
Now I really did it :((


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you Gypsy and I appreciate your comforting words. (((HUGS))) back.

Also thanks to you and Greg I have this male feral's name. S. Mug (remember Mug RootBeer?) keeping in the spirit of the soda gang names continuing. S. Mug haha but we will call him Mug or Mugs(y) for short. I completely agree. He looks so smug and tough. Full of catitude. Meooow.

I feel better after reading your comforting words and also speaking with Ann this morning. She is onboard with us trying to trap Mug this weekend. He will be tricky to trap since he may not be eating at our feeding station. We just are not sure. Dr. Pepper and Mug and Ginger Ale are proving quite challenging to trap but we are going to try! Ann is releasing Shasta and Rootbeer tomorrow on our property and she will clean and disinfect the traps and bring them back Thursday and we are coming Friday morning and have exactly 3 days to try trapping them. Fingers crossed!

Just came back from a great ride and it was HOT. Cannot wait till the weather cools off finally. Sharing some pretty sky pics from this morning. I took them as we were riding over our first of 3 drawbridges. Photos in motion.




And then sharing our ice cream treat at Days. We started eating it before I thought to take a pic to share with you all on this hot August Sunday. Ahhh the ice cream was so good. :lickout:

Hope everyone is having a great day!




Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone - I had a long post typed out but didn't save it and somehow my computer went wacky and I lost it, so I'll do an abbreviated version -

Missy, hang in there with the changes going on at work - you never know, the transition might go more smoothly than you think but if it doesn't you have other options so it will all work out no matter how things go.

I'm sorry to hear about the swelling, I wish I could help but hopefully rainwood's comments helped you and eased your mind a little about it. I hope the swelling goes down for you soon.

Love the pics of Francesca, she's so sweet. A sleeping kitty really is very calming. And the pics from your bike ride are beautiful! You have a really good eye for taking pictures. The doggies are really cute, and your ice cream looks so refreshing and yummy. I want ice cream now ha.

Big hugs to you about the TNR, I can see how it is overwhelming and how you could feel discouraged but I hope you keep reminding yourself you're accomplishing more than your think you are - it's a big problem for everyone who is trying to trap and help feral cats, so you aren't alone and everyone is just doing the best they can. Sounds like you're feeling a little better and I'm really glad Ann is willing to try to trap this weekend. Gypsy is so right, trapping just one cat is a big help, hang in there. The feeding station Greg is building is just awesome, he's the man :cheeky: I'm so happy Sprite seems to be doing well, I know it's such a relief to you - and to me too lol.

Quick update - my mother is doing about the same, no improvement in appetite. No word yet on how long she's going to stay at the rehab.

Rainwood, I'm really enjoying your pictures, you're a great photographer. Love the viking boats and the Little Mermaid statue, very cool. The amusement park looks like it was a lot of fun and I got a kick out of the duck village and the Monopoly houses. Aero is beyond picturesque, what a quaint and pretty place. I think all of us nirdis should get one of those thrones lol. Your pictures are amazing. Thanks for giving me a chance to see a part of the world I've never seen.

Thanks for you kind words, I'm just trying to stay calm and not get too stressed out, it's a rough situation and I wish I could have more control over it but I can't.

Marcy, so glad you made it with no problems, thanks for checking in, it was great to hear from you. Ugh, that's too bad about the house, hopefully the issues can be straightened out. I know you will have a fantastic time - how could you not, you're not at work haha! I'm so glad you're getting away and relaxing.

Scandi, I like your bikini, it's really cute! I hope you were able to find a good place to train your furbaby. I hope you had a wonderful time with your guests this weekend.

Gypsy, I hope your weekend went well and you're feeling ok. (((hugs)))

Oh, my husband and I drove up to my mother's and picked up Zoe the cat! She's doing well, although I'm sure she's confused and not sure what's going on, poor thing. At first she was doing a lot of pacing and roaming and she's kind of skittish, bet she's starting to settle down a little. It will probably take her a while to adjust. I asked my brother several times if he wanted to keep her for now but he was fine with me taking her. He's not much of a cat person, although he does like her. I'm really happy to have her with me, and my husband really likes her. She slept with us last night and at one point she was sniffing him and purring lol. I'm sure she's wondering who this strange man is haha.

Hope all the nirdis have a good Monday, thinking of you all!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! How did Monday get here so quickly?

Junie, I am so sorry your mom's condition is not improving. I hope your sister is providing comfort and support and you are continuing to feel at peace with things as much as you can at least. I am so happy you and your dh have Zoe back with you! I know you are all thrilled to be reunited and believe me Zoe is much happier with you though I am sure your brother provided a good home for her while she was visiting.

Regarding work I appreciate your hopeful comments but I am just being realistic. We are switching to an new EMR starting August 29th with no training or time allowed with the same number (or more) of patients scheduled. So we will see. The mood of the clinic has been declining steadily the last few years and I think it has hit a new time low. Instead of an optimistic hopeful attitude it seems that our organization cannot wait to get rid of us (Article 28 clinic) and have the new organization take us so it is not a good situation and I am preparing myself for the worst. In the words of our medical director they cannot get rid of us fast enough. I thought we might have till late October for the final approvals to go through but the last bit of approvals are now complete with the DOH and we are now moving fast. One week left.

Thank you for your hugs and big (((HUGS))) to you too sweet Junie.

Gypsy, wishing you much good luck this week and hoping your transfusion is a huge success. Also hoping sweet Duncan is doing well. (((HUGS))).

We are leaving a bit later today to go back to the city as Greg has a conference call he is taking from the beach house later this morning. Otherwise it is business as usual.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekends and I am looking forward to hearing about them. :wavey:


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I'm sorry for all the changes going on at work and that morale is so low - I can see how all the changes might just be more than you want to deal with at this point in your life, so yes, it's a good idea to be realistic, keep your options open, and see how you're feeling about it all during the week. I understand how this is causing you anxiety, it's a tough call and there's a lot involved. Hugs to you, and of course I will support any decision you make!

Thanks for your support, I'm trying to just remain as calm as I can otherwise the anxiety is just going to really affect me adversely and I have to try to keep a handle on it. Having my sister here is helping me a lot.

It's great having Zoe here, it's always been the plan that I would eventually take her. She's still getting used to everything, she must feel she's on another planet or something lol. My brother did take good care of her, and he likes her even though he's not really a cat person. My husband is so funny - before she got here I was worried she didn't have a good window to look out of, one nice thing about my mother's house was that Zoe had a nice perch by a window facing the street, with lots of birds and things to look at. My husband thought I was being kind of silly worrying about something like that. Well, I set up a table by a window for her, and my husband said "She has nothing to look at! We have to get the front bushes cut so she can see out the front windows." It just made me laugh, and it's sweet that he's thinking about her!


Feb 27, 2007

Typing on iPhone so will be brief and full of typos

Rainwood sorry your ankle swells and achy. This place is huge. Guessing about 5500 square feet of living space here.

Missy they do have a cleaning done between renters but if my cleaning lady did this kind of work I'd fire her. Sweet on seeing a Macan. Love the cat pictures especially the one looking through the door at each other. The sky pictures are great too. Sorry for the upheaval at work. Good luck working through that.

Junebug sorry to hear your mom is not improving. Hugs to you and her. Its nice your sister is there. That's nice you have Zoe now. That's cute she slept with you guys. My sisters cat likes to look out the window. They have raccoons sometimes in their back yard and the cat will stay up all night watching them. My sister said on about day 3 he fell asleep on the window sill and about fell off.

Beach bum life is fun. Pretty ocean. Ugh to bugs and humidity and heat. Oh and I am counting down days until no more inlaws. Ha ha. Only 2 fights so far.



Mar 29, 2005
Missy, I'm sorry work is so chaotic and unrewarding right now. Sometimes, it's outside events like these that push us in the direction we should go. You'll know soon enough what direction that is. And I too loved the photo of the tomcat peering at your kitties. It would be nice to get him TNR'ed if he's everyone's kitty daddy! And it's great that you're being realistic about what you and Greg can accomplish. You've made a huge difference already, but it's not possible to solve the problem entirely. You are doing everything you reasonably can, and that's more than enough.

Marcy, you are a saint for being willing to do a family vacation for 2 weeks and so far away. They can be challenging, that's for sure. Humidity and bugs are my two least favorite things so I feel for you on that. Just think how many wonderful wife points you're racking up for the next few days though. It's a lot! And you'll have to think about how you want to redeem them when you get home!!!!

Junie, it's hard to watch our parents decline and we feel like there isn't anything we can do, but it's true. You've done everything you can. It may not feel like it, but you have. The rest is is someone else's hands. I'm glad you have Zoe, she sounds like a very sweet kitty.

I'm on the island, came Sunday afternoon because family was in town and spent Friday and Saturday with them (and caught another cold to prove it - you have to love toddlers!). Everything here is working! I have A/C, hot water, and a working septic system. That's the first time in months. I'll head back to the city later today, but I needed to come out and check on things because it had been a month and a half. Everything seems fine, and the weather is cooler and overcast after some hot days. I like it!

And the health department has done a septic pre-approval for the plans to turn the attic into a studio space so the first step is accomplished. I had to pay over $800 in fees to the Health Department even though the project doesn't involve any plumbing whatsoever. And that isn't even the permitting fee which will come later and be even more. It was $800 for someone to look at the three drawings, call me to ask one question, then stamp the drawings. I calculate that is about a $10,000 hourly rate! Cost of getting things done around here is insane.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Feb 27, 2007
Rainwood, sorry to hear about the expense and hassle of getting your studio done but I think you'll love it once it is all completed. Good idea for cashing in points for hanging out with the in laws. Marty deals with my family more frequently but they all go home the same day. Maybe sapphires are on my list. Oh wait Marty's birthday is in October.

Here is a picture of Killer and Teddy on the deck. You ladies can caption it for me if you want.




Jul 1, 2014
Caption: Curran Crew Viewing Plaid Butt Descending Beach Stairs!


Feb 27, 2007
Bwhahahahaha Kristie. I didn't know she was in the picture on my phone.



Jul 1, 2014
And that in a nutshell is the problem with in-laws: you think they're outta the picture but you're so SO WRONG!!!! And they're wearing plaid. And they're breathing...

Hell is other in-laws!!!!


Mar 29, 2005
You two crack me up!!


Jan 23, 2016
Hello and happy Tuesday :wavey:

Lots of work to do yesterday. We have decided to rent the training terrain for furbaby so that is good :) Very happy that DH is positive, so that it is not just me spending money, lol.

Missy, sorry to hear that the metal in your leg is bothering you. I think I'm taking mine out next year. It is not swelling, but it is a bit lumpy, so boots can be a bit of an issue. Sick of that. So think I will just have them removed. Good to hear that one of the kitties is a boy :) So perhaps just one more boy to go :) Just stay positive and know that you are doing a REALLY GOOD job! Can't do anything else! The clinic will be as it will be. Just have to wait and see! You can always do something else instead!!

Junebug, getting Zoe to live with you sounds super nice :) Awwww the story about your DH and the windows and looking out! I have a chair for my baby so she can sit and look out of the windows - without jumping on the dinner table... :lol: Look forward to when the house is finished and the windows go much lower so that she can look out of all of them :)

Beach bum Marcy, how is beach life? Sunny? Beachy? Foody? The view is soooo nice. Kind of envious.. :love: If in-laws are annoying, just ignore them. YOU HAVE A BEACH AND SUN AND FOOD AND WINE !!! :appl:

Jimmianne, hope all is well. :wavey:

Gypsy, any luck on scheduling a new appointment?

Hugs to all!


Jan 23, 2016
Todays picture: Bird training terrain



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Junie, I am so glad Zoe is with you and your sister is with you. Being surrounded by loved ones is good and will surely go a long way in helping ease your anxiety honey. I am so glad you are feeling calmer about things. And I love that your dh loves Zoe so much. Isn't it surprising how our men who might not have been animal lovers to start became loyal and complete animal lovers once the fur babies became part of our families? I know Greg thought he didn't care for cats when we started dating and now look at him. :lol:
(((Hugs))) to you sweet Junie.

Rainwood, woohoo!!! So happy for you that finally everything is working at once in your island home! Isn't it amazing when things are actually working and working right. It's a huge relief! :appl: And wow yeah $10,000 an hour is steep and I sure went into the wrong profession lol. Anyway despite the cost that it is good news that your studio is on the way to being approved darn the red tape and the costs though. I cannot wait to hear you are enjoying your lovely new office/studio. Just like Greg and his basement project it will happen though it might end up costing more and taking a bit more time. I was not thrilled with the cost of the basement project as it cost a significant bit more than we originally thought it would. 25K more than we expected. Sigh. Add up the total cost of the basement and I could have had a lovely old cut diamond riviera. So glad things are moving along for you and hoping the cost hereon in isn't too bad. And mainly I hope you get the studio of your dreams!

Thanks for your comments re work (and the kitties). I have a difficult decision with no perfect solution. Just hoping to make the best one for me. I hope I have the wisdom to figure which decision is best.

LOL Marcy and Kristie, bwahahaha priceless. :lol: Marcy I'm not sure young re going to get Teddy and Bunny to return back with you to Wyoming now that they have a taste of the good life yanno? I think they might be kicking and screaming the whole way back just like our sweet kitties do every time we return from the beach to the city. Love that caption Kristie. I am sure our fur babies stuffed and otherwise are constantly amused by us. If only they could talk.

Kristie, hope that you don't get chosen for Jury Duty. Sending lots of good luck dust your way. Remember to "Bring the Crazy" OK?

Marcy It was so much fun chatting with you this morning and I love being in the same time zone as you. I am so glad you are enjoying the beach and I hope you got things straightened out with the landlord. What a spectacular view. I will say living on the beach has its advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantage #1 are storms. Hurricanes, Noreasters and the like. This way you have the best of the beach experience. Rent it during the beautiful weather and go back home during hurricanes. Of course I know you have more than your fair share of bad weather where you live so I guess there is no perfect place. But if there is please share it because you know I am thinking about it. Re bugs and humidity I find that during a west wind you want to stay off the beach because the bugs come out full force but yes the humidity is there a lot. That's why my hair is so frizzy and I'm sticking with that reason LOL. Hoping the in-laws return back home very soon and that your SIL is being less nasty and more quiet and that no one is bickering and that the cool dry weather comes your way!

Scandi, glad you found the perfect training terrain for sweet Fifi and that your dh is onboard. That goes a long way in helping.
How long have you had the metal in your leg? I forget. I am sorry it is causing you issues and I wonder if taking it out is the way for me to go too. I remember my surgeon was quite definite in leaving it in unless it was causing big problems because (and my memory might be faulty here) it would cause more damage to my lymphatic drainage system causing more permanent swelling to remove it. I would love to get it out if that wouldn't be the case but I think that's what he said. I am wishing you lots of luck with your decision because it is literally a pain having this metal in our legs. I think my case might be different because I have over 30 pieces of metal and he also said he would not be able to remove all of it anyway so for me it is a different story. Hopefully your metal is easier to remove! Love your latest scenery pic. So pretty and serene. Reminds me of that scene in the Sound of Music. :halo:

We had a hectic Monday. The work CC didn't go as expected and when we got back to Brooklyn not everything was working. Haha what else is new. You would think with 2 homes we would have a decent chance of at one time things all working in one home at least but no. I think it just doubles our chance of things going wrong. Gotta laugh or else I would go bonkers. At least the temp is comfortable finally for at least till Friday when our heat and humidity return to the 90s. I am loving the nice cooler weather right now. Greg worked the rest of the day from home which was fine because though I used the landline the rest of the day he was cool with it. I am a phone hog I admit it. 8-) Today I am visiting J and doing some work around the house. Tomorrow might be one of my last days at work. Still AC at work isn't fixed but I hope to find out today that it is fixed. I spent a while yesterday trying to figure out all the forms I have to now fill out for the new clinic as we sort of have to reapply for our positions. Fun fun fun.

We saw a great movie last night that I had TIVOd on HBO. Brooklyn. It was so enjoyable. I recommend it to everyone here. I don't think you will be disappointed. We even stayed up late to finish it because it was so good.

Adding a photo from yesterday before we left the beach house. Greg got to do a bit more on his workbench and is almost done now. Just about 8-10 hours left on it though it is fully functional right now. Woohoo finally. He wants to trim and paint and polyurethane though but that's all that is left.

Have a great day girls. Love you and hope today is full of happiness and smooth sailing. :wavey:



Feb 27, 2007
azstonie said:
And that in a nutshell is the problem with in-laws: you think they're outta the picture but you're so SO WRONG!!!! And they're wearing plaid. And they're breathing...

Hell is other in-laws!!!!

Sad but true.



Feb 27, 2007
rainwood said:
You two crack me up!!

Laughter is the best medicine.

My FIL was just laughing at me. One of these millennial kids are cooking breakfast and she just said I feel sorry for whoever washes this pan. I guess my face clearly showed my inner dialogue. How about you wash it yourself?



Feb 27, 2007
Scandinavia, good deal you find the spot to rent for training. Beach life is pretty fun. I am not eating much and had 2 margaritas yesterday. It helps make people more interesting. How did your weekend go?



Feb 27, 2007
Missy, you will know what to do about work and kitties when it's time. I believe in listening to my gut. I know Teddy and Killer are enjoying the sun and beach. Something going on all the time. They might be sad to go back to boring Wyoming. It is fun being in the same time zone. I bet storms are something by the ocean. It is always something with the house and since you have 2 then it doubles you fun and problems. I sure hope the AC at work is fixed. I think I saw Brooklyn in the guide and thought it looked good. I'll have to watch it.



Jan 23, 2016
marcy|1471955497|4068939 said:
Scandinavia, good deal you find the spot to rent for training. Beach life is pretty fun. I am not eating much and had 2 margaritas yesterday. It helps make people more interesting. How did your weekend go?


Margaritas on an empty stomach always helps make people more interesting :halo: :devil: :halo: You might also try gin&tonic, dry martinis, or - which is really tasty and one of my favourites in said category - pisco sour (use Peruvian pisco) :naughty: It IS after all important to have a varied diet !! :lol:


Jul 1, 2014


Feb 27, 2007
Scandinavia and Kristie at this point in time I'd drink rubbing alcohol if it would help!



Aug 8, 2005
Update on me. I am so f*cking angry these days I could actually breathe fire. I hate my life right now and my husband's company with their f--ing outsourcing of everything. I cannot even tell you how pissed I am about this insurance situation ( which has gotten worse). Not to mention unemployment BS, sick cats (Lilly has unstoppable diarrhea), and the hell that is this job hunt.

I am losing it.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls.

Gypsy, Ugh, I'm so sorry. This really sucks and I can only imagine how darn frustrating and terrible this whole situation is for you. The health situation, the kitties health issues, your job hunt and then all this BS with your health insurance. And now John's company and the damn red tape BS.

I know things seem out of control and that it is a huge overwhelming amount of crap you are sinking in right now. Anyone in your situation would feel like they were losing it. It is more than any person should have to handle. I wish I could just make it all better for you but I do know that things *will* get better. I know they will even though right now it is hard to see the light for the darkness. But that light Gypsy that you cannot see right now? It is coming from within you and all of us can see that light. It's a quote I cannot remember exactly but it's what comes to mind immediately reading what you are going through. You will get through this and be even stronger than before. You will be OK and life will feel good again. Right now it sucks but it won't always be like this.

Hang in there and keep on doing what you are doing. One day at a time, one hour at a time and yes one minute at a time. Keep moving forward no matter how hopeless you feel because I promise you it is not hopeless and each day you are closer to things being better sweetheart. I wish I could reach out and hug you and be there for you to listen IRL but know I am sending lots of good thoughts and virtual hugs your way and I am here (as are all the girls) to listen and support you and be here however I can be. Venting and talking things through can be helpful and I know it has gotten me through some dark times. ((((HUGS)))).

You can contact me if you want to on loupe troop and I made a new listing for you. Or you can get my contact info through LLJsmom.
Please don't feel obligated to contact me offline however. I just wanted you to know I am here for you offline if you wanted to contact me. No pressure at all. However you want me to be here for you I will.

Just want you to know many people care about you here and you are not alone no matter how dark things seem to be right now.
Hoping Lilly starts feeling much better very soon.


Jan 23, 2016
Hello all :wavey:
Typing on my phone from the train so lot of typos to follow :)

Gypsy. It will be ok I promise. It might take a little while longer but it will !!! You have a loving husband and many loving kitties, please remember that. And you are a lovely person. Who deserves good things. Please remember that also! Thinking about your job search: I would go gagaga sitting at home looking for work. Have you considered taking an "inbetween" job that you are totally over qualified for..? Just to have something to do with your days? I always say that my alternative career is dog walking - everybody think I'm joking but I'm not :) Tons of hugs!!


Jan 23, 2016
Missy, I can not believe how much trouble you are having with "electrical things". Not only in two houses but also at work!! Faith must be jelous of all your good work, only explenation I can think of... :) Hope today the AC is perfect and the mood is good :) and that pigs can fly :lol: No seriously, I hope you get to have a perfect day!


Jan 23, 2016
marcy|1471995143|4069229 said:
Scandinavia and Kristie at this point in time I'd drink rubbing alcohol if it would help!


Oh honey... I think it might be better to give the others a few drinks before you try that... :lol: :lol: :lol:
My weekend was super nice :) Warm and sunny, well behaved children and lots of chit-chat talkes with one of my besties :) I made duck breasts and even they turned out perfect! :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Scandinavian|1472035521|4069413 said:
Missy, I can not believe how much trouble you are having with "electrical things". Not only in two houses but also at work!! Faith must be jelous of all your good work, only explenation I can think of... :) Hope today the AC is perfect and the mood is good :) and that pigs can fly :lol: No seriously, I hope you get to have a perfect day!

Lol I know, right? I used to joke that I have some sort of anti-technology aura around me but maybe it is an anti-electricity aura. Who the heck knows. :lol: Gotta laugh yanno? Thanks for the good thoughts, I'll take a good day. I don't need perfect anymore as we all know that "perfect is the enemy of good." ::)

Truly taking things "One Day at a Time" is sometimes the best thing we can do and not look ahead too far....

And love your dog walking idea. Maybe that could be something I do when I leave my job. I wouldn't be able to take money for it but it would give me something to do. NIRDIs have the best ideas.

Jimmianne, glad things are continuing to improve.

Marcy. Glad you are buying bling even while on vacation. A true PSer through and through and glad your coping mechanisms are working. Bring on the bling and the refreshing drinks. Hoping Marty's new glasses are perfect this time. That pesky ocean. :lol:

Hugs to you Scandi and to all you girls and extra hugs to Gypsy.

Adding some pics of Francesca from yesterday afternoon. They make me smile so I am hoping they can make all of you smile a bit too.





Feb 27, 2007
Gypsy said:
Update on me. I am so f*cking angry these days I could actually breathe fire. I hate my life right now and my husband's company with their f--ing outsourcing of everything. I cannot even tell you how pissed I am about this insurance situation ( which has gotten worse). Not to mention unemployment BS, sick cats (Lilly has unstoppable diarrhea), and the hell that is this job hunt.

I am losing it.

Gypsy, sorry things are so challenging right now. I hope things start turning around soon. Hugs to you.



Feb 27, 2007
Scandinavian said:
marcy|1471995143|4069229 said:
Scandinavia and Kristie at this point in time I'd drink rubbing alcohol if it would help!


Oh honey... I think it might be better to give the others a few drinks before you try that... :lol: :lol: :lol:
My weekend was super nice :) Warm and sunny, well behaved children and lots of chit-chat talkes with one of my besties :) I made duck breasts and even they turned out perfect! :lol:

Scandinavia, luckily there is plenty of alcohol here I just have to watch the whiskey because I think that is what my SIL was drinking out of. Your weekend sounds really nice. Good deal.



Feb 27, 2007
Missy, great pictures of Francesca. Love Greg's bench. I see there is a Jareds vault near here in a outlet mall. I might have to check them out too. Must save money for down payment on my car. Is the AC working yet?

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