
Proposal & Plea for HELP

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Jan 9, 2006
Hi All,

This forum came recommended from some fellow deal hunters over at Great site by the way if you haven''t seen it before.

Anyway, there is boatloads of great information on Pricescope, and I have spent the weekend reading up.

Here''s my story...

I have been seeing my girlfriend for 3 years now, and I am ready to propose. We just bought a home together, which closes on the 10th of February. She was very nervous about buying a home with someone else without a ring on her finger, however, the time to buy was right (6 months ago as this is new construction) but the time to propose wasn''t quite right yet. Well I want to set her mind at ease the day we set foot in our new home. I have coordinated with the builder to get into the house the morning before we are "handed the keys." I''''m going to set up a full picnic lunch with wine and cheese and whatnot with a engagement ring centerpiece right in the middle of the living room so that it''s the first thing she sees when she walks through the door. We were both pretty clear on the fact that we would be married at some point, but she has no idea that I have been plotting this. I''m giddy. :)

Here''s where my plea for help comes in. I have followed some leads on this site to some online jewelers, but am pretty much in the dark. Where do I start? How do I approach this? Anyone want to adopt a wayward confused boy?

THANKS in advance for any and all help!!!
Date: 1/9/2006 1:08:36 PM

Hi All,

Anyway, there is boatloads of great information on Pricescope, and I have spent the weekend reading up.

THANKS in advance for any and all help!!!
So you have spent the weekend reading on this site? What is the confusion?

Whats is your budget, and what does she like?

Are you looking for a quick simple suggestion for a nice diamond e-ring?

I''m thinking around $8-9k for the stone & setting. I think she''d like a round cut, 1+ stone.

A simple suggestion for a ring would be fantastic, but I''m also looking for some suggestions for vendors.

The only diamonds I have bought in the past have been from B&M retail. Wish I had found this site sooner!
That’s a good budget.

The quick/simple solution I would make - to go to and get a 1ct ACA round diamond, G or H color, VS-2 or SI-1 clarity set in a very simple (but elegant) white gold tiffany solitaire setting. Here is an idea of a diamond - add about 200 bucks for the setting.

You could spend a lot of time looking around, talking to great different vendors too, but you won't do much better with this solution if you need something quick.

Your gal can have the simple gold setting replaced with something fancier if she wishes, if you leave some money in your pocket.

You should probably continue this conversation over in RockyTalk since there are more educated diamond nuts there then me.

I also came to this site and had your same questions. So here is what I did...

First I walked into a few jewelry stores with her just looking at different settings and stones(to get an idea of what she liked). As it turned out we both preferred the Marquise shape diamonds. We found a beautiful setting that we both liked and I made a note of it. I went back a few days later(alone) and had them place a few different sized marquise stones in the setting. I finally determined what sized stone(length and width) looked the best in the setting. Once I was armed with this information, I came to this website with a budget and a mission. I read as much info as I could find on the Marquise shaped stones(such as ideal cuts and other measurements).

After a lot of reading. Here is what MY OPINION was on Diamonds and the 4 C''s.

1) CUT (dimmensions not the shape) was the most important factor of the Diamond. The ideal cut results in maximum flash and sparkle(the wow factor).
2) COLOR (or lack of) was next. I wanted as little color as I could afford in my budget. To see all the flashes of the color spectrum in the stone.
3) CARAT & CLARITY (Both equally important to me) I knew the rough size I was looking for and I also wanted the stone to be as free of inclusions as possible. However I was willing to make some minor sacrifices in these two areas only.

Again, budget plays a huge role in the total equasion. The less your budget, the tougher the choices of importance become.

I searched this site and the dealers that are listed for a few weeks. I finally found a stone that fit my budget and desire. I bought her a .90 Carat, Ideal Cut Marquise Diamond with an F Color, a VVS2 Clarity. I am very happy and so is she!

If you put in the time searching, your efforts will be rewarded. Your off to a great start by being here!

Good luck!
Got mine at! SUPER HAPPY!!!!
Don''t overlook - - tons of useful information, quality stones, great service and great prices. Highly recommended on this forum.

ALSO, there are many who post on this forum who would willingly search the diamond for you, if you''d like that kind of input and assistance.

Just curious: are you going to leave a special message for your GF on one of the exposed beams or studs, so it''s always there in your new home? Or is the construction too far along for that?

In any event, best of luck with the ring purchase and proposal ... please continue to keep us posted!
Dah''lin I think what you are doing is so sweet and wonderful! If you know she wants a 1+ stone...get that and have it mounted in a very plain 4 prong setting....later the two of you can go and look at other settings/sets if you want......

Way to go!
Thank you all for the replies!

I've been looking into each of the sites suggested here.

BTW - That would have been a great idea with the exposed beam! Unfortunately, the only thing left uncovered in the house is the floor now. Don't think the builder would take kindly to me ethcing into the concrete slab. ;)
I don''t have any suggestions just wanted to compliment you on a wonderful engagement idea. I''m sure she''ll love it!!!
I love your proposal idea!! We just built a home together, and it would have been so wonderful if my BF had done that for me when we moved in. Congratulations! As for the diamond, i would look into Whiteflash or Good Old Gold. I agree to pick out the diamond and just put it in a simple setting for now if you don''t know what kind she prefers. GOOD LUCK!
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