
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, at least your snow is pretty. I am glad you don’t get much snow. Look out though the NIRDIs might just invade your lovely home and peaceful country living. Will Puff be mad? Good idea to pick up your supplies and beautiful ring before the storm moves in. They are not altering my bands, but are checking them and refinishing them. I guess I am in line because right now they are scheduled for shipping on the 27th. I am wearing my Tiffany band so I am not suffering much but will have to wear the same band for a few weeks. They are sending me a check for $100 for dinner on them. Marty said to save it and send it back the next time I buy something from them. I will probably buy from them again. Enjoy staying in safe from the storm and watching movies with a glass of wine. Sounds fun and cozy. Isn’t it silly they name snow storms now?

Missy, the forecast for your area does sound bleak but hopefully the power stays on and the coastal flooding is minimal. Won’t Kristie be surprised when we all show up at her door? The stock market did better today. I guess I should get my rings back by next weekend. I did wear another RHR ring today. I dug out my blue sapphire. My ering is happy because it doesn’t have another diamond to compete with all the time. Cool picture and video. I can see NYC across the bay. Thanks! Are you guys holing up at home or the beach for the storm?

My day started off with some idiot almost sideswiping my car. I was waiting to turn on the main road by our house and some guy came flying around the corner, went in to my lane and missed by car by a few inches. Luckily since I was turning right I was already far over to the right. He then oversteered and almost went in the ditch. I wonder if he was coming home from an all night bender. Wow I’ll be watching for that car from now on.

Work was busy. I met a friend for lunch then picked up some cupcakes from a new cupcake store down town. They were okay but not the best cupcakes I’ve ever had. I took orders from my employees and my boss’s employees so ended up getting about a dozen cupcakes.

The upcoming snow storm caused a bunch of last minute changes for us at work so I stayed about 30 minutes late. We have a lot of changes to finish in the morning.

Marty might apply for another job. The scary part is we may have to move. It says location “preferably Atlanta”. I was checking they have 6% state taxes plus if we moved there we’d lose my income. No way would a new position compensate for my income plus having to pay state taxes. The job description sounds like it was written for Marty but who knows that might be wishful thinking. His boss in the UK called him to tell him that job had been posted but that was all he said. He would be a manager over the US division of employees for the job Marty currently has now. He wanted out of management when he took his current job so I don’t know if he wants to go back in to management. Ideally if he wants the job and he gets it he can just work in Atlanta one week a month. Most of the guys with his same job work in Atlanta; only he and another guy work from home. When Marty was looking for this job I wouldn’t move because of my parents but now there isn’t a reason to stay here. However I wouldn’t be excited to move. We’ve only been in our house 3 years so that might not be very profitable to sell now. Time will tell. Atlanta has 2 Shane Companies - I could scoop up new sapphires on a whim. Ooh dream job - QA incoming sapphires. Thanks for listening to my babbling about that.

Poor Marty got up at 3:30 today so he was shot today. He had the oil changed in his pickup. That reminds me we paid for all maintenance on his new truck for 5 years or 7 years or something silly like that. I wonder if he is getting run down because he isn’t eating much right now and works out about 90 minutes a day 5 days a week.

Have a great evening and stay home from the storm if the snow is heading your way.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, is it wrong of me to wish Marty would apply for a job in NYC? :Up_to_something: But we definitely have harsher weather than Atlanta and higher taxes too. But oh it would be so sweet and think of all the pretty bling in NYC... :naughty: JK.

OK back to reality. I see both positives and negatives to this possible change in jobs for you and Marty.

Positive, I am guessing Marty will be earning more so maybe you don't need to rush and find a job and can take it easy for a while. Positive, you may not need to move at all if he can work from home and only has to be in Atlanta one week a month. He sure travels a lot now so this might actually be an improvement. And you can stay in Wyoming if you like and keep your current job. Or you can try out Atlanta. The weather is not bad and I think it has to be an improvement over the harsh Wyoming winters that last 6 plus months. Anyway there is a lot to consider and I am sure you and Marty will choose the best choice for you. In a way it is exciting to have this possible opportunity and it could be a future stepping stone to finding your forever home and retiring sooner than later. If that is something you are considering.

That was very nice of you to get cupcakes for your team at work. I would have requested a peanut butter cupcake. Does your cupcake shop have those?

It seems a long time for you to get your bands back from WF but perhaps the Nor'easter hitting much of the country today and tomorrow and part of Sunday has something to do with the delay. I could see them not wanting to send them out during this awful storm. Better safe than sorry and when you get them back it will be like new bands and you can enjoy their newness again. :appl:

I am glad that guy missed you. How scary was that. Driving is risky business for sure. I bet we could share stories of near misses. Let me tell you one saying Greg is very fond of here when driving in Brooklyn. He likes to say it is lawlessness here when driving. Red lights, stop signs etc are all suggestions to the Brooklyn drivers LOL. A little funny but really not very funny because there is truth in what he says. Driver beware at all times! Glad you made it to work safely and back Marcy!

Yay for being between your storms Marcy. Enjoy the calm!

Jimmianne, we saw "Nanny McPhee" a few weeks/months? ago. It was cute. We watched a good movie on Netflix last night called "The Secrets of War". Sad but sweet. Still need to watch "I'm Not Scared". Why are all the good movies foreign movies? Really I hate most American movies and wish we could make better films here. This weekend if we still have power we are planning to watch a 7 hour plus Godfather saga I have on TIVO. I think it consists of Godfather 1 and 2 but not 3. I actually never saw 2 or 3. Only the first but it is one of my favorite movies and I have not seen it for at least 20 years. So I wonder if I will still love it or not. I'm a lot more squeamish about violence these days so it will be interesting to see if I still love the movie.

I hope you are not hit too hard during this storm. Stay inside and stay safe and warm. I am glad your DD is with you at least. That will be nice to have her company during this storm.

Junie, stay safe please and thinking good thoughts for this storm not to hit anyone too hard and for everyone (including all outdoor animals) to remain safe. I hope you and your family are spending this weekend together and enjoying each others company.

Callie, glad the storm is missing you and safe travels to Jeff. If we have power I will be keeping you company!

Kristie, hope Maggie's paw is healing and that you are enjoying your beautiful weather. Your summers may be too hot but man look at your weather now. Perfect.

LLJsmom, speaking of perfect weather I hope you are enjoying your beautiful climate right now. California here I come! Any weekend plans? Bling shopping with your mom perhaps? Yay for your mom enjoying your (soon to be hers perhaps?) pendant necklace. :love:

Lucy, I don't know where you are located but hope you are staying comfortable and all is progressing smoothly for you.

Have a good Friday girls and please check in when you can so I know everyone is doing well. (((Hugs)))


Oct 23, 2006
Good Morning NIRDIs,

I am thinking of all that are in the path of the latest winter storm. I hope everyone has adequate supplies and can watch from the safety & warmth of their windows!

I am in the Pacific NW (Oregon) and so fortunately we have milder temperatures at the moment.

I am thinking positive & healing thoughts for you, your brother and family. I am sorry I missed those details earlier.


Dec 9, 2013
Just checking in.
Thank you dear NIRDIs for your compliments on my new bling in SMTB. The ring is so photogenic it's silly. I'm use to coaxing shy diamonds, but the camera loves this spinel : )

Looks as though we missed the storm here for the most part. We got enough icy stuff - it looks & feels like sugar- so that everything is closed and the roads are bad, but we did not get the predicted accumulation.

Missy, I'll be thinking of you, and of your kitties. Stay safe. I hope your power stays on, and please report in.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls. I hope everyone is still sleeping and safe and warm and comfortable in their homes. :snore:

Forecasters got it right this time and 15-20 inches expected NYC and at the Jersey Shore. Rate of snowfall might hit 3 inches per hour. No visibility. Blizzard conditions. Worst of the storm has not yet hit us and is supposed to hit us at 11AM and last through this evening until tomorrow morning. State of emergency has been announced.

Worst impact right along the coast. ;(
Hour after hour everything takes a beating at the shore and is getting worse by the hour. Coastal flooding is moderate to severe and unfortunately due to the length of the storm there are 3 high tide cycles to get through. At the beach house the first high tide is happening now. Second high tide much worse (since it will also be much windier by that time) and is happening at 7-8PM and 3rd high tide cycle tomorrow 7:30 AM. Waves right now are up to and past 20 feet with wind gusting over 60 mph.

Since the high tide is occurring with the full moon that makes it much worse and the fact that it is happening 3 times during this storm cycle at the beach so that does add severity to this storm. Similar pairing of high tides with the full moon over 3 cycles happened with Sandy (that is what made Sandy so bad plus the duration of that storm as well) so fingers crossed for everyone in its path at the shore because they are definitely getting it worse there. It is certainly not going to be as bad as Sandy however as much damage could occur to some and loss of life (especially outdoor animals :cry: :cry: :cry: ) could occur.

Tomorrow they are predicting chilly and breezy conditions so not much melting till the middle of the week here.

Storm supposed to get much worse in a few hours but we have a lot of snow on the ground already and winds are picking up with 50 plus mph gusts and 60 plus winds supposed to start in a few hours. White out conditions exist out there and I don't know how the emergency crews are doing it but sending lots of safe dust to all that are helping with the storm. The wind is brutal. All windows at the beach are covered with snow so there will be no pretty pictures for me to share unfortunately. Power is still on at both homes but again it is early in the storm (36 hours duration projected duration) and power outages are expected certainly at the shore.

Cuomo is stating that he thinks the MTA (trains, buses, bridges, roads) might have to close later so he is warning people to please stay off the roads. Don't go out because you might get stranded.

OK done with my weather update. LOL I am a weather geek no doubt but have always enjoyed watching the weather and seeing the path of storms etc. Just don't love being in its path. :loopy:

Callie, thinking of you and sending more love and hugs.

LLJsmom, Love and good thoughts to you too and big (((HUGS))).

Junie, how are conditions by you? I trust you guys are all staying indoors today I hope and have a nice family day planned. How is it by your mother? Maybe you are with her this weekend. Please update us and let sun know everything is OK. (((Hugs))).

Kristie, thanks for yesterday. Hoping you guys have a great weekend.

Jimmianne, has the storm left you by now? I am glad conditions weren't too bad and I hope all your animals did OK and are safe and comfortable now. How is your DD doing? Yay for getting your new ring!

Marcy, are you enjoying being between storms? You deserve it for sure. Hoping all is well and sending you dust for making the best decision for you guys re Marty's job and relocation possibility.

Lucy, glad you are not in the storm path. Oregon is beautiful. Hoping as each week passes you are feeling stronger and better and remember we are here for you. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask. The NIRDI collective wisdom is impressive. :halo:

OK girls, will check back later if anyone visits here. Have a good day. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, you are our "eye on the sky" today. It sounds just as it is being reported - "an epic storm".

There was one little patch of blue sky here earlier and the sun came out for a minute. Underfoot is icy and even the hot water tap at the barn is frozen, so a bit of extra work day here...but not too bad. I have several good books on hand, an impressive supply of forbidden treats and of course all of Netflix. lol

What's it like to be snowed in in NYC? Do you stock up on canned goods & water?
I feel for those workers you mentioned. I can't imagine having to spend the day outside there.

Waiting for your next report!


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning Jimmianne, so far all feels fine. Greg and I are having coffee in bed and just hanging out right now. I got up late this morning around 7AM but Greg was out of bed at 5AM so we are both back in bed for a little while enjoying this lazy morning before we start our day. We are planning to work out in a little while and then play some board games later and hopefully if power holds we will watch that Godfather saga I have waiting for us on TIVO. Though I am considering going out to the park with Greg to just get outside for a little while. We'll see how it goes.

What is worrying is that the worst part of the storm will be hitting later so really unable to accurately gauge what will happen at both homes. And you know I am super worried about those cats. Sorry to keep bringing that up. Just so worried. :((

And I am worried about my parents as they are also across from the water albeit in Brooklyn but they got major damage during Sandy so hoping they stay safe this time.


Jun 8, 2008
Photo Greg just took from our balcony.

A quick update-more than 45,000 homes without power down the Jersey shore and the heart of the storm has not even hit yet.



Jun 8, 2008
Sharing an online pic of the town right next to us at the shore.



Dec 9, 2013
Oh! what a mess at the shore.
Greg's photo is beautiful, the way the snow defines the street.

It's snowing here again. Will try to make as much as possible fall here instead : )


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDIs! Happy Weekend! I hope you are all in safe from any storms.

Missy, no it isn’t wrong for you to wish Marty’s job was in NYC. There are definitely pros and cons about moving. Marty could play golf year round. We would be fine living on Marty’s pay but my spending money would be severely depleted. We can’t have something cutting in to my bling money huh? Marty is really a good manager so I honestly hope he decides to apply for the position. They did not have peanut butter cupcakes. I have a recipe for those if anyone wants it. They sound really good right now. I agree shipping on the 27th seems to be a long time to get my rings checked and polished. Again that wasn’t what was indicated when they wanted me to send them in. They said they’d put a rush on them and have them back to me in 2-3 days. I will definitely enjoy them looking like new again. I bet driving in Brooklyn is quite the challenge and you are always risking life and limb on the streets. I love your snow pictures. Oh no that the windows have snow on them at the beach house and you can’t see anything with your cameras. I hope the storm surge doesn’t damage your beach house and leaves those cute feral kitties alone. It sounds like the worst part of the storm is still coming.

Lucyloo, I am glad you are not in the path of this blizzard. How are you doing?

Jimmianne, I will be looking for your thread next. I absolutely love pink spinels. Sometimes the ice storms are worse than snow storms. Hopefully you don’t have to go anywhere until it melts.

Last night we went out for supper then stopped at the golf course for a drink. We were discussing Atlanta. Last night I think we reached a conclusion that if we have to move it's not a sound economical move for us. Marty plans on talking to his boss next week to find out more information and what options he would have.

We drove out to a steak house called Little Bear Inn about 10 miles north of town. We hadn't been there for about 2 years mostly because the food and service was getting bad. Last night was great so we'll go back. Their signature dessert is called Bear Balls. They make large balls of Haagen-daz ice cream and then roll the ice cream ball in crushed Oreo cookies. They are so good.

I am making my oft requested Death cookies today for dinner and game name at a friends. We are playing pictionary which caused me to ask why do you insist on playing games I am so awful at? I can't draw. Which of course makes it more fun for everyone else.

Have a great weekend.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Hope everyone is waking up after a restful night's sleep and enjoying a good weekend.

Snowfall is over YAY! Greg took some pretty pics which I shared in the storm thread and will share here for your viewing pleasure. Also another video.

Jimmianne, thank you I appreciate that LOL. Hope all the animals remained safe!

Marcy, yummy cookies. Ooh one day I have to try some of your delicious death cookies. Hope you enjoyed game night! Please keep us posted on Marty's progress re the job possibility and you know we are all wishing you the very best!

Greg and I played cards yesterday and of course I beat him. :bigsmile: And then we watched 2 scary movies. Honeymoon and Oculus. Not bad. We watched I'm Not Scared the night before. We have been on a horror/scary movie/thriller kick. Love the scary movies. Thank you for the other movie recs last night Marcy and LLJsmom and Junie. I will definitely check them out. And LLJsmom have your DS check out some of the movies I recommended since he is a movie buff. I love movies and last night was the perfect weather for scary... :errrr:

Callie, enjoy today with your dh! And thanks for the good news last night! So happy for you and your family. (((Hugs))).

Kristie, I'm ready. Let's go. California here we come...

Junie, loved the pic you shared with us. So pretty! How much snowfall did you end up with? I'm not even sure of our totals. About 25 inches here and at the beach I think so similar totals both places.

OK onto the pretty pics. Enjoy!

First up blurry beach backyard pics. Snow is melting
beachblizzardbackyard.jpg januaryblizzardatshore.jpg

Onto some pretty Brooklyn pics with the sunrise.






And the 2 videos Greg took. One yesterday around 4PM and one today around 7:30 AM.

Enjoy this Sunday girls! :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Found an old youtube channel I made for some other videos. Here is Billy's video. Greg made it after Billy died. I haven't watched it for a few years until just now...still makes me cry. We still miss you and love you dearest Billy.


Jun 17, 2009
Love the video of your sweet Billy missy, such a sweetheart, the pain of losing a precious furbaby never goes away ((((hugs)))))

Love the pics of the city and the beach house! It does look beautiful, but I hope it all melts soon lol. I feel badly for those dealing with the flooding at the shore, I got a small taste of what it's like in SC and it was a terrible experience so I really empathize with all those who are suffering through it right now. How did your parents make out?

Sounds like you and Greg are entertaining yourselves well while you wait out this storm, I really like Godfather 1 and 2 but I've never seen 3. Very iconic and classic films, and very well made and acted. I hear you on wanting to get out for a bit, I bundled up and went outside to help dh a little with the snow and it felt good to get some fresh air. Dh, ds and I are having fun just hanging out and spending some time together. DD is in Hoboken and she and her roommates sound like they're having a good time

Jimmianne, I'm so glad your beautiful ring is back on your finger where it belongs! I wrote this in your thread but I'll say it again, the ring looks like it was made for you, it fits your hand perfectly! I have been admiring this ring for a while and I'm so glad you got it. The setting and the spinel are just beautiful. I really love it. :love: :love: :love:

Marcy, sounds like there are pros and cons to the potential move, I guess that's usually the case. (one very powerful pro is being able to buy sapphires really easily haha!) Hopefully you and Marty will have a better idea of what to do after he speaks to his boss. There is a lot involved with a move like this and it can be overwhelming to think about. Keep us posted! Glad to hear the meeting went ok and I hope your team really starts clicking, I know it makes your life so much easier when they are performing well. It was nice of you to get cupcakes, I'm sure everyone appreciated the gesture and enjoyed them. Sounds like you've finally decided to wear some of your other rings, me too! Although I'll bet you still get a special thrill popping on that EC. Hope you had a fun game night, even though the game they chose is not your forte!

Ok, we're gearing up for the game today - Go Broncos! I don't like New England so that's another good reason to root for the Broncos - I would love to see Peyton end on a high note.

LLJsmom, how nice your mother loved the pendant, and how generous of you to give it to her! Who knew she'd love it that much lol - and yes, now you have to decide what you replace it with, keep us posted!

Lucyloo, glad you are having better weather in Oregon - hope you're feeling well and more rested now that you're getting some sleep!

We ended up getting a decent amount of snow but luckily it doesn't seem to be as much as predicted, I guess we got about 18 inches. I'm at home, and my brother is with my mother at her house. Turns out they got more than was expected, at least 2 feet and probably even more by now. My mother lives close to NYC and we're outside of Philly. I'm just glad my mother didn't lose power, that would have been a major problem. I'm heading to my mother's tomorrow, hopefully there will be a place for me to park!

Hope everyone is having a good Sunday so far!


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, I am glad the storm is over. I enjoyed your pictures and videos of the storm. Can you tell if you had any damage at the beach house from your cameras? The video with Billy was very nice and I know you will always miss him and cherish him. Last night was a great time to watch some movies; what a great way to stay warm and cozy during a snow storm.

Maybe I should brew up a big batch of death cookies to send to you and the other NIRDIs to enjoy with your delicious butter cookies for Christmas this year. My friends last night have a 7 year old and 12 year and I guess their neighbor actually asked my friend what are these death cookies your kids talk about? I will keep you posted on any news about this other job that Marty might pursue.

Junebug, I am glad you and you DH and DS are enjoying a lazy day other than shoveling of course. Marty and I had a talk about my team and he gave me some good ideas to try. I also need to clearly define boundaries for my boss that “I’ve got this”. Yes, I swapped out my RHR this week and weekend enjoying some of my sapphires. We ended up playing hearts and cribbage last night. I creamed people at cribbage - I am very lucky at that game but lost at hearts. Marty won that game. It was fun. Go Broncos indeed. I keep telling everyone I want the Broncos to deflate the Patriots. I am glad the power didn’t go out at your mom’s. Good luck finding parking when you get there tomorrow. Safe travels.

Callie, Missy mentioned some good news for you and your family so I am glad to hear that whatever that might be.

We had a fun evening last night. My friend made mac and cheese with bacon; it was pretty good. My death cookies were a hit. My friends niece just turned one and her parents never let her eat sugar until she turned one. She was funny. They gave her some salad stuff and she dropped it on the floor. They gave her a piece of roll. She dropped it on the floor. They gave her some macaroni. She dropped it on the floor. So they gave her a piece of cookie and she loved it. She kept trying to get on the table and go for the bag. When they were packing up to go home my friend’s husband was holding the baby so gave her an entire cookie she was thrilled. Her parents not so much.

We hit the grocery store about 9 and then Marty made lasagna. It smells really good. I need to drag him away from Fallout so he can make us garlic bread. I want to eat and be done with dishes before the Broncos game.

Have a great day.


Feb 27, 2007
Broncos are going to the Super Bowl. :appl: :appl: :appl:


Jun 17, 2009
Congratulations Broncos!!! Woo-Hoo!



Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Junebug. :appl:


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! I hate to be the bearer of bad news (for those of us in this area) but there might be another Nor'easter on the way this Friday. ;( So hoping not for the sake of the feral kitties!

Greg is headed there now (basement project going forward) and will dig a path for them to the food since snow drifts covered it. However and I don't want to jump the gun Greg said he saw the soda gang eating last night so woohoo! I haven't checked the security camera footage yet so until I see it for myself I am being cautiously optimistic because when I asked him which kitties he said all so really need to check that out myself. But anyway woohoo if it is true!!! So please no more Nor'easters because the kitties need a respite. :pray: :pray: :pray:

Marcy, woohoo GO Broncos!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Glad you enjoyed the other evening with your friends and I am not surprised your death cookies were a huge hit. :lickout:

And all I can say is yummmm lasagna and garlic bread. The perfect combination. :lickout:

Junie, so glad you enjoyed an uneventful and peaceful weekend. We are 4 hours into the Godfather saga and had to call it quits last night as it was late. Will resume this evening. I hardly remember any of it so it is almost like I am watching for the first time. It is terrific.

I hope you have an easy drive to your mother's today and that there is parking for you.

We enjoyed a lovely Sunday with our good friends. The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies and bright sunshine that made it feel comfortable temperature wise. I was too warm with what I was wearing- a heavy sweater and coat and hat and face mask and mittens and 2 heavy scarves. LOL. I took off the hat and face mask but stuck with the rest because there was no where to put it. But better too warm than cold. Anyway it was a beautiful day and the snow was still pretty. Today it will be black and muddy. :knockout: Haha Kristie "muddy" LOL.

Kristie, we (our building shareholders) bought that snow plow a few years ago and it has been more than worth it. I think it cost around 8K (I could be wrong don't quote me) but man we can keep our sidewalk clear so easily with it!

Callie, hope your dh's flight took off and arrived safely. Will chat with you later. (((Hugs))).

LLJsmom, I LOLd with your son confusing Colichio with Corleone but honestly that could (and does!) happen to the best of us. I seriously remember almost nothing of this movie despite having read the book and seen the movie. Of course that was really a long time ago but still. So I get it and look at it this way. He gets to enjoy it all over again like it is the first time he is watching it! And just so you know it has nothing to do with taking prenatal vitamins OK? :lol:

OK onto some pics. I shared with most of you but not with everyone (Jimmianne and Sunstorm) so will add here for you guys.
And I have the permission of my friends to share their pics too. These are our good friends. E is from Ecuador and M has lived here since before I have and they married just a year or 2 after Greg and I. Our lives have almost been parallel in many interesting ways. They are great people and we love them and are so lucky they are our neighbors.

"Driving" the plow. :lol:

In the park with our friends. The tree in the picture is a tree memorializing their sweet dog Harry who died a few years ago. I used to walk him with M and we all miss dear Harry so much. He was such a good boy. Golden lab.



In front of an igloo made with snow bricks. Haha I look like an eskimo only or bundled up lol.
We watched a father and son make part of it. Cool. M said she bets the father is an architect and the mom a mechanical engineer. Haha I bet she is not far from the truth. :bigsmile:




And last photo of the 2 of us. You can tell it is getting colder because my nose has now turned pink. Well it doesn't take much for that to happen. :oops:

Hope you enjoyed the pics and have a good Monday girls. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008


Jun 8, 2008
OK going through some of the pics very trepidatiously. I cannot tell if they are getting food or not but it looks like at least they have survived the storm up to this point. Haven't seen them all yet but so far I think Sprite, Fresca and Squirt seem OK. Looking to find Sammy right now though. Do you think they were able to get food? The snow has covered it all. Greg hopefully will remedy that at least till the next storm. :((






Jun 8, 2008
OK went through all the pics. I don't see Sammy. ;( ;( ;(
Hoping he managed to survive. Went through them all since the blizzard. :blackeye:




Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1453733287|3981109 said:
missy|1453730624|3981084 said:

I will come and pick you up : )

Aww thank you sweetheart! (((HUGS))). I am waiting to hear if we can give our chance for winning to someone else. I would love for you or another NIRDI to get this opportunity!


Jun 8, 2008
OK I promise last set of photos today. But just wanted to share this with you. The basement project has officially began. Greg said the men swarmed over the property like bees on a hive lol. Clearing the snow so they can start. Impressive. Still waiting for the good pics when Greg has time to share them but for now here are the security camera pics.

And Greg has cleared the snow from the kitties food and water supply and made a path for them to more easily access it. He swears Sammy is in one of those pics after the blizzard so perhaps (hopefully) I am mistaken and everyone is A-OK. Thanks for holding my hand throughout it all as usual girls. Love you. XOXO.






Feb 27, 2007

Missy, looks like the kitties are at least using the shelter some. That was nice Greg dug the food out for them. The guys certainly had lots of snow to dig out to start working on the basement. I am sure Greg will be excited to have the basement finished. We had about 15 inches of snow the day we were moving. I was just sick all of the muck the movers were tracking in on wood floors. We put down those paper runners everywhere but they were getting torn up as the day went by. Of course everything cleaned up just fine.

LLJsmom, did you see the story about the bloodhound that ran with the group in a marathon and came in 7th? I don’t know if you got my answer last night - I do like the 49ers. I don’t like any team that plays dirty or cheats. I wouldn’t consider the 49ers in one of those groups.

Jimmianne, can you swing by and pick me up too? Visiting WF would be fun.

I’ve been toying with entering the WF contest too.

Well I definitely have a cold. Worst part is a sore throat. Funny thing is I want ice cream which I know is horrible for sore throats. I’d like chicken noodle soup too but there is one big problem with that - chicken. Rats.

Marty left about 5 am. I was going to get up and say goodbye but the next thing I knew the door alarm was beeping and the garage door was closing. I just went back to sleep.

Marty got to Massachusetts tonight. They didn’t have much snow there.

We are closing in on 200 pages here. Sweet. :appl: :appl: :appl:



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, yes the kitties are getting food thank goodness and we saw Sammy today so woohoo! I don't think they are using our shelters however (the shelter Greg built and the other 2 I had bought for them this autumn) but as Kristie points out they must be finding shelter somewhere so that is all I care about. That they have some sort of refuge so they can survive the harsh weather. Fingers crossed because I love these little babies and my heart breaks for them thinking of them braving the elements by themselves. If I could scoop them up and take them in I surely would. No word from those rescue people who were supposed to trap and neuter and vaccinate them. So sad about that but right now just concentrating on helping them get through the winter. Not that there is much (anything) I can do right now but pray. And replenish their food supply if they can get to it.

Sammy this morning.


And here are the pics Greg promised me from yesterday. Look at how many guys are on this basement job OMG.




Marcy, how exciting your team is going to the SuperBowl. I am rooting for them though I know nothing about football. Go Broncos woohoo!

I am anxiously awaiting hearing more news about Marty and his job opportunities. Fingers crossed for that too. Glad he arrived in Massachusetts safely and glad they didn't get much snow to make his travels easier.

Aren't your WF bands coming back to you very soon? Cannot wait for you to get them back and I know you cannot wait either. Though I know you are enjoying wearing some of your other lovely rings.

I am so sorry you have a cold and I am sending you lots of healing dust and (((HUGS))). I hope it goes away fast and that you start feeling all better very soon. Winter colds suck. (((HUGS)))).

Did I ever tell you the time we got caught out on the tandem during a hail storm? Reminds me of your link. Not fun at all. OMG it was a horrific trip and we ran for cover until the hail had stopped but then had 30 miles to go back home in the pouring thunderstorm and torrential rain. Not fun is an understatement. I had bruises on me from the hail that lasted a few months actually. Why do we continue to enjoy this sometimes punishing activity? LOL not even breaking my leg dampened my enthusiasm for cycling. They say with age comes wisdom but perhaps I was skipped over in that department. :oops:

Callie, hugs and thinking of you. I will check in on you and call you later OK?

Kristie, I keep forgetting to tell you how proud I am of you and your dedication to your fitness plan and how happy I am it is going so well! You go girl! :appl:

LLJsmom, sending more good luck dust your and your family's way. If you ever have a spare 10 hours plus or so where you and your family can watch the whole saga I highly recommend it. So enjoyable. Godfather one and two were a bit over 7 hours and add in 3 and that makes for about 10 plus hours or so.

We finished the Godfather one and two saga on HBO and it was GREAT. I cannot believe how much I enjoyed it. Especially part 2. I think we might just pay to watch part 3 on Amazon since I have never seen Part 3 and I want to find out what happens. Poor Michael. Right now he is all alone. But he really turned into a ruthless monster didn't he? Still love him. Al Pacino was so handsome wasn't he? And OMG Robert De Niro too. Loved the young Vito Corleone. Dreamy. :love: And if you needed a problem solved that's who to go to. They will make your enemy "an offer they can't refuse" ::) ::) ::)

Junie, how is your visit with your mom going? Hope you had a safe trip there and are enjoying some time with her.

Jimmianne, hey there.

Have a good day girls. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Adding a pic of Harry as a puppy. Harry is M and E's dog whose tree we visited in the park on Sunday.


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Jun 8, 2008
A few more winter pics.



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