
Oh tacori...look what I''m getting tomorrow...u likie?

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Just look for a big fat turd wearing black and looking miserable..should be hard to miss :)

Oh, I love brown and gray together...warm plus cool = fabulous....

It''s funny- these have these big big silver candlestick holders at HG...I never thought about putting them in front of the fire place. Awesome idea!

I don''t have anything over the bed either...I wanted to make as velvet upholstered headboard but can''t find blue gray velvet I like...I have these cool mirror circles in different shapes too but picture them falling on me too!

OK, Bed time...later gator...
It''s not like we live in CA (earthquake land) so I am not sure what my problem is. It''s the glass part that scares me. I have small canvases over T''s crib. I figure they are light if they do fall. We have no bedroom furniture. Someday...*sigh*...I not sure I will be able to take the pressure once we do decide to take the plunge. Most people NEVER change their bedroom set. But DH and I both agree to fix up our downstairs FIRST since that what people see. How sad though I already dream about T''s big girl room (Not that I am preggo or planning on it anytime soon!) It is a fairly large bedroom so I am going to do two twin beds in either white or a soft cream (leaning towards cream). I want it girlie but not over the top. Maybe pink and greens. was my one day to sleep in. I feel so refreshed. The fact that I think I am getting a cold doesn''t even bother me right now. Plus I went on a cleaning spree last night so it was great to wake up to a clean house. Any big weekend plans?
Glad you slept in! Must be nice after getting up early every day...and to a clean house no less! Ahhhhh...

As for me, I exploded at Dh today...just stressed out...Poor sap....I was trying to put in my bathroom vanity doors and was stripping all the freakin screws...two are stuck. Ugh. and I scratched a few up.....Then it dawned on my that I shout just use a nut since the screw won''t go all the way in. Duh. And I painted the bathroom. So disappointed because my Silver Satin (Ben Moore Aura...$56 bucks a gallon for the love of god) came out yellow off white. I wanted gray. I might try to find a Ben Moore store that open tomorrow and see if they can add some pure black to it.....Then we went with friends to Bucca di Beppo (YUM) and I''m in a diabetic coma right now....I kep saying I wanted to stop eating the apple cobbler desert but kept eating my friend put salt on it to stop me (only he could get away with that)....and then it was EVEN BETTER sweet and salty LOL....

Then I just wrote a threatening email to the painter would left my job...He wants to see a check and invoice from my new contractor and he seemed to have missed the point that I PAID HIM for work he didn''t if the work if worth that amount, I can sit on my fat ass and never do it...but he still owes me for the value...
DH and I had huge fight last night too. But all is well now. That''s what I do. I don''t say anything when things bother me until I explode.

Today is the CLT GTG! I think it will be fun. Hopefully the mall won''t be TOO busy. I still need to clean my jewels. I have a confession to make. Over the past year I have really stopped cleaning my ring regularly. Just run out of time and energy. Plus it gets gross with baby food, she grabs it, etc...anyways I did clean the e-ring yesterday and it looked fab! I even mentioned it to DH and wondered why I don''t take better care of it.

I have never eaten at Bucca. Is it good? How funny about the salt. My friend does that to her food when she is trying to control herself. She dumps all the salt on it. I am sure it was nice to get out with some friends.

Sorry to hear about the paint AND the painter. How annoying. I hope BM can fix the can. As for the painter...does he know you are a lawyer? People are incredible. This is a sue happy nation I think. Such a shame. My poor parents were in a lawsuit for 6 years over a rental property in San Francisco. It was very stressful (and a fortune). But thankfully it is now over!
Landlord/Tenant issued/rental issues are THE W.O.R.S.T. Goes on forever and is very slanted in favor of tenants...Hope it worked out.

Ohhhh yessss, he''s quite aware that I''m a lawyer. I got an email from him asking for Oct 31 to pay....Sad thing is, I KNOW he''s a nice man...I don''t know what happened...I actually felt badly for him re money and said that if he wants to finish the work (he''s actually really really good) THIS week, that''s ok and I won''t make it weird for him...

Oh, let me know how the GTG goes....!!! I never clean my stupid ring either. Truth me told, it''s so different down here, I wouldn''t even care if I had one...It''s a different sort of one up down here I NY, at least Long Island, it''s much more about diamonds and designer outfits.

And BTW, I''m the exact opposite of you. I let someone know EXACTLY what the problem is...especially hubby LOL..poor sap. He''s working again now...UGH. His last project implementation (huh?) 4- midnight. Wahhhh...But I have my Penne Campofiori left (delicious brothy veggies)....Bucca is SO good. I love it. The Apple Gorgonzola salad is AMAZING (I don''t eat the foot smelling cheese) but the dressing is to die for...We really love it there when we go...and they take reservations. Best part, it''s kid friendly bc it''s so freakin loud and there are a lot of kids could totally take the baby...although if you sit in back of my husband and don''t turn your baby around as it stares at the back of his head and screams into his ear, he WILL tell you that the baby is getting an elbow to the face (LOL...horrible...he ACTUALLY said that kinda loud last night...didn''t mean it since he really loves kids and is always playing with them...I tell him to stop bc he looks like a pedafile (spelling?)...
I posted CLT bling shots in the south charlotte thread (in hangout). It was a good time! My poor ring is shy though and never photographs well. Dianne even said she was shocked when she saw my ring IRL (compared to the crappy pics I take. Haha) Hopefully I can convince you to come to the next one?!?!
If not maybe I can convince you to meet me alone sometime...then we can slowly introduce you to the other PSers.

I have been fairly lucky so far in restaurants. When she was really young she just feel asleep. Now she is content if we give her some bread to eat/play with/destroy. We are having SO much family come for thanksgiving. Maybe that is a good place to go and eat at.

Hope it works out with your painter. My parent''s lawsuit was horrible. They NEED to change the laws out there. It was squatter''s rights and the whole lawsuit should have been thrown out. They had to "Ellis Act" it where they cannot rent it out for 10 years b/c it was the only way to get the crazy lady out. It all started b/c I was going to move out there and it was considered a legal eviction (for your child to move in). But my parents are nice and never raised her rent in 20 years. She knew she had something worth fighting for and she did. Oh well it is over now! It settled out of court FINALLY!

Poor hubby...does he get to go to work later tomorrow? That is a long day for sure! Hopefully I will make it to Target in the next few days to get those pillows. Let me know which one you think would work better if you beat me there.
The bling is awesome...I''d be there if they were on the menu! Actually, the CheeseCF does have bling on the menus!
There''s something about mall restaurants that freak me out on weekends...actually, the mall freaks me out on weekends...just too many people...there I go acting like a shut in again LOL...

I was at Ben Moore at 9:30. I literally just took a shower and got dressed (It''s almost 7:00)....I have never been so excited about a pizza in all my life :)
I still have to go mail some ebay stuff out though...ugh...

Hubby worked from home today and I use the term loosely.... :) He was my OMG, I need a paper towel stat guy! :)

Pizza here...gotta go!
Post your ring in the other thread! Cheesecake actually wasn''t that busy. We only waited for 15 mins or so. Dianne''s ring is WORTH the trip. Where did you order pizza from?

So I bought both sets of pillows from Target and without a doubt love the gray ones so much more. So now I have to return the other set but that''s okay. Somehow I STILL ended up and spending $150. At least my return will be $40. Still...the Target spell! I got some halloween stuff. Nothing really that fun to justify $60 (since the other pillows were $50). Adds up so fast.
Cool! I''m glad you got them....Post them! Yeah, Target is no real bargain for a lot of stuff...BUT I got these cool wooden stools for $15..I thought it was mismarked but it wasn''t...I was shocked...Paid some poor foreign kid 15 cents to make it....

I''ve never ever been to a Cheese where the wait is less than about hour and a half. Ever. Maybe the NY ones were nuts...glad you had a good time! Oh, forgot to mention that I hate you. You have really nice hands...not like my

Got Pizza from Marios on Weddington and McKee....REALLY good pizza.. I say it''s NY pizza....Guy is actually from NY...I think he must order his dough from NY....or his tap water to make the dough from NY lol....

Dude...contractor''s must sleep well. Really well. I slept like a baby. Still pooped. But I''ve never done so much painting and sanding, etc etc. Crazy. The handy guy is coming to put my painted trim around my big wall mirror and some towel bars bc I''m handy but can never figure that out. Of course I need a xanax bc I''m such a perfectionist and really mental about people doing work in my house.......I still have some pisc painting to do and have to make a valance for the bathroom....Then I have to cut the two full sized bed foam pads I got from Walmart (great tip btw, thanks!)...the twin''s weren''t wide enough so I figured I''d cut them...let''s hope they cut easily....and then I really need to get back to reality. I REALLY need to get a job...if husband has to start paying my bills for me in the next two months, I die. In more ways than one...

Anyhoo, off to hunt for stray xanax LOL
I have little hands b/c I am a little person! I really wish I was taller but not much I can do about that. I paint my own nails. It''s the only thing I really do for myself.

I have never had Mario''s pizza. DH LOVES Donatos. Usually he just orders from Dominos though. They do have damn good cheesy bread

Sounds like you got a lot done. You should be proud of yourself! Maybe that''s why DH sleeps so well. Haha. Poor guy was working until the wee hours of the morning painting on of his properties. He is the type of guy that likes to just work until it is done. For some reason (maybe b/c she has a cold) Tessa has been sleeping in too!
She hasn''t gotten up until 9:00-9:30 for the past few days. nice! Usually she is ready to go around 7:30. Speaking of which I think she needs a nap.

I will post the pillow pics later today.
Donatos is crap. LOL.... Try's the only real pizza I've had other than at Mama's...

Painting is hard work man....My bones ache. It's probably from me jsut being a big fat turd LOL...Sounds like hubby had a long day...I'm the same way...I don't want to stop when I start bc it's worse when you have to start again...and then the paint brushes start to dry and that sucks big time....

My handymen hate me. I catch everything.....I didn't like that a screw was facing the wrong way and asked them fix it LOL but it's a design flaw...I'm writing Kohler since the freakin thing was over a hundred bucks.....I'll take pix later too!
But they're doing a good job I guess...They chipped a piece of the mirror frame but I hope paint will cover it...the handyman's assistant makes me nervous since he's learning...but they are pretty cheap I think...I hope ;)
My one towel ring/bar is really loose and they say they can't fix it. Grrrr....

Kid sleeps until 9:30? That's great! I woke up today and SWORE I heard my husband calling me.....very strange...two seconds later the phone rang...
ok. keep in mind that this was the cheapest makeover possible...the freakin knobs and towel bars were the most expensive...I have to fill the jars and I''m killing myself for not getting this silver shell I saw at HG and put in my cart twice....I don''t think it''s bad! LOL...cabinets were yellow oak with gold frame around mirror and cheapie towel rings...OH, ROSE WALLPAPER....I left the walls showing that really light (too light) color but painted the opposite wall a darker color...and I have a big piece of art there....So not too bad...?

other view..It's really not as white in there as it looks...I wish I had purchased cooler faucets since they really make a space...but just couldn't spend more...

ok...i'm off to paint the underside of the cabinets and a window valance...and vacuum and wash the floor...that weird nubbin in the photo is a chrome towel hook .... oh, and that's the $15 Target table!

I need a different towel there...whatever. :)

I like it! How funny I really liked those Target stools too! I think we have very similar taste. Here is the reject pillow. I just didn''t like the color with my sofa color.

Here are the ones I am going to keep. What do you think?

I MUST HAVE IT FOR MY OWN! lol.....this isn''t the pillow I was thinking of....did you go to the Btyne Target? I wonder of the Matthews one has it...

I''m so fried. Just painted the wrong side of a door....hubby is bringin home Panera! Yum!
Wait! Which one must you have? I bought it at Stonecrest but saw them first at the Target on South blvd. The one I am going to keep also has a matching kidney (?) pillow with just strips. Cool if I had a chair but I don''t. Might buy it anyways. Haha.

I feel so bad for you! You are working yourself so hard. At least it will be DONE when the ILs come! Love the towels bars BTW. Where did you get them? It would be cool to put something in those jars.

The keeper. I really like it. What color are the circles...I can't make all of them out....I really don't need though...

As for me, I'm just an F-tard. Nobody will or does care. I'm the a-hole ironing bedskirts. So I think I did a no-no and don't care. I didn't wash the sheet sets before I made the beds...I just don't have a drop more of energy...Is that horrible or should I bite it and wash them tomorrow?

As for Panera, I'm upset that they don't have my Fuji Apple Chicken Salad (I didn't get the chicken...well, actually, I used to)....the dressing was great and loved the apples and I get the Cafe salad and love the Broc Cheese soup a/t I bet there is chicken stock in there..hmmm...
Remind me never to invite you over to my house. I *wish* I was a clean freak...too laid back I guess. I DO wash my sheets before using them though SLACKER! Haha! No, I am sure it is fine and no one will notice!

The pillow is a dark gray and then the circles are in blues, green, cream, tan, and brown. I think it will work well. They are $25 a piece. Maybe on your guest beds?

I forgot you don''t eat meat. You probably could look the soup up if you *really* wanted to make sure there was no chicken broth in it.

BTW if you aren''t going to post your ring pic in the CLT thread can you do it here? Please?
Now I feel guilty....I also figured it was better for non cat hair sheets to not mingle with MIL''s sheets....I don''t think I''m doing it!!!!!!

Yeah, I just don''t need the it.

I have so much cleaning to do today I want to throw up...

As for the ring, it''s a really big zoomed in abnoxious shot that he took for the appraisal...dunno...
Chicken! You know you want to post it! Haha. When do they arrive? I hate the cleaning frenzy pre guests. It is almost as bad as the POST guest clean-up! You ever realize that even the cleanest of people are super messy when they are staying at someone else''s house?
Guuuurrrl, that pillow be dope. I saw it tonight. Even cooler in person...The version of it in beige tones made me stop and think for a moment or three...buit I kept walking...Just don't need it....but moreover LOL, would compete with my own dot pillow and the zebra pillows....

Anyhoo...I got my $7 shell that I put in my cart three times at HG and then always put back...So it's done..I think it looks cute so I'll post again LOL...Looks so much better in person...or maybe in my mind haha....

BTW, I was in Target and smelled Johnson and Johnson nightime calming lotion...O.M.G. Forget the baby...I want to smell like that. She'll be sleeping like a champ! Well, maybe not, but she'll smell sweet :)

Cool shell! I am glad you went back and got it. The jars look great filled too! What color were the circles in the beige version? Was that the reds and purples? I do think the pillow looks nicer in person too. Did you like the strip sister pillow too? Wondering if I should buy that one too (one for the chair I want someday). By then I probably will have changed my pillows 5 times.

The lavender lotion does smell good. I use it on myself! I ran out of grown-up lotion so figured I would just use her''s. She woke up at 8:30 today...still later than usual so I was happy. We finally got our pumpkins yesterday. DH picked the ugliest one with the biggest stem on purpose
. The stem is like a foot long. So silly. I seriously think the guy gave it to us for free b/c who else would have bought it? Haha. It was only $21 for three big pumpkins and one mini.

I am actually working on a project right now
wondering if I should use my paycheck for that fab black bookcase. With the way things look right now I probably should just save it. It''s no fun being responsible!
It''s. Over.
alone at last lol...they left today...
Oh, you scared me. I had no idea if you meant your marriage, living here, if your DH found out your spending "secrets" was the visit? I bet it is nice to have your house back!, just the visit is over. It was nice, but I have to say I wasn't on my best behavior....people taking over my house bothers me. It's more me than them...I also got really tired of having to sit in the back of my own car b/c MIL says she gets car sick...She would go right to the front passenger side.....About the second or third time, I didn't say anything, I just sat up front...she never got sick....They are REALLY amazing people but I think I'm a loner...and a b*tch :)

Anyway, I really need to get back to reality and find a job this week...If I do some soul searching, I just don't feel like starting a new job at this point...too stressful....can I fast forward to being there for several months?

How was your weekend?
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