
PC or Mac?

Is your main home computer PC or Mac?

  • PC

    Votes: 17 32.1%
  • Mac

    Votes: 36 67.9%

  • Total voters


Apr 30, 2005
Is your main home computer PC or Mac?

I know we've polled this before but I hear market-share has changed.
I have a PC and its only because in my youth i could never afford a Mac.
I have a MacBook Pro laptop, and I puffy-heart-love it. Let me first start by saying that I was sooooo anti-Apple products years ago. I always had Toshibas and Sony VAIOs... and loved them. That said, I couldn't seem to get one to last more than two years bc of all the dang viruses!! Once I found out that Macs can't get viruses, I was SOLD! S-O-L-D. Sold. :appl: :appl:

I've had my Mac for almost 6 years with no problems whatsoever -- and it's soooo nice not to worry about the random virus wiping your computer out, never to be the same again... :praise: Also, the graphics are so much better than any PC...

Strange enough, I fought the iPhone tooth and nail until last October... I will NEVER have another phone. My only "complaint" is that, although very good, I wish the camera was more on par with the Galaxy, HTC One, etc... (gotta be able to take those macro shots for PS, KWIM??!). :lol: :lol:
MacBook Air which is my only computer.
For my phone Verizon Samsung Galaxy. I have no desire for an iPhone despite my love of the macbook computers.
"Macs can't get viruses"

Is it can't or not as often? (Real question as I don't know.)


Oh, I have a Dell laptop.
sonomacounty|1408658744|3737109 said:
"Macs can't get viruses"

Is it can't or not as often? (Real question as I don't know.)


Oh, I have a Dell laptop.

I think that any device that connects to the internet can get a virus (though Apple computers seem more hardy that way). That's why good antivirus software is critical. I will add that the Apple team are pretty awesome and even when I was out of the Apple Care contract they still helped me.
PC, don't know how to use a Mac.. :oops:
sonomacounty|1408658744|3737109 said:
"Macs can't get viruses"

Is it can't or not as often? (Real question as I don't know.)


Oh, I have a Dell laptop.

I've been told by various people that the Apple operating system is such that it can't get a virus. However, if you introduct PC programs (somehow I was told you can make your Mac run just like a PC... don't see a point in that, but...), you will then open it up to viruses. I'm no techie, for sure, but all I know is that mine should've been dead 4+ years ago from viruses (ya know... all the **** and such -- JUST KIDDING!!!!!!) :bigsmile: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dancing Fire|1408659954|3737124 said:
PC, don't know how to use a Mac.. :oops:

DF, I didn't either, and I HATED it for the first couple of weeks until I got used to it -- now I love it!! Macs are extremely user-friendly... it's just not what we're used to, KWIM? :)) ;))
msop04|1408660489|3737132 said:
Dancing Fire|1408659954|3737124 said:
PC, don't know how to use a Mac.. :oops:

DF, I didn't either, and I HATED it for the first couple of weeks until I got used to it -- now I love it!! Macs are extremely user-friendly... it's just not what we're used to, KWIM? :)) ;))
Only Pharmacists can afford a Mac. My limit for a computer is $400.
I loath the mac interface. Loath it. My husband has one, and my laptop broke last year or two, so I've been using his. The idea that it takes getting used to isn't exactly the case for me. Its clunky and cluttered. MSOP I love you, but god i couldn't disagree more with which is more user friendly. :silenced:

Mac tablets vs microsoft tablets, different discussion.
Seeing as how my laptop is in being worked on bc of viruses and I am stuck with a kindle at home....when we get another laptop it will be a Mac. I have an airbook at work and tho my lead teacher has to show me how to do stuff on it I like it a lot.our school district uses all Macs.
Fiance is a die hard Mac guy. I'm a PC girl. can this marriage be saved? :lol:

Seriously, I am just beginning to use a MAC. FI has a profile for me to use when I am over. My work laptop is a PC and I use graphic programs on the either, or.
We both have MacBook Pros and a Mac Pro.
And everyone should be using anti virus software because macs can get viruses
I sat down in front of a Mac in 1987 and was hooked. I'm on my third at home; a 21-inch iMac exactly like my parents so I can trouble shoot for them. My last model was a G4 that I managed to use for 13 years (with a few upgrades here and there.)
People would not believe all the different stuff we have at work. One system is still on Windows XP and one is still running Windows 2000.
We have an iMac.
I use both pretty equally. I prefer writing on my mac but doing graphics and gaming on my pc. Internetting is pretty much the same on both - I just use whichever one I'm not doing something else on at the moment so I don't have to minimize a window, lol.
Macbook Air for computer, Samsung Note for phone. :)
Total apple household here!
Apple Everything. PC is a bad word in my house ;)) Hubs is a techy... I get his cast offs and am happy for them!

ETA: Except my iPhone - I got that new! But the laptop, the iPad, the mini and all the iPods were all given to me as he upgraded, which he often has to do for work to stay current.
We have both. My laptop is a macbook pro for convenience (and resale, it will be cheaper to upgrade when needed), and hubby's is a desktop PC for performance. We game, and it works well because we work different shifts, so there's almost always the availability of either. We get the best of both worlds!
We have both, I prefer the MAC, but I agree it has lots of quirks that take a while to get used to.
Always had PC's for work so was PC at home until 2007 when I finally got an iMac. Would never voluntarily go back to a PC. The Mac is just more intuitive and fun for me.
So far, with 32 votes in ...

How weird.
This link says PC outsells Mac 19 to 1.
It is closer to a tie if you count iPads and iPhones, but this poll is only about computers.

Maybe PC's presence in the workplace explains the 19:1.
I think Mac is the favored platform in only a small minority of businesses.

Other than iPods and iPhones, no Apple products, all PCs.
Niel|1408662860|3737158 said:
I loath the mac interface. Loath it. My husband has one, and my laptop broke last year or two, so I've been using his. The idea that it takes getting used to isn't exactly the case for me. Its clunky and cluttered. MSOP I love you, but god i couldn't disagree more with which is more user friendly. :silenced:

Mac tablets vs microsoft tablets, different discussion.

NIEL, NOOOOOOO!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: It's okay... I think it has something to do with me not being very "tech-savvy" to begin with?? :confused: :bigsmile: The first interaction I had with computers was the original Apple II-E (just showed my age... Number Crunchers and Oregon Trail, anyone??) :shock: :lol:

(...and we can still be friends) :wavey: :halo: ;))
kenny|1408685119|3737334 said:
So far, with 32 votes in ...

How weird.
This link says PC outsells Mac 19 to 1.
It is closer to a tie if you count iPads and iPhones, but this poll is only about computers.

Maybe PC's presence in the workplace explains the 19:1.
I think Mac is the favored platform in only a small minority of businesses.

One reason they outsell is becauses PCs are much much less expensive than Macs... that said, a lot of companies (and individuals) have computers built. Also, Mac is one company, "PC" would be everything else, which also can attribute to the 19:1 ratio. :read: My MIL is head of the graphic design dept for Garan (think Garanamals, which is their lower end children's line...) and they use all Macs for their creative depts. Otherwise, the "business-y" depts use PCs.

I've also notice a trend here -- people who like to game tend to gravitate toward PCs. Any gamers wanna comment??
Dancing Fire|1408662223|3737152 said:
msop04|1408660489|3737132 said:
Dancing Fire|1408659954|3737124 said:
PC, don't know how to use a Mac.. :oops:

DF, I didn't either, and I HATED it for the first couple of weeks until I got used to it -- now I love it!! Macs are extremely user-friendly... it's just not what we're used to, KWIM? :)) ;))
Only Pharmacists can afford a Mac. My limit for a computer is $400.

Oh, whatev, DF!! :lol: :lol: My Mac's already paid for itself, since I would've been through at least 2.5 PC laptops by now! :halo: :praise: (not to mention all the times I would've had to wipe the motherboard clean -- $150+ -- so it would be "virus free" and useable again... only my PCs were never the same after) :nono: ::)
Sky56|1408688078|3737343 said:
Other than iPods and iPhones, no Apple products, all PCs.

There's not a whole lot left, Sky! LOL (just teasing ;)) )