
Paris Hilton is OUT of jail.....

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Jun 16, 2006
after 3 days for some "unspecified medical condition". Why am I not surprised? Read about it here
Date: 6/7/2007 11:04:04 AM
after 3 days for some ''unspecified medical condition''. Why am I not surprised? Read about it here
Wahahaha, "too much money syndrome"?
Date: 6/7/2007 11:07:28 AM
Author: Pricescope
Date: 6/7/2007 11:04:04 AM


after 3 days for some ''unspecified medical condition''. Why am I not surprised? Read about it here
Wahahaha, ''too much money syndrome''? thoughts exactly.
Maybe Oscar at Abazias got her off...
whaaaaaat??? Did she have a belly ache?? Gimme a break!!!!
Don''t get me started. I was already hacked that she got a shortened sentence for "good behavior". Tell me how do yo9u get good behavior before you even go in jail....crazy.

Then I saw Nicole on the news, she is worried about getting the same fate as Paris.....DON''T DRINK AND DRIVE YOU IDIOTS....the bleach has fried their brains.
Date: 6/7/2007 11:17:59 AM
Author: iwannaprettyone
Don''t get me started. I was already hacked that she got a shortened sentence for ''good behavior''. Tell me how do yo9u get good behavior before you even go in jail....crazy.

Then I saw Nicole on the news, she is worried about getting the same fate as Paris.....DON''T DRINK AND DRIVE YOU IDIOTS....the bleach has fried their brains.

Her "good behavior" was for showing up for court. I''m still curious how many "regular" people are going to try to pull the good behavior bit for showing up to court.

Lol.....they need to leave the bleach alone.
For crying out loud, why am I not surprised?
The whole thing has been a farce.
Date: 6/7/2007 11:04:04 AM
after 3 days for some ''unspecified medical condition''. Why am I not surprised? Read about it here

Or perhaps, she has MMTBS (more money than brains syndrome....). Gotta hand it to her tho, she''ll find a way to make money off of this new publicity stunt....geez, maybe she has "brains" afterall??

Hang nail???

Maybe her singular brain cell got confused because she was in solitary and it had to do something other than posing for cameras? Ya know, like think or read?

That takes it out of a brain cell. And I'm pretty sure she's down to her last one. Two maybe.

Gotta protect that little fellah!
LOL. I'm not surprised either.

"She'll be confined to her Hollywood Hills home for 40 days." WOW! That's so tough punishment!
My guess is that she refused to eat jail food, thus sparking a concern that she would get sick from not eating.

Little do they know that she could probably easily fast for days, as a lot of these skinny pop tarts do! Maybe she''s smarter than we think...she pulled one over on them!

(Or, she bribed someone while in jail.)
what a waste of perfectly good oxygen she is...
Well, the media will always give her what she wants, attention. Look at MSNBCs top headings under Entertainment at the moment....they are:

Paris Hilton ‘reassigned’ to home detention
Nicole Richie is worried about going to jail
Scoop: Is Britney Spears dating her drug counselor?
Lindsay still planning 21st birthday bash
Clooney, Pitt shun heat of Hollywood spotlight

4 out of 5 entertainment headlines are of THEM? Isn''t there more going on in entertainment?
She better be going back to serve the rest of her pathetically short sentence.
If I had to be in jail with no jewelry to wear, I would become quite ill.
Date: 6/7/2007 12:55:56 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Well, the media will always give her what she wants, attention. Look at MSNBCs top headings under Entertainment at the moment....they are:

Paris Hilton ‘reassigned’ to home detention
Nicole Richie is worried about going to jail
Scoop: Is Britney Spears dating her drug counselor?
Lindsay still planning 21st birthday bash
Clooney, Pitt shun heat of Hollywood spotlight

4 out of 5 entertainment headlines are of THEM? Isn''t there more going on in entertainment?
The other night on Court TV, they were debating whether or not Lindsay Lohan was drinking under age. She wrecked her car while she was under the influence, AND she''s been to rehab, so how was she NOT drinking under age???
Date: 6/7/2007 12:59:06 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
If I had to be in jail with no jewelry to wear, I would become quite ill.
LOL, good one.
Bad bad Paris, Don''t Drink and Drive Us All Nuts Reading About the Outcome!
Don''t they have docs in prison?? And if she is sooo ill, why isn''t she in the hospital?? What a croc!!!
Thats so rediculous! I cannot believe that she is out after only 3 days!
So basically the legal precident that I'm seeing set here is if a prisoner refuses to eat for three days they get out? Do they have to hold out longer if their crime is more severe? How many days do you have to go hungry to get home release for murder?
Date: 6/7/2007 4:41:16 PM
Author: bee*
Thats so rediculous! I cannot believe that she is out after only 3 days!

It''s being reported as 5 days, but I don''t see how going in at 11:30 pm Sunday and out around 6 am today as 2 days.
It really burns me up. I''m sure Paris, her family, and friends are all laughing about the farse we call a "justice system."
I''m suddenly having a Rhett Butler moment.

attempting to.gif
Date: 6/7/2007 4:58:19 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

Date: 6/7/2007 4:46:54 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
I''m suddenly having a Rhett Butler moment.
ROFLMAO. OMG This is hilarious!
it''s hilarious... let''s change "processing" to "executing" though to fit the theme more and then abort the action by "execution failed because of unspecified medical condition"
so ridic....I had a feeling she wouldn''t do her entire time but 3 days...that''s pathetic!
Although this royally irritates me, it''s still more time than RKelly served for peeing on and doing other naughty things to an UNDERAGE GIRL! And somewhere, it''s all on video, so there''s tangible evidence.

I hate Hollywood.
Imagine if you live in a world of complete privilege, where every whim is catered to, where you never have to face the consequences of what you do. Well, that''s Paris. And even if I don''t agree with her getting out of gaol, I do understand why this has been so diffcult for her. She is the product of the way her parents raised her. Does she deserve gaol? Heck yes! Did she deserve to get out early? Heck no. My only point is that for someone who was brought up in a life full of privilege, it''s much harder to take the fall. This is why I''ve kinda admired Donald Trump''s children....they had everything money could buy, yet they are poles apart from Paris.

I doubt she will learn from her mistake - Paris will continue to get away with anything she wants......that''s the way the world goes....the rich have the money to buy their way out of trouble.
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