
Plug for "Saving CeeCee Honeycut"

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
I just read "Saving CeeCee Honeycut" and LOVED it! Perfect summer read. Took only two days b/c I couldn''t put it down. I hope the author writes another book.
Thanks Tacori, I will put this one on my list! I''m gearing up to read World Without End (the Pillars sequel) but am reading some mindless garbage before I get into a 1000 page book.
Date: 5/7/2010 1:25:20 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Thanks Tacori, I will put this one on my list! I''m gearing up to read World Without End (the Pillars sequel) but am reading some mindless garbage before I get into a 1000 page book.
Ooh, what mindless garbage are you reading? I love mindless garbage!
I wouldn''t call it garbage, but The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells is one of my favorite in-between-heavy-books to read. I have a thing for Southern American women writers, though, and Wells is one of the BEST of that lot. Love them.

Thanks for the plug, Tacori. I''m going to put this one on my summer list, too. I LOVE good summer reading books. Maybe I''ll make this my first purchase for my Kindle. I''m still reading free books on it!
Date: 5/9/2010 11:09:45 AM
Author: Haven

Date: 5/7/2010 1:25:20 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Thanks Tacori, I will put this one on my list! I''m gearing up to read World Without End (the Pillars sequel) but am reading some mindless garbage before I get into a 1000 page book.
Ooh, what mindless garbage are you reading? I love mindless garbage!
I wouldn''t call it garbage, but The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells is one of my favorite in-between-heavy-books to read. I have a thing for Southern American women writers, though, and Wells is one of the BEST of that lot. Love them.

Thanks for the plug, Tacori. I''m going to put this one on my summer list, too. I LOVE good summer reading books. Maybe I''ll make this my first purchase for my Kindle. I''m still reading free books on it!
Haven, the only thing I really consider "garbage" is romances, and that''s what I''m reading! I used to read them as a kid and thought I don''t have the patience for them anymore, but I think it was Gypsy who recommend Lisa Kleypas and I like her stuff for the genre. So that''s what I''m reading at the moment. I love chick lit too, but don''t consider that garbage. Mindless yes, but garbage no!
You will enjoy it ladies! Not a romance but it is Southern. Haha. It just is a really sweet book.

Tacori E-ring said:
You will enjoy it ladies! Not a romance but it is Southern. Haha. It just is a really sweet book.


I saw the book mentioned in "The Library", where I get a lot of ideas for books, and read it. You're right it's not a romance; I would put it into the "coming of age" genre if I had to categorize it. I, also, liked it a lot and agree that it could be called a "really sweet book". Thanks for the heads up!

Re: Plug for

i just started reading this. I'm only about 75 pages in. I really like it so far, but I was reading it on a plane and kept crying during the first 60 pages because I was so sad for her! Things are getting better for her character now, so I've quit crying. :))
Re: Plug for

April20 said:
i just started reading this. I'm only about 75 pages in. I really like it so far, but I was reading it on a plane and kept crying during the first 60 pages because I was so sad for her! Things are getting better for her character now, so I've quit crying. :))

Hang in there, April! Her life really improves!

Re: Plug for

I finished it! And I loved it. But i still cried the whole darn way thru. I'm such a sap.
Re: Plug for

Tacori -

Thanks for the recommendation on "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt." I bought the book awhile ago, and just read it while on vacation in Hawaii. It was a perfect vacay read and I really enjoyed it!
Re: Plug for

Thanks for the recommendation, Tacori! Just downloaded it to my Kindle, and can't wait to read it! :appl:
Re: Plug for

OK, I just started reading it yesterday afternoon and I'm already about three quarters of the way through it! I can't put the darn thing down! :eek: :read:
Re: Plug for

Well, I finished it last night, and it was FANTASTIC!!! Seriously, if you haven't read this book, you NEED to! :appl: