
Now I really did it :((


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I keep going back and looking at your beautiful new earrings, they are so well done!!! He was even able to source old cuts for them, so awesome. I am very impressed with the workmanship and I think we now have a new option for custom-made pieces! :dance: I'm glad you're enjoying them so much!

Wow, the bench turned out great! It's so cool that Greg made the seat curved, I can only imagine how tricky that was to do. He does beautiful work. :love:

Marcy, my daughter would love being able to watch net flix on the refrigerator, she was so jealous when I told her lol! Well, I love bling but I also love getting new dishes too, it makes meal times more special and just cheers me up for some reason. Enjoy them, they sound very pretty.

LLJsmom, I'm so glad your daughter loved her necklace! She sounds like such a sweet and thoughtful girl, so touching that she was worried about the expense, what a sweetheart she is.

Yeah, safety is our main concern re the pool cover - although I get the impression it hasn't been working for a while, so I guess the pool hasn't been covered for a while. We really need to either get it working or get a new one because we're not going to be there that much.

Jimmianne, congratulations on getting your house straightened up and organized, it must feel great! I could definitely use an organizer, only problem is she'd have to move in for at least 6 months haha! I have a wooden box in the guest room and just noticed there are baby rattles in it - and my kids are in their 20's! :-o :roll eyes: :oops:

Learning to speak French sounds like fun!

Kristie, thanks so much for the tip about the home inspector, dh is looking into it.

Hope everyone is having a good day, the weekend is almost here, yay! (hey, that rhymes!)


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Weekend.

Missy, I am honestly excited to get new dishes. I am sick of the ones we have. I got a shipping notice on the dishes today too. The lot where the fire was is still taped off with police over there. I sure hope it doesn’t turn out to be arson. The melted windows are boarded up tonight. I guess their plastic white fence just melted to rubble. It’s so awful. Are you and Greg going to the beach house this weekend?

Junebug, good point we all have a good source for our custom projects. Thank you Missy. I am sure watching Netflix on a refrigerator keeps a lot of children happy. How long do you think it will be before we have that ability on our microwaves? It is amazing how quickly stuff can build up. We were in our last house 17.5 years and holy cow did we have a lot of extra crap.

I had my work done by about 2:30 today and my new boss has been on vacation this week so I was pretty bored.

This weekend we are meeting my sister and BIL for dinner midway between our homes. That will be fun!

Since I’m not buying new bling I am wearing different earrings and rings every day so it will be like I have new jewelry. I tend to wear a few pieces most of the time.

Have a great weekend.


Feb 27, 2007
Here is the pattern I picked for my dishes. Very simple. I didn't order any mugs; we have more of those than we'll ever need.



Aug 22, 2012
Love the white dishes. I bought white dishes when we were married in 1988. Everyone was doing patterns and colors then. Absolutely no regrets as my dishes are timeless. I wish I bought 12 extra salad/dessert plates but alas I did not. Pattern is now discontinued. No worries as I have another set of white dishes I use to supplement for dessert plates.


Feb 27, 2007
Thanks Lambskin. I agree white dishes are timeless. Like a pretty solitaire right? I think it will be easy to get pieces that match too. I thought 12 pieces seemed like too many but I am sure some of them will break and then like you ran in to the pattern will be discontinued. I am pretty excited for them. I might need to get a new table cloth or two as well. Yes I am easily entertained.


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, love the white dishes. They are great. I have some white dishes too. I love using them.

Jimmianne, it just registered to me that you hired an actual organizer. As I get older, I appreciate and see more and more the value of the work these people do. They are a dispassionate third party that will help any person organize, purge and donate. I tend toward clutter, a lot. And I hate letting go of things. And honestly, for my family, I'm already really good at purging. My parents are 100x worse. I would love an organizer come in and ask me, "Have you used this in the past year? If not, get rid of it." I need someone to be ruthless and force me to purge. Maybe selling things on ebay will allow me to at least feel like I am getting something back for it.

I have hit a lull in my ebay selling. I wonder if I am not pricing things low enough. I swear so much of my stuff is practically brand new. But I just have to be patient, which is soooo not me. I may end up donating what I can't sell.

Strangely enough, I feel like looking at bling these days. But the gem show won't be coming back until mid-September. I just wanna look...


Jun 17, 2009
Marcy, love the dishes you chose! :love: They really will stand the test of time. I really like the design on them - I love getting new dishes too. And don't despair, I still see some bling in your future at some point! :naughty:

Have a great time with your sister this weekend!

Sorry for the lull in your ebay sales LLJsmom, I can see why you don't want to give your stuff away! I'm thinking it just might take some time. I'm in a bling-looking mood too, which I shouldn't be at this point because I'm not going to be buying anything for quite a while. Sometimes I think I really do need a PS break, just can't bring myself to do it lol.


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Everybody :wavey:

Hope everyone's weekend is going well.

Marcy, love the china, classic. When you want some color and/or pattern, you can buy say 12 different salad or bread plates, you don't want too much matchy-matchy going on. You'll have a lot of leeway with your table linens too. Fun!

Jimmieanne, an organizer is just what I need. Smart to get one and turn her loose! I'm lookjng into this in my town.

LLJs, what dinner or special meal treat did your birthday girl get??? Great gift!!! Can we please have links to your ebay merch?

Junie, you changed your avatar back. Are you wearing this ring now?

Great benches, Greg! 2-seaters!!


Jun 17, 2009
I alternate wearing them Kristie - I changed the pic because I was bored haha!

Hope you're having a good weekend - doing some swimming? Did I mention I miss the pool at the beach? :sun:


Jul 1, 2014
I love the pool! Swimming is great nonweightbearing exercise that for me is also meditative. I hope you get back to your pool asap!!!!


Jun 17, 2009
Me too! ;( Confession time - I don't even really swim per se, I just kind of float around, sometimes with a noodle lol! It's really relaxing and refreshing.


Jul 1, 2014
junebug17|1437872268|3907515 said:
Me too! ;( Confession time - I don't even really swim per se, I just kind of float around, sometimes with a noodle lol! It's really relaxing and refreshing.

The noodle, its the best! The quiet, you're floating and just letting your mind wander. TDF. Confession time: My favorite pool time is ALONE TIME, no DH and no dogs. It happens about twice a year, LOL. This year I managed to sneak out of the house to swim at 6 AM and the dogs were sound asleep. I think Finn heard me crow about that to Bob because the next morning as I was sneaking to the patio door THERE FINN WAS with his GOING SOMEWHERE? look on his Westie mug!!!

Junebug, is your poolwater salt? I have chlorine, but if I was doing it again, I'd get salt.

Pool cover, is it manual or power? I told Bob at our next house the pool is being designed by me with cover in mind. The less custom you go, the lower the cost for it. I like a rectangular pool (EC, hahahaha) anyway, I'm old school. I note that the very rich and the very tasteful also stick with the rectangle for pool shape. The good thing about them is they are easy to cover. Super freeform pools, forget about the cover, same with boulders and stuff. I did get scuppers and a waterfall, though, but they wouldn't contraindicate a cover.

Bob, the dogs and me are the only ones in the pool so we keep the chlorine very low, we don't need much. I know the dogs don't pee in it because they get out and hustle over to their designated grassy area in the yard, TMI!!!!!

Back when I could use a raft (the dogs won't allow it unless THEY are being floated around on it) I only bought the ones with a good fabric cover. Plastic when it gets hot is BRUTAL and not comfortable. It finally got to the point that the only place I could find them was Grandin Road catalog or Front Gate catalog.


Jun 17, 2009
Lol to Finn catching you sneaking out! He wasn't going to let you get away with that a second time Kristie hehe. Yeah, noodles are fun - dh picked up a seat that attaches to the noodle at the grocery store but I didn't get a chance to try it out. The pool is salt water and rectangular, and the cover is, or is supposed to be :angryfire: , motorized. The only experience I've had with salt water pools is when I was a kid (back in the dark ages) and we'd go to the Jersey shore - there was a pool on the boardwalk that was salt water, and it was like swimming in the ocean lol. Now that I think about it, maybe it was ocean water! I remember my eyes burning from it. I guess they've improved since then. :cheeky:

Thanks for the tips about the raft! I will definitely get a fabric one, that's a good idea.

Ugh, I just ate a ton of ice cream, which I swore I wasn't going to do. My daughter bought it, now I'm going to have to admit my gluttony. I hate when that happens. :sick:


Jun 17, 2009
This is what he bought lol -



Feb 27, 2007

LLJsmom, this will be our 3rd set of dishes and I am really excited about them. I don’t know how well china will hold up for every day use but we aren’t usually that hard on things. I hope your ebay sales go well; that’s a good way to get rid of things and get some money back for them. When we moved we threw out 3 full large construction bin full of things and we still moved too many things. September is a long time to hold out until a gem show. It’s always fun to look at bling though.

Junebug, I hope my new dishes give me a little more room in the cupboard. I am sure I’ll find a way to get some new bling sometime soon. I know if I go by the Shane Company one of their unique sapphires will wind up on my hand. PS does make me more likely to buy something new. Both your rings are gorgeous so I am glad you switch your avatar so I can enjoy both of them. That noodle seat is fabulous.

Kristie, I think with my new dishes I’ll use darker table clothes or place mats. I could use an organizer too. Jimmianne is starting a trend. I was going to ask Junebug about her avatar too. That is priceless Finn was waiting for you to sneak out to swim early in the morning.

We had a nice day. Marty played golf. I was going to the grocery store and Lowes this morning but started watching a movie instead. Marty and I had lunch at the golf course then headed to Fort Collins, Colorado to meet my sister and BIL for supper. They brought us some produce from their vegetable garden. It all looks so good. No baby tomatoes for me yet.

We stopped one of our favorite stores down there and I bought some red kitchen utensils. I thought they’d go great with our white dishes.

I hope all of you ladies are having a fabulous weekend.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Marcy, I LOVE your new china. Timeless and elegant and goes with everything. IMO classic white china makes food look all that much tastier. Enjoy!

I hope you had a great time with your sister and BIL at dinner. Weekends are the best. :appl:

Junie, I hope you can get back to your beach house and the pool very soon. It's funny I never wanted a pool (grew up with one and enjoyed it then but as an adult I had no urge) however after reading all about Kristie's and your pool I think I want one now. 8) It sounds fabulous for just chillin and relaxing.

Don't feel guilty about the ice cream. When I tell you what we had last night you will feel less bad LOL. I did not hold back. :devil:

Are you going to go back to your beach house soon?

Kristie, LOL I can just imagine sweet Finn running to the door and catching you before you sneak out so he doesn't miss out on the action. Aww sweet baby. :halo:

I'm with you in that I prefer rectangles (love an EC!) especially for swimming laps. Oh I so want a big rectangular salt water pool so I can get a soft impact workout and also rejuvenate and relax after the swim. So glad you get to do that Kristie. And in your next home saltwater all the way. :appl:

LLJsmom, good luck with your ebay sales. Sometimes things go slowly but I bet you will sell your stuff. Good stuff sells if the price is right and if you hold on for a bit longer you may not have to lower your price. However if you want a quicker sale drop the price a bit and that might be just what you need.

Haha I want to go bling shopping too girls. LOL even after just buying 2 pairs of earrings in the last few months I still have an appetite for more. OMG. I am bad. :cheeky: I will just have to satisfy myself with NIRDI bling so keep it coming please. :naughty:

Callie, I hope you and Jeff are having an amazing weekend and enjoyed the wedding!

This is the weekend of the NY antique jewelry show but we had other plans so unfortunately we are not able to go. However we are having a lovely weekend despite missing out on the bling. ;( :bigsmile:

Friday early AM we came to the beach house and enjoyed cycling and the weather was lovely. Yesterday AM we woke up extra early to get our miles in cycling before we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house in North Jersey for the day. They invited us over to see their kitchen reno. Beautiful. And we were the only 2 they invited over their house yesterday so it was a very nice change. I love my whole family but sometimes it can be overwhelming with so many people and the kids running about so it was really a lovely change just Greg and I enjoying the day with my Aunt and Uncle.

Their counters are quartzite and everything was custom. Their cabinets are gorgeous as are all their appliances. Subzero (of course LOL), Miele dishwasher, and other high end and supposedly good quality as they did their research. It took a full 2 months just to reno their kitchen with 3 men working every day. It is really lovely.

My aunt is a great cook and baker so we enjoyed an amazing meal and of course I had to get pics of dessert for my NIRDIs. Junie, I was a bad bad girl and your ice cream gluttony is nothing on what Greg and I enjoyed last night LOL. She made her amazing mascarpone tart that was TDF and heavenly and oh so light lemon cookies that I cannot even begin to describe how OMG out of this world delicious they are. :lickout:

Have a great Sunday NIRDIs and I hope to catch up with you later. It is going to be a hot and humid day here so we are leaving early again for our ride and hoping to get back here before the hottest part of the day. Stay cool and enjoy. :wavey:






Dec 9, 2013
Good morning, NIRDIs

love all the tasty photos this morning!

Here are the "noodles" I got at Frontgate last year and they've held up well...I just went to the website to get this picture and saw that they have a lot of cool floats this year. 43852_main.jpg
my pool is tiny - 8x14 - & with the current machine at one end it's more of a work-out space, but sometimes I turn up the current let the whirlpools spin me around, bumping into walls - lol- and listening to music.
Next time I would get an automatic cover, but I've gotten used to the manual one, which I hated at first.

OK Missy, I will start researching bling lol:
My dd leaves for the next trip in a couple of weeks and I thought I would occupy myself with a search. Looking at narrow diamond bracelets to wear in between watch and other bangles. I also like the bangles from Grace with diamonds on the ends. I am thinking WF and very narrow but that's almost too easy. One click and it's done. I would rather torture myself for weeks with indecision! I've been looking on eBay, but that's a little scary for getting good melee cuts.
Does anyone have thoughts on tennis bracelets vs bangles for 24/7 wear?


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, just visited Bea on the K L M thread. She is so gorgeous. I know that, you know that, but not having seen her for a while, it was such a pleasure to take another look.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I'm glad you had such a relaxing and pleasant visit with your aunt and uncle, their new kitchen sounds gorgeous. And those desserts look absolutely yummy! :love: I don't blame you one bit for indulging, those look impossible to resist. I think I have an ice cream hangover today, too much sugar and dairy in one sitting I think :knockout: Ah well, it happens and I'll do better today lol.

And yes, I agree with Jimmianne, was checking out Bea in the other thread, and omygosh, your ring is just so gorgeous!!! :love: It looks SO amazing on your hand, I just love it! :love: :love: :love:

Jimmianne, that noodle is great! And I love the idea of a diamond bracelet, I think this style is very pretty - it's Rika's and she used stones from her mother's anniversary ring to make it

I also love the WF bangle and that style would work really well if you want to stack it with other bracelets/watch.

I had to laugh at your comment - yes, most of the fun is torturing ourselves by trying to decide! :D



Jun 8, 2008
Hi Jimmianne and Junie! Thank you for those lovely compliments about Bea. She is very much looking forward to meeting the equally gorgeous Joy and Junie's amazing OEC and pear . Junie, did you name your OEC and your pear? I cannot remember.

That diamond bracelet you posted Junie is beautiful! Haha and I am with both of you. IDK but torturing ourselves with bling indecision is sort of a hobby haha. :lol:

Junie, yes today is another day. Glad you are recovering from the ice cream hangover. Our problem is my Aunt sent some of each dessert home with us LOL but I am going to be good and let Greg have them. She sent them home for him anyway. Smart woman.

Jimmianne, I cannot wear any bling 24/7 so I cannot advise what would be more wearable that way but I am definitely here to weigh in on any contenders. You know the NIRDIs are here at your disposal. Use us. :appl:
I do love both tennis bracelets and bangles. Aha that is the answer. Get both. :naughty: :cheeky:


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, LOL to thinking of a rectangle shaped pool as an EC. We are definitely Blingaholics here. We can never have too many pieces of jewelry. It sounds like you are having a great weekend. It’s nice you got to have a quiet visit with you aunt and uncle. Their kitchen and appliances sound fabulous. The pictures of those desserts look good enough to eat. They look quite tasty.

Jimmianne, I love bangles but they drive me crazy clanking on everything. Whenever I buy one, I have it off by 10 am and it goes in my jewelry liquidation sales. I quit wearing bracelets because they scratch up my laptop. When I wear bracelets I like a couple of thin ones. I know WF will do a beautiful job for you if you go through them.

Junebug, it’s hot outside how can eating ice cream be a bad thing? Rika’s bracelet is very pretty. I think the search and decision for jewelry is part of the fun.

I’ve had a busy morning. I was at King Soopers by 8 and home a little after 9. I hate that store and parking lot but they have things I can’t find anywhere else. I stocked up on those things. Then I went back out to Lowes, Michael’s and Bed, Bath and Beyond. I returned a hose to Lowes they didn’t use for the dishwasher installation and went to look at the counter depth version of the refrigerator we ordered. I picked up Alfreesh for both my dishwasher and washing machine. Then at Michael’s I got a wicker basket to put bread in and at BB&B I got a little utensils crock and a new tablecloth and place mats. Blue this time!

I came home and pulled some weeds and picked off dead flowers.

Marty is brewing up our lunch right now on the grill. Burgers, buns, corn on the cob and we’ll have fresh garden carrots with that.

My windshield needs replaced. We got a pit and stars on Wednesday on our way to Colorado and today one of those stars shot off about 8 inches. Rats.

Have a great day.


Jun 17, 2009
Sounds like you had a nice weekend marcy! I love buying things like utensils, placemats, and things to spruce up the house, it makes me happy to add those little touches! And you're right, that ice cream was the perfect thing to eat in this heat. Of course, I have no problem eating it in the dead of winter too lol. :cheeky:

Sorry to hear about your windshield ;( If it's any consolation, mine needs to be replaced too. There are scratches on it from Hurricane Sandy (shingles from a roof hit it) and a pebble nicked it as I was driving to my mother's, and the ding is right in my line of vision! I keep putting it off but we do need to fix it at some point.

Jimmianne, marcy made a good point about a bangle hitting things, just something to consider. Seems to bother some and not others. Keep us posted as to what you are thinking!

This weekend flew by! Didn't do too much, just hung around and did a few things around the house (not many :???: ). Hitting the NJ turnpike once more tomorrow and heading to my mothers, will check back in the a.m.!


Feb 27, 2007
Junebug, have a safe trip to your mother's tomorrow. I am going to return the utensil crock because it is too short for my utensils; but I am pleased with my other small treasures. It does brighten up the house just to change out something. Can you see out of your windshield okay? Marty's F250 had a crack that went across the entire windshield about 6 to 7 inches from the bottom. We replaced it twice and it cracked again in the same spot. Marty was tall enough it didn't bother him; it was right in my line of sight. I have lane assist in my car and the insurance guy asked about that so now I'm nervous I'll have trouble with that feature in the new windshield. This chip and stars are pretty bad so I am sure they'll continue to spread. I agree ice cream is always good regardless of the weather.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning NIRDIs!

It's back to NYC for us this morning. How does Monday get here so fast? :confused:

Marcy, sorry about your windshield! That sounds expensive. I hope you get it replaced easily and quickly. I never heard of lane assist but it intrigues me. Soon they will design cars that drive themselves LOL.

Sounds like you got much accomplished this weekend so good for you. Marty's BBQ lunch yesterday sounds good and that fresh corn on the cob ooh very tempting! I agree with you and Junie- ice cream is good all year round! :appl:

Junie, have a safe trip to your mother's house and I hope it is a good visit. Is your mom well enough to travel to your new beach house? I wonder if a change in scenery would be a good thing for her if she is well enough to make the trip. If so have your sister and brother come to help take care of her during the visit so you can enjoy some R&R too.

Sorry your windshield is cracked also and I hope you get it replaced soon. Safety is priority #1. Take it from me accident prone girl. ::)

Welcome home Callie! Glad you had fun at the wedding though I agree that idea of having the wedding party visit a bar before the reception is sort of questionable. Oh well youth is not known for their great judgment. Glad a good time was enjoyed by all though and I bet your sweet pup is thrilled beyond thrilled you are back home with her!

Yesterday during our bike ride I ran into a good friend of mine (she lives in Manhattan) who was visiting her sister about 20 miles from our beach house and it was so much fun. She had texted me Saturday but I was at my Aunt and Uncle's house and didn't get a chance to respond and then we ran into her on the boardwalk Sunday AM LOL. We are making plans to visit each other soon because it has been months and months since I saw her last. This is the friend who visited me when I was at HSS the day after she got her breast cancer diagnosis at Sloan Kettering. She is doing great! Only thing is she was on her bike with her sister and BIL on their bikes and none of them wearing helmets. Oy oy oy. I asked her where is her helmet and she said her BIL and sister make fun of her when she wears hers. :nono: ;( I am having a chat with her about that as yesterday was not the time for that talk though I did express my displeasure!

When we got back to the beach house Greg and I took a dip in the bay. Heavenly. Very refreshing and very quiet as no one was around except sailboats in the far distance. It was a lovely day and back to reality today.

Have a good Monday girls and hope to see you later. :wavey:


Dec 9, 2013

Insurance should cover windshield replacement and they will come to your house, so hopefully an easy fix.

I'm an idiot. Of course bangles are a pain [to me] - just what I said in a post last month! Loved the Risa cuff and it was fun to go through the whole bracelet thread. Thanks, Junebug

Happy Monday. TIme flies - but doesn't that mean we're having fun?

Missy, that image of you & Greg in the bay with all quiet is perfect. Nice to consciously appreciate those moments, making memories.

Off to the dentist asap... between the dear dentist and the orthodontist I practically live there. Not complaining too much - both are Very Cute.

more later.
hugs to all.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I have missed so much! Last week was crazy with the wedding and havig the house painted.

Missy, Your description of your day yesterday sounds perfect! I'm so glad you were able to get a bike ride in. So glad to hear your friend is doing well. I remember how worried you were about her. What a surprise to run into her at the beach house. My sweet furbaby was so happy to be home. I would not mind traveling at all if we could bri her with us. We got up early yesterday morning so we could get on the road and be home early afternoon to pick her up.

Jimmianne, Glad to know I'm not the only person visiting the dentist these days. The day before we were to leave for the wedding I bit down on a piece of candy and a cap came off. Biting a cap that is not on your tooth is a very bad thing. Once in the office he informed me that a bridge also needs to be replaced. It's always something. I hope you visit is going to be a little less expensive. I love bangles and wear them all the time. For some reason they don't seem to bother me. Friends of mine have felt very much the way Marcy does about them. They can't wear them any longer than an hour. I just purchased a few antique bangles off of eBay and love them!

Marcy, Your new dishes are beautiful. I also have white dishes and love them. I'm so glad you were safe with the fire being so near your home. How scary that must have been for you! I'm sorry to hear you got a crack on your windshield. I have to buy a new wheel for my car. I don't even have 1,000 miles on it and have scuff up a wheel so badly that my husband said I need to replace it. Those darn curbs jump out of no where and always manage to find the car I'm driving.

LLJsmom, I'm so glad your daughter loved her new necklace. I remember when you purchased it for her. My nieces used to have the same reaction your daughter had about jewelry purchases. They always were afraid the item cost too much. One of them picked out a ring when she was little and freaked out when we were at the register after she found out the price.

Junebug, Your trip to the beach house sounded wonderful. I'm glad you had a fun time and were able to relax. It sounds like your mom was in very capable hands. You really need to take more breaks. I worry about you getting burned out. It is so easy to do when your are a caregiver. Do you have any future beach house trips planned. Your pool sounds wonderful!

Kristie, I hope you are surviving your hot weather. I bet Finn and Maggie can't wait to get in the pool every night. How cute Finn was waiting at the door for you the morning you tried to sneak out. My furbaby does the same thing. Then she barks the whole time I am outside working in the yard. I was told by vet that I can't take her out back with me because of the geese. There droppings carry some disease that could kill her. She always lets me know she is waiting in the house for me. The wedding was very nice. The woman pastor was wonderful. She had govern them gifts during the service. She gave him a little squirt gun for when they are arguing and gave the bride one of those large soaker guns. She also gave them a big bottle of wine and chocolate for when things get rough. She told them the wine was her favorite and you would be amazed how much better things look after a few glasses and some chocolate. She has known the bride for years and was so funny with her marital advice.


Feb 27, 2007

Missy, the deductible on my window is $250. I am sure my insurance will get the rest back from me in the future. The lane assist is pretty cool if your car starts to cross the “line” the car actually corrects it for you. It is almost creepy. We were trying it coming home the day we bought the car and after the 3rd time Marty let the car drift the display actually said “Please take control of the car”. Too funny the car chastised Marty. That’s nice you ran in to your friend on your bike ride.

Jimmianne, of course we are having fun! I hope the dentist was nice to you today.

Callie, rats that you had a Curby incident too. I did the first one on this car less than 24 hours after we bought it. I hate to hear you have to replace a wheel. The dealer may be able to get you a decent price since the car is so new. The wedding sounds nice and I like the squirt guns, chocolate and wine – those are very clever gifts and ideas.

Work was well work today. I had 5 meetings and the last one was the most fun. My overachiever team leader went off on one of his 2 favorite tangents about if we want to help someone with time management we need to make them use his macro that will tell him how long it should take them to do a task. I told him I am not ever going to tell someone how long it should take to do things. If you want to offer it to them as a suggestion then go for it but it’s not mandatory.

I talked to the company that will replace my windshield and I took it they ordered it from Audi based on my VIN number so it should work fine.

Marty cooked baked potatoes and filet on the grill for supper. It was delicious. He is off playing 9 holes tonight.

My dishes are going to arrive Thursday and our new refrigerator is coming Friday.

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Jimmianne, I hope your visit to the dentist yesterday went well. And that you don't have to go back anytime soon! Though I am glad your dentist and orthodontist are easy on the eyes. 8)

I like your take on time flying meaning we must be having fun but well, I'm not so sure. Time sure flew (that was a blessing for me though because the faster that period of time in my life went the better!) when I was recovering from my broken leg and surgery and we know that wasn't the most fun period of my life LOL. All I know is time is speeding by faster and faster and faster and I am focusing on the here and now and today and trying as best I can to live in the moment.

Callie, how did the paint job turn out? Are you pleased?
I am with you in that traveling wouldn't be as difficult if we could travel with our sweet furbabies. Traveling back and forth to the beach house is easy peasy because we take the whole family with us. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Haha I love that the woman pastor gave the bride and groom squirt guns and that the bride got the large soaker gun. I might have to steal that idea LOL. At least it's not so mean to shoot your spouse with a water gun when it's hot outside right? LOL. That would stop the argument at least for a moment haha.

Marcy, glad the deductible isn't too much and that the insurance will cover your windshield. I love your lane assist feature and need to ask Greg what he thinks about it. I guess the car knows when you are just changing lanes vs wavering into another.

Glad work went well yesterday and good for you telling the overachiever team leader that you won't set time limits on your employees.

Yay for your new china and new fridge. You have a busy end of the week and hopefully everything will be delivered perfectly this time. :appl:

Enjoy your Tuesday girls. I am meeting a good friend of mine for lunch and she is 19 weeks pregnant. I used to work with her but she quit a few months ago and I have missed her so much. She is such an upbeat and fun person you cannot help but fall in love with her. She has been trying to arrange a play date between the 2 of us but summer is so busy with me going back and forth to the beach house and she is still working part time.

Of course we would pick the hottest day of the year (going to feel near 100 F with the heat and humidity today) so far LOL and of course I chose a restaurant that is a long walk from my apartment OMG. She is probably taking the train as she is coming from Manhattan but I am walking so I will think cool thoughts though I am sure by the time I meet her I will be soaked in sweat. Lucky she loves me anyway haha.

See you girls later. :wavey:
Princess Francesca says hi to all the NIRDIs and sends purrs and hugs your way!



Dec 9, 2013
I am not one for "gadgets" on cars, but my salesman almost insisted that I get lane assist. Since I can back a horse trailer he said I could do without the camera, but lane assist YES. I love it. It is extremely helpful, especially in traffic on the freeway. It is not 100% accurate!! About 3 times in three years there has been a car in my blind spot it did not pick up, most likely because the car was going fast and did not come up from behind, but moved over. So I look as well as relying on it. But still for the most part, it's literally a life-saver.

Marcy, another great dinner by your in-house chef! Your dishes are very pretty and versatile. They will be so happy to live at your house and be part of the wonderful meals there. I know I would be :naughty: I hope everything arrives safely. New is so nice : )

Missy, Francesca is the longest cat! She would be very good as a 'draft stopper" at doorways in winter.
Good luck with your long hot summer walk. I love that you have a wonderful friend who is going to have a baby. Always such a happy thing.
By the way, NPR just did a great segment on walking as natural prozac lol

oh Callie - ugh. Sounds like you are in for a spot of dental work. I try to remember how lucky we are to have dental work available to us, even while I mourn the integrity of my teeth of younger years. I have 6 more months with my braces. Don't you hate that moment when you bite down, then realize all is not as it should be?
Antique bangles off eBay! now that's a conversation starter and an inspiration. Have you ever posted photos of them on PS?

After the dentist I went to the "upscale" [for my area] mall. What has happened to Nordstroms?! The clothes were boring and sort of run-of-the-mill quality . And they had no fine jewelry! Welcome to my shopping demographics. Missy, I was ready to get on a plane [after asking you if you wanted to do a little shopping!].

Today I am having lunch with 2 friends and then cruising the boutique mall where the estate jeweler is. One of my friends hates to shop, so she always sits and sketches, and the other is worse than I am. The hate-shopping-friend said it was a real eye opener to watch 2 pros in action :lol:

I started the Pimsleur audio French course yesterday and woke up having remembered everything. After 6 weeks of Duolingo I've learned a lot but still couldn't say anything and keep forgetting what words mean. I'm hoping the Pimsleur will give me the confidence to speak. I found a "used" course in "like-new" condition on Amazon for about 1/4 the cost. Pimsleur is not cheap, but supposedly has the best results. Anyone know about this stuff?


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Missy, Francesca looks so sweet!!!! I hope you have a wonderful time meeting your friend today. I'm meeting a friend of mine who had her baby two weeks ago this week and can not wait to see her and the little one. She tried for 10 years to have a child and I could not be more happy for her. I have to go find some cute little outfits for the baby before I see her. It's such a happy time in her life. I called my doctor this morning to make sure I am up to date on the pretussis (spelling) vaccine. We had plans last week but then the painters called and said they were coming so I had to reschedule. I love how the painting turned out. Some of the cedar trim on our home was beginning to get soft so he also replaced all of that for us. I can't wait for my bangle to arrive today.

Marcy, My new car has many safety features. It will actually slow down and brake if you don't. It is so weird to experiment with it. I was scared to death it wouldn't work and I would hit the car in front of me. I also love the lane assist and the blindspot warning. Your dinner last night sounded wonderful. I met my niece for dinner last night and we had a great time. There was a 14 year old girl who was missing in the town we went to dinner. There were TV stations doing reports in the area and news crews everywhere. She had been missing for 5 days and seemed to vanish out of thin air. My niece called me this morning to let me know the girl is safe at home. I'm sure it will be on the news today. I'm just so grateful she is home, doing well and was not harmed.

Jimmianne, I love the bracelets I have purchased from this buyer. She is wonderful to deal with. I haven't posted any pictures but all the bracelets are beautiful and exactly as described. She has helped me get bracelets that fit my wrist. My wrist is small (wish the rest of me was). I have a very hard time finding bracelets as my wrist is 5 inches. Most bracelets fall off my wrist as soon as I put my arm down. I told the woman I knew it would be close to impossible to find one that would fit perfectly and as long as it stayed on when I put my wrist down I would be happy. They bangles I purchased are all from the early 1900's. I had to laugh at your comment about the feeling you have when you bite down and realize something is wrong. I thought there was something in the tootsie roll. I never felt the cap come off my tooth. I also wish I had my 20 year old teeth back, along with a few other things! Oh to be 20 again. You need to come to Chicago. Our Nordstrom has a fine jewelry section of the jewelry department with many pretty items.

Junebug, I hope all is going well with your mom this week and you are doing well. Try to keep cool as I know you are also having very hot and humid weather this week.

Kristie, I feel like the rest of us have no right to complain about the heat as you have everyone beat with your weather! Did your family have a nice swim last night. I love the pictures of Finn and Maggie in their little life jackets.

Hi LLJsmom!!!! :wavey:
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