
Poll: do you pump your own gas?

Do you pump your own gas?

  • No, its the law

    Votes: 5 9.3%
  • No I prefer not to

    Votes: 3 5.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 4 7.4%
  • Yes, I prefer to

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Yes, its my only option

    Votes: 36 66.7%

  • Total voters


Jul 23, 2012
I was having a discussion with some lovely PS friends of mine that live in a few different states across the US. One had mentioned it was too hot and just "pumping gas was taxing", the other, living in New York, questioned why not just let someone else do it.

The first had explained that where she lives, Alabama, they do not have full service gas stations, typically, and has only encounter one in the up scale parts of Alabama.

I had explained where I am from , Michigan, we are the same. The only difference is I have never in my life seen a full service gas station.

How is it where you live? The concept is so strange to me, having always gotten my own gas. I know it would make me very uncomfortable to let someone else. Those of you who use full service, do you know how to pump your own gas if you needed to?
I pump my own gas, generally. I have had others do it, but find it easier to DIY.
We aren't allowed to pump our own in Oregon.
Matata|1436843199|3902487 said:
We aren't allowed to pump our own in Oregon.
Yeah I remember a friend of mine lived there for a few years. Her first stop she noted being very confused :lol:

So tell me this as im very curious. When you were learning to drive or if applicable, teaching your kids to drive, is that part of the lesson, how to pump your own gas, or not at all?

Also, how many people work there specifically to pump gas? Is it one guy? A person for every pump?
The hubby will usually do my pumping these days whenever I'm running low. When I drove 100 miles round trip every day, I pumped my own gas most of the time. I had a gas card from my business, to help offset the cost of driving so far; it was a car dealership and I drove a demo.

I haven't seen a full service station in TX since the 1990s . . . if then.
I have not seen a gas station with full service since the 1980s.
I remember handing the guy money out the window, and he would also wash the windshield, and check your oil, too.
Those days are LONG gone.
Niel|1436841514|3902477 said:
I had explained where I am from , Michigan, we are the same. The only difference is I have never in my life seen a full service gas station.
B/c you are too young!.. ;)) I still remember my grandfather receiving green stamps for gas purchases after each fill up. .. :bigsmile:
In New Jersey all gas stations are full service but my dh still gets out and starts pumping his own gas till the attendant gets there and takes over. In NYC it depends. Some are full service and some are not. My dh always does the gas pumping though and I rarely drive without him in the car so no I have never pumped my own gas. But if I had to I know how. Well, at least I think I do. 8)
I'm also in New Jersey. It's not that hard to pump gas and I could certainly do it if I had to, but I love not having to it!
In my state it's like 95% self-serve. There is, however, a station in my neighborhood, that is full serve and they charge about 50¢ more per gallon. Very old people go there, and that's what I plan to do when I get feeb. :bigsmile:

Sometimes we drive up north, and I HATE the New Jersey turnpike stations, they are all full service and it takes those morons forever to fill up a tank. The lines are long, and it takes forever, but they know they are the only game for miles and miles. Coupled with the $42 in tolls it takes to drive from the civilized world into Manhattan, the NJ Turnpike is on my hate list.
I can't remember the last time someone else pumped my gas at a full serve station. I haven't seen a full service station where I live in Florida in years. I almost always pump my own unless my DH is with me in my car and we need gas.
JillyC|1436875795|3902609 said:
I'm also in New Jersey. It's not that hard to pump gas and I could certainly do it if I had to, but I love not having to it!
Haha well no one said it was hard.
DH is from Oregon and moved to FL when he was in high school - one of my favorite stories of his is the first time he needed gas after he moved to FL and had to figure out the pump by himself because he had never learned how to get gas. It's a very dramatic tale that includes a nervous 16yo sure he would be arrested for breaking the law, overflowing the gas tank, and driving away with the pump still in the car. :lol: :lol:

We don't have full service stations here, and I've never seen one in my life either Niel. DH generally fills my tank for me - I probably haven't gotten gas myself in a year or so, but I certainly know how and would stop if I needed to.
I grew up and learned to drive in NJ, so I never had to pump gas until moving to PA. I hated it! Since then, I've lived back in NJ (twice) and also lived in OH and now CA. Pumping gas isn't hard, but I hate doing it in bad weather. Not usually a problem here in SoCal (oh, if only we'd get some good hard rain!) But I just arrived back home after 2 1/2 weeks visiting in NJ. It was a little treat not to have to pump my gas.

From what I've been told, it's actually illegal for a customer to pump gas in NJ. The customer won't get in trouble for it, but the station will, on the slim chance they are caught by whatever authority rules such things, so of COURSE I stay in my car and wait for the attendant to come to me. ;)
There is no such thing as full service here. It's all do it your damn self. I do recall in Oregon when we got to the gas station--we were not warned about the law--DH almost got ticketed because there was a cop sitting there and he got out, was undoing the gas cap, going about his business and the cop was like "what are you doing? Get your ass back in the car!"
Isn't that what husbands are for? It's been years and years since I have seen a full service station where I live.
Calliecake|1436895170|3902727 said:
Isn't that what husbands are for? It's been years and years since I have seen a full service station where I live.
This also seems strange to me. Is getting gas inherently manly? Or is it just a chivalrous thing to do?
Niel|1436896526|3902746 said:
Calliecake|1436895170|3902727 said:
Isn't that what husbands are for? It's been years and years since I have seen a full service station where I live.
This also seems strange to me. Is getting gas inherently manly? Or is it just a chivalrous thing to do?

Probably more of chivalrous thing as I am perfectly capable of pumping my own.
I have done it myself since I was old enough to drive. No option in Scotland. My husband will do it if he uses my car, but I'd prefer him to leave it alone, since he has previous... He put petrol in my diesel car, and diesel in my petrol land rover. I don't really like to be the object of chivalry at the best of times, and I really don't like it when it comes with a repair bill...
I have only had gas pumped once in the recent past - in the boonies in VA while on a trip. Because the guy was standing right there & asked, I thought - why not?
and after it was done I realized that there was a charge for it! The pump I had parked at had higher gas prices - 10c a gallon more.
I might still pay that on 100 degree days - but everything here is self-serve.
Calliecake|1436896737|3902748 said:
Niel|1436896526|3902746 said:
Calliecake|1436895170|3902727 said:
Isn't that what husbands are for? It's been years and years since I have seen a full service station where I live.
This also seems strange to me. Is getting gas inherently manly? Or is it just a chivalrous thing to do?

Probably more of chivalrous thing as I am perfectly capable of pumping my own.

Haha, I know, im sorry I didn't mean to say that you couldn't.
I like chivalrous men and am very happy to let my dh pump my gas. :naughty:
I'm kind of getting into being driven around. I like to have my DH or DD drive me around, it's very relaxing. Especially since we got our SUV which has the world's most comfy back seat. I can even lean back! It's fantastic, like a big leather easy chair that goes places!

Kind of a Driving Miss Lazy thing. :)

On the other hand, I like to autocross in my little car. I like to watch the speedometer hit the 100+ speeds. :naughty:

So, it's not that I can't drive, it's just it's soooo much cushier to let someone else do it. :D

Depends on the temperature. If it is really cold or wet outside--I tend to go to the full service. That said, if there is a line up for the FS and the weather is poor, I will self serve. I'd never wait in line for FS.

Niel|1436843286|3902489 said:
Matata|1436843199|3902487 said:
We aren't allowed to pump our own in Oregon.
Yeah I remember a friend of mine lived there for a few years. Her first stop she noted being very confused :lol:

So tell me this as im very curious. When you were learning to drive or if applicable, teaching your kids to drive, is that part of the lesson, how to pump your own gas, or not at all?

Also, how many people work there specifically to pump gas? Is it one guy? A person for every pump?

I just moved to the area and I love not having to pump gas! As far as the number of attendants, it depends on the station and how big it is. Sometimes there is just one person, other times there are more. I've never waited more than 30 seconds or so, though. They will start someone's pump then move on to the next, then go back when that person's is done. Pretty efficient. I live in WA and will try to time it so I can get gas when I'm in OR.
We used to have full service stations in town, back when I was a kid in the 80's. They checked your oil and washed all your windows too. Too costly I guess, to have to pay someone to do it, so they've been a thing of the past for many years now.

I noticed once a couple years ago that I hadn't put gas in the truck for a loooong time. JD always ended up doing it-either we'd be on our way someplace, like to the city, and I'd tell him to go gas up the truck while I finished getting ready, or I'd remember at night the light had come on, so he'd run out and do it b/c he had different work hours and would be up later. So...then it became a game for me. I went well over a year w/out putting gas in my Escape. We got this vehicle in December and I've yet to put gas in it. Right now I'd say I've done it once, maaaybe twice in the last couple years. hahahahaha it had been so long this last time, when I had to do it, they'd changed the pumps on me and I stood there like an idiot trying to figure out how to make it work. An older gentleman heard me mumbling to myself and came over to help me! I told JD and he's like ummmmyeah they changed those almost a year ago. Well? Then that tells me you just need to keep taking care of it.
We have some stations that are both, but most are self serve. I think I've only ever had someone pump my gas once, and thats just because all the other pumps were full. I don't really like it, it takes so little time and effort I'd rather just do it myself =\
I wish they pumped your gas where I live. I have no idea why, but I hate pumping gas when I am dressed up, or if it's hot and humid, or if its cold outside. Yeah I pretty much just hate pumping my own gas. Thank goodness my husband usually does it for me.

No problem Niel. :wavey: I know you know I can do it myself. I'm surprised there are places in the country where you can't pump your own gas.
One thing I thought of when reading these posts...disclosure: I am a paranoid mother-type : )

If you are pumping your own gas in cold/dry weather, you can build up static if you get back in the car [slide into the seat] while the car is being filled. Then when you get out to remove the nozzle you are carrying a charge that can spark the gas fumes. I read that that's the most common cause of gas pump fires.

I like the idea of having a DH to take care of these less fun things!
I haven't seen a full service station in years. So yes, I pump my own gas. I don't find it that taxing unless it is the dead of winter.