
Open carry: dildos and guns on TX Uni Campuses

Oh my...

well, personally i have nothing against

I don't agree with open carry (I do ccw) because it causes all kinds of issues in today's society. It may have been needed in the wild west but not now.

Not sure whats going through the minds of those in tx...but its tx thats all I can say about that.
From that video ... all I can say is ...

It's true, EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas! :eek:
Well the weapons are concealed as the law allows campus conceal carry. The dildos are on full display. Not the same. That sure is a big one she has. :shock:
Annual tuition costs: $25,000

Incidentals, room and board: $10,000

Popping on your tablet to read the news, and see your daughter waving a 14-inch dildo around campus: PRICELESS

I am hard-pressed to see how that could save her life. :think: "Terrorists beware - she's got a dong!" :lol:
And why isn't she waving around a fake vag? Men everywhere should be protesting for being objectified by this offensive display of sexism. :rolleyes:
JoCoJenn|1472123757|4069884 said:
Annual tuition costs: $25,000

Incidentals, room and board: $10,000

Popping on your tablet to read the news, and see your daughter waving a 14-inch dildo around campus: PRICELESS

I am hard-pressed to see how that could save her life. :think: "Terrorists beware - she's got a dong!" :lol:

My mother would be giggling after she did her "Oh, Rhea". I can imagine that'd be quickly followed by a conversation about whether I bought in person or through the internet and if there were any other colours available. But my mother has an interesting sense of humour. :lol:
kenny|1472091620|4069771 said:
From that video ... all I can say is ...

It's true, EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas! :eek:

JoCoJenn|1472123757|4069884 said:
Annual tuition costs: $25,000

Incidentals, room and board: $10,000

Popping on your tablet to read the news, and see your daughter waving a 14-inch dildo around campus: PRICELESS

I am hard-pressed to see how that could save her life. :think: "Terrorists beware - she's got a dong!" :lol:[/quote

It's difficult to take someone seriously when they are waving around a giant dildo.... I guess it's one way to get people's attention, but I think their message gets lost in their, um, display ;)
kenny|1472088645|4069755 said:

Protesters, "If you can carry a guy, I'm going to carry a dildo." have "guy" on the brain! Personally I would have to carry the um, sex toy, because guys are just to heavy to carry...but
as you always say...people vary!
tyty333|1472136308|4069948 said:
kenny|1472088645|4069755 said:

Protesters, "If you can carry a guy, I'm going to carry a dildo." have "guy" on the brain! Personally I would have to carry the um, sex toy, because guys are just to heavy to carry...but
as you always say...people vary!
Hahaha! Good catch! :lol:

I must have been all distracted after seeing her weapon. :mrgreen:
AFAIK, they aren't just protesting using the dildos for no reason - it's that state law prohibits sex toys in public as it's seen as obscene/offensive. I don't think the message gets lost at all, some people just choose to focus on what they want ( :naughty: ).

It's a really interesting look at society. We (in general) are so immune to violence - in movies, in real life - but sex OMG heaven forbid you see a penis, or have children attend proper sex ed early enough to learn the actual names of anatomy. Some people might think it's weird that some americans are SO ok with violence/weapons/guns, but...wound up lets say... that they oppress anything remotely sexual.
telephone89|1472144874|4069987 said:
Some people might think it's weird that some americans are SO ok with violence/weapons/guns, but...wound up lets say... that they oppress anything remotely sexual.

I certainly do.