
Orange zircon


Feb 20, 2012
Hi all! :wavey: I haven't been buying anything for awhile and really still shouldn't be :errrr: But the more I learn the more I find myself in love with zircons. Their sparkle just gets me every time. And lately I've found myself drooling over orange - Sooooo I watched this one for a loong time then one day in a weak moment, I bought it. I like the size and I like the color in most lighting but I just don't feel like I'm getting the usual buzz I get from that zircon sparkle. Should I consider a recut? Would a recut even help? Or should I just keep it as is. Thoughts/comments please? Thanks!

9.2 x 7.9 x 6.1
Sri Lanka


I wonder if it is metamict which is why the lustre is dull. If so, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
Thanks Chrono! Your post prompted me to bust out the digital reflectometer (I know its not definitive) but I get a reading of around 1.8

If the problem is that it is metamict couldn't heating it help? Or would I risk changing the color?
Supposedly heating could help but yes, there is also the risk of heating the colour away too. I think this question should be posed to the lapidaries and I know that Gene heats his own zircons so he might be able to advise you accordingly.
Is the stone sleepy?

I have a green zircon with a similar lustre and sleepy appearance. I didn't pay a lot for it, so I am keeping it as a collector stone. It looks very pretty in some lighting.
I would not heat your Zircon. And, given its color, it is likely it has already been heated, at least once.

Based on its actual mining location will dictate what the result will be from the heating process. As an example, very dark reddish Zircon from the now defunct Tanga Tanzania site could eventually convert into the color of your existing gem. Or, go to white if heated too high a temperature or for too long.

Other mining sites (and micro sites within those larger operations) will have other results. It IS NOT an exact science.

Example: I recently acquired some very nice Mozambique Zircons which already had a very nice color. Feeling a little too confident, I heated them very gently to about 350*C. One of the pieces separated on the cleavage plane, some of the others went pale - and were no longer very attractive.

As noted, it is not an exact science.

I hope you find this helpful.
Thank you Roger! I did indeed find your post helpful. I like the current color very much and would be sad to loose it. So I will keep it as is.

TL, thank you! Your post made me go searching. I just LOVE your green zircon! Such a beautiful color. My orange too is very pretty in some lighting (sunlight in particular) In my house though it looks sleep-ier and I have LEDs in much of the house.

Chrono - thank you! You and Roger have convinced me to not heat this stone. I may still have it recut someday. But for now it will live in my gem box while I decide if I will just keep it as a collectors stone - or perhaps set it.