
Now I really did it :((


Feb 27, 2007
Delicious breakfast.



Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, sounds like you decided to go through with the CE - it sounds intense and I'm sure it put a damper on your weekend! At least Greg has off tomorrow and you have a chance to spend some time with him before the work week starts. Hope it wasn't too painful and that you and Greg have a good day together.

Thank you SO much for your offer of giving dd your number, it really is so thoughtful and caring of you! I'm sure she'll never have to contact you but it's reassuring to know she has the option, just in case. Who knows how long she'll be dating this guy anyway lol. But you are awesome for being willing to help her out if she ever needs it, I'm very touched and I truly appreciate it.

Sorry to hear the basement project is on hold for now, I don't blame you for wanting it to be underway and hopefully once it gets started things will move along quickly.

Marcy, sounds like your astronomy meeting got a bit awkward with the unexpected guest! You handled the situation really well, sounds like you were tactful and yet did your best to move the meeting along. I'm sorry you hurt your hand, it doesn't take much sometimes to do some damage and I hope it's feeling better today. Enjoy your lunch at Outback, I really like that restaurant but haven't been there in a while.

I love Payton Manning, he seems like a class act and a really great guy. Dh really likes him too and wants to see him do well, so we will definitely be rooting for Denver!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, I didn’t want to be mean to that lady the other night but I also didn’t want her to dominate the meeting. Oh well. The place we’ve used for years as our meeting place is closed for remodeling for about a year. They also “expect” us to join as a business membership which has an annual fee is $135. Our club doesn’t have that kind of money to pay every year so I hope this new nearby location and free place works out for us. My hand is a lot better today thank you. I was able to pinpoint the really tender spot. My thumb joint has no cartilage left so it gives me fits sometimes so I think I irritated it. I agree that Peyton Manning is a class act and a great guy. I was glad to see him play pretty well today but his receivers didn’t seem to be able to catch a ball. I was excited they still won though. One more game to win and he can be in the Super Bowl. I’d really like to see him go out on top.

We were going grocery shopping first thing this morning but since we had about 4 more inches of snow overnight we stayed home. We were going to pick up the ingredients to make lasagna today so after digging through the cupboard I found spaghetti, tomato sauce and tomato paste so Marty made homemade spaghetti and meat sauce for lunch. It was quite tasty.

We watched football most of the day and I got our laundry done. I am worn out of this constant snow here. Yes it’s Wyoming but we usually get some melting between storms.

Have a great week!



Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, you have got such a keeper. Marty's pancake looks deeeelish!! I was craving pancakes too. What is it about Sunday and pancakes? I am so sorry about your hand. Sometimes the littlest thing can cause an injury, when you aren't even digging a ditch or trying to move a refrigerator. So annoying. I hope that the pain goes away soon. It will probably require that you baby it for a while. How awesome is it that you teach astronomy, even though no longer officially at a school. People who get to learn from you are so enriched. I love that. I too always wish DH would get hungry sooner. So we can eat. He normally cooks too. I can cook but it is actually rehearing leftovers. Beggars cannot be choosers.

Missy I sure hope that your CEs are done. I have tests at the end of mine too. So annoying. How is your foot today? I say foot but is it actually your foot? Is the swelling and redness down? I am thinking and praying for you. I'm sorry Greg's project has been delayed a bit. How is the weather there now? We've had a rather wet winter but we are all so grateful that there is rain that no one cares. The drought has been so bad these past several years that we just need water. I never thought I would be so happy for something as simple as rain. It does relieve this weird underlying stress I have.

June, great to hear your daughter is doing well, and that your son is enjoying his music. I don't know what it would be like to parent kids that age. I can only imagine the type of stress that entails. The worrying and stress do not end. It only changes as they get older. Sometimes I think the thing that is most important is that they are mentally and physically healthy. If they have that, they can weather any storm. My son is a positive, easy going young man, not easily prone to stress. He handles things as they come. My daughter on the other hand is rather high strung and easily stresses out. Life will be more challenging for her for different reasons.

Jimmianne's, I missed what was going on with your DD but I hope she is getting better and glad that you can take care of her.

I'm ok you guys. I feel this underlying anxiety which will not go away until DH's situation is settled. I am doing my best not to make everyone else around me crazy too. Thanks for being here for me. Truly. And my jeans are getting really tight, which is annoying to me. Lol. Talk soon. Btw, I'm craving Tiffany piece all of a sudden. WTH is wrong with me?


Jun 8, 2008
Good snowy morning girls!

Callie, I hope things are going as well as they can and I am thinking good thoughts for you and your brother and your whole family. And sending you lots of love and hugs.

LLJsmom, I am sending you lots and lots of good luck dust for your dh's situation and lots and lots of XOXOXOs to you. I am always keeping you in my thoughts and I know everything is going to work out but I know how stressful this is and I am so sorry you are still dealing with this issue. I feel something very very good is going to happen soon though so keep thinking good thoughts and remain hopeful. I feel it and I am never wrong that way. (((HUGS))).

We are very much alike in certain ways. I have anxiety about things and work them out through exercise and bling. Hahaha maybe that second way is not as constructive as the first but hey it helps. :cheeky:
And my clothes are tight these days too. But I don't even care. :oops:

Marcy, that breakfast looks so yummy that my mouth is literally watering right now. OMG. Why is it that everything that tastes so amazing is not as good for us as let's say broccoli and brussel sprouts. LOL. Don't get me wrong I love my broccoli and brussel sprouts but man if sugar powdered pancakes and peanut butter brownies were equally nutritious I know which choice I would be reaching for. :lol:
I don't have any mouth watering breakfast pics for you like the one you and Marty enjoyed but here's the best I can do. I know pathetic. :oops:

I am sorry that clueless woman disrupted your astronomy meeting but you handled it perfectly. You did not do anything rude or wrong and behaved very politely towards her, no worries.

Yes your teddy bear and bunny pics cheered me up quite a bit thank you Marcy. I just want to tell you again that I am still receiving emails back that were undelivered. I am not sure what is going on but I am not ignoring you. I just keep getting emails sent back saying they were undeliverable.

Good luck with your bands being shipped back and then returned to you. I am sending safe travel dust their way. I think you did the right thing too. In the name of accuracy and improvements for future customers (including yourself) and nothing should happen to them.

I am sorry you hurt your left hand Marcy! How is it feeling today? I hope it is all better and to that end sending healing vibes your way.

June, you are very welcome and it is a sincere offer on my part. Just know that and don't hesitate to take me up on it. Please let your DD know. It could make a difference you never know so just putting that out there.

You are right I did partake in the webinar CE live. However and much to my chagrin after sitting through it all and taking each test (and they were not easy as I was led to believe) and successfully passing my certificate just showed "online" credit and not "live webinar" credit. I contacted the administrator of the CE and he said that NY is a difficult state and unfortunately they did not set it up to see who took it live and who took it on demand and that makes all the difference. So I am annoyed and frustrated that I spent the time taking it live because if I took it at my leisure (it is on demand till May) and did it on demand vs live it would not have messed up my weekend. And the main difference is we are limited to 9 CE online but allowed limitless live and live webinar counts and so I still need many live credits and have to attend classes still or do a live webinar that shows it is live vs the webinar Dr Farkas put together which while I did live does not show that. Sorry for the confusing explanation but I am frustrated and just venting. I feel I work very hard for very little sometimes LOL.

We managed to salvage some of the weekend however and Saturday mid/late afternoon walked around and visited the rescue kitties and Sunday late afternoon we met my parents at the Brooklyn museum and visited there for a few hours. It was very nice and the Brooklyn Museum has a Coney Isaldn exhibit going on right now that was fun to see. So though I took classes in the morning and early afternoon we still enjoyed the mid/late afternoon each weekend day. Not a total loss.

I took some pics for you girls but really too many to post. And I am sort of tired because I did not sleep well at all last night. Maybe about 3 interrupted hours. I think I was just upset about the CE not counting as live when it was live and how the administrator dropped the ball on that one. Oh well.

Today Greg is off so not sure what we are doing. It is really cold out otherwise I would just want to do something outside but we will see what we end up doing today. We saw a good movie on Netflix yesterday called "Uncle John". We really enjoyed it and highly recommend it if you are in the mood for a good movie.

I am going to hit send before I lose this post and will add pics later for anyone who is interested. My mom kept saying why am I taking photos of the photos/paintings/sculptures etc. LOL I didn't tell her but it was for my NIRDIs. :halo:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy - you got the snow! beautiful photo. Love the line of the horizon with line of the terrace.
I'm surprised. We got some yesterday and I checked out NYC to see if it was headed your way and they said it was not.
A little snow is nice.
Sorry about the CE . . . but my concern may help put it in perspective. I thought "CE" was some medical procedure since I could not find a post about it on our thread and I was worried for you.
Still not good that it doesn't count the way you needed.

LLJs, what TIffany are you craving? Inquiring minds want to know. lol

Hi to everyone. I've gotten so bad about following the thread this past week that I need to catch up on what's going on with all of you, but I am thinking of you and hoping you are all doing well on this Monday morning.
I've been so distracted with jet lag then DD, my mind is like mush. I have even cancelled outings with friends -winter hibernation.
But all is well. Just waiting to catch up on sleep so the old brain functions. :lol:


Jun 8, 2008
Hi girls, I have a few minutes and just wanted to pop in and say hey. How is everyone's Monday going? I know not everyone is off despite it being Martin Luther King Jr Day because I just spoke with Marcy who is hard at work.

Marcy hoping the rest of your day flies by and you are home safe and warm with Marty soon. :wavey:

Jimmianne, thanks for putting it in perspective and thanks for being relieved it is not a health issue. Me too. :bigsmile: Yes it is just CE and not worth even worrying about truthfully considering all I have been through. Point well taken!

A little snow is very nice I agree. And I am glad you are catching up on your sleep and your rest and before you know it you will be as good as new. All the best to your DD. Hope she is doing well.

LLJsmom, I keep forgetting to respond to your question re my leg/toe. Still weird and if anything new develops I will let you know. Thanks so much for your concern. I am sorry you have CE with tests too. It is a pain because even when I am paying attention the questions can be difficult LOL. It could just be my "old" brain not being up to par. Oh well such is the cycle of life. Haha cycle. Cannot wait to get back on our (bi)cycle!!!

I am glad you are getting rain finally. Something as simple as that which we all take for granted is critical for life and survival. Woohoo cmon rain. :appl:

Callie, more hugs and lots of love coming your way. (((HUGS))).

We took a nice long walk in the early afternoon (my coat kept me toasty warm) and are now settling in and are going to make an early dinner and perhaps watch the Godfather trilogy. A nice lazy Monday afternoon evening. LOVE having Greg home. It's so nice.

I hope you are all enjoying your MLK Jr Day.


Oct 24, 2012
I am kinda liking the T-ring. I am thinking about wearing the five stone on my left hand on weekdays, and the e-ring on weekends. I would like some bling on my right hand and would like something pretty, but not toooo blingy. The five stone was quite blingy on my right. I would like something a little more delicate looking, but with bling.

I have always liked the JUC with diamonds. But I think it's a little too "look-at-me! look-at-me!" while the T is a little more subtle.


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, my hand is quite a bit better. Only the joint between my thumb and hand is sore when I touch it. Thank you for asking. I always enjoy talking about astronomy. When I was teaching it never felt like work. We always had pancakes or waffles on the weekends when I was a kid so I think it’s just a weekend treat for me. I used to do all our cooking but now that Marty works from home he likes to do the cooking. I kind of like only doing the dishes. We both tend to cook on the weekend. I can understand your anxiety with your DH’s situation. I hope that gets resolved soon. The Tiffany T ring is very pretty.

Missy, your dinner looks fabulous and Marty would love it. As we discussed I’d be picking out the things I can eat. Even your snow picture looks pretty with the ocean. How frustrating about the webinar. I hate to think you had to take an entire class on your weekend that you could have taken another time. I hate their tests at the end too. I am glad you had some fun this weekend meeting your parents and wandering around a museum. Have a good night’s sleep! Sorry the other night was so short. Thanks for keeping me company at work. I am glad your warm coat is coming in handy right now. Sorry to hear your leg is still weird. I hope it gets better.

Jimmianne, you deserve to rest up but at least you can visit with your DD.

As Missy said I went to work today. Tomorrow I get to have my “talk” with my employees on our recent series of mistakes. Sigh. It’s not processes it’s attention to detail. Something everyone loves to hear. Joy!

My food allergies are kicking up today. I itch so bad I’m almost antsy from it. I do have some medicine I can take but it raises my blood pressure and buzzes me so I can’t sleep. Best get back to basic plain food for a few days.

Marty made a sweet sour sauce tonight with pineapple then stir fried some beef and veggies to put on rice. It was pretty good.

Marty dug through his company email tonight because I couldn’t get to his current check stub. It is about $200 short. They moved the website where you can check his pay stubs so we got that set up and logged in only to find they withheld state tax on his pay. His home office is Atlanta but since we live in Wyoming which doesn’t have state taxes they’ll have to give that back to us. It is always something, eh?

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.


Dec 9, 2013
A very chilly morning - at least by East Coast standards!

Marcy, itchy has to be the worst torture. I hope you are feeling better today. What are the triggers for you? I hope it is very few things!

LLJs, I like your Tiffany choice. It looks delicate, but I think in person it would also have a nice weight & feel to it as well.
Can't remember...Do you have a Tiffany near enough to go try on rings? I wish we had one closer. Ours is 2 1/2 hours from here.

Callie - omg the dreaded P.I.N. procedure. I do too, but always consider I will hit a little capillary and end up with permanent bruise.
We love to live dangerously : )

I think it's funny that in English parliament they discussed banning Trump because he was not good for the country - but they decided to ridicule him instead. What a country! :lol:

Stay cozy.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! Brrr it is cold!

That was me yesterday when we were walking. Seriously there was no bit of skin uncovered by something. Face mask, big sunglasses, hood, hat, gloves, boots, coat...I was covered from head to toe literally but I was warm.

Good morning Junie! I hope you are having a good week and that your mom is feeling well and that all is going smoothly. I hear we might be getting a snowstorm Friday night into all day Saturday and the meteorologists cannot yet predict the severity of this upcoming storm. Fingers crossed we don't get much snow or much of a storm at all. It is a windchill factor of 0 degrees here right now and you know those sweet feral kitties are on my mind. Anyway I digress. Hope your week is going well!

Marcy, glad to hear your hand is feeling better but sorry about the food allergy issues. Your dinner last night sounded delicious (minus the beef for me of course lol) and though Greg and I had already long eaten at the time you were having dinner I was getting hungry again after hearing about your meal haha.

Oh no state taxes sound amazing but I am sorry about Marty's pay stub mix up. Sure it will be corrected though it is a pain that there is always something as you say. Oh I would love to live in a state with no state taxes!

LLJsmom, it is fun to be thinking of another project. In all honesty I am not a big fan of the T ring but that's me and I am not into name brands so much anyway so I hope you don't mind me sharing my opinion. I know it would look fabulous on you however so I am excited to see what Tiffany piece you decide on and I hope you are enjoying the shopping. I know we are all vicariously enjoying hearing your thoughts and experiences re bling shopping. :appl:

Hi Jimmianne, hope you have a good Tuesday. It feels like Monday to me but that's what happens when Monday is a holiday.

Such sad news about Glenn Frey. He was a music genius. I so love the Eagles and all the music. Sad he died at a young age. :blackeye:

I hope everyone has a good day and I am keeping you in my thoughts dearest Callie. We all love you and sending you bucket loads of PS ***DUST*** for the best possible outcome. Love you Callie.


Jun 8, 2008
Adding some pics as promised yesterday. The first 4 however are a bonus because well aren't our fur babies the cutest and they just don't take a bad photo yanno? I could not resist sharing their latest up and close photos. 8-) francescacat.jpg




OK onto some of our Brooklyn Museum adventures and first up are the Tiger adventures. I think Tommy and Francesca and Bobby can out roar these tigers dontcha think? Not Fred however because he is a lover not a fighter. :cheeky:






OK sorry for the tiger overload LOL. I do love me some ferocious tigers. :lol:

Onto the Coney Island exhibit.




OMG you can see me in the reflection :lol: . That's what happens when you try taking pics of photographs LOL. Please remember I was taking CE all morning and early afternoon so be kind.



and my last 2 photos of the Coney Island exhibit. I saved this last one because it is my favorite. I find it haunting.



I have lots more pics from our outing but it is taking so long to load these I am taking a break. Hope you enjoy what I shared so far.


Jun 8, 2008
OK just took a bit of a break. Some more pics. First two for our dear Jimmianne. I actually have more for you but they are out of order and I only know these first 2 are definitely for you.





OK next up the Giraffe head. Enough said. 8)




Onto one of my favorite subjects. Bicycles. Cool right? Except for the raccoon adornment that is. :knockout:



Another sort of bicycle next up.


Now a few of my very favorite bridge in the world. I think the NIRDIs know which bridge I am speaking of. :halo:




Some more pics.












Also just want to say that I just spoke with Callie and she wants everyone to know she appreciates your good thoughts. Also Callie wants me to personally say a big Thank You to Marcy for her helpful and hopeful email. It really made things seem more positive overall given that your niece in law is doing well after a similar experience. So a big thank you to Marcy from Callie.

OK that's all for now folks. Have a good day (((HUGS))).


Jun 8, 2008
i left out a few favorite paintings and am going to see if I can add it from my iPad as I'm working out.
Jimmianne, sorry my iPad wouldn't make things straight so I had to go and stop and get my computer and I am back to add some more. Sorry for interrupting your posting!





Next up two of our fave artists. Hopper and then Sheeler. Their art gives me chills.





Next up the Trinity Church on Wall Street.




Dec 9, 2013
Missy, you have gone above and beyond with these photos.
Thank you for my two. The first, fascinating due to the history event that not many people would have seen in person,or remembered now if not for ART, and the second - wow for the super-realism. Love it! Very bling-bright and Chambers has not been on my radar until now.
Oh - can I have the Sargent as well? He is at the top of my list. Always perfection!
You are so lucky to have the resources close-by. You live in an artistic paradise! Thank you for sharing.


Jun 8, 2008
My pleasure! Thank you for taking the time to read my posts!

When I'm feeling anxious it helps quiet my mind to be busy and sharing these photos is a pleasure especially because I share them hoping you girls will enjoy seeing them. I love living here because you are right. So many beautiful things right here. Very fortunate and remember you are welcome any time to visit. I promise it would not be a boring visit. ;))

Jimmianne, I am adding a photo of brooklyn's own Arc de Triomphe.




Feb 27, 2007

Jimmianne, sorry it’s cold there. Are you in the path of the coming snow storm? Itching is not fun. I have a lot of food allergies. Tomatoes and pork trigger a lot of itching. Poultry gives me hives. Sometimes I don’t know what triggers it. I used to take anti-inflammatories for arthritis but they were making me sick. The doctor switched around my medicine and one of them broke me out in a rash from head to toe. It was intense it looked like I’d been burned. I itched so bad I was almost crazy. Maybe that is when I cracked. :lol: Antihistamines can help but those meds turn me in to a cry baby. I keep lots of Benadryl anti itch cream around. How is your daughter doing?

Missy, I am glad to hear your kept yourself warm on your walk yesterday. I hope the cold and snow miss you and all of you East coast NIRDIs. It’s nice living in a state that doesn’t have state taxes. I hope Marty’s pay mix up gets resolved quickly. His company switched payroll services and I was in there looking tonight and there is a GA State Tax form filed out for him right next to his W4. It clearly has his Wyoming address on it. He wrote HR today but no one answered him. He’s not as pushy as I am about money - I’d be on the phone to them by 8 am tomorrow. Thank you for the great photo tour of the museum. I enjoyed seeing everything.

Callie, you are very welcome. I know my niece was very lucky but it’s a positive outcome. Hugs to you and your family.

We had a little snow last night; just enough to make everything icy and sloppy on top of the existing glaciers and crusted over snowdrifts. In 4 months winter might actually be over.

I got plain Marcy food for supper. A steak and baked potato. I had to laugh I told Marty to cook me small ones; I cut it all in half and told Marty to warm it up for me for supper tomorrow night. He picked up raw veggies for me so that worked great. He made himself a piece of tuna. Ew. I am not a fish person. It looked raw to me but he loved it.

2 days down, 3 to go.



Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I loved the pics at the museum. I could just imagine you wandering through and enjoying each exhibit, not rushing. I remember when We did that, before kids... Sigh.

Marcy, I don't know how you survive in that weather, but you do. I admire you greatly. I always like your meal descriptions. Myou know good food. Gotta go cause falling asleep. Nite nite


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Yes there is a snowstorm heading this way but we still have no clue how big it will be. Potentially a NorEaster later Friday night into all day Saturday. Computer models not in total agreement. Accumulating snow likely. Coastal flooding and beach erosion a concern. Over a foot of snow in the city, 20 plus inches south ( beach house area) of the city. All we know is lots of snow and wind predicted through the day Saturday with the worst part of the storm Saturday afternoon into the evening tapering to flurries Sunday.
Personally my first thoughts are with the feral kitties and then for Greg because this will delay the January 25th start of the basement project.

Marcy, I know you and Marty are used to snow and cold but I will never get used to it and I sure hope it doesn't affect Marty's travel plans. It all depends how much snow we actually get. Fingers crossed the Nor Easter turns out to be a minimal event for all.

I'm glad your hand is better and I am glad you enjoyed the photos. 3 more days till the weekend woohoo!

LLJsmom, yes I love museums and this one is a 10 minute walk from our apartment so super convenient. We only did one floor on Sunday because I only had 2 hours there due to CE cutting into the day but it was perfect. We can go anytime we want to and I do enjoy an unhurried stroll through the rooms. Sunday we did the 5th floor as that is where the Coney Island exhibit is located. I went through the whole floor and then after viewing everything I wanted to I went back and took some pics for you girls. I think my nieces would have enjoyed it for a bit but no way could we have taken them for the whole 2 hours so I get what you mean about kids. They have a lot of energy and it might have been challenging though they just love hands on museums like science museums and aquariums etc. So taking them there is more age appropriate and they can be their noisy selves haha.

Callie, thinking of you and sending more hugs and healing vibes your and your brother's way. Make sure to take care of yourself OK? Remember you have to take care of yourself before you can take care of others. (((HUGS))).

Hope everyone had sweet dreams last night and a good day today. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, you got up so early. I have been thinking about you and that coming storm. I suppose this means we are really having
winter now : (
It has been so darned cold here. I know how you feel about the kitties. It breaks my heart that my outside animals are suffering while I am in my warm house, but all I can do is feed them a lot. When it is snowing that means the temperatures are not as frigid for your kitties and as long as there are places to shelter they will be alright. I know saying that does not help tremendously with your worry.
I have been careful this morning not to turn on lights where it would wake up my outdoor animals so they can sleep through the coldest [early morning] part of the day. Then it will finally be above freezing today to give them some relief. When I woke up this morning I had to do a little mantra of acceptance for the things I can't change. We do the best we can.
I will be watching the news & weather, hoping you keep power in the event of a heavy snow so you can give us a first hand report.

thank you for the NYC arc. Love the sculpture on top. Another reason to spring lol


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne, I am including your outdoor animals in my thoughts and prayers...well all the nirdi animals indoors and outdoors of course but you know what I mean. Winter is the harshest season for anyone outdoors and yes my heart is breaking thinking of the poor defenseless innocent animals enduring this harsh cold blast of winter that is now lasting. Their biggest enemy is getting wet and honestly we don't think they are using our outdoor shelters. :blackeye:

Yes it is a school day so up and at them early. I know it is hard to believe but I am really not a morning person. If you knew me 30 years ago you would get that. As Tom enjoys pointing out every time this comes up I used to go dancing every Tuesday night at the Palladium and every Wednesday night at the Limelight with my friends. That was during the school week lol. Idk what happened. ::)

Stay safe and warm ok? Greg is on his way to the beach house despite me trying to change his mind. And then he's off to work so a very busy day for him and keeping fingers crossed it goes smoothly for him. I don't love these weekly beach trips by himself.

Lucyloo, just checking in with you. How are you doing? Thinking of you and hoping things are progressing smoothly.

See you girls later I hope. :kiss:


Dec 9, 2013
Dear Callie, how did I miss the news about your brother?!
Sending prayers and positive thoughts tonight, tomorrow and every day <3


Oct 23, 2006

Thanks for asking about my progress! Yesterday we had an adjustable bed delivered and I slept all the way through the night for the first time since my accident (Dec 3). Since the accident, I usually wake up between 2am and 5am. Sometimes I can go back to sleep and sometimes not. This new mechanical bed makes it SO much easier to keep my leg up high. Many people recommended we get one of these beds because of the need to elevate the ankle. I was very resistant. It truly IS much more comfortable. I wish we would have purchased one earlier. I also hope my sound sleep continues!

Tuesday is my next appointment with the surgeon. I am hoping PT can start shortly after that!


I love your furbaby photos, so precious! I have way too many animals but no kitties because my husband is allergic. And I LOVE them.

I am sorry if I missed any questions or comments. I am still catching up my reading of this thread, currently on page 50 or so . . . then I jump ahead to current posts to try to keep up. Crazy right? Just don't want to miss anything.

Hugs to everyone and thanks for welcoming me, I truly just intended to thank you all for the information. But I should have known you would all welcome me with open arms. You are all so kind and I appreciate it so much! :D


Jun 17, 2009

Missy, thanks so much for posting pics of your trip to the museum, it makes me feel as if I was there! It really is great that there is so much to see and do so close by, I love the city for that reason - always something going on and it's just a very lively and stimulating atmosphere. I agree that the Brooklyn Bridge is amazing, there is just something so special about it. I enjoyed the Coney Island pictures too, like stepping back in time. I love all the paintings you posted, all different and yet all beautiful, such talented artists.

LOVE the pics of your kitties! :love: They are all SO precious, and I love the munchkin in the last pic, gah, that little pink nose! :love: They are all really sweet and I wish I could snuggle every one of them.

The pic of your deck with the snow is so pretty! I enjoyed the dusting of snow we got, but I am definitely not going to enjoy 12 inches of it. ;( I'm hoping it's not going to be as much as they're predicting, but I have a feeling it's going to be. I'm thinking of the feral kitties too, we can only hope they are somehow managing to stay warm, I really wish they were using the shelter. :(sad

Ugh, so sorry about the whole CE thing :angry fire: , very frustrating and I can understand how it could keep you up at night. I'm glad you had a really nice day with Greg on Monday, it made up for your somewhat lousy weekend!

LLJsmom, you are so right, the worrying doesn't stop, you just worry about different things! The stakes get higher too - you don't have any control, like you do when they're young…they can make major decisions about their lives and the consequences can be bad if they end up making the wrong ones. It's nerve-wracking. I agree that being mentally and physically healthy is huge, hopefully if they have a good base they can handle what comes their way and make good choices. Honestly, at this point I am just crossing my fingers and hoping for the best lol.

I think the Tiffany T ring would look amazing on you! But then everything looks good on you!

Jimmianne, I hope you're recovering from your jet lag, it can take quite a while to feel back to normal. I went to China on a business trip last year with dh and I kid you not, it took me over 3 weeks to feel normal again. I'm glad your dd is here to keep you company, I'm sure it's fun having her here with you.

Marcy, I am so excited that the Broncos won!!! Woo-Hoo! I had my doubts there for a little while but they pulled it off lol! Dh and I would love to see Payton Manning go out on top too, he is one of the greats and deserves to end his career on a high note. He'll be getting lots of support from his fans in NJ! Big weekend for football, dh has (mostly) recovered from his disappointment and is getting into the spirit of things.

I'm glad to hear your hand is feeling better. And guess what, for some reason my thumb and the area underneath it is really bothering me! I don't even know what I did to it. It is really annoying and fairly painful and I hope it goes away lol. That is one thing I do not like about getting older - these random aches and pains that seem to come out of nowhere.

Sorry about the agg over Marty's paycheck and I hope it gets straightened out soon. What a pain. Speaking of aggravation, how did your meeting with your employees go? I hope it was fairly painless. I'm so sorry about all the snow and ice you're having, you really are in a deep freeze and I can see how it would start to affect your spirits. Maybe an upgraded sapphire would help lift those spirits! :read: Yes I am very bad :devil:

Callie, thinking of you and your dear brother…please take care, and make sure you eat and get some rest…I know from experience it's easy to neglect those things when a family member is in the hospital and you are so worried and busy. Big hugs to you, sending lots of love and good thoughts to you and your family.

Hi there kristie!

Lucyloo, I'm thinking of you and hoping you are healing well and feeling ok! check in when you can!

Have a good night everyone!

ETA - lol lucy, we were posting at the same time! I am SO glad to hear the new bed is helping you sleep better at night, that is fantastic!
Getting more sleep is going to make everything else so much easier and you will feel so much better, it's major. Thanks for checking in!


Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, I guess I am used to this weather. I keep thinking it would be worse living in Alaska. Kristie can weigh in on that subject. I saw a joke on FB the top portion was a dusting of snow and everyone was in the ditch with the caption saying “a light snow in Texas and we are all going to die” and the other half of the picture was a guy in a big snow drift at a grill and it said “In Wyoming we be like how do you want your burger?” I thought it was pretty funny. I just tried to find it rather than describe it but finding something on FB from 2 days ago is impossible. I hope you slept well last night.

Missy, I hope the Nor Easter doesn’t dump all that snow on you or the kitties. I am a speed museum wanderer. Like reading the paper - I’m a skimmer. I enjoy them though. I was thinking I’d like to go back to the museum in Denver and look at the fluorescent section of gems and minerals. Hope Greg has a smooth trip to the beach house.

Lucyloo, that is wonderful news the adjustable bed seems to help you sleep and be more comfortable. Good deal. Good luck with the surgeon and getting to start PT. Wow you are dedicated to catching up on this thread. I am sure you’ll find Missy’s progress full of helpful and hopeful tips.

Jimmianne, yes winter is getting everyone’s attention. Another joke I saw on FB was the national weather forecast and the only place above 30’s or 40’s was Florida and it was in the 60’s and 70’s. The caption was this is why everyone hates Florida. I hope your animals are okay. I am sure they are hardier than any of us think. Good idea to accept things we cannot change.

Junebug, I bet your China trip did take a while to adjust and get over jet lag. Marty used to go to Hong Kong for work and he was totally wasted for weeks when he came home. I am glad to hear you and your DH will be rooting for Peyton and the Broncos. I so agree that I would love to see Peyton go out on the top. He is such a class act and in my humble opinion one of the greats in the NFL. I hate to hear your thumb flared up. I hope it gets better soon. I hear you on the aches and pains of getting older. My dad always said getting old isn’t for sissies. Are you still enjoying your pretty EC ring? I put mine away last night and worse my WG pink sapphire RHR today. Funny you should mention an upgraded sapphire to boast me out of the winter doldrums. The sapphire ring I wore is one of the rings I want to move to a different setting. Marty still hasn’t heard back from the HR lady yet about his check. He only knows one of them and she never answered him. Being a remote employee can put you at a disadvantage sometimes.

Callie, thinking of you and your family. As everyone else has said be sure to take care of yourself first. Just the stress of everything is overwhelming and going back and forth to the hospital is more than a full time job. Big hugs to you.

Kristie, hope Finn and Maggie are having good days. How cold is it there?

So I can officially no longer go in and out of my street heading north. The glaciers, ruts and street are all at such different heights now I hit bottom on my car and almost got high centered. Joy.

Marty met me for lunch today which was a nice break from work. I fueled my car and holy cow it was under $25. I was paying over $80 at one point. Of course the stock market was reflecting some serious doubts today one area of concern is the falling oil prices.

I got an email today confirming my discovery in my bands. They are being inspected and then they will return them to me. Maybe I’ll get them back on Saturday.

Stay safe and warm.



Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, I did talk to my employees. It seemed to go well. Time will tell. :wall:


Dec 9, 2013
We had snow yesterday, which was quite a postcard. Being from upstate NY I miss it as only a person can miss snow when they don't have to live with it all winter. We get only one or two snow days a year here. A good deal! BTW there is always room for NIRDIs who want to visit and think about moving here! : )

Lucy, what a relief for you to be able to sleep!
Tell about your furbabies. What is your avatar's name?
I have an Aussie named Issy. lol

My pre-loved spinel asscher has been sized! I decided to be a cool girl and not pick it up until I was heading to town for something else as well...BUT I had better pick it up before the storm [doncha think?]. Wow I am so much in need of a bling fix.
Forget that I have to call AAA to get my truck started [left the door ajar] so I can get extra hay today before the snow. I'm heading for Chapel Hill.

Marcy, it will be so much fun to get your bands back. I know you will be so happy to have them back home with you. Are they altering them or discounting? Forgive for asking - that may be just between you and them. In any event, they are good to work with and have proven themselves time and time again.

I'll be back later to see what all you guys are up to : )


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Lucyloo! What a great update and I am so happy you are finally getting some quality sleep! Yay for the adjustable bed! When you are up for it I would love to hear about your fur babies. I love dogs, cats, all animals and if I could I would rescue them all. :appl:
I bet your sweet furbabies are providing much comfort and love to you right now. :appl:

Junie, Thank you and my fubrbabies send XOXO back to you. HUGS to your sweet Zoe! I wish we lived closer so we could ride the storm out together. Zoe, Fred, Francesca, Tommy, Bobby you and I and our bling. OK the men could come too. Haha. Not so funny is it looks like the Jersey shore is going to be getting some major coastal flooding during our weekend Nor'easter and it is not going to be pretty. Just keeping good thoughts that everyone remains safe and that the outdoor animals find a place to stay warm and dry and out of harm's way. :pray:

Let's just hope we all keep our power through the storm so at least we can communicate via text or PS. :bigsmile:

Marcy, I hope your talk with your employees has the expected benefits. Darn about not being able to go down your street going North. Please be safe and go away winter and let the warm pretty spring get here soon. I think we all need to head to
Kristie's place where the weather is sunny and beautiful right now. Yoohoo Kristie, get the champagne out we're coming your way. :cheeky:
Yeah gas is ridiculously cheap and the stock market keeps falling. Last night after work I was having a heart attack seeing what it was doing and thank you girls for calming me down and chill. LLJsmom, you are so right about Tommy and that picture. 8)

Thanks for the updates re your bands and their stones fluorescence Marcy. Here's hoping your bling makes its way back to you very soon!

LLJsmom, keep us posted re your mom and the bling. Honestly there is no right or wrong. Blingy huggies can be so pretty in such a different way than studs. They make more impact for less $$$ and I think look so lovely on the ears. No matter what you two decide you cannot go wrong IMO. And no matter what your mom knows what a wonderful daughter you are!

Jimmianne, YAY for getting your spinel asscher sized. Go get that baby so we can enjoy it OK? :halo:
Good luck today getting the AAA to start your truck so you can get extra hay for the snow.

Callie, sending bucket loads of dust and hugs and love your way!

Have a good day girls and will check in on everyone later. :wavey:


Jun 8, 2008
Adding a pretty winter scene from yesterday morning from the beach house backyard. Greg took video too but I don't know how to add that. If you make the pic bigger you can see NYC across the bay.

Texted the video to you girls.



Dec 9, 2013
Watching the weather. When did strom watching become so intense a passtime that we now name winter storms?!?!
It looks messy here for a couple of days with ice. Definitely a couple of home-bound days ahead. I was a good girl - picked up my ring in Chapel Hill, bought food [and stood in line for an hour to pay for it] at Whole Foods, came home. Collapsed for half a movie [Nanny McPhee]. Got up, called AAA, got a new truck battery and just returned to the farm with 15 bales of hay.
Now one more trip to the barn to tuck everyone in and I can come home, have a glass of wine and hang out on PS & the TV.

Nanny McPhee is really fun. Colin Firth and an unrecognizable bulb-nosed, snaggle-toothed hagged-up Emma Thompson dealing with Very Bad children.
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