
Pride parade


Aug 10, 2010
Today was Stockholm's turn, and it got me thinking a bit.

Have you watched or participated in a pride parade?

What does it look like and what impact does it have in your country?

Over here its a mix of fun dressed up people, others just marching to show their support and yet a third category of those protesting against conditions faced by hbt. We get most of the political parties marching, including for example the minister of finance Anders Borg, several groups such as police officers, teachers, military, etc Also very appreciated is the church marching for hbt rights. Also all the buses etc run with the rainbow flag the entire week.

I think what I most loved today was the proud parents of hbt and the moment where the firemen stopped their truck and start spraying water (it was a really hot day... and the firemen and women were kinda hot too :wink2: ).
Ohhh, nothing like a hot fireman spraying you with his hose. :lol:

Although I'm gay, I haven't attended a gay pride parade or festival in over 10 years.
Though they are preaching to the choir, I get that they are wonderful support for people just coming out of the closet.

After being 'out' for over 30 years I no longer need such events to tell me I'm okay.
Also I'm and introvert with a general aversion to parties and especially crowds of screaming drunk people of any sexual orientation.
Next, you couldn't pay me to stand in the sun for an hour or two.

So, I understand these events serve a political purpose since we are not 100% accepted, but frankly I think gay pride is as silly as gay shame.
Being gay is like having brown hair ... nothing to be proud or ashamed of ... just another meaningless and boring variation in humans.

I look forward to a time when we just vanish into society.
I agree with Kenny that these parades are great for people who are still coming out of the closet, or newly out of the closet to get support, as well as creating a positive atmosphere for supporters. But sometimes it seems like it makes being gay a commodity. The bunches of loud and drunk people making out sloppily everywhere ends up backfiring when you're trying to convince a more "conservative" person that sexual identity is only one characteristic of an otherwise "normal" person… which I think is a more effective way for trying to reach equality. Gays are paraded around in skimpy outfits, cheered on for doing lewd activity, and made to be like "show". Like, "let's go look at the gays today" as if it were a zoo or something. Sexual orientation and/or gender identification shouldn't be entertainment for others. The photos I've seen reminds me of scenes from Jerry Springer :wacko:

I have many pride parades near me, and I have never attended one. I wanted to for a few years, but was scheduled to work. After seeing my friends' pictures posted on Friends websites, I don't want to go anymore. Being squished in a crowd full of drunks is not for me.

Edit: I am in no way against Pride. I think it SHOULD happen, and it NEEDS to happen in order to reach those who aren't even aware that homosexuals exist or those who are in the closet and need to find others for support and/or information. I just feel like it's good, but there's also bad...
Kenny- Ha ha I completely understand your viewpoint of standing in the sun for so long. However I do think there should be such a thing as the pride festival, its a moment were we can be proud of accepting each other independently of sexual identity. It also reminds us of those facing a different harsher reality as a lot of political issues are brought up during the different events.

Madelise- Could it be that the pictures people post just show the extreme outfits? At least over here most people dress as normal (its a bit of a mix between a parade and a march)

Maybe we are boring but the parade is a family event, people bring their kids, grandparents etc to watch it. So drinking isnt really a big thing, never seen a drunk at the parade and lewd behavior is also absent (unless you consider hand holding and the odd topless person to be lewd :naughty: ).
I participated in the one in San Diego this year, but by participated I just mean watched along with 400,000 others! The attendance record was smashed this year and the feeling was awesome because Prop 8 just got thrown out so we were all celebrated legalized marriage in our state again. I probably won't go next year... I'm straight and feel like I should let them have "their moment" lol, but it was fun to be there celebrating this year.
natascha|1375563355|3496083 said:
Kenny- Ha ha I completely understand your viewpoint of standing in the sun for so long. However I do think there should be such a thing as the pride festival, its a moment were we can be proud of accepting each other independently of sexual identity. It also reminds us of those facing a different harsher reality as a lot of political issues are brought up during the different events.

Madelise- Could it be that the pictures people post just show the extreme outfits? At least over here most people dress as normal (its a bit of a mix between a parade and a march)

Maybe we are boring but the parade is a family event, people bring their kids, grandparents etc to watch it. So drinking isnt really a big thing, never seen a drunk at the parade and lewd behavior is also absent (unless you consider hand holding and the odd topless person to be lewd :naughty: ).

Haha the pics I'm seeing are NOT 'normal'. It looks like pictures from raves. Wild outfits and inebriated guests. My friend even showed me a picture of a man performing an "act" on another guy in the crowd. Yeah…. LOL! I get what you're saying though. No one would bother taking photos of "normal" looking people to post on the internet ;)) So of course it's biased.
At a wild guess, I'd say our Pride marches don't have quite as many stunning revellers as Stockholm does. :naughty: :love:

Perth is such a small city, I doubt the march here is a big event. Over east though? Melbourne's is extremely big and vibrant and looks like a load of fun. I don't think a bit of debauchery hurts anyone - no different than Carnival or Mardi Gras (in fact, the Pride marches here are actually CALLED Mardi Gras, at the wrong time of the year. My coworkers were so confused when I brought in cake for the REAL Mardi Gras. "But you're not gay!" :lol: ).
I've been to the Philly pride parade and it was super fun. Lots of hot dudes in matching American Apparel undies. :cheeky: I'm all for it. Until LGBTQ peeps have full equality I think there's still a point to pride parades.
I've attended the one in Brighton a couple of times. It was a mix of individuals and groups matching. Most are over the top and funny dress, and the groups like the gay police-people, and armed forces march in their uniforms or a group t-shirt to campaign for equal treatment in their place of work. Often it's attended by major unions and political parties to show support to argue for equal treatment and rights and against discrimination.

It's pretty good fun and sounds fairly similar to Stockholm's pride parade...except I wonder if we get more drunken revellers. It's not a very sober or sombre event!
While they may be good in terms of support, camaraderie, etc., I think that the overall impact can be negative. I don't believe that the impressions they leave on the general public do anything to further the cause or "normalize" their lifestyle. For the record, I don't have an issue with homosexuality or gay pride parades - I just don't think that they are helpful in terms of gaining equality.
I used to go to the one in San Francisco when I was a kid. It was smaller then and not commercial at all. I remember seeing Sylvester in a wheelchair there once. Now it's huge and kind of takes the city over. And since we live in the Castro it's a very loud weekend ( with drunk people puking in front of our house etc ). But I still think it's a great celebration and I'm glad we are one of the many cities that celebrate gay pride.

p.s. I've never been in it but my mother has marched with Tom Ammiano a few times in the parade.
kenny|1375559288|3496057 said:
Ohhh, nothing like a hot fireman spraying you with his hose. :lol:

Although I'm gay, I haven't attended a gay pride parade or festival in over 10 years.
Though they are preaching to the choir, I get that they are wonderful support for people just coming out of the closet.

After being 'out' for over 30 years I no longer need such events to tell me I'm okay.
Also I'm and introvert with a general aversion to parties and especially crowds of screaming drunk people of any sexual orientation.
Next, you couldn't pay me to stand in the sun for an hour or two.

So, I understand these events serve a political purpose since we are not 100% accepted, but frankly I think gay pride is as silly as gay shame.
Being gay is like having brown hair ... nothing to be proud or ashamed of ... just another meaningless and boring variation in humans.

I look forward to a time when we just vanish into society.

I share your view point. Gay or shouldn't be a big deal either way.
thing2of2|1375585883|3496234 said:
I've been to the Philly pride parade and it was super fun. Lots of hot dudes in matching American Apparel undies. :cheeky: I'm all for it. Until LGBTQ peeps have full equality I think there's still a point to pride parades.
Ditto. I often watch my local parade. It goes right by our house, as we live in the historically 'gay' district of town.
Just arrived home from Amsterdam. First day of pride week was yesterday. It was awesome. Felt as though there were a million people there. Didn't see one ill behaved person. It was nice to be in a city known for its tolerance.
It is a very colorful, drunken event in LA. It isn't a family event, so I watched my underage brother like a hawk the first time. Now he's older and goes with his own friends. It has no effect on the city in general except for traffic and the money it brings in.
There is the argument, if gays want to be accepted by conservatives and society they wouldn't dress up in shocking, skimpy costumes and be vulgar and obscene in these pride parades.

I could counter that if straights want to be accepted by us conservative gays then they would not scream, 'SHOW ME YOUR TITS!' (and show them and other parts) in Mardi Gras throughout the country.
After all, those straits being vulgar represent ALL straights, don't they? :roll:

Franky, personally, I have no problem with consenting adults, straight or gay, having a good time in any way they want to.
I understand straights vary and the vast majority don't do that in their daily lives.
We shouldn't judge the whole group, straight or gay, by the actions of a few.

JulieN|1375645451|3496511 said:
It is a very colorful, drunken event in LA. It isn't a family event, so I watched my underage brother like a hawk the first time. Now he's older and goes with his own friends. It has no effect on the city in general except for traffic and the money it brings in.

Taking children to pride parades, or Mardi Gras parades, would be controversial for sure.
This PS crowd is considerably more gay-accepting than the general public. (at least in what they post)
Many parents will feel bring a minor to a pride parade might increase the chance of the kid 'choosing' the gay lifestyle.
As if the event can make a kid gay. :roll:

I believe each kid will turn out however they will turn out.
Bringing a gay teen to a Mardi Gras parade won't increase his/her chance of choosing the straight lifestyle.
(Just be sure the watch your teen like a hawk, you know how those straights prey on children :roll: .)
Likewise bringing a straight teen to a gay pride parade won't change his/her orientation, but it may provide an education about a marginalized group.

Actually a gay teen seeing acceptance of being gay might just prevent yet-another gay teen suicide.
kenny|1375645726|3496515 said:
There is the argument, if gays want to be accepted by conservatives and society they wouldn't dress up in shocking, skimpy costumes and be vulgar and obscene in these pride parades.

I could counter that if straights want to be accepted by us conservative gays then they would not scream, 'SHOW ME YOUR TITS!' (and show them and other parts) in Mardi Gras throughout the country.
After all, those straits being vulgar represent ALL straights, don't they? :roll:

Franky, personally, I have no problem with consenting adults, straight or gay, having a good time in any way they want to.
I understand straights vary and the vast majority don't do that in their daily lives.
We shouldn't judge the whole group, straight or gay, by the actions of a few.

Although "show me your tits" during Mardi Gras may be in poor taste (and yes, I agree that it's in poor taste), I don't see it as any sort of comparison to gay pride parades. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't gay pride meant to normalize the lifestyle, promote awareness, offer support, etc. to those who also support the lifestyle in some, way, shape, or form? Mardi Gras is simply a drunken, celebratory mess, with no real message involved. And I'm certainly not judging an entire group based on the actions of a few. However, as others have mentioned, the images that enter mainstream media are "biased" and often contain extreme examples during the events, so if those are the images that the general public sees, then that's harmful to the movement as a whole.
momhappy|1375649718|3496550 said:
... the images that enter mainstream media are "biased" and often contain extreme examples during the events, so if those are the images that the general public sees, then that's harmful to the movement as a whole.

Only stupid people judge the whole group based on a few members and the media selecting the most outrageous images of a once-a-year-party.
... and LOOOOOTS of people are stupid ... so Yes!.
Intelligent members of the public are able to put extreme party events and the profit motive of commercial media coverage into perspective.

I support everyone's right to show-me-your-tits straight vulgar events and equally-vulgar gay-related events.
Members of groups vary; some do vulgar things.
No biggie.
momhappy|1375649718|3496550 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't gay pride meant to normalize the lifestyle, promote awareness, offer support, etc. to those who also support the lifestyle in some, way, shape, or form?
Ask 1000 other people what pride is for, and you'll get lots of answers.

IMO pride is just a parade and a party with a gay theme and a bit of affirmative action thrown in.
I don't speak for my tribe, and don't even like the idea of us being a separate tribe.

I'm not a good political gay guy so you are free to google up any of the gay-organizations' pride mission statements.
Actually, I hate how groups, including gay ones, to separate themselves from the general public. :knockout:
I wish we could just eliminate discrimination, the separate identity and vanish into society.

BTW, I don't have a 'lifestyle'.
I just want to live my life without discrimination.
It's time for people with brown hair to stop being seen as so different that they have a 'lifestyle'.
kenny|1375651054|3496560 said:
momhappy|1375649718|3496550 said:
... the images that enter mainstream media are "biased" and often contain extreme examples during the events, so if those are the images that the general public sees, then that's harmful to the movement as a whole.

Only stupid people judge the whole group based on a few members and the media selecting the most outrageous images of a once-a-year-party.
... and LOOOOOTS of people are stupid ... so Yes!.
Intelligent members of the public are able to put extreme party events and the profit motive of commercial media coverage into perspective.

I support everyone's right to show-me-your-tits straight vulgar events and equally-vulgar gay-related events.
Members of groups vary; some do vulgar things.
No biggie.

Alrighty then - I guess lots of people are stupid :roll:
kenny|1375651827|3496567 said:
momhappy|1375649718|3496550 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't gay pride meant to normalize the lifestyle, promote awareness, offer support, etc. to those who also support the lifestyle in some, way, shape, or form?
Ask 1000 other people what pride is for, and you'll get lots of answers.

IMO pride is just a parade and a party with a gay theme and a bit of affirmative action thrown in.
I don't speak for my tribe, and don't even like the idea of us being a separate tribe.

I'm not a good political gay guy so you are free to google up any of the gay-organizations' pride mission statements.
Actually, I hate how groups, including gay ones, to separate themselves from the general public. :knockout:
I wish we could just eliminate discrimination, the separate identity and vanish into society.

BTW, I don't have a 'lifestyle'.
I just want to live my life without discrimination.
It's time for people with brown hair to stop being seen as so different that they have a 'lifestyle'.

Some of your commentary is rather defensive. I used the term "lifestyle" in the context of the discussion (in other words a description of sexual orientation - be it straight, gay, whatever...). It has no deeper meaning, just as my "lifestyle" as that of a straight person if that's what the discussion was pertaining to.
You're damed right I'm defensive.
It is a reaction of zillions of years of discrimination.

I apologize if if feels personal to any individual here.
It's not.
I'm on many fora, and this is the most pro-eqaulity one by far.

Perhaps when we have equality I'll stop being defensive.

I'm not good at being fake-nice when anger is an appropriate reaction to discrimination.
So, I used the term "lifestyle" and suddenly I've discriminated against you?
Then I guess this is where my contributions to this thread ends because clearly, you've missed my point (which is fine). I've noticed that pattern (of creating controversy) in some of your threads and I just don't feel like participating this time around. No hard feeling though - I can certainly appreciate the dialogue :)
momhappy|1375656847|3496589 said:
So, I used the term "lifestyle" and suddenly I've discriminated against you?
Then I guess this is where my contributions to this thread ends because clearly, you've missed my point (which is fine). I've noticed that pattern (of creating controversy) in some of your threads and I just don't feel like participating this time around. No hard feeling though - I can certainly appreciate the dialogue :)

Based on how you twist what I write I too don't care to continue this discussion with you.
JulieN|1375645451|3496511 said:
It is a very colorful, drunken event in LA. It isn't a family event, so I watched my underage brother like a hawk the first time. Now he's older and goes with his own friends. It has no effect on the city in general except for traffic and the money it brings in.

Actually there are aspects of it that can be family friendly. It's not ALL about being drunk. My neighbors are two guys with a daughter and she marched in the S.F. parade with them this year.
I've attended the Chicago parade for 7 years now. I have to say that this year was AMAZING. The floats were full of purpose, information and pride... Conveying messages of equality and acceptance. The hand-outs were inspiring and thought-provoking.

In prior years the parade consisted of a ton of nudity, making out, sex acts, drunk/drug behavior. The hand-outs were lewd club promo flyers, novelty condoms that wouldn't be safe for anyone to use... Behavior that is fine if people feel they want to act that way, but really taking away from what the parade should be about.

I never judged one way or the other, I guess I never really thought about it... it's just the pride parade, and it is what it is. But this year I left the parade feeling different than I ever have. Floats were dedicated to communicating messages that are really important in the LBGT community. Parade participants handed out relevant information with actionable items. The pride parade felt full of actual pride for once. It was great. I hope the Chicago parade keeps moving in this direction.

Also... I don't think it is fair to compare Mardi Gras to a Pride Parade.

Let's imagine that business women were going to organize a parade to gain equal salary to their male counterparts. And the parade consisted of them flashing boobs and asses, and having men suck on their patent leather pumps. That wouldn't get the message across.
Pride is the second biggest parade in my city after St. Patty's Day. I have actually never gone before because I hate parades, so I didn't know JUST how popular it is and screwed up big time for work this year because I went to fill out our parade form so we could walk in it, a month and a half before the deadline for parade entry, and the parade was already full! Cripes. I've never seen that happen before.
MaddyRock|1375675281|3496719 said:
I don't think it is fair to compare Mardi Gras to a Pride Parade.

Someone posted that if gays want to be accepted then they should not exhibit lewd behavior in pride parades.
Actual quote, " I don't believe that the impressions they leave on the general public do anything to further the cause or "normalize" their lifestyle."

I bring up Mardi Gras not to compare the events, but to point out that straights also publicly engage in lewd drunken party behavior.
A whole group should not be painted with a wide brush because of the party behavior of members of the group, straight or gay.
Now I really want to attend one of these drunken lewd parades and see what people are talking about :lol: . Really typical of us Swedes to make it all family friendly and involve the church, politics and labor unions. I mean even the roller derby team looked all normal (and yeah the teams I know personally are a lot more ehem lewd? ).