
Obama Ineligible to be President

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Date: 10/16/2008 4:48:45 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 10/16/2008 4:32:07 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl
LOL, Bree! You caught me! I''m an illegal alien from the outer rings of Saturn and I''m trying to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!! You can tell by the lack of embossed seal on my OBVIOUSLY FAKE birth certificate!


I KNEW IT! Though, I never would have pegged you as someone from the outer rings.

Glad we clear this up.
Oh, yeah . . . I''m definitely from the outer rings. If you heard me talk, you''d be able to tell by my accent!
What is it about politics that brings out the tin foil peeps? What''s next, claims that the moon landing was faked?
I have no proof that Barack Obama even exists. If you want to get technical, I am not sure you exist, purrfectpear. I am not sure that Holly exists. I even have doubts about whether I exist. And I have doubts about whether that fellow named Descartes ever existed. The one who was quoted as having said, "I think, therefore I am". I am particularly suspicious of him, if you want to know the truth. One thing that raised my suspicions is that I once saw someone write that he had said, "Cogito ergo sum". Now if he can''t keep straight whether he was speaking Latin or English, how can I trust anything about him? He was French? Don''t start that with me now. I want to see his birth certificate. And I don''t want any excuses about French churches and baptismal records, either. If Descartes existed, he better have done something more than think to prove it. I want documentation. Otherwise I refuse to vote for him. If he wanted to be president of the United States, he should have planned better. I am serious. And I vote.

Jeez, dontcha think this was hashed out when he ran for office in other areas? I mean, I would love a juicy detail like this, but, really, I think this would have been found out a long time ago....unless.....politics in Chicago is found to be CORRUPT.....oh, I wonder........
I''d love for Sarah Palin to produce Trig''s birth records ... you know ... to disprove all the "web speculation". Since her "truthfulness" is at stake & seemingly a high priority of the GOP who are so eager to know the "truth" of Obama''s "associations".

Or are some slimy rumors more worthy of review/response than others?
Date: 10/16/2008 4:30:27 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 10/16/2008 4:24:09 PM

Author: SarahLovesJS

Date: 10/16/2008 4:22:14 PM

Author: decodelighted

And how do you explain this newspaper announcement of his birth in a Hawaiian newspaper back in 1961??

Yeah um..that''s the other thing. There happen to be TWO announcements..listing two different hospitals. Sketchy.

Why not show us? And when you say ''sketchy'' do you mean like traveling across the country while in labor with a high-risk baby, in order to get back to the only state in the country that has SEALED birth records ... ALASKA??

Oh snap!

Dear deco,

I think I love you. And not in a creepy way, I swear.

Date: 10/16/2008 5:44:55 PM
Author: purrfectpear
What is it about politics that brings out the tin foil peeps? What''s next, claims that the moon landing was faked?

Wait, you think the moon landing was real? Dummy!
Date: 10/16/2008 6:51:00 PM
Author: thing2of2
Date: 10/16/2008 4:30:27 PM

Author: decodelighted

Date: 10/16/2008 4:24:09 PM

Author: SarahLovesJS

Date: 10/16/2008 4:22:14 PM

Author: decodelighted

And how do you explain this newspaper announcement of his birth in a Hawaiian newspaper back in 1961??

Yeah um..that's the other thing. There happen to be TWO announcements..listing two different hospitals. Sketchy.

Why not show us? And when you say 'sketchy' do you mean like traveling across the country while in labor with a high-risk baby, in order to get back to the only state in the country that has SEALED birth records ... ALASKA??

Oh snap!

Dear deco,

I think I love you. And not in a creepy way, I swear.



ditto! seriously.

deco - i even read your response to my husband. love it.
Oh good grief! The only winner in this election will be the person who loses and walks away from the whole mess.
Date: 10/16/2008 4:29:57 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 10/16/2008 4:26:12 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Guys, I really don''t think there''s a conspiracy here.

Don''t be silly. When you''re desperate to get the ball back (so to speak), there''s always a conspiracy (or twelve) to waste even MORE of a candidate''s time.

As for you, Mrs., how are we to believe you were born in Maryland? Just so you know, I will ignore photo evidence. I''ll need to examine the certificate myself and have the ink analyzed.

Without getting into all the conspiracy theories that the left throws around (One has already been brought up in this thread..."but...but....but...Palin!"), you do know that the case about Obama''s birth certificate was brought on by one of your own, right? Philip J. Berg, Pennsylvania Democrat.

Anyway, that''s all I have to contribute. I think this is nonsense, like every other conspiracy theory. Though I do wish it was true.
Date: 10/16/2008 7:20:32 PM
Author: AprilBaby
Oh good grief! The only winner in this election will be the person who loses and walks away from the whole mess.
Now THAT''S funny!!!!
True dat. I have to wonder about anyone who actually wants to be the Chief of this sh*tstorm

I can''t imagine that anyone will be successful in turning things around (hopefully time and market cycles will eventually), and in the mean time won''t the winner be the new whipping boy?

Sigh. What a mess.
Date: 10/16/2008 7:22:51 PM
Author: luckystar112

Date: 10/16/2008 4:29:57 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 10/16/2008 4:26:12 PM
Author: Irishgrrrl

Guys, I really don''t think there''s a conspiracy here.

Don''t be silly. When you''re desperate to get the ball back (so to speak), there''s always a conspiracy (or twelve) to waste even MORE of a candidate''s time.

As for you, Mrs., how are we to believe you were born in Maryland? Just so you know, I will ignore photo evidence. I''ll need to examine the certificate myself and have the ink analyzed.

Without getting into all the conspiracy theories that the left throws around (One has already been brought up in this thread...''but...but....but...Palin!''), you do know that the case about Obama''s birth certificate was brought on by one of your own, right? Philip J. Berg, Pennsylvania Democrat.

Anyway, that''s all I have to contribute. I think this is nonsense, like every other conspiracy theory. Though I do wish it was true.
Lucky, I think the main reason that Deco brought up the "Palin conspiracy theory" was to illustrate that the "Obama conspiracy theory" is ridiculous. (And possibly also as a way of saying that "people who live in glass houses shouldn''t throw stones.") Deco, please correct me if I''m wrong . . . I don''t mean to speak for you here!

And I agree that this fake birth certificate business is complete BS, although I''m sure you''re not alone in wishing it were true!
Oops, I didn''t mean it to be taken as a dig at deco. Sorry Deco!
Feel free to make fun of me for spelling plumber "plummer".
Date: 10/16/2008 4:30:27 PM
Author: decodelighted
Date: 10/16/2008 4:24:09 PM

Author: SarahLovesJS

Date: 10/16/2008 4:22:14 PM

Author: decodelighted

And how do you explain this newspaper announcement of his birth in a Hawaiian newspaper back in 1961??

Yeah um..that''s the other thing. There happen to be TWO announcements..listing two different hospitals. Sketchy.

Why not show us? And when you say ''sketchy'' do you mean like traveling across the country while in labor with a high-risk baby, in order to get back to the only state in the country that has SEALED birth records ... ALASKA??

I''m baaaaaack! Let me know if you need me to find the link, but it should be on the Obama Crimes website. If not, then I''ll have to go on a treasure hunt because I''m not sure where I saw it last. And looks like I''m not the only one who enjoys outlandish conspiracy theories from your comments.
Like I said, I really believe he was born in Hawaii..I''d just like to see the Dems produce the evidence to the courts.
Date: 10/16/2008 8:15:10 PM
Author: luckystar112
Oops, I didn''t mean it to be taken as a dig at deco. Sorry Deco!
Feel free to make fun of me for spelling plumber ''plummer''.
Oh, I know you didn''t, Lucky! I didn''t take it as a dig at Deco at all (and I hope she didn''t either). I was just responding in general to your comment about how the Palin conspiracy had been brought up in this thread. I know you didn''t mean it as a dig toward anyone!

And don''t feel bad about "plummer" . . . I''ve seen it spelled that way by mistake just about EVERYWHERE (including a few news articles, I believe). You''re definitely not the only one! LOL!
I am a rabid Conservative who is pained at the thought of Obama becoming president.
But even I think this video is a lot of hooey!

My parents believe the "Obama is ineligible" stuff. As in "you know I don''t want to believe it, but...." My mother''s fertile imagination jumps right from that to "there will be massive riots when this is all decided and he''s removed from the ticket" to a late night phone call saying "Beauty, please tell me that you have a safe place to hang out (i.e. with some men around) when the massive riots break out."

Unfortunately, I''m not kidding. And my parents really, truly, are not stupid people, even though I question their choice of news outlets.

So I''ve lived with this "fact" for a while now. The last time my parents brought this up my response was this:

There are people who have taken an oath to protect the constitution and uphold the laws of the land. First and foremost among these people are our President and his Attorney General. They are no doubt aware of these allegations.

If they thought there was any truth to this "fact" they would have investigated and acted on it by. And I''ve no doubt that at least one of them has investigated. Which leads me to one of two conclusions:

1) They''ve determined that there is no there there, or

2) They believe that these allegations are true, but are waiting for the most opportune time, politically, to go public -- a week before the election, say, or after the election but before the innauguration.

The only way I can believe #2 is to believe that this country''s leaders are willing to throw the country into turmoil, undermine the electorate, and throw our belief in democracy under the bus just to win the White House.

Call me a silly, naive liberal if you want, but I have to believe that this particular rumor has absolutely no basis in fact.
If it were the big "October surprise" and someone waited until right before inauguration (if Obama wins), what would happen?
Would the presidency go to McCain or Biden? I''d assume Biden but I have no idea.
According to the Encyclopedia Americana:

The 20th Amendment provides for other contingencies. In the event of the death of a president-elect, it provides that the vice president-elect shall become president for the full term. If a president-elect fails to qualify—for example, by falling short of residency or age requirements—then the vice president-elect acts as president until the president qualifies. The amendment further authorizes Congress to provide for the death or failure to qualify of both the president-elect and vice president-elect, which Congress has done in the succession law of 1947.

Of course questions have also been raised about McCain''s elegibility...
Date: 10/17/2008 12:45:05 AM
Author: VRBeauty
According to the Encyclopedia Americana:

The 20th Amendment provides for other contingencies. In the event of the death of a president-elect, it provides that the vice president-elect shall become president for the full term. If a president-elect fails to qualify—for example, by falling short of residency or age requirements—then the vice president-elect acts as president until the president qualifies. The amendment further authorizes Congress to provide for the death or failure to qualify of both the president-elect and vice president-elect, which Congress has done in the succession law of 1947.

Of course questions have also been raised about McCain''s elegibility...

You''re right..questions were. And McCain responded to them and the courts were able to rule.
Isn''t the www wonderful? I found a law review article on the question of how a presidential candidate''s eligibility might legally be challenged, by whom, and when.

I''ve only skimmed it, but it kinda looks like this particular professor has determined:

that''s a good question!
Date: 10/17/2008 12:11:28 AM
Author: luckystar112
If it were the big ''October surprise'' and someone waited until right before inauguration (if Obama wins), what would happen?
Would the presidency go to McCain or Biden? I''d assume Biden but I have no idea.
I have no idea! I don''t think Obama is ineligible for the purposes of this election but I would think that in a hypothetical world the election would go to McCain (the runner-up in votes). To just give it to Biden would seem...somehow undemocratic to me, as the person who won wasn''t supposed to be on the ticket in the first place and people are voting for Obama, not Biden (as evidenced by his failed runs). I would feel the same way if McCain''s eligibility was revoked.
Date: 10/17/2008 9:17:37 AM
Author: IndyGirl22
Date: 10/17/2008 12:11:28 AM

Author: luckystar112

If it were the big ''October surprise'' and someone waited until right before inauguration (if Obama wins), what would happen?

Would the presidency go to McCain or Biden? I''d assume Biden but I have no idea.
I have no idea! I don''t think Obama is ineligible for the purposes of this election but I would think that in a hypothetical world the election would go to McCain (the runner-up in votes). To just give it to Biden would seem...somehow undemocratic to me, as the person who won wasn''t supposed to be on the ticket in the first place and people are voting for Obama, not Biden (as evidenced by his failed runs). I would feel the same way if McCain''s eligibility was revoked.

Going on what VRBeauty posted, it would go to Biden. Which makes sense-if something happens to the president, the VP takes over. It would be more undemocratic to give the office to the person and/or party who didn''t win. Although I guess that''s what happened in 2000 so it wouldn''t be unprecedented!
I think it depends on when he''s kicked out. if it''s before 11/4, they''d continue the election-probably between McCain and Biden, and if it were after OB had been elected, it would go to Biden. Not sure about the time between the election and the inauguration though....that''s a mystery.
Date: 10/17/2008 9:21:17 AM
Author: thing2of2

Going on what VRBeauty posted, it would go to Biden. Which makes sense-if something happens to the president, the VP takes over. It would be more undemocratic to give the office to the person and/or party who didn't win. Although I guess that's what happened in 2000 so it wouldn't be unprecedented!
So I just reread the text of the 20th Amendment and it actually states that Biden would take over until Obama is "qualified." I would assume he would need to become a citizen rather than fulfill any sort of residency requirement. My own reasoning, not offered as fact but merely opinion, was that if someone was not eligible to be on the ticket in the first place, why should his ticket win? Why even have the qualifications at that point? I wouldn't consider it something that happens to the President, as he was never eligible to be President to begin with. There will be more than two candidates running in the election (albeit with no chance of winning) and the runner-up in votes should be given the "win" IMHO. As for the 2000 election...we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.

ETA: I agree with you HH - timing is everything.
I''ve been doing more research on Obama''s birth certificate. He was born in 1961, and therefore his fathers race would have been classified as Black, not African. It wasn''t until 1992 when race categories were changed to the subgroups that include African. So, how could his father be classified as African when it wasn''t a classification at the time of his birth?

The categories for race or national origin are “White,” “Black,” “American Indian” (including Aleuts and Eskimos), “Chinese,” “Japanese,” “Hawaiian,” “Filipino,” and “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” (including Asian Indian). Before 1992 there was also an “other” category, which is now combined with the “Not stated” category. Before 1978 the category “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” was not identified separately but included with “Other” races. The separation of this category from “other” allows identification of the category “Asian or Pacific Islander” by combining the new category “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” with Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, and Filipino.
Beginning in 1992, NCHS contracted with seven States with the highest API populations to code births to additional API subgroups. The API subgroups include births to Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Korean, Samoan, Guamanian, and other API women. The seven States included in this reporting area are: California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington. At least two-thirds of the U.S. population of each of these additional API groups lived in the seven-State reporting area(8). The data are available on the detailed natality tapes and CD-ROMs beginning with the 1992 data year. An analytic report based on the 1992 data year is also available upon request(9). In 1996, Minnesota became the eighth State to provide this information and in 1998, Virginia became the ninth State

Date: 10/17/2008 6:03:26 PM
Author: oshinbreez
I''ve been doing more research on Obama''s birth certificate. He was born in 1961, and therefore his fathers race would have been classified as Black, not African. It wasn''t until 1992 when race categories were changed to the subgroups that include African. So, how could his father be classified as African when it wasn''t a classification at the time of his birth?

The categories for race or national origin are “White,” “Black,” “American Indian” (including Aleuts and Eskimos), “Chinese,” “Japanese,” “Hawaiian,” “Filipino,” and “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” (including Asian Indian). Before 1992 there was also an “other” category, which is now combined with the “Not stated” category. Before 1978 the category “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” was not identified separately but included with “Other” races. The separation of this category from “other” allows identification of the category “Asian or Pacific Islander” by combining the new category “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” with Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, and Filipino.
Beginning in 1992, NCHS contracted with seven States with the highest API populations to code births to additional API subgroups. The API subgroups include births to Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Korean, Samoan, Guamanian, and other API women. The seven States included in this reporting area are: California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington. At least two-thirds of the U.S. population of each of these additional API groups lived in the seven-State reporting area(8). The data are available on the detailed natality tapes and CD-ROMs beginning with the 1992 data year. An analytic report based on the 1992 data year is also available upon request(9). In 1996, Minnesota became the eighth State to provide this information and in 1998, Virginia became the ninth State


Even if they were actually African? That seems odd. I thought that the classification was changed to reflect African-American as opposed to Black. But if your national origin was the country of Africa, it would seem to me that would be reflected for citizenship purposes. However, you could be right and I just don''t care about this issue enough to research it. I''m sure that someone better than I will have some insight.
Date: 10/17/2008 6:14:00 PM
Author: MaggieB
Date: 10/17/2008 6:03:26 PM

Author: oshinbreez

I''ve been doing more research on Obama''s birth certificate. He was born in 1961, and therefore his fathers race would have been classified as Black, not African. It wasn''t until 1992 when race categories were changed to the subgroups that include African. So, how could his father be classified as African when it wasn''t a classification at the time of his birth?

The categories for race or national origin are “White,” “Black,” “American Indian” (including Aleuts and Eskimos), “Chinese,” “Japanese,” “Hawaiian,” “Filipino,” and “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” (including Asian Indian). Before 1992 there was also an “other” category, which is now combined with the “Not stated” category. Before 1978 the category “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” was not identified separately but included with “Other” races. The separation of this category from “other” allows identification of the category “Asian or Pacific Islander” by combining the new category “Other Asian or Pacific Islander” with Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, and Filipino.

Beginning in 1992, NCHS contracted with seven States with the highest API populations to code births to additional API subgroups. The API subgroups include births to Vietnamese, Asian Indian, Korean, Samoan, Guamanian, and other API women. The seven States included in this reporting area are: California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Washington. At least two-thirds of the U.S. population of each of these additional API groups lived in the seven-State reporting area(8). The data are available on the detailed natality tapes and CD-ROMs beginning with the 1992 data year. An analytic report based on the 1992 data year is also available upon request(9). In 1996, Minnesota became the eighth State to provide this information and in 1998, Virginia became the ninth State


Even if they were actually African? That seems odd. I thought that the classification was changed to reflect African-American as opposed to Black. But if your national origin was the country of Africa, it would seem to me that would be reflected for citizenship purposes. However, you could be right and I just don''t care about this issue enough to research it. I''m sure that someone better than I will have some insight.

I''ve been waiting.
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