
Photos at last- very over due!!!!

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Sep 5, 2007
For those that remember, this is how my upgrade turned out! I have a lot to say about it. First I will try to get some photos up.

IMG_1545- small.jpg
It was made up by my h. and was based on a design that I saw here on ps.

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hand shot!!!

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For those that remember, my princess is not a great cut and most advice here was to go down in size (its 4 c.) and to go up in cut!!!! The color is E - F and the quality is SI2 (not great). Well in the (my) real world, if I even tried to say the cut was no good, or the quality, I would get very strong arguments that it was just amazing and I must be mad!!! I got women mock fainting, and really incredible compliments from total strangers. I got many, `Oh my god` comments from admiring observers, and that it was `incredible`. The thing is the ring presented as a very precious piece of bling and it was a real eye catcher.

A funny story, I was in Cartier looking at watches (for my 40th). I liked a delicate little one but on trying it on, its face was smaller than my ring which looked silly. The sales lady said that she had never encountered that `problem` before!!!!

Personally, I was upset with the details on the ring that I felt were not as delicate or blingy as I would have hoped. The halo anoyed me with its outline edge. I would have prefered a scalloped edge with no gold showing and just sparkles delicately around the princess. I felt the ring was overall too bulky and it took a while to see that my finger was too short in the lower third to have room for it. Other things bothered me also but I couldnt identify all the reasons I didnt like it as much as others seemed to.

So the bottem line was others swooned over it, but I was in a love hate relationship with it. I will continue the saga after I get some opinions. Well, only if you guys care to tell me what you honestly think. (But dont tell me to buy another diamond or trade this one in as Im ok with the actual stone. Its very pretty!!!!!)

And fwiw, the diamond presents great for my purposes of wearing some big bling. And I still have my original er which is well cut and has really good credentials.
Here is another image that seems to be cleaner than the others!!!!

IMG_1541- small.jpg

I wondered what happened to you! Enjoy your ring and the compliments you get!! Congrats!

ETA: Your original ring is very pretty, will you wear it on your right hand?

It is a beautiful stone! If you like big rings, then it is perfect!
Thanks for the replies guys, and Ive definately been around!!! I just didnt know how to load photos, and I started wondering if some people might think I was making things up by never producing photos!!! (Im strange).

So anyway, I wanted to get to know my ring and have a definate opinion about it before I came back to share.

Other things that niggled at me were that it was too big in ring size. I often found myself turning it around on purpose so it just looked like a plain wg band. I realised that subconsciously I was doing this because it was very uncomfortable. The skin inside my little finger was getting calouses. My hand actually started to ache from wearing this ring!!!

I came to hate the biggness of the ring on my finger. Dare I say it, I came to hate the halo, something that I had previously worshipped. I started to despise the fancyness and antiquey look it possessed. I was upset that all my funky costume jewellery no longer matched with this ring. (I have a large collection of GAS jewellery from Paris that is fabulous costume). It all clashed with the ring. I think my lower part of my finger is short and this contributed to the ring looking bulky.

The polish and finish was also not up to scratch and I noticed that the metal was always dull, perhaps needing of another rhodeum plate.

As for my first ring, I didnt wear it as a rhr because it looked weird with the other big ring. It didnt look like a rhr either, but rather like an er on my left hand. My old er is seriously needing a reset overhaul as the setting is old and the rhodeum plating keeps wearing off the yellow gold. The setting is 17 years old, but a great design. I think for a rhr its nice to have a fun ring, not too serious. I would love a Leon eternity ring as a rhr.
Now *that* is an upgrade!
hey, Sharon! I'm so glad you came back to post pics!!

Remember when you first posted about the stone and you weren't in love with it? Then over time you grew to love it and now you're happy with the stone? Well, I think you might have a similar process with this ring. I think you should just try to wear it for a few months and love it--not think aobut what you want to change or have any negative feelings towards it. Just try to appreciate the things you love about it--it's definitely a show stopper and has all the elements you wanted: a halo, split shank, pave on the shank, etc. If you're still feeling uneasy about it after some time has passed, you could try making a subtle change like adding milligrain to the edges to see if the look feels softer to you. And if you decide to reset it completely, that's fine too, but give this setting a chance. It's very pretty.

BTW, your bezel set RB is beautiful, too!
That is a HUGE upgrade!!! Very pretty!!!
Wonderful upgrade Sharon
That''s a serious and gorgeous upgrade.
Date: 4/17/2008 10:46:02 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
hey, Sharon! I''m so glad you came back to post pics!!

Remember when you first posted about the stone and you weren''t in love with it? Then over time you grew to love it and now you''re happy with the stone? Well, I think you might have a similar process with this ring. I think you should just try to wear it for a few months and love it--not think aobut what you want to change or have any negative feelings towards it. Just try to appreciate the things you love about it--it''s definitely a show stopper and has all the elements you wanted: a halo, split shank, pave on the shank, etc. If you''re still feeling uneasy about it after some time has passed, you could try making a subtle change like adding milligrain to the edges to see if the look feels softer to you. And if you decide to reset it completely, that''s fine too, but give this setting a chance. It''s very pretty.

BTW, your bezel set RB is beautiful, too!
First, thank you all for the compliments. But I was expecting someone to agree with my own issues with this ring!!!!

And NewEnglandLady, thank you for your thoughtful advice. I have indeed been wearing the ring for about 6 months now. It just took that long to get the photos together (long story on being helpless with these things)!

In some ways I thought I might have something useful to share in my experience, like, take your hand shape into consideration, see whether the ring will be comfortable or too wide etc. Often when I am seeing a ring that looks gorgeous from a diamond point of view, I have to wonder if the wearer realised it would be so wide etc. eg some of the eternity bands with big diamonds look like pure torture to wear due to the fact that the fingers next to the ring finger are held open with a wide band.

In my situation it became painful and I have a confession. The diamond is being reset as we speak and I couldnt be happier!!!!! This time it will be in a very simple easy to wear band, no halo, some bling on the band. I havent missed not wearing the ring for one second either!!!! The new setting is 1000 times more delicate and young. But its a secret, havent told anyone yet!!!!
Date: 4/18/2008 12:55:02 AM
Author: Sharon101

Date: 4/17/2008 10:46:02 AM
Author: NewEnglandLady
hey, Sharon! I''m so glad you came back to post pics!!

Remember when you first posted about the stone and you weren''t in love with it? Then over time you grew to love it and now you''re happy with the stone? Well, I think you might have a similar process with this ring. I think you should just try to wear it for a few months and love it--not think aobut what you want to change or have any negative feelings towards it. Just try to appreciate the things you love about it--it''s definitely a show stopper and has all the elements you wanted: a halo, split shank, pave on the shank, etc. If you''re still feeling uneasy about it after some time has passed, you could try making a subtle change like adding milligrain to the edges to see if the look feels softer to you. And if you decide to reset it completely, that''s fine too, but give this setting a chance. It''s very pretty.

BTW, your bezel set RB is beautiful, too!
First, thank you all for the compliments. But I was expecting someone to agree with my own issues with this ring!!!!

And NewEnglandLady, thank you for your thoughtful advice. I have indeed been wearing the ring for about 6 months now. It just took that long to get the photos together (long story on being helpless with these things)!

In some ways I thought I might have something useful to share in my experience, like, take your hand shape into consideration, see whether the ring will be comfortable or too wide etc. Often when I am seeing a ring that looks gorgeous from a diamond point of view, I have to wonder if the wearer realised it would be so wide etc. eg some of the eternity bands with big diamonds look like pure torture to wear due to the fact that the fingers next to the ring finger are held open with a wide band.

In my situation it became painful and I have a confession. The diamond is being reset as we speak and I couldnt be happier!!!!! This time it will be in a very simple easy to wear band, no halo, some bling on the band. I havent missed not wearing the ring for one second either!!!! The new setting is 1000 times more delicate and young. But its a secret, havent told anyone yet!!!!
WELLLLL!! Congrats on being brave enough to change it since you were not happy with it! It sounds like the next band/setting will work out for you much better. Please post photos so we can see the new setting.
Yes I am brave because my dh thinks its the bees knees and I know he will go berserk !!!! But Ive done worse and survived!!!!
I am so looking forward to the new setting. The band actually looks like it is three very delicate bands of tiny rb`s. It is very sweet and girly. At the end of the day I think I am more princess than queen!!!!!!

Hope your reset it what you want, but like the other you won''t know until you get it.......good luck!

Good point about not knowing how a ring wil turn out when it is custom or being made up. My other ring was completely out of my hands in the making process and I didnt have the chance to sort out all the issues with the jeweller who made it.

This time Im going with a jeweller of my own choice. He is someone who does fantstic work and is well known in my community. He has done many rings for my family and friends including my Mum, my MIL, my SIL, and many others that I know. I also had the chance to try on this ring before it was going to be made to fit my stone. This jeweller is a B&M settup and there is lots to try on, as well as there being a workshop on site.

I thought your new ring was beautiful but YOU have to be happy AND comfortable. Comfort is SO important to me. I''m happy that you''re able to do this for yourself and I can''t wait to see your newest ring.


I completely agree with that. I found out while my custom piece was being made that I was very uncomfortable with that particular type of process. I also have a real need to see and speak to a three dimensional person with the item in my hands.
Live and learn. I had no idea I''d feel that way. I''m with you.
I admire you for changing it. Even though the halo ring is very pretty, it would be too much for me to wear daily, too! Did you keep it or trade it in? It would be a nice cocktail ring set with a colored stone if you kept it.
Hi Girls, thanks for the feed back and good wishes. Yes I did keep the setting because I thought that was safer in terms of making my h. less angry. I feel that this way I havent really `destroyed` his gift, just moved the stone into another setting. And for sure the old setting can be used for a colored stine like an aqua. It really is ideal as a cocktail dress ring. So this way his gift still exists but as two rings. My other option was to use the diamonds in the old setting and take it apart. But I think I did the right thing by not doing this.

Maybe this should go in RT, but I would love to let people know that comfort is so important. I never realised that some rings are uncomfortable because all my rings in the past had been fine. Maybe it goes by the shape of your hand and the amount of room you have for a wide ring. And my ring was both wide and high.

I am amazed that I am happier with no ring at all than with the big one. Who would have guessed that seeing as I worship bling!!!!!

And for the record I am really over custom anything. I have never had luck with getting anything made from dresses to furniture. I find thewhole process painfull and stressful. Inevitably I forget about something that makes all the difference to the whole thing not working out. Perhaps if I was dealing with a top expert like Leon, I would think differently. But I myself am no designer and have no illusions that I can design a ring or anything!!!!

Even the ring Im getting now, Im not sure how the head will look and it worries me a bit. At least the jeweller Im working with will look after me if Im not happy.

My other point is that I got a bit carried away with wanting too much, and in real life, people dont walk around with rings like that, not even filthy rich people!!!! So I sort of felt very self concious that I had this very elaberate over the top ring that was more showy than attractive. I started craving something simple and plain!!! I started thinking that my ring looked like some weird inheritance from a very old auntie or somthing rather than something that looked like it was bought for me.

My experience has taught me that bigger is not better, and to be careful for what you wish for because you might get it!!!! I will also never underestimate the value of good design, proportion, good finnish etc. It is not easy to make a ring look just right and Im now really appreciating good craftmanship when I see it. I finnally `get` the solitaire setting!!!!!
Date: 4/20/2008 8:45:04 AM
Author: Sharon101
My experience has taught me that bigger is not better, and to be careful for what you wish for because you might get it!!!! I will also never underestimate the value of good design, proportion, good finnish etc. It is not easy to make a ring look just right and Im now really appreciating good craftmanship when I see it. I finnally `get` the solitaire setting!!!!!

I can''t wait to see your new ring!!
Date: 4/20/2008 8:45:04 AM
Author: Sharon101
Hi Girls, thanks for the feed back and good wishes. Yes I did keep the setting because I thought that was safer in terms of making my h. less angry. I feel that this way I havent really `destroyed` his gift, just moved the stone into another setting. And for sure the old setting can be used for a colored stine like an aqua. It really is ideal as a cocktail dress ring. So this way his gift still exists but as two rings. My other option was to use the diamonds in the old setting and take it apart. But I think I did the right thing by not doing this.

Maybe this should go in RT, but I would love to let people know that comfort is so important. I never realised that some rings are uncomfortable because all my rings in the past had been fine. Maybe it goes by the shape of your hand and the amount of room you have for a wide ring. And my ring was both wide and high.

I am amazed that I am happier with no ring at all than with the big one. Who would have guessed that seeing as I worship bling!!!!!

And for the record I am really over custom anything. I have never had luck with getting anything made from dresses to furniture. I find thewhole process painfull and stressful. Inevitably I forget about something that makes all the difference to the whole thing not working out. Perhaps if I was dealing with a top expert like Leon, I would think differently. But I myself am no designer and have no illusions that I can design a ring or anything!!!!

Even the ring Im getting now, Im not sure how the head will look and it worries me a bit. At least the jeweller Im working with will look after me if Im not happy.

My other point is that I got a bit carried away with wanting too much, and in real life, people dont walk around with rings like that, not even filthy rich people!!!! So I sort of felt very self concious that I had this very elaberate over the top ring that was more showy than attractive. I started craving something simple and plain!!! I started thinking that my ring looked like some weird inheritance from a very old auntie or somthing rather than something that looked like it was bought for me.

My experience has taught me that bigger is not better, and to be careful for what you wish for because you might get it!!!! I will also never underestimate the value of good design, proportion, good finnish etc. It is not easy to make a ring look just right and Im now really appreciating good craftmanship when I see it. I finnally `get` the solitaire setting!!!!!
This really is important, Sharon. It is easy to get captivated by some of the rings on this forum, but do they really fit our daily lives? That ring would be gorgeous with an aqua!!! You could get the measurements of the current stone and ask someone like Jeff White or Richard Homer to cut an aqua to fit the setting. It won''t cost a lot to do that and you''ll have a gorgeous cocktail ring!!! Your husband will then be proud of the ring that he gave you!
Looking forward to seeing your new setting Sharon!

Your old one was beautiful but you made some very good points about comfort and quality and personal satisfaction.

Date: 4/18/2008 1:57:52 AM
Author: Sharon101
Yes I am brave because my dh thinks its the bees knees and I know he will go berserk !!!! But Ive done worse and survived!!!!
I am so looking forward to the new setting. The band actually looks like it is three very delicate bands of tiny rb`s. It is very sweet and girly. At the end of the day I think I am more princess than queen!!!!!!

That made me laugh out loud!!!
I can relate!

THAT IS HUGE!!!! Enjoy the bling
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