so not too thick. It''s already 100 degrees here in Phoenix, so we just put him in the swaddle in only a diaper, and he doesn''t feel too hot when I pull him out. I do plan on trying a few non-swaddle nights this weekend to see how it goes.
I say tough it out too b/c eventually he will need to learn to sleep unswaddled or he will just break out of the swaddle.
Try not to worry about your supply. There were a few times when I was worried that my supply was going down b/c I was getting less from pumping. But those turned out to be just off days. Plus there’s growth spurt that makes us feel like we are not making enough, but these will also pass.
Yay for Hunter rolling over.
You know M still does quite a bit of army crawling. She kind of alternates between all fours and army style, but she’s gotten a lot faster.
I know it’s still early, but are you planning anything for James’ 1st Bday? DH says ask him in a month or two about having a party. I don’t want a big party, but he is considering it.
Also try Gerbera 3 pack onesies. Those are pretty thin. I used them under clothes for M, and they didn’t make it too bulky. But get one size up; they run small.
Yeah that’s why we chickened out. Though DH is pretty loud at home watching the game, but definitely not as loud as being in the stadium. The other day, SIL and our 8 months old nephew was over. And DH made a big noise while watching the game, and our nephew cried. I think M is used to Daddy being loud already. LOL.
Hope Kyle outgrows the blocked tear duct.
lili, Jas12, puffy and other toddler mommies
Yeah it’s hard to follow the different thread, but I appreciate you guys lurking and commenting with your experiences and advices. You are so helpful and resourceful.
Mustang I just bought the large knit swaddle me''s too! I just can''t seem to break T of the habit yet. He just gets more stimulated rubbing his face. Although he finds his fingers during the day just fine, at night he gets all spastic and uncoordinated so...maybe in a couple of weeks I will try again? I dunno...

Dd congrats for H rolling over. that is so exciting! I love the milestones.

Q what do you want to do for the first birhtday?

Diva congrats on James crawling! that is so cool. did you babyproof already? I called a service the other day but come to think of it, they haven''t call me back yet.hmmmm...

I gotta go. haven''t been out of the house all day and I htink when we spend a few hours outside the baby sleeps better at night. I''m not lucky like dd in the sleep department,lol.
Pavelover, Kyle does the same thing. When he gets a hold of his hands at night, he gets excited and wakes up and starts sucking them. Somehow sucking his hands stimulates him, but sucking a paci doesn''t

I might try one arm tonight, DH has Friday''s off to he can wake up if it doesn''t work.
Pave- thanks for the tip! i was thinking of trying the saline but im so scared of these things lol (stupid huh) but i will def do it and will get a humidifier this week...anyone have a good one to recommend?

DD- yay for rolling over!!!

QT- where do they sell those gerbera onesies?? bru?
I only have a couple of minutes so I''m not going to get to everyone, plus I just skimmed-

We were stuck in traffic yesterday when George started fussing, and I got him to take the paci using your tips. It seemed to really help out, and then I just nursed when we got off the road. Phew! He took the first of the trip pretty well but I think yesterday he may have hit the 6 wk growth spurt a few days early. Really fussy, nursing all the time, and he''s growing. My dad really upset me yesterday because I was at his house and G would just not stop screaming and when I felt like I had tried everything my dad said, "He''s crying for a reason you know" twice then I started crying because I felt like a crappy mom that I couldn''t figure out what the reason was, and then my dad said "Yeah, he''s crying because the Capitals are doing so poorly right now."
Just not funny. My mom and my in-laws seem to enjoy trying to figure out what will calm a fussy baby, which helps relieve some of the stress.

I didn''t really mind the teenagers thinking that about George for exactly the reason Burk mentioned - if they can''t take two minutes of a baby fussing, then hopefully it''s a reminder that they need to be careful with the birth control!

All of the babies are adorable!!

Pave - I hear that the all in ones take longer in the drier, and it really doesn''t take that long to stuff pockets. We chose to get pockets rather than AIOs for that reason. We''ve been using pockets with hemp doublers at night for the absorbancy (or Blueberries, which come with a hemp/microfiber insert), and I prefer just prefolds and covers during the day. If George has a little poo and he''s in a diaper that doesn''t have natural fibers right next to his skin, sometimes his bum sticks to the diaper and he gets agitated when I peel it off. I haven''t had that problem with natural fibers, and so the prefolds and fitteds have worked really well for that. Hubby seems to prefer prefolds as well - at least, if he has multiple choices in front of him, he always chooses the prefold and never the fitted or pocket. I think that people often develop preferences that they weren''t really expecting, which was the case with us - I didn''t think I''d really like the prefolds, we just got them to try them out because they''re cheap. If you''re thinking of cloth diapering, have you seen this CD trial so that you can try a bunch of different options out for just $10?

Freezer stash - I found that same article not that long ago and have been a lot more relaxed about building a freezer stash since!

I''ll be gone for a few days. Hopefully we''ll have Mela and Pandora over here by the time I get back.
wow, this thread moves FAST!!!
but i just wanted to say

DD YAY for hunter rolling!!! B was rolling over close to 3 months as well, and no way i thought it was possible so i had to keep trying to make him do it.

qt what type of party are you thinking of having for M? we did 2 parties for B, a small one at the little gym and a HUGE party where we basically had the entire upstairs of a prime rib restaurant. and honestly, it wasn''t stressful or anything. and i looked at the larger party as a way of celebrating for ME..yes i said it..ME!! i had gotten through the first year and that was a big accomplishment. so i was ok with having a big party. it was very relaxed though, just family and some friends. and of course it included cuppies and cake. haha.

hope all the mommies and babies are all doing well!!!
I just want to have a small dinner party for our immediate family (I mean our parents, siblings, their SOs and kids). DH has a big family; there''s over 80 people, just counting aunts, uncles, 1st cousins and their kids. And since M won''t remember it, I just don''t see the point.

I got them at BRU and Target before.

George sounds like he did great with his first road trip.
Don''t feel like a crappy mom. You are doing great. FWIW I still can''t tell what M wants by her cries and she is already 9 months. Now who''s the crappy mom. LOL.
That article really put freezer stash in prospective for me.

I just want a small dinner party. I thought about a little gym type party, but we don''t have many friends with kids. Most of our friends are still single. But I am still keeping that in mind. If we do have a party, we''ll probably end up having a BBQ type party at the house since it would be over 80 guests. I do like it when we have these type of parties. I just feel like the party isn''t really for M, so what''s the point. So I left it up to DH since it''ll be mostly his side of the family. My side only have like 20 something people.
I wish I could say don''t feel like a crappy mom (even tho u are not!)..bc I just had my own meltdown moment! Jon was up from 10pm until 1am crying and fussing! He ate and I held him and it was gas and as soon as I put him down he would start up again and not give in until I piked him up again! And out of all nights dh has ot and won''t be home until tom afternoon!..that just set me off into a crying hurts me that he can''t be with me at nite to help out and I have to do this on my own (with the help of my sleepless sister ..who lives next door) 1230 I txted her and luckily she was still feeding jackie (she takes her at night)..she came in..I took jackie and she held him and fed him more and put him down with the paci...

So I feel like a total failure and I question whether I am cut out for sis is a natural (granted she has a 4 yr old ) but she was a natural with her as well....

Sorry for still reallly upset and I know this is only the beginning
Sorry you are having a bad night. You are doing great. The first few months are tough, but it gets better. So hang in there.
Thanks QT- I know this is just a "moment" and ill get over it but I don''t know how other twin moms do it w.o. do u do it??? Lol.
Date: 5/15/2009 1:39:24 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
I wish I could say don''t feel like a crappy mom (even tho u are not!)..bc I just had my own meltdown moment! Jon was up from 10pm until 1am crying and fussing! He ate and I held him and it was gas and as soon as I put him down he would start up again and not give in until I piked him up again! And out of all nights dh has ot and won''t be home until tom afternoon!..that just set me off into a crying hurts me that he can''t be with me at nite to help out and I have to do this on my own (with the help of my sleepless sister ..who lives next door) 1230 I txted her and luckily she was still feeding jackie (she takes her at night)..she came in..I took jackie and she held him and fed him more and put him down with the paci...

So I feel like a total failure and I question whether I am cut out for sis is a natural (granted she has a 4 yr old ) but she was a natural with her as well....

Sorry for still reallly upset and I know this is only the beginning
You''re cut out for it. No one excels at motherhood. We just manage to survive it. You''re alive. Your kids are alive. You''re ahead of the curve minus a few tears.

Hang in there!
Thanks Tgal! So true lol.
Blen That sounds like a great roadtrip! And good news about the pacu, sounds like necessity can be the mother of invention, eh? It is so hard when you can''t calm your baby... we had some days like that in the firt couple weeks before we figured out the whole "overtired" thing, and I definitely cried about it too!

NYC Yup, been there! The nights alone are the worst. I know when I was sitting up nursing and DH was sleeping I felt the most dispair in those early weeks. The days I could handle, but nightime is worse. Just remind yourself that it really does get better every day. Yes, this is "only the beginning" but the beginning is the worst! So don''t project how you feel right now and how your kids behave right now into the future... that will only make you crazy.
DREAMER - I know about the babyproofing. Just this morning James got into some magazines that I had in a basket. I took a picture, which I''ll post later.

Q - James still army-crawls too - but he''s getting pretty quick on his hands and knees. I''m shocked at how fast this has happened.

BLEN - Hearing a baby screaming should be birth control for teens
Other people''s kids were birth control for me for a long time!

LILI - Okay, so duplicate pics don''t count - but where are your new pics?

NYC - Hang in there mom! It will get easier and Tgal is right - you will survive this! (((HUGS)))

Cute James story of the day - He took a little catnap in the car as I was taking him to daycare today so he was all sleepy when we went inside. He saw one of his friends, rubbed his eyes, and then put his little arms out to hug his friend.
He even made a little kissy noise, which he just learned in the past week or so
Soooo cute.
Date: 5/13/2009 7:01:00 PM
Author: qtiekiki

I am still BFing M. I went back to work when she was a week shy of 4 months, and she is 9.5 months. So I had been pumping for 5.5 months. I didn’t really try to build up a big freezer stash before I went back b/c of this article: I did started pumping to build a stash a month before. I ended up with maybe a 200 – 300 oz stash. I haven’t given M any of the stash b/c I prefer to give her semi-fresh milk and don’t rotate the stash. I still have a small freezer stash b/c I do add to the stash whenever I have extra even though I don’t rotate. I think it’s good to have a stash to start with just in case pumping at work doesn’t work out as well as you hope. So maybe start building up one a month or so before your work date.

I scheduled pumping session into my daily routine. So I don’t ever miss or skip a pumping. I was pumping 4 times a day in the beginning (5:30am – before heading to work, 8am, 11am, and 2pm). About a month ago, I dropped one pumping. Now I do 7am, 11am and 2pm.

q, thanks for your thoughtful response! That article makes a lot of sense and I''d been wondering about how all of that would work when I go back. I like your idea of having the frozen supply for emergencies but trying to work in regular pumping so that she gets fresh milk. I hope that works for me but we''ll see. I''m also glad to know M didn''t have fewer poops until she started solids too - that makes me feel better about Sage!

snlee, thanks for your reply about working and BFing. I''m glad you''re able to make it work so well. I''ll keep working on my freezer supply in case I can''t find time to pump regularly when I return.

nycb, I''m so sorry you had a rough night last night! I''m really glad your sister is there to help. I remember those nights when I felt like NOTHING would calm Sage and I would get worked up myself and it was such a hard cycle to break since she would be crying and then I would be crying and it''s VERY hard to calm a crying baby when you yourself are not calm. I''m my experience, it''s best to be able to hand the baby to someone else at that point which is why it really does stink that your DH isn''t around but it''s great that you sister is so close! As DD said, just keep reminding yourself that it gets better!

re: closed hands onesies - have you gotten any of those little mitten things that you can put over their hands? Those might be helpful for when you have them in onesies without the closed hands.

dd, Congrats on Hunter rolling over!! I hope he slept better last night than the night before! Sage has been sleeping unswaddled for some time since she desn''t seem to like falling asleep in the swaddle but I''ve been putting her back in the swaddle in the early morning when she''s half awake for the last couple of nights since that seems to help her sleep a little longer. And I totally know how you feel worrying about if he''s getting enough milk. It''s hard to know and is certainly stressful.

blen, glad the trip went (is goin?) okay and that G took the paci! Sorry your dad''s annoying you though. You are NOT a crappy mom by any means. Sometimes it''s just hard to know how to soothe our LOs. I just spent the last 10 min trying to figure out what''s bugging Sage - She was crying in her swing so I changed her, tried to feed her, rocked her, etc... nothing worked. I finally just put her back in her swing and she passed out... I KNEW she was tired but could not get her to go down before. oh well. We do out best and as Tgal said, as long as we and they survive, we''re doing fine.

diva, that''s a great James story! So cute!!

Courtney, are you here? If so, how''s it going?

Sage is doing fine. She took a bottle with very little fussing yesterday and I''ve been implementing some of those ideas to reduce my milk supply so that she gets more hind milk and it seems to be helping. She''s been sleeping in her crib more at night which is nice for me and DH. Though that tends to motivate DH to get romantic since we don''t have the chance much these days and I''m just soooooo not into it... Sex is kinda painful now and I just don''t feel sexy at all. Between the 10 (really 20) lbs I''d like to lose, feeling like my body is still just a baby production machine since I''m BFing, and having one ear open to hear if she''s needs me in the next room... I just cannot get into it. I fake it as best I can which I think he appreciates but I still feel badly that I''m not into it like I used to be... anyone else feeling like I do in this dept? Sorry if it''s TMI
Date: 5/15/2009 2:26:03 PM
Author: Mrs
dd, Congrats on Hunter rolling over!! I hope he slept better last night than the night before! Sage has been sleeping unswaddled for some time since she desn''t seem to like falling asleep in the swaddle but I''ve been putting her back in the swaddle in the early morning when she''s half awake for the last couple of nights since that seems to help her sleep a little longer. And I totally know how you feel worrying about if he''s getting enough milk. It''s hard to know and is certainly stressful.


Sage is doing fine. She took a bottle with very little fussing yesterday and I''ve been implementing some of those ideas to reduce my milk supply so that she gets more hind milk and it seems to be helping. She''s been sleeping in her crib more at night which is nice for me and DH. Though that tends to motivate DH to get romantic since we don''t have the chance much these days and I''m just soooooo not into it... Sex is kinda painful now and I just don''t feel sexy at all. Between the 10 (really 20) lbs I''d like to lose, feeling like my body is still just a baby production machine since I''m BFing, and having one ear open to hear if she''s needs me in the next room... I just cannot get into it. I fake it as best I can which I think he appreciates but I still feel badly that I''m not into it like I used to be... anyone else feeling like I do in this dept? Sorry if it''s TMI
Hunter actually slept great last night without the swaddle... 8 hours and then 3.5. And he has napped without it the last 2 days as well. So we are swaddle free!

I feel the same way about sex post baby, agree with everything you have said. DH and I have talked about it and he knows that when I am ready things will resume. We have done it once but that was about 6 weeks ago. Now at 12 weeks pp I am starting to feel more normal "down there" and I think I will be ready to resume our sex life pretty soon... I actually think about it occassionally now! LOL! But I have told DH that if he wants it he has to come to bed at 10pm, and that hasn''t happened yet
DH is obviously very interested but he is fine with waiting until I am ready. We hold hands a lot and cuddle and stuff to get keep the intimacy there, and we feel very close to one another post-baby, but sex just ain''t happening.
I like the new thread! Great idea!

Things are going pretty well. BFing is much easier, especially since we''re doing one-two bottle feedings at night. I pump while DH feeds her pumped breastmllk. It just takes too long to get her latched on at night. She''s too tired and fussy and then I get frustrated.

I can''t even THINK about resuming sex right now lol. Of course I''m only 2 weeks post, but wow...I don''t even see the light on that one. I will be updating and following you girls more often now that I''m getting into the swing of everything.
Mrs and Dreamer, I haven''t been in the mood much either. And somehow me minus the belly just made DH want it even more. I had a c-section, so "down there" didn''t get too bent out of shape, but after a day of work and all evening baby watching/feeding, sex is the last thing on my mind. I hope it goes back to normal soon, DH is getting a little impatient. I also had an IUP put in 3 weeks ago, and I''ve been spotting for 2 weeks straight, which doesn''t help!
Things are a little crazy here, but I wanted to reply to nycbkgirl

I think all moms go through these kinds of feelings. I remember feeling completely responsible for every cry, and so frustrated when I couldn't stop the crying. But sometimes babies just cry. Remember that you are sleep deprived and hormonal. Your sister loves your babies, but it is just not the same. She doesn't have the same attachment that you do, so it is easier for her to not get frustrated. Moms tend to take every cry personally. Cut yourself some slack honey. You are doing a terrific job. This too shall pass.
There were definitely times when I have had my "I am a sucky mom" moments. Motherhood is hard and your best is all you can do. Perfect doesn't exist.
Sometimes a good cry can make you feel better. Also, a hot shower works wonders.
Hang in there nycbk!
thank u all so much for sharing the "sucky mom" feelings and stories...that def makes me feel better that its "normal"...he went to sleep at1am and slept good after that. everytime i tell MIL about it she acts like im not doing smthg right...o maybe u shoulda done this etc...and acts like with her they are perfect..which isnt the case! but i am so thankful for sis and what she does for me and the kids...we are so close that its like we share kids niece is like a daughter to me and vice versa! looove her! im hoping tonite will be better dh is home now (came at 3 and is now sleeping) his tushy better be up with me at nite bc i will probably leave jackie here tonite so sis can sleep! she never complains and runs on straigh adrenaline..she is my absolute hero!!

went to BRU today and bought the saline drops will try that out today. also got the gas relief stuff for just in case. there is really a shortage on hand closed onesies..urgh got whatever they had.

Diva- such a cute story..loved it!

Mrs- the mitten things fall off bc they are preemies and quite tiny lol. the closed hand onesies are so convienent and comfy.

RE sex: dh has def been pushing for it and it has been 4 wks post c now..but i still get occasional spotting i duno if its ok yet>?
Date: 5/15/2009 6:51:47 PM
Author: nycbkgirl

RE sex: dh has def been pushing for it and it has been 4 wks post c now..but i still get occasional spotting i duno if its ok yet>?
It is okay whenever *you* want it
Re: postpartum sex. I wasn''t into it. I had a 4th degree episiotomy so I had a lot of stiches and swelling down there. Sex was on the very back burner for probably around 12 weeks postpartum. I''m back on the pill (since six weeks pp) so my sex drive is lame. Let''s just say that sometimes it''s just too much effort.

Re: swaddling. James never liked it much. He loved to have his arms out so wrapping him up like a mummy often made his fussiness worse. Also, ever since he started sleeping in a bassinet/crib he''s been a tummy sleeper, which obviously doesn''t mesh well with swaddling.

Pave - We really need to get on the ball with babyproofing. I have a bag full of those plug protectors and thingies for cupboards/draws, etc. but what the real problem is is going to be getting everything off the floor and out of James'' reach. Little booger always seems to gravitate towards things that he''s not allowed to play with.

Q - I think I forgot to answer you in my last post....sorry! We are starting to plan James'' first birthday party. It will be at our place and most likely just a few family members and close friends. Being that James still isn''t eating any table food we''ll probably just give him a cupcake to smash up and I''m ordering a cute cake for everyone else
Well just bathed the 2 rugrats ...I put sage and camomile in their MIL should be very happy (she says they did this back in the old country lol ...and they bathed in boiled water!)....hopin jon will sleep better...

So it seems I will give in tonite and DTD with dh...its been almost 1 yr of sexlessness LOL! Wow can''t believe it...can''t say im overly excited but hey gotta do what I gotta do ;)
nycb, don''t dtd if you''re not up to it! Seriously, you''ve got a LOT on your plate now and you needn''t stress over sex as well. We didn''t have sex until 6 weeks pp which is when our dr said we could but even then, it really wasn''t comfy. Even when you have a c-section and don''t harm your nether regions, sex is not exactly comfortable... add on not having had it in nearly a year, you may find that you are very sensitive. good luck either way!

Dreamer, congrats on hunter sleeping so well without a swaddle! Thanks for making me feel less alone re: my feelings about sex. I''m glad your DH is so understanding!

Courtney, I''m glad you''re doing well!!

Mustang and Diva, sorry you two are not feeling sexy either!