
Poking Our Men

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Sep 5, 2004
Am I the only one who does this?

I notice my diamonds in all sorts of light and I love blinding my DH with it when we're out.


Me: Look, honey!
DH: Whoa, it's crazy sparkly.
Me: I know! Look!
DH: Wow! (Gives me a kiss & goes on with whatever he's doing...)


Me: Look, honey!
DH: I already saw it!
Me: No, no! You missed this! (making ring shoot off sparks)
DH: People are staring at us. I mean it. Look, that lady is staring at us.

He loves to tease me about it but I know he loves it.

Does anyone else poke their men and make them stare at the rock 10 times a day?

Heh heh heh... Hey, if I have to watch ESPN sometimes -- it's fair game!
No but I am the queen of interrupting him while he is reading or something to be like 'OH look at this' (it could be a catalog or PS or superficial or something on TV) .... he's like 'what honey'...'oh thats nice'... And then 2 minutes later...'oh look at this'. Finally after a few times of doing that, he is all exasperated... 'I am trying to read'!! then i leave him alone.
I do that, too!

He knows I love to look at Pricescope so I drag him over to my monitor all the time. I also make him look at photos of celebrities in US Weekly!

Mara, when you get your upgrade -- you won''t need to poke your man! That thing is going to blind him 24/7.

I am so excited for you!!!

Other people will be poking their DHs to make them look at your ring. LOL!!!!!!
I don''t have to poke him. Lately he has been commenting on how beautiful the ring is and how it sparkles so. Last time was at his birthday dinner. He took my hand and said you know that is such a beautiful ring. Look at how it sparkles. I was like HUH??? Is this the man I left the house with?? He usually never makes comments like that. I ate it up though. Oh and on vacation he played a mean trick on me. I had cleaned my rings and put them on top of the bureau to take a shower. I got out and went to get dressed. On the bureau was my eternity band but no ering. I about flipped. He had taken it and put it by the sink while I was in the shower. He had left to go to breakfast. When he came back in the room I said damn good thing I know your sense of humor, or I would have called security. He laughed and said I have never misplaced my rings in the 20 years we have been married and wanted to get a rise out of me. I hid his Rolex the next day. Made him sweat a bit. Paybacks are soooo sweet.
I do it. At a restaurant, I always make him look.
Since I''ve only had it a week, I show him the e ring all the time.. "Look, honey! I made a sparkle on the wall!"

Ha ha, Mara, I do the same thing. He gets so mad. I''m sitting there reading a Modern Bride or something, and I say, "What do you think of this favor?" and then he says, "Yeah, looks nice."

"Well, what would you think if I wore this dress?"
*slight glance* "Yeah, it''s pretty."

"Honey, it is see-through. You really want me to wear that in front of our families in church?!"

*huff* "Honey, I''m watching the Spurs. I don''t make you look at these guys traveling."

I actually make my FI WEAR my ring sometimes. And I make my mom do it too. It is an entirely different perspective on the stone...and a new way to appreciate the sparkletacularness of the ring.

Trust me! Plus, it makes some amazing pinky ring bling. Hehee.

A few weeks ago, I had taken my ring off to make dinner (ok, actually to crunch up potato chips for the topping of the ultimate trash dinner, tuna cassarole...clearly, I'm not a chef...anyhoodle) and I left it in the kitchen. He brings it out to me and just kind of stares at it, and says, "wow, this really is a beautiful ring." That was cute, particularly because he thought the halo would look gawdy...and really wasn't that into the design before we got it.

Edited because my fiance does not WHERE my ring. gah.
Date: 4/7/2006 12:44:25 PM
Author: littlelysser
I actually make my FI WEAR my ring sometimes. And I make my mom do it too. It is an entirely different perspective on the stone...and a new way to appreciate the sparkletacularness of the ring.

Trust me! Plus, it makes some amazing pinky ring bling. Hehee.

A few weeks ago, I had taken my ring off to make dinner (ok, actually to crunch up potato chips for the topping of the ultimate trash dinner, tuna cassarole...clearly, I''m not a chef...anyhoodle) and I left it in the kitchen. He brings it out to me and just kind of stares at it, and says, ''wow, this really is a beautiful ring.'' That was cute, particularly because he thought the halo would look gawdy...and really wasn''t that into the design before we got it.

Edited because my fiance does not WHERE my ring. gah.
Hehe I make mine wear mine too!! It''s so cute though it doesn''t even go over his pinky knuckle! So he always gets nervous having it on. He''s afraid he''ll lose it and I''ll kill him...err
not me
I wouldn''t do that!

And yes..I do jab him in the ribs or something to say hey look at this!

I love it! Littlelysser, I do the same thing! This past weekend, I put my e-ring on his pinky finger and made him wear it while he was typing on his computer doing work. It was SO amusing. I got to see the sparkles from across the room while I was cleaning.

Once I was too enthusiastic and put it past his pinky knuckle and he had this panicked look on his face like, "Oh my goodness, am I going to have to go to work wearing an engagement ring on my pinky finger?" It was too funny!!!

What other crazy things do we do to our men?
Date: 4/7/2006 1:06:21 PM
Author: Julian

I love it! Littlelysser, I do the same thing!
Hahaha, me toooo! And I poke him ALLLL the time! He got a little annoyed once and I was like well either I can do this and you know how much I love the ring, or I can not and you can think maybe I''m getting tired of it already. So after that, now he looooves it when I bring it up!
And also HE has started bringing it up on occasion! Just reaching out for my hand and moving it around a bit, and then commenting on its sparkliness!
It''s true! Diamonds are our ESPN!

The other day he said he''s learning to hold my hand without leaving fingerprints on my ring -- I was so surprised! He said, "I notice that you like to clean it, so I try not to smudge it when I take your hand. See my new method?"

And he showed me how he curls his fingers AROUND my RB. It''s SO funny.
I do poke Hubby and he knows what is coming with the twinkles " yes dear....
" is the response but the thing that annoys him most is if he tries to hold my left hand and I cringe and jerk it away, well I don't want his oils on it do I? I am bad....
I really really hate it when he pats my head as if to humour me with my diamond
LOL! Lorelei, make him clean it if he smudges it!

Sometimes when DH does that by accident, he knows what's coming! I hand him the rings and he happily goes to the kitchen to clean them. When he brings them back I ooohh and ahhh & he beams. I think men just love to be adored -- so the more ways we find to approve of them the happier they are. Heh heh heh.

I'm still waiting on my Sharper Image Ultrasonic. When will it get here??? I've heard so many great reviews on it here.
Date: 4/7/2006 1:44:34 PM
Author: Julian
LOL! Lorelei, make him clean it if he smudges it!
Ha - I wish Julian! Yours is well trained! I have to clean HIS diamond wedding ring, whenever he hears me getting ready for a blingclean, I get called over and he removes his ring from his finger and graciously puts it in my hand for cleaning - cheeky devil! I know what he would say if I asked him to clean my ring..." I don''t know how....
" He then has the sauce to check it afterwards and likes it polished with the anti tarnish cloth too for that finishing touch.
Yours is cute!
Hahahaha, he sounds like a handsome devil! Aren''t guys hilarious?

Maybe he smudges your rings on purpose because he thinks you''re cute when you''re all ruffled about smudges!
Date: 4/7/2006 1:06:21 PM
Author: Julian

What other crazy things do we do to our men?
Hubby would murder me if he saw this but once I made him wear some perfume as it wasn''t lasting on me and I wondered if it was my skin chemistry, so I gave him a good spraying and kept sniffing him for the rest of the evening. Good thing he wasn''t called in to work..ha ha !
Date: 4/7/2006 1:55:52 PM
Author: Julian
Maybe he smudges your rings on purpose because he thinks you''re cute when you''re all ruffled about smudges!
He does think I am cute when my feathers get ruffled and laughs his head off! He can never take me seriously for some reason but with diamonds....YOU BET I AM SERIOUS!
Julian if I remember rightly you have the teensiest little fingers, no wonder Hubs was scared that he would be sporting that honker long term!
Hehe I don''t poke so much as start waving it in front of him with a big goofy smile on my face.

But ladies...this can BACKFIRE!!!

Now when he wants something from me...he knows how to butter me up. He goes, "OMG, look at your ring, it looks so SPARKLY!" and then boom, before I know it, I''ve agreed to something I didn''t even listen to.
Date: 4/7/2006 2:05:11 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Hehe I don''t poke so much as start waving it in front of him with a big goofy smile on my face.

But ladies...this can BACKFIRE!!!

Now when he wants something from me...he knows how to butter me up. He goes, ''OMG, look at your ring, it looks so SPARKLY!'' and then boom, before I know it, I''ve agreed to something I didn''t even listen to.

I have already had the noises about " look whats on your finger..." when some male toy is desired, I had better be careful and never SIGN ANYTHING!
I am SOOOO going to make my FI read this. I thought I was the only one that made her FI or hubby wear the ring. That is so fabulous.

My FI just doesn''t do it very well...It only fits over the first knuckle and not all the way down...but my Mom? She''s an EXCELLENT ring model. And we wear the same size I make her model every time they come to visit.
Have you seen the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" -- in which Kate Hudson''s character nicknames her guy''s little general, "Princess Sophia?"

That is where they would draw the line, I think!!!!
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