
one more thing... regrets on coloured e ring??

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Heidi F

May 12, 2008
For all you colour lovers out there...

Does anyone regret getting a colored ering?

I love diamonds (but worry about spending the money to get the size I want), but also love coloued stones (blue especially!). I worry that I might regret getting a coloured stone and maybe should just wait to we can afford a good size diamond. Did anyone else feel like this and if so, are you happy with your coloured stone now or did you change to a diamond?

Are colour stones better for RH rings?

Or should I just go ahead and do what I want (as soon as I work out what that is

Thanks once again.
Get what you LOVE!

My first e-ring was a sapphire halo. I wore it for 20years (then lost it, duh).

I miss it terribly! My husband gave me a door-knocker 3-stone ring last year as a replacement (2ct centre, 2x1/2 ct side stones so it is definitely "adequate" shall we say!).

But I continue to mourn the loss of my e-ring. So we''re in the process of getting a new one made. It will be an upgrade in both style, quality, and a *bit* bigger, but once I''ve got that bit of blue back on my left hand I''ll feel better again!

Hope this helps.
It''s really all about what you like best -- there''s not really a wrong answer!

If you decide to go for color, you should post about it here. There are a lot of other posters who are expert at finding great stones!
I think it depends. If you are getting a colored ring JUST to get a bigger size and "keep up with the joneses" in a way you can afford, I think you will regret not having a diamond like everyone else later (in other words your bigger ring that isn''t a diamond might start to feel inferior to you if you really wanted a diamond in the first place). If on the other hand you want color because you truly love it, then by ALL MEANS go and get it girl! Colored stone erings are gorgeous as long as it is truly what you want.
You have to LOVE colour.

I wouldn''t swap my ring for the world. FI offered me whatever ring I wanted so I could have had a very nice sized diamond if I wanted, but frankly I find them boring - they don''t excite me the way that coloured stones do. Every coloured stone has it''s own personality and there are so many to choose from.

I love having a coloured e-ring and I get a lot of compliments on it - I even got a lot in the US which I wasn''t expecting as they are less common there. You will get people who assume that you have a coloured stone because you couldn''t afford a diamond and just think of coloured stones as cheap - in fact really fine rubies and sapphires can cost hugely more than any white diamond of comparable size will ever cost, so they''re not necessarily a cheap option.

If you''re going to feel that you ''settled'' then a coloured ring is not for you as you will have to put up with the odd raised eyebrow and snarky comments. When I tell people that my stone is 200 times rarer than emerald they shut up pretty quickly, but I do admit that I tell people that it''s a ''tsavorite'' rather than a ''tsavorite garnet''.

Sadly due to the swamping of the market with cheap red garnets in Victorian times they have acquired a bad reputation and few people know what a hugely under-rated and beautiful species garnets are. Plus they are untreated and there aren''t any synthetics yet.

(word of warning - get into coloured stones and it gets EXPENSIVE - one is never enough....)
Date: 6/19/2008 9:54:26 AM
Author: Pandora II
You have to LOVE colour.

I wouldn''t swap my ring for the world. FI offered me whatever ring I wanted so I could have had a very nice sized diamond if I wanted, but frankly I find them boring - they don''t excite me the way that coloured stones do. Every coloured stone has it''s own personality and there are so many to choose from.

I love having a coloured e-ring and I get a lot of compliments on it - I even got a lot in the US which I wasn''t expecting as they are less common there. You will get people who assume that you have a coloured stone because you couldn''t afford a diamond and just think of coloured stones as cheap - in fact really fine rubies and sapphires can cost hugely more than any white diamond of comparable size will ever cost, so they''re not necessarily a cheap option.

If you''re going to feel that you ''settled'' then a coloured ring is not for you as you will have to put up with the odd raised eyebrow and snarky comments. When I tell people that my stone is 200 times rarer than emerald they shut up pretty quickly, but I do admit that I tell people that it''s a ''tsavorite'' rather than a ''tsavorite garnet''.

Sadly due to the swamping of the market with cheap red garnets in Victorian times they have acquired a bad reputation and few people know what a hugely under-rated and beautiful species garnets are. Plus they are untreated and there aren''t any synthetics yet.

(word of warning - get into coloured stones and it gets EXPENSIVE - one is never enough....)
everything she said including i don''t usually tell people its a garnet....i specify spessartite and then if they''re more interested i''ll tell them its in the garnet family. usually blows their socks off.

movie zombie
My original wedding ring is a diamond. My alternate wedding ring is a Padparadscha sapphire ring. I wear the sapphire ring, more then my diamond one. I get a lot more comments and compliments. I agree with Pandora, diamonds are too boring, but that is just my opinion too. You must be happy with what you choose and will be wearing.

If you decide you want a diamond as your ering in the future, you can always wear the colored ring on your right hand. Makes sense to me
Every women should have some color in their jewelry collection!
Date: 6/19/2008 8:08:30 AM
Author:Heidi F

Or should I just go ahead and do what I want (as soon as I work out what that is


Yes to that !

My wife and I still love her Sapphire e-ring, it gets many comments and compliments. Mainly because fine colored stones are so rare to see. It does combine both worlds by having diamonds on the sides, but thats what we we wanted - Color with diamonds as accents.
Good idea Bertrand, that is what my pad is.

Great advice! I love my pad and diamond e-ring as well. When I first showed my ring off at work one of the girls did give me the funny look. We just got back from a two day trip to Houston yesterday for work and she asked me again, what type of stone is that? I kept catching her staring at it, I think she might be a touch jealous.
When I went to try on wedding dresses this past weekend I had my consultant grab my hand, which startled me, and exclaim that my stone looked pink from a few feet away but orange when she got closer. I told her it was a padparadscha sapphire and she didn''t even know that sapphires came in any color other than blue.

Good luck in your search for the perfect e-ring!

I get that all of the time too, LOL LOL. Most people think sapphires only come in blue.

I just got engaged with a blue sapphire halo on Sunday! I would reiterate what pps said about making sure it''s something you LOVE, and you won''t regret/resent not having a diamond ring. People definitely make assumptions about the cost of colored stone rings, and I''ve had a bunch of questions about why I didn''t pick a diamond center stone. It would probably be tough to face the questions if I DID want a diamond!

Good luck- there are many, many beautiful colored stones out there!
I don''t know if my answer will seem odd to anyone, but . . . you should get the ring/stone that ''speaks'' to you. After viewing gazillions of ring styles, my ring (THE RING) presented itself. If your heart says ''diamond'', get one; if a sapphire is your desire, get one. Yes, you can upgrade later, but you cannot replace the sentimental value of the rings you were married with.

NEVER choose the most important things in your life by wondering and worrying about what someone/everyone else thinks and does.
I agree with what everyone has said.. especially about having a ring/stone that "speaks" to you.

For me... I knew I wanted something a little big "bigger." I''m really conscious about the size of my fingers. I''m only a 5.5/6, but they''re REALLY short so they look much wider than they are, I think. I intentionally keep my fingernails a certain length because I feel like it makes my fingers look a little longer. While I joke about how my fingers (and toes) are like little sausages, I''m not in love with the fact that my fingers are like little sausages.

Anyway, so I like the way certain rings look on me and I HATE the way other rings look on me. I LOVE the Daniel K rosebud, but when I tried one on (with a 2ct center stone, even) I thought it made my fingers look even more stubby than they already do. Nix that. So with that realization that I wanted either a bigger stone or an enormous halo (and a bunch of other factors.. e.g. not quite so thin a band), I started looking more and more at sapphires and totally fell in love with the stone we ultimately got. Even when it wasn''t a ring yet, I just loved looking at it -- how much it sparkled and how different it could look in varying light. Now that I wear it every day I can''t imagine having a diamond, even in the same size as my sapph.

Similar to others, I get SO many compliments. Everyone is always amazed at how different it can look, even in one room to the next. We also went with a very "engagement-y" (for lack of a better term) setting so there''s never any confusion about what the ring means.

Good luck with your decision!

(sorry to threadjack Heidi, but this might be worth asking for.....)

I don''t believe I ever saw a pic of your ring once it was set. Can you give us a handshot to drool over please?
Me, personally, I didn''t regret having a colored stone e-ring, not for a minute. And I''d do it again.

Go ahead, do what you want, get a ring you love, and be PROUD of it - don''t apologize!
Definitely get what you want and what you''ll love to wear everyday!
I agree with what everyone has said. I love looking down and seeing the glow of my sapphire! I don't worry about whether it "goes" with what I am wearing, it seems to always look good. I recently added a narrow diamond band, and I do like the flash that the extra diamonds give it, but I would not trade it for a diamond. I love color!

A question to ask yourself....if money wan't a factor, what would you want? If you would still go for a colored stone, then it's a no brainer, find a gorgeous colored stone! But if you secretly yearn for a diamond, but don't have the budget for the size that you want, then maybe a smaller, but exquisitely cut diamond in a more substantial setting would fit you better.
Alas, I have no camera.

But as soon as I have access to one (end of August-ish) I promise many many many pics.
Date: 6/20/2008 5:40:59 PM
Author: pamplemousse
Alas, I have no camera.

But as soon as I have access to one (end of August-ish) I promise many many many pics.

Hope So!!!

I don''t regret it for a second. My sister has basically the same Martin Flyer setting as my sapphire, but with a 2+ct EC diamond and I still prefer mine. Colored stones vary so much in the light, my DH cautions me to not stare too much at it while driving. I''m wondering if being strong willed has something to do with it...the women who are responding to you are some vibrant folks, willing to be unconventional, unafraid of what the masses think. If that describes you as well, then follow your heart and embrace the color.
Date: 6/20/2008 9:09:44 PM
Author: swimmer
I don't regret it for a second. My sister has basically the same Martin Flyer setting as my sapphire, but with a 2+ct EC diamond and I still prefer mine. Colored stones vary so much in the light, my DH cautions me to not stare too much at it while driving. I'm wondering if being strong willed has something to do with it...the women who are responding to you are some vibrant folks, willing to be unconventional, unafraid of what the masses think. If that describes you as well, then follow your heart and embrace the color.

AHA!!! She nails it!

LOVE the coloured e-ring! I miss mine horribly, in spite of the "doorknocker white bling" as sweet, DH refers to my 3-stone placeholder for my lost e-ring....

Can't WAIT to move it over to the other hand and express my strong willed side again.
Date: 6/20/2008 9:09:44 PM
Author: swimmer
I don''t regret it for a second. My sister has basically the same Martin Flyer setting as my sapphire, but with a 2+ct EC diamond and I still prefer mine. Colored stones vary so much in the light, my DH cautions me to not stare too much at it while driving. I''m wondering if being strong willed has something to do with it...the women who are responding to you are some vibrant folks, willing to be unconventional, unafraid of what the masses think. If that describes you as well, then follow your heart and embrace the color.

Who, us? Strong-willed and unconventional? Never.

I actually don''t think I''ve gotten a single remark or look askance at my sapphire 3-stone ring. No comments on whether we couldn''t afford a diamond, no pitying glances. Instead, I''ve gotten compliments from several jewelers on the beauty and rarity of my unheated sapphire, and nothing but admiration from friends and family. And even if I did, I wouldn''t care a bit!
Date: 6/20/2008 9:19:46 PM
Author: LostSapphire

Date: 6/20/2008 9:09:44 PM
Author: swimmer
I don''t regret it for a second. My sister has basically the same Martin Flyer setting as my sapphire, but with a 2+ct EC diamond and I still prefer mine. Colored stones vary so much in the light, my DH cautions me to not stare too much at it while driving. I''m wondering if being strong willed has something to do with it...the women who are responding to you are some vibrant folks, willing to be unconventional, unafraid of what the masses think. If that describes you as well, then follow your heart and embrace the color.

AHA!!! She nails it!

LOVE the coloured e-ring! I miss mine horribly, in spite of the ''doorknocker white bling'' as sweet, DH refers to my 3-stone placeholder for my lost e-ring....

Can''t WAIT to move it over to the other hand and express my strong willed side again.
this is very very true.......and i''ve had one couple who was admiring my spess make a similar comment.

movie zombie
Just to add, one huge compliment I did get was when I was passing some time waiting for FI and popped into Tiffany to play with wedding bands.

The minute the SA saw my e-ring she called the manager over to have a look at my ring. He asked if I would mind taking it off so that he could have a closer look, and then told me it was one of the finest tsavorites he had ever seen.

As I was trying the bands on, a couple were standing next to me looking at diamond e-rings. The girl was watching my hand, turned round to her bf and said that she thought she''d really rather have a coloured stone ''like that one''. They then asked the SA if they had another one of those they could see! The SA''s face was a picture!

FI said I should have waited outside and offered to get them one made for a Tiff price tag!
Pandora, that is so funny. Leave it to men to think of ways to make money.
Lol. I''ll have a colored stone ering and my only problem is that I can''t nail down a colored stone that I want. I flip flop back and forth between a swiss blue topaz and some kind of funky sapphire (mostly because of stone strength and cleavage issues) but the one thing that never waivers is that I want a colored stone. Now the color may change a bit, but it''s always a color. No offense to all of the diamond people on the board, but I personally just find diamonds be be a bit boring. And even though it''s my birthstone, I don''t really want one. That is, of course unless I find a 2ct+ M+ OMC or OEC that has tons of personality-but I still wouldn''t want that for my ering. I want my ering to be full of color and jump out at you for the color-not the sparkle.

Then again, you might have been able to figure all of this out from my ever-growing gemstone collection.

...sigh...I really need to figure out a stone type at least...
Date: 6/20/2008 6:03:03 PM
Author: LostSapphire
Date: 6/20/2008 5:40:59 PM

Author: pamplemousse

Alas, I have no camera.

But as soon as I have access to one (end of August-ish) I promise many many many pics.

Hope So!!!


Don''t worry.. I couldn''t have done it without this site!
I sort of have both, original diamond e-ring, and now an umbalite garnet ring that''ll be my temporary e-ring until my original gets fixed. I have to say though, if I had my colored stone ring first I don''t know if I would''ve necessarily wanted a diamond ring. It is so beautiful, has such a character, and I could proudly wear it as my e-ring.

Date: 6/20/2008 9:09:44 PM
Author: swimmer
I''m wondering if being strong willed has something to do with it...the women who are responding to you are some vibrant folks, willing to be unconventional, unafraid of what the masses think. If that describes you as well, then follow your heart and embrace the color.
Or like me, who''s the opposite of vibrant or unconventional, but none the less stubborn and could care less what other people think because I''m so intensely private
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