
Paging Skippy and any other parents of multiples


I am hoping I will pass the 3 hour as well. I know the 1 hour false positive rate is high just from working in the NICU/nursery during residency and seeing all the OB records with failed one hours with normal 3 hours. I am so hoping I fall in the camp, for my sake and the twin's sake.

There is a store in Austin that pretty much has all the twin strollers on the market that I am interested in. I am planning on going there the weekend of my 20 week US (which is June 5th). We have an REI in the local area, so it should be pretty easy to check out the Bob.

Neatfreak, nice to see you. I can't believe your twins are already 4.5 years old. I still remember the picture that was posted of you and them as newborns in the hospital. Time flies!

Pave, thinking of you :-).
Ltl, your diet looks perfect. Eeeeeek only a few days until your anatomy scan!! Do you have a preference? Anytime I was asked that I remember my response was always, at least one girl! Haha :lol:
Kunzite|1369839126|3455675 said:
Ltl, your diet looks perfect. Eeeeeek only a few days until your anatomy scan!! Do you have a preference? Anytime I was asked that I remember my response was always, at least one girl! Haha :lol:

I don't want to say, but they had their ideas during the last scan. I will say if they are the same as last, I will be very happy. I can't wait for the scan, just 6 more days! We will not be keeping the gender a secret, so I will let you guys know than.

As for my GTT, I cheated and looked up my results today. They were abnormal on the computer, but there normal values are fasting. When compared with national guidelines they are normal, although the 3 hour is close at 137. I am not expecting to hear from my doc until next week. But for now, I am going to continue a healthy diet, but allow my self to relax a little on the weekends.
Hi guys! Little ill be looking for your results! Kunzite I love being in the boys club (except for pee on the toilet seat from my 4 yo, lol). Try to post pics later. xx

Well I posted one but can toget the other to go. Will try later. How about some new photos from the other multiples mommas?
awww you and your little one are beautiful; I can't wait to see the other picture!
Pave - just want to see how you are doing.

I just posted in the pregnancy thread. But I am doing well. The weight gain is coming along nicely, I am 21 lbs at 21 weeks, my doctor is thrilled.

Random question. How do you grocery shop with 2 babies? One in the cart and one in the seat? Put one in the seat and wear the other one? Just something I have been thinking about when I am at the store.
LtlFirecracker|1371507191|3467637 said:
Random question. How do you grocery shop with 2 babies? One in the cart and one in the seat? Put one in the seat and wear the other one? Just something I have been thinking about when I am at the store.

Well that was always a challenge for me. Not to sound negative but I was exhausted (my boys woke multiple times at night when small), so the best solution for us since they sleep in their car seats and it is a hassle getting them in and out of the car along with groceries. I just did the shopping when my husband was home to watch the boys. Once in awhile I took both but I personally thought it was lots of work so hubby and I took turns when they were babies.

Oh and often times when I was driving to the store or wherever, they would fall asleep in their carseats which was a challenge because to me I really didn't want to wake a sleeping baby. I kept them in their car seats and used the snap n go but you can't do lots of grocery shopping. Like I said, the first year we pretty much took turns shopping while the other person watched the twins. Now, at 1 or 2 years old it is sooooo much easier and I do shop with them. I do know some twin moms did exactly what you mentioned, in a sling and the other one in the cart or carseat in the the cart to shop.

Your weight gain is great!!! sounds like you are doing well! Have you posted if you are having boys, girls or girl/boy? I am part of the twin moms group and it is so much fun connecting with other twin moms and seeing other twins. Have you checked out your local twins club? I never did it in the early year since it was so tough juggling twins and doing that but now I love the twins club!
Ltl!!! Congratulations on a girl/boy!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love:
Thank you!!!!

Me and my husband figured I would have to go shopping sans kids, but I was just wondering if there was another way that had not come to mind.

I know I need to look into the twin group here. I have just been so busy. Hopefully soon.
Hi LTL! I'm so sorry I haven't been able to post...things are busy :D . So exciting to hear you will be blessed with boy/girl twins! My boys are 4 months already. It's crazy. BF has recently gotten WAY easier. They are feeding during the day each 3-4 hours and 5-6 at night! Twice! I can't believe it. Been about a week like that. So happy things are going smoothly for you. Ill try to catch up better on the other threads and if I can, add some helpful info here...
pave, thinking about you and your boys! I hope everything is going well for you! :wavey:

Ltl, huge congrats on B/G! That's so exciting! Ditto Skippy, you couldn't pay me to take all of the kids to the grocery store! That's my alone time :cheeky:
Hi Kunzite :wavey: . Thanks for checking in on me! I'm doing just fine. Babies are growing so fast. My oldest was really having a hard time in the past 2 months but now that is calming down thank goodness. Still working on the nursery. Getting out just a little. What about you?

Sorry I have not come over hear. I can't believe you boys are getting so big. Time flies so fast!

Kunzite, thank you. We are very excited about having one of each.

Well I hit the 28 week mark, which is a huge landmark in the premie world. Of course I want to make it to 36-38 weeks if my body will let me. But if I am having contractions, I am not feeling them. At 24 weeks they were growing really well. I read at 28 weeks they start to slow down, so the next few scans will be interesting. Other than that, we are just trying to get ready. Starting the daunting task of finding a nanny this weekend.
Hi everyone!

My b/g twins are 6 weeks now and still not sleeping very well at night. They still wake up every 3 hours or so. When did your twins start sleeping longer stretches at night? My twins were 3.5 weeks early if that makes a difference. Thanks!
Laila619|1416682857|3788588 said:
Hi everyone!

My b/g twins are 6 weeks now and still not sleeping very well at night. They still wake up every 3 hours or so. When did your twins start sleeping longer stretches at night? My twins were 3.5 weeks early if that makes a difference. Thanks!

Congratulations Laila!!! Well, to be honest that is Very Typical for twins (or just based on discussions w/other friends who also have twins). I think at the 12 week mark things start to change, longer stretches. Also, swings and the rock and sleep helped w/the longer stretches (but it also depends on the babies). I am sorry, sending sleep vibes your way. Do you have someone that can help watch them while you sneak in a nap? My husband and I took shifts so I could sleep. I would take the 2 am - 6 pm shift and when he got home, he took over so I could sleep from 6 pm to 2 am (awful sleep schedule, but that is what I had to do). Hugs, I promise it gets better, little by little.

eta: yay, you are the same Laila, I know. Your avatar was gone and I wasn't quite sure if you are the same one but you are! Wow, I had no clue you were pregnant with twins! So EXCITING!!! The first year is so busy but it honestly flies; you will do Fantastic!!! pictures?? dying to see some. I love having twins; they are so close (amazing bond), so so happy for you!!! :appl:
Hi Skippy, thanks so much!!

They will be 8 weeks tomorrow, so I'm really hoping they will turn a corner soon. It's been rough taking care of two crying, fussy newborns, esp since I have my 4 year old and my 2 year old as well. Once they start sleeping longer at night, it will be so much more enjoyable.
Here's the pic I posted when they were born. Their names are Patrick and Olivia. :)

How old are your sweet lil boys now, are they almost 3? Time sure does fly!


oh wow, a 4 year old and a 2 year old! You are super mom. Hey, if someone offers to help don't feel bad, take them on the help. Your babies are beautiful!!!! :love: :love: :love: Hello Patrick and Olivia!!! :love: :love: I hope they sleep for you; I know a lot of people who used a sleep coach. sending sleep vibes!!! thanks for sharing their beautiful pics! oh and my boys are 3.5 years old.
If anyone is checking this thread, I have a question for you. I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow with twins, and so far, things are looking good (although I still feel really cautious and pretty much in shock about the twins part). The OB/GYN I used when pregnant with my son no longer does OB, so I need to find a new one. I talked to my RE today, and she recommended we just go straight to a Perinatologist/MFM and skip finding a new OB. She felt that it would give me more frequent and more thorough screening and care. What have the rest of you done?
monkeyprincess|1418157963|3798439 said:
If anyone is checking this thread, I have a question for you. I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow with twins, and so far, things are looking good (although I still feel really cautious and pretty much in shock about the twins part). The OB/GYN I used when pregnant with my son no longer does OB, so I need to find a new one. I talked to my RE today, and she recommended we just go straight to a Perinatologist/MFM and skip finding a new OB. She felt that it would give me more frequent and more thorough screening and care. What have the rest of you done?

Well di/di twins are the "lowest risk" so that is the good news. With mo/mo twins, it's a different story. Because I had the lowest risk twins, I just saw my regular OB and went to the MFM for the detailed 20 week anatomy scan and cervical length check. All my other scans were completed in my OB's office, mainly because they had evenings and weekend appointments, and the MFM did not. If seeing an MFM will give you more piece of mind, go for it!
Thanks Laila. If I already had an OB, I definitely would start with him/her. I don't particularly want to overmedicalize everything and be treated as a high risk case. I think that might stress me out more. It's hard though because I don't really want to start with a new OB I'm not really familiar with and don't have a level of trust with if I'm potentially higher risk. I've always had female OB/GYNs, but all the MFMs at my clinic are male, so that is kind of annoying as well. But I trust my RE, and she said she went to them for her pregnancy (not sure why). Apparently, I'll continue going to my RE through 12 weeks when they do the NT scan, and I'll have to decide then.

Hope your little ones are doing well. I cannot even imagine having two toddlers and twins! You're amazing! I am being silly about this because I knew there was a chance we'd end up with twins if transferred two, but I never really thought that would happen. I'm excited that if all goes well, we will end up having 3 kids, because that's what I've always wanted. But I'm also kind of sad about how this is going to affect my son. His whole world would be turned upside down because he's so used to being the center of the universe.
monkeyprincess|1418318459|3799506 said:
Thanks Laila. If I already had an OB, I definitely would start with him/her. I don't particularly want to overmedicalize everything and be treated as a high risk case. I think that might stress me out more. It's hard though because I don't really want to start with a new OB I'm not really familiar with and don't have a level of trust with if I'm potentially higher risk. I've always had female OB/GYNs, but all the MFMs at my clinic are male, so that is kind of annoying as well. But I trust my RE, and she said she went to them for her pregnancy (not sure why). Apparently, I'll continue going to my RE through 12 weeks when they do the NT scan, and I'll have to decide then.

Hope your little ones are doing well. I cannot even imagine having two toddlers and twins! You're amazing! I am being silly about this because I knew there was a chance we'd end up with twins if transferred two, but I never really thought that would happen. I'm excited that if all goes well, we will end up having 3 kids, because that's what I've always wanted. But I'm also kind of sad about how this is going to affect my son. His whole world would be turned upside down because he's so used to being the center of the universe.

Thanks! I know what you mean about worrying about your son. I feel like my toddlers are kind of getting short changed now, since we just don't get out all that much anymore. And they always have to wait when they want something. I'm not going to lie, twins are HARD! Harder than I ever imagined. When you are alone with two crying babies and you only have one set of hands, it sucks. But Ev will adjust, just like my kids did. It will all be worth it when they all play together one day and are the best of friends.

I know twins are supposedly higher risk, but it really irritated me that I had to have so many ultrasounds! I know they are supposed to be safe, but still. I think I ended up with 9 or 10 when all was said and done.
I had the boys 10 weeks early and saw the perinatas ( I saw them 2x a week); they didn't see me having the babies early, though, so not a huge help. I saw them the day before my water broke. I can say they do see a lot because they have you do many U/S's which can be good and bad, you spot things right away and monitor (I had to do that with one baby and it really stressed me out but they are both fine). Anyway, I am glad I saw the Perinatas but I also had an OB, my OB was worthless to be honest, she kept forgetting I was having twins and told me I was gaining too much weight. I don't have a strong opinion either way, maybe it is better so see the Perinatas to be on the safe side?

You either want an OB who is very experienced in twin pregnancies, or an MFM. I was at a teaching hospital and did not have a choice. I had my first visit with an OB, but was transferred to an MFM at 11 weeks and stayed. I personally did not mind the monitoring. You got to remember that doppler is very hard to do with twins. I got an US at minimum to check for growth and fetal heart rate at each prenatal visit. But since my pregnancy was uncomplicated until 32 weeks, they did not do a bunch of higher level ultra sounds on me. I am actually upset they let the residents do the US on me when I was admitted, as their fetal weights differed significantly from the MFM, and the error did effect decisions that were made.

I don't want to scare you to much, but you have more hormones when you are pregnant with twins, and therefore a higher risk of complications such as GDM, pre-eclampsia, as well as prematurity just from having 2 little ones hanging in a space that is meant for one baby. I think both Skippy and I are evidence that preterm labor is the hardest thing to "catch." However, it if happens, it is nice to have an MFM who knows you. That being said, assuming that both eggs implanted and you have di-di twins (a very safe bet I assume), that is the lowest risk twin pregnancy, and some experienced OBs can manage those pregnancies either alone or with the help of an MFM. You are just going to really need to interview a general OB about their experience/comfort if you go that route.

I know this is far away, but I would also think about the kind of delivery you want. If a VD is something you are interested in, and it turns out to be possible for you, you are going to want to find out who is potentially doing the delivery and their level of experience with complicated deliveries. Certain things are allowed in twin deliveries that are no longer typically done for singleton deliveries, such as a breech extraction on twin B if twin A comes out head down.

I hope this is not too much, but I just wanted to lay it out there to help you make your decision. 8 weeks is a huge milestone. I am glad your little beans are doing well.
Thanks for weighing in Skippy and Firecracker! I am sure I will just end up getting a referral to an MFM as I really don't know which OB I would go to at this point. I'd be too nervous to start with someone new without specialized training. And I agree that it sounds like it was the best thing for both of you in your pregnancies. Better safe than sorry, right? Thanks for the advice ladies. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions as time goes on!

I had an ultrasound today, and all is still well. I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow. I'm pretty sure I'll start to relax more after our first trimester screening, but that won't be for three more weeks. Just hope both of the little guys (or girls) are doing well.
I've been reading this thread over the last few days and it has been a huge help. I ordered the book by Dr Luke that was recommended by Skippy (thanks!) and can't wait to get stuck into it. I am really worried about putting on enough weight and know I am not eating nearly enough at the moment, but at 14 weeks I am finally starting to feel better and want to get into a good routine to give these babies the best chance. But then again, I am already overweight (obese according to BMI :shock: ) so maybe they are not starving? I had a few days earlier on this week when no matter how hard I tried I just didn't feel full and was constantly hungry. It made me really grumpy.

MP, have you met with your new Doctor yet? What did you decide? They do things so differently here so I would be no help.

Laila, i agree with everyone else: You are superwoman! I feel lucky in that respect that these will be my first, so I won't know any better.
I've been reading this thread over the last few days and it has been a huge help. I ordered the book by Dr Luke that was recommended by Skippy (thanks!) and can't wait to get stuck into it. I am really worried about putting on enough weight and know I am not eating nearly enough at the moment, but at 14 weeks I am finally starting to feel better and want to get into a good routine to give these babies the best chance. But then again, I am already overweight (obese according to BMI :shock: ) so maybe they are not starving? I had a few days earlier on this week when no matter how hard I tried I just didn't feel full and was constantly hungry. It made me really grumpy.

MP, have you met with your new Doctor yet? What did you decide? They do things so differently here so I would be no help.

Laila, i agree with everyone else: You are superwoman! I feel lucky in that respect that these will be my first, so I won't know any better.
tbaus, how are you doing? eat, I ate small meals frequently and made sure to get a protein in. Hope all is well! thought I would check on you!