
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Oh no @mrs-b sending Tim bucketloads of healing vibes and you too. Hoping his is mild and you don’t get it! Big hugs!!


Apr 19, 2004

Healing vibes @mrs-b . My sister got it this week and is rather unwell.

kind regards--Sharon


Apr 19, 2004

Another delightful, warm, sunny day. Rode to the market for some cinnamon buns (like my Mom used to make) and a bite of lunch. Got some cheese blintzes also. That is the good news...the bad news is I could have been hit by a car no less than 5 times!!! I am very mindful on city streets when on my bike--I know I am vulnerable. I slammed on my brakes cuz it was clear one guy DID NOT see me at all. The look on his face when he finally did see me........this happened a few weeks ago elsewhere...the lady was mouthing SORRY SORRY SORRY to me from her car. Ugh. Anyway.

I got my first pumpkin of the season! I'll buy a few more, but they were pretty spendy at Safeway today so I only got one. I really do love them and could have a dozen !!! They make me happy! I like the odd shaped ones with gnarly stems.

Any other pumpkin lovers here?

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay safe and well folks.



Mar 31, 2018

Another delightful, warm, sunny day. Rode to the market for some cinnamon buns (like my Mom used to make) and a bite of lunch. Got some cheese blintzes also. That is the good news...the bad news is I could have been hit by a car no less than 5 times!!! I am very mindful on city streets when on my bike--I know I am vulnerable. I slammed on my brakes cuz it was clear one guy DID NOT see me at all. The look on his face when he finally did see me........this happened a few weeks ago elsewhere...the lady was mouthing SORRY SORRY SORRY to me from her car. Ugh. Anyway.

I got my first pumpkin of the season! I'll buy a few more, but they were pretty spendy at Safeway today so I only got one. I really do love them and could have a dozen !!! They make me happy! I like the odd shaped ones with gnarly stems.

Any other pumpkin lovers here?

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay safe and well folks.


I’m also a pumpkin lover! I put them in my planters in the front like they’re growing there! :lol:


Aug 18, 2013
Hmmm. I tested negative, but am hot and developing a sore throat. This isn't unusual with Crohn's, tho, and if I had a nickel for every time I've thought I was developing Covid since the pandemic started, I'd be a happy woman. So I really can't tell. In the meantime, I'm trying to hunt down Paxlovid for Tim. On hold with the practice's 'clinician' who is covering for my dr after hours. Wait time greater than 45 minutes, apparently. Ten minutes down so far....


Jun 8, 2008
@mrs-b how is Tim feeling? Get the paxlovid but wait for a day or so to see if he’s improving or getting worse. My sister’s best friend is an infectious disease specialist and she had debbie wait til it was clear she wasn’t getting better. You need to have him take it by day five if that’s the case. Hoping Tim has an easy recovery. And praying you don’t come down with it. (((Hugs)))


Jun 8, 2008
@canuk-gal I love pumpkins. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin cheesecake. Pumpkinlicious

I hope your sister starts feeling better soon and has a full recovery!


Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b how is Tim feeling? Get the paxlovid but wait for a day or so to see if he’s improving or getting worse. My sister’s best friend is an infectious disease specialist and she had debbie wait til it was clear she wasn’t getting better. You need to have him take it by day five if that’s the case. Hoping Tim has an easy recovery. And praying you don’t come down with it. (((Hugs)))

I was just on the phone with my practice's after hours nurse practitioner to get Paxlovid, given that both Tim and I are immuno-compromised. I waited 1 hour and 1 minute before my called was answered. I was on the phone for no more than 30 seconds and there was a beep on the phone. "You're getting a fax" she said. I said I wasn't as I had no fax capability on my cell phone. Then the line buzzed again - and we were disconnected.

I'm now on hold again.


Mar 31, 2018

Another delightful, warm, sunny day. Rode to the market for some cinnamon buns (like my Mom used to make) and a bite of lunch. Got some cheese blintzes also. That is the good news...the bad news is I could have been hit by a car no less than 5 times!!! I am very mindful on city streets when on my bike--I know I am vulnerable. I slammed on my brakes cuz it was clear one guy DID NOT see me at all. The look on his face when he finally did see me........this happened a few weeks ago elsewhere...the lady was mouthing SORRY SORRY SORRY to me from her car. Ugh. Anyway.

I got my first pumpkin of the season! I'll buy a few more, but they were pretty spendy at Safeway today so I only got one. I really do love them and could have a dozen !!! They make me happy! I like the odd shaped ones with gnarly stems.

Any other pumpkin lovers here?

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay safe and well folks.


@canuk-gal Last year I spent over $60 for three pumpkins at a farm. This year I got three nice pumpkins from Giant (supermarket) for 5.99 each!


Jun 8, 2008
@mrs-b ugh. That’s infuriating. I’m so sorry. She should have called you back! I got disconnected from the hospital and the nurse called me right back. I hope by now you got the paxlovid prescription and you are able to rest for the evening. Big hugs


Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b I hope by now you got the paxlovid prescription and you are able to rest for the evening. Big hugs

Not as such....

I called again - waited 56 minutes this time. Then I had to do a full medical history and triage - both for me and for Tim; had to take our temps and ox sats while on the phone, etcetcetc. By the time she'd made her suggestions (I manage mine at home - Tim goes to urgent care, or the ER if not) this had taken another 45 minutes. Finally I said to her - "I see you're not prescribing Paxlovid for us. What would have made you prescribe that for us that we didn't say, or what symptoms does Tim seem not to have that would have made Paxlovid the right call?"

And she said....

"Oh - I can't do that. I'm a nurse, not a nurse practitioner. I'm just here to triage patients and tell them either how to manage at home, or to refer them to urgent care / the ER if their symptoms seem too severe to manage at home."

So. 3 hours for that.

But here's the kicker.....

When I first called - the FIRST time - the very FIRST question I asked the answering service (which is a hoop you have to jump through before they even put you through to the nurse) was: "Is the person I'll be speaking to a nurse or a nurse practitioner? Is she able to prescribe medication via the pharmacy? I'm trying to get Paxlovid for my husband."

And the woman I spoke to said - "Yes. She's a nurse practitioner."

I'm so exhausted. And my leg is hurting today like a leg-sized toothache. So I'm going to bed.

Good night, NIRDIs.


Jun 8, 2008
Not as such....

I called again - waited 56 minutes this time. Then I had to do a full medical history and triage - both for me and for Tim; had to take our temps and ox sats while on the phone, etcetcetc. By the time she'd made her suggestions (I manage mine at home - Tim goes to urgent care, or the ER if not) this had taken another 45 minutes. Finally I said to her - "I see you're not prescribing Paxlovid for us. What would have made you prescribe that for us that we didn't say, or what symptoms does Tim seem not to have that would have made Paxlovid the right call?"

And she said....

"Oh - I can't do that. I'm a nurse, not a nurse practitioner. I'm just here to triage patients and tell them either how to manage at home, or to refer them to urgent care / the ER if their symptoms seem too severe to manage at home."

So. 3 hours for that.

But here's the kicker.....

When I first called - the FIRST time - the very FIRST question I asked the answering service (which is a hoop you have to jump through before they even put you through to the nurse) was: "Is the person I'll be speaking to a nurse or a nurse practitioner? Is she able to prescribe medication via the pharmacy? I'm trying to get Paxlovid for my husband."

And the woman I spoke to said - "Yes. She's a nurse practitioner."

I'm so exhausted. And my leg is hurting today like a leg-sized toothache. So I'm going to bed.

Good night, NIRDIs.

Unbelievable. But not. Because healthcare today isn't what it used to be. I am so sorry. It should not be this hard.
Isn't there a doctor on call for your PCP or primary care doctor?
Do you have an MD or NP friend who can just prescribe it for you?
Any of your physicians can RX Paxlovid.

How is Tim feeling this morning? How are you doing? Sending big hugs. And well wishes. (((((HUGS)))))


Jun 8, 2008
GM girls, hope all is well. Happy Sunday.
We had a good day cycling and it was milder than the day before.
Enjoyed ice cream and furry babies and wild animal sightings and chatting outdoors with friends.
Hoping for more of the same today.
One day at a time for all of us. One day at a time.
Sending hugs and love to all and healing vibes to those who need it.

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Love you. Enjoy and be well.


Jun 8, 2008
Oops... from Caturday Saturday....
Gracie Frances is a character. That is for sure.
@rainwood :)

It was chilly last night so we were hanging out on the couch and I had my favorite blue soft blanket. And apparently it's now gracie's favorite too. :lol:

So in honor of Caturday Saturday.

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She's a little minx.:kiss:


Aug 18, 2013
Hallo, Gracie Frances - you are a complete doll! <3

I'd love another cat, but my dogs are a sporting dog breed - ie hunters/flushers. So no cats for us.

When we no longer have these dogs, tho, we intend to get a cat and a beagle. We'll get them when both young so they can grow up together.

I intend to call the beagle Adeline. Adeline the Beagle. Why is it that this makes me laugh every.single.time. I think it?? Adeline the Beagle. Chuckling again - even now.

Tim adores cats, so he'll probably pick the cat's name. This is always a risky business; last time Tim named one of our cats, he called him Razzdus Watermelon. Given that my dogs are only 4 years old, I have a few years to steel myself for this.


Feb 21, 2019
Nirdi shoutout! Thank you so much for all of the love and shout outs. I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! I'm sorting through clothes lol, trying to downsize. Life gets simpler with less stuff for me. And that doesn't include bling lol!! I have to stand up to my namesake!
I'm thinking about everyone and sending love and positive vibes!


Mar 31, 2018
@mrs-b How is Tim doing today?


Apr 19, 2004

NIRDI shout out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had a lovely ride today--another sweet weather day! Had an ice cream at the end of it all...or rather my DH had his and most of mine. But I did enjoy the few bites of the maple walnut. Spoke to a nice fella at the ice cream stop--he had a gorgeous bike!

I'm not feeling myself--gut issues. I need to see my Doc and will make an appt tomorrow. My sister with Covid is feeling a bit better--thank goodness. Such a drag.

@bling_dream19 I have been getting rid of clothing as well. I don't need more stuff, that's for sure.
@mrs-b hope things are OK in your household.

Stay safe and well folks.



Aug 18, 2013
@mrs-b How is Tim doing today?

@MamaBee -

Thanks for asking, J. He's ok - it's like a very heavy cold. Temp of 101, coughing, but not too heavily, sore throat, headache. When he takes Tylenol, his temp goes down, the headache goes away and his throat is not *quite* so sore, so he does get relief from it. I'm really hoping that he's thrown it off by this time next week.

Did you see your mother this weekend? If so - how is she? And how did you hold up? I know going there is incredibly stressful for you. Thinking of you and sending hugs. ox


Mar 31, 2018
@mrs-b I’m so happy Tim is doing okay. TG for the vaccines..

Yes..I saw my mom yesterday. My husband, son Chris, David, and my husband all went to see her. We took her outside for fresh air. They have nice seating outside where we can sit and visit. We can take off our masks when we sit there. When I usually go we go to the puzzle room and do a puzzle..I close the door to the room so we can take off our masks. They have lots of visiting/ activity rooms for residents so we weren’t keeping anyone out. We don't really do puzzles but she doesn’t have much to say. This gives us something to do when we’re visiting. I will put a few pieces together for her..but separate them when I give them to her so she can be successful making them come together. She feels like she’s contributing then.
I know she wants to come home for a visit but truthfully I can’t do it yet. I did take her home once..but the next day she had major BI issues at the home..It scared me into just visiting her there. It sounds silly but I have PTSD from her MAJOR accident here.
Thank you for asking.
Stay well! ❤️


Aug 18, 2013
@canuk-gal -

I've been so tied up with my own stuff, I didn't realize your sister has been battling through covid. I'm so glad she's feeling a little better - how long ago did she start showing symptoms?

And - gut issues? Ugh. I feel for you - truly. We so often just ignore gut issues as 'something we all get from time to time' - but over the last 6 or 7 years, I've really learnt never to turn a blind eye to this sort of thing, so I'm relieved to hear you're going to your dr. Have you had these sorts of things before, or is this new for you and you're hoping it's something that will pass? I hope for the latter!

I'm so glad you were able to get out riding - your weather sounds fabulous. Early fall here in New England is also gorgeous, and we've been getting some rain, too, which is a huge relief. Lawns are green again and plants aren't looking so exhausted - tho many won't recover from this last summer's weather and are now being pulled, along with dead trees being cut down. It's sad to see.

Did you look through the Oakgems sale items? And did you find anything??

Hoping you get in to see your dr soon and that all is addressed promptly.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Happy marvelous Monday! And Happy Rosh Hashanah...the start of the Jewish new year.


@mrs-b I hope Tim is feeling much better this morning and you are able to get him Paxlovid should he need it. And cats are amazing I agree. But so are dogs. Having both is ideal IMO. :)

@MamaBee so glad you got to visit your mom and it sounds like a lovely visit. I totally get the PTSD.

@canuk-gal glad your sister is feeling better and you got to enjoy cycling this weekend.

@Slickk hope you had a fantastic weekend

@bling_dream19 hope you enjoyed a good weekend and got a lot accomplished downsizing your clothes. I need to do that too, thanks for the reminder. I just need to get motivated.

Hi everyone else. Hope all is well. We enjoyed another splendid cycling day yesterday and the weather has been purrrrfect. Have a marvelous Monday girls. XOXO

Jimmy always does a good pour.

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Happy Autumn!


Mar 31, 2018
Shana Tova @missy and anyone else celebrating!
Gracie Frances is soooooo pretty..:kiss2:

@canuk-gal I hope your tummy is feeling better today..It’s a good idea to see the doctor...
How’s your sister doing?

@mrs-b I’m wishing Tim a speedy recovery…I’m crossing my fingers and toes you stay negative…

@bling_dream19 You are inspiring me to downsize my closet too! I did do that a few times..but I keep putting things back! :lol: I also need to downsize my jewelry…That is a pain in the keesta. I HATE to sell things.

Hi to everyone else.. xoxoxo

It will be a busy day today..I hope to tick things off my list of errands and phone calls early..I always have the best intentions..but not always successful..ugh


Aug 18, 2013
Just a quick update....

Tim is about the same - not much improvement. I woke up with a sore throat and runny nose, but am still testing negative. I'm meant to see the surgeon (the new neurologist one) this afternoon, but I think I'll end up rescheduling. I'm on hold with them at the moment.

This is such a pain in the neck.

ETA. On phone with surgeon's office. Been disconnected once. Been put on hold a third time now. Seriously, this is just madness. Still trying to get in contact with my PCP to get Paxlovid for Tim and now, I strongly suspect, for me.
Last edited:


Sep 26, 2011
Been down for the count for the last 2 weeks with COVID. David brought it back from a business trip and, unlike the practical and organized @mrs-b and Tim, we were not nearly as careful, so of course I got it. Still tired and likely have a secondary bacterial sinus infection, but am finally testing negative after 2 weeks (!) Now catching up on statistics homework and new job research stuff, as well as NIRDI news. Love to all of you!


Aug 18, 2013
Been down for the count for the last 2 weeks with COVID. David brought it back from a business trip and, unlike the practical and organized @mrs-b and Tim, we were not nearly as careful, so of course I got it. Still tired and likely have a secondary bacterial sinus infection, but am finally testing negative after 2 weeks (!) Now catching up on statistics homework and new job research stuff, as well as NIRDI news. Love to all of you!

Oh gees, @springerspaniel - you have my FULL sympathies! 2 weeks? Gees Louise.... Had you had all 4 vaccine shots? I was meant to be getting the new shot this evening, but I think that's not going to happen. I can feel this coming on by the hour.

I hope you get fully over this very soon and that the bacterial infection is hit on the head also. Tim and I have an appt with our dr this afternoon for paxlovid (FINALLY!) - so I'm hoping that helps. Hugs to you!


Mar 31, 2018
@springerspaniel I‘m so sorry! Two weeks is a long time! It’s great news you finally tested negative..I hope the bacterial infection clears up soon..
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