
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Oh, those bluefish salad pics, TDF!!! So delicious looking! And get a load of the perfect grill marks, Way to Go, Greg! (I do the grilling at my house and I always strive to get those perfect grill marks). It just looks delicious. What does the fish taste like, Missy, is is a bland fish like halibut or is it a fishy tasting fish>???????

Affiliators---when I was in high school, logos and branding got going and I had a Perrier t-shirt. Remember that perfume, Babe? I had a Babe logo T-shirt. I had a couple world cup soccer t-shirts from Holland (football too plebian for moi). I had a couple of USC t-shirts (my alma mater) but only wore them to sleep in or in the dorm studying. Then of course my Calvins, Jordache, and 501s. Lacoste shrits and boat shoes. Yes, I was mostly a preppy with a little new wave thrown in, tiny bit of disco too.

The first affiliators. :lol:

Maybe Tom needs a new hobby, heehee?!?!?!?!?!??! Is he your unmarried friend?


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, so glad you're having some good weather!

I love the idea of 2 subzeros, there never seems to be enough room in one fridge! I'm pretty excited because there is a subzero in the new house. And, …there are 2 dishwashers - I don't really get that? Maybe they thought they'd be entertaining a lot and needed 2? Sometimes at the holidays I have to run the dishwasher twice, but I honestly don't think we'll need 2 of them on a regular basis.

Glad you and Greg were still able to enjoy some bluefish! Looks very yummy.

I'm sorry Greg's upcoming trip is causing you anxiety. My husband has traveled for work throughout his entire 30+ career so I guess I'm just kind of used to it. And interestingly, with all my anxiety issues, I really don't have a fear of flying. I understand your worry though - I have a lot anxiety about my kids driving on highways. So easy to get into an accident these days, and their lives (and mine) could change in the blink of an eye because of one. My trip home from my mother's on the NJ turnpike yesterday DID NOT help - people were driving extremely fast and very dangerously. It was worse than usual, I couldn't help but think everyone had lost their minds all at the same time. So yeah, it's tough not to worry about our loved ones. I hope you can start feeling a little better about it, I'm sure he will be ok. Hugs to you.

Yes, having pets is a wonderful thing, but it does tie you down a bit sometimes. I don't have any great ideas, I know there are pet-sitting services but I guess that pretty much involves a stranger coming into your home while you're not there, so probably not a great idea. I guess the best case scenario would be to have a friend who lived close by stop in during the day to take care of them, but this isn't always possible either.

And I'm sorry to hear about Tommy! Fingers crossed it's nothing and he's ok.

I hear you on sometimes using bling as a distraction, I do too! Eh, a little break from reality once in a while never hurt anyone! I think that's why I like making those little ring boxes - while I'm doing it, I think of nothing else and it feels good. I guess it's a relatively safe way to escape once in a while :cheeky:

Calliecake, congrats on the new shoes! I'll be they look great. I wish my feet weren't so problematic, I love shoes but I'm just so limited as to what I can wear comfortably. And I'm with missy - if you love 'em, wear 'em - in fact, flaunt 'em! :cheeky:

I've attached a pic of my current ering just to show you all- I do like to wear different rings once in a while, but I don't know that I want to spend that much on another ring and now that I think of it, it's kind of similar in style to my current ering!

Ovi, what is this about a new and beautiful gem? Please email me a pic!! :halo:

Continuing to think of our Jimmianne, I can't wait to hear about her trip!

Marcy, I had to smile at your comments about discussing things with yourself! I can so relate - I agonize over things like do I need it, is it worth it, money could be used elsewhere etc. I can't wait to see your new band! It would be great if it arrived in time for your anniversary. I'm continuing to think of your work situation and hoping everyone just deals with things like adults. Sounds like your one employee is having a little trouble. As you said, time will tell. And oh my gosh, cheesecake! I absolutely love cheesecake, it's probably my second favorite dessert, right behind ice cream. Darn this sweet tooth lol.

LLJsmom, I know what you mean about getting on a bling buying kick! Once you start it's hard to stop! Now that I bought the pear ring, I feel I've opened the floodgates and I'm itching to start working on my cushion soleste style ring :-o Oh, and buying yellow gold bands to go with my pear ring. The good news is yg bands are easy to find and are fairly inexpensive. The bad news is yg bands are easy to find and are fairly inexpensive. See what I did there? :sun: I'll probably end up spending a small fortune on yg bands! :sick:

Here's a pic of my ering, I consider it my main one, even though I switch rings out.



Jun 7, 2014
Junebug, Don't feel bad about buying bands. You can always switch them up and they are fun to play with. Look at all the beautiful ones Jimmianne has found and how fabulous they all look with Joy. They are inexpensive and if you decide you don't want to wear them often it isn't like you wasted a lot of money. I only feel bad when I don't wear the big ticket items. I completely understand about the anxiety when you make purchases. I could drive anyone crazy the way I second guess myself. It really makes me feel bad for my poor husband sometimes. Your engagement ring is beautiful and looks perfect on your finger.

Missy, Please don't worry about Greg flying. My husband has flown so much thru the years that I don't give it a second thought anymore. I'm pretty used to it now. He never worries and thinks I'm crazy when I have to fly for getting nervous. I swear everytime I get on a plane I think I am doing this on my own free will and could be killing myself. It freaks me out so bad. A few years ago I was traveling and they pilot called the maintenance people I couple times about something not being quite right. The maintenance person came on the plane. I heard the whole conversation and wanted to get off the plane. The poor guy who got stuck sitting next to me. He heard the conversation also and told me not to worry because what they were talking about was not something that would cause a problem when flying. He said if it was he would have left the plane already. He told me to have a glass of wine. When I told him I couldn't because I took a Xanax he told me to have the wine anyway. I was terrible the first year my husband started flying internationally. I am just glad I'm more comfortable when he flies now. I would be a nervous wreck all the time with as often as he flies. I also feel the same way when we are on a flight together. At least we are together if anything bad happens.

I hope Tommy is okay. When are you taking him to the vet?

LLJsmom, I hope you find lots of great jewelry while in Paris. A cool piece of jewelry is a great souvenir. I can't wait for Jimmianne to come back and tell us all about her trip. The girl is on a mission and has all the jewery stores mapped out. The LV person is beautiful. Have you made a decision on buying it. There was one in an LV ad I wanted last year. The leather was so soft and the color was beautiful. It was featured in an ad with a Michelle Williams. I was so happy the size was larger than I wanted otherwise it would have been something else to agonize over. The shoes I bought are called Sandalia by Steve Madden. If I keep them I am wearing them with a plain sheath dress. I just hope I don't look ridiculous. If I do, it certainly won't be the first time!

Kristie, I'm hope all is well with you. Have you heard back from your neighbors?

Jimmianne, I hope you are having a wonderful time. We miss you here!

Marcy, Your cheesecake sounds delicious! Are your flowers doing well?


Feb 27, 2007

Junebug, your pear halo and your OEC are beautiful. I know you are enjoying them.

Kristie, that is a mouthful but at least I’m loyal. We are all certainly affilators and give free advertising for those companies. How are Finn and Maggie doing today? I picked up some more Fanta to match Bubbles this weekend.

Callie, too cute your feet think they are 25. My feet rarely see anything but tennis shoes these days. I feel in limbo and weird about my job. My unhappy employee met with my new boss for over an hour today. It sounds like he was told basically what I told him but in a different way. He also had some complaints about other things; I don’t know what for sure so now my boss wants to talk to all of my employees. Time will tell. I told Marty there isn’t a thing I ever put on a performance appraisal that I can’t back up with notes and examples.

Callie and LLJsmom, I swear the stack of clothes Marty can leave on the floor can get as tall as me. I usually crack before he does and pick them up.

LLJsmom, 9 Cartier stores. If you buy something at each one of them how bad can that be?

Missy, hopefully you can find someone to cat sit for you so you can go with Greg to Atlanta. I am worse when Marty is flying over water than land. It’s rough though. Your dream kitchen will be really fun to design. We generally play hearts or cribbage on game night. I will have a piece of cheesecake for you. I think my team and I are all going to have some changes coming our way. I will have to wait and see. I always say I know my job inside and but it’s those supervising skills that are always subject to change. I didn’t ask WF to rush my ring but I will be excited when I get the glamour shots and know it’s on it’s way.

Take care.


Jun 7, 2014
Marcy, I'm sorry about your job. I'm sure it a very stressful just going to work with the changes. Hopefully everything will quiet down soon and your employees will get used to the new normal. Aside from the changes recently, are you happy working for the company? I ran into one of the girls I used to week with in Monday. She hates the company she works for now and said it really bothers her that she spends her days someplace that makes her so unhappy. I was so thankful I get to stay home. I doubt I will keep the shoes. Believe me there is nothing else about me that thinks I am any where 40 let alone 25. I haven't shown them to my husband because I think he will really like them. I always wear heels but these are over 4 inches. I doubt I would even be able to walk in the darn things for more than a block. Falling on my face is something I would like to avoid and I'm sure that would be a side effect of the shoes. Oh well, it was a fun little dream while it lasted. Back to Nordstrom they will go.

LLJsmom, You may want to leave your credit cards at home if there are 9 Cartier stores. A girl could do a lot of damage in 9 stores. Not to mention your husband may leave you in Paris if you go too crazy.


Jul 1, 2014
Lol, re LLJ left at Cartier Paris, I think we should establish the NIRDI Bail-Out Fund, for just such circumstances :lol: :appl: :naughty:

The NIRDI Legal Defense Fund will be entirely separate, bwahaha!!!!


Jul 1, 2014
Marcy, I hope work calms down, I myself find it difficult to tolerate very much conflict or uncertainty at work. I'm glad you have the WF bling to anticipate, seriously. Hang in there, girlfriend.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls!

Kristie, Bluefish does not taste fishy or bland. It is a sweet fish. If I had to make a comparison I would say it is a more tender sweeter fish than swordfish but closest to swordfish in its consistency but softer than swordfish. Hope that makes sense.

Haha yes I guess we are all guilty of being affiliators at one point in our lives. It's just Tom never stopped. He is my unmarried friend and he loves sports but despite that and his love of wearing logos (haha) he is a great guy. Know anyone for him? :bigsmile:

I like the sound of that-the NIRDI defense fund and the bail out fund. Ovi can be in charge of our international office. :cheeky:

Junie, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your ER. It is gorgeous. :love: And I also love your pear ring. 2 beautiful rings that are seriously major beauties. Great taste and they both look so elegant and sophisticated on your hands. :love: And I agree getting new bands and mixing it up makes everything seem fresh again for a relatively inexpensive price. It can scratch that more expensive itch if you kwim.

Yay for a Subzero at your new beach house. The double dishwasher-what brand is it? And you aren't talking about dish drawers but 2 separate dishwashers right? LOL they must entertain a lot. We have Fisher Paykel double dish drawers in Brooklyn and it is very convenient because it is usually just me and Greg so I fill up only 1 of the dish drawers every day and run it vs here at the beach when I have to run a half empty dishwasher every day. I much prefer the setup we have in Brooklyn with the 2 dish drawers. Much more efficient and less wasteful. However it took many years till Greg figured out how to fix the Fisher Paykel dishwasher we have to get it to run right. We had countless repairmen over the first few years we were using it and it was very buggy. Now it is a dream but I would never get Fisher Paykel again. But then again our Subzero in Brooklyn broke down a couple of times the first year we had it and I swore I was never getting another again but knock wood once they changed out a few parts it has been good ever since. Hope I didn't jinx our fridge or dishwasher now LOL.

I hear you about being worried about your children when they are driving on the highways etc. I think about things like that a lot. I guess I am anxious about too many things but I think because we *think* maybe too much or deeply we know what *can* go wrong vs other people who are more laid back about life in general and more happy go lucky. I wish I could be more like that I really do. I need to shut my brain off sometimes. ::) I agree with you that driving on some of these roads can be quite tricky and you are at the mercy of other drivers no matter how careful and defensive you are driving.

OMG we almost got run off the road twice yesterday on our bikes. Stupid stupid drivers! :nono: It's almost like we are invisible and it gets me very angry. Mainly the fault of motorists who are making a right turn and cut us off. That happened twice yesterday and thank goodness Greg is such a careful bicyclist.

One incident was most upsetting yesterday when a driver almost hit the goslings and I saw it coming. I pounded on a man's car with my fist I was so mad because he sped up as the goslings were trying to cross the street so I yelled at him (we were almost side by side) to SLOW DOWN for the goslings and he hit the brakes and almost almost hit them :errrr: . I told Greg if we were not there he would have just run them over because he was in a rush. Anyway I was so MAD that I pounded his car with my fist and I said drive more carefully you are not the only one who matters. I was so so so mad that it took quite a while for me to calm the heck down. I said to Greg how come you didn't say anything and he said I pretty much said everything he could have and that I was handling it just fine. LOL. Of course I know that there are drivers along that stretch that speed all the time and I am not there most of the time so I am very worried but there is nothing I can do. Drivers speed all the time everywhere and there are signs there are wildlife around but most people don't give a damn. ;(

I love those ring boxes you are making. They are so lovely Junie. Really really good. :love: You are talented girlfriend!

Callie, please tell us how your sweet baby is doing? Don't feel badly for Jeff. He loves you just the way you are at least that is what I keep telling myself about Greg when I am always second guessing myself haha. Our guys wouldn't want us not to be ourselves and love us no matter what.

Are you returning the shoes? LOL 4 inch heels. Even before my accident I couldn't wear anything over an inch/inch and a half. I could never ever wear high heels and if I wear any heel at all it needs to be clunky. Definitely not spiky. Please be careful wearing your high heels. They are not so great for your foot/leg according to my BIL who is a podiatrist but I know it makes you feel good and if you don't wear them most of the time you should be fine. Enjoy them when you do wear them and I sort of hope you keep the new shoes if only for certain occasions and only if you are confident you can walk in them without falling. If they make you feel good go for it!

Thank you and Junie and Marcy for sharing your plane story. I will try not to worry. We are going to take Tommy to see my sister when we return to NY. Not sure of the exact day because she only works part time and I spoke with her and she said it doesn't sound like an emergency because he is eating and playing and doing fine otherwise than drinking a bit more and we think urinating more. Not 100% sure about that but we do know the litter boxes seem wetter each day than usual (sorry to be so gross with that description lol). She said it could be diabetes because he is the right age for this type of diabetes. Sigh, our sweet Tommy. I so want him to have a good life because he had such a difficult beginning.

Marcy, I am sorry things are a bit unsettled at work for you and I hope everything starts settling down and goes smoothly and that your worries are put to rest and work gets back to usual and normal for you. I hate work stress and I hate change but usually it all works out and hopefully it will be even better than before when the dust settles. I am sending more hugs and continued good work dust your way!

Yes please enjoy a piece of your yummy cheesecake for me and enjoy your card games. Wish I could join you though you would have to teach me as I don't know how to play either. I guess I lead a sheltered life LOL.

All the NIRDIs cannot wait for you to get your beautiful new band Marcy and we all hope it arrives in time for your anniversary. :appl:

Jimmianne, we miss you and are thinking of you and hoping you are enjoying France and all things French right now. :appl:

OK I could not resist taking some pics last night before we had dinner mainly for you Kristie as I know you enjoy the food pics (I get hungry just looking at them again) and for any of the other NIRDIs who enjoy yummy food too. This time I got a pic of the grilled veggies Greg made for me too. We had King Salmon last night grilled with grilled red/yellow/orange peppers and grilled onions with a big salad. It was delicious.

Off for an early cycling trip and then back here early so Greg can get some more woodworking time to make our new outdoor table. It's going to be a hot day today so we have to get going before the heat of the day. I will check in later. Enjoy the morning girls!




Oct 24, 2012
two things...

1. i'm waiting for my delivery!!!

2. missy, your food pictures are making me go to the fridge, RIGHT NOW!!!

ok, gotta run. ttyl...


Jun 8, 2008
LOL just came back from our very hot and sweaty bike ride and checked in here. LLJsmom, first of all sorry for making you hungry! If it is any consolation I am making myself hungry with my food pics too LOL. :lol:

And second of all, WOOHOO!!!! Cannot wait to see your new bracelet!!!! :appl: :love: I am very excited for you!!! :appl: Good luck!!!


Jun 8, 2008
Dilemma, should I post my Grace earrings for sale for a day or so and see what happens so I can buy the Edwardian pair from Barbara? I just don't know which I like better LOL. Talk about being a waffler this is ridiculous. I like both of them but somehow feel that the Edwardian pair might be more me if that makes sense. But I love Grace's earrings too. Not sure what to do. I might just post the OEC cushion dangles for a day or 2 and if it sells then it was meant to be for me to have the Edwardian pair and if it doesn't sell then Grace's OEC cushion dangles are meant for me.

I know it is crazy not knowing which I prefer. :roll: :doh:


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, I think you should give it a try for a few days and see what happens! I don't know, just by reading your comments it sounds like you might prefer the Edwardian earrings a little more. The fact that you are still thinking about them says something too. I do understand why it's a tough decision though!

Woo-hoo LLJsmom, so excited for you and can't wait to see it!!! :dance:

Marcy, sorry to hear about the issues at work, I can see where it's very unsettling, and I really hope things work out and you're feeling better about it all soon. Hang in there!


Oct 24, 2012
Marcy, just a random comment about being a “golf widow”. I have no idea what that is like b/c DH does not play golf. But it might be like when I go on my long runs on Saturdays. I’m out of the house by 6 am, and often not back until 10-11, and then just wiped out all day (non-functional) cause I am so beat. But golf takes even longer right? Into mid afternoon? How is work today? People playing nice? Can’t wait to see your band! Hurry up already WF!! And Marty’s stack, sounds like DH’s stack of all mail items, junk mail, bills, receipts… Until it all comes tumbling down and I lose my SH*T cause I’m stepping over stuff…
Missy, I’m so sorry Greg is going. I hate it when DH goes too. But I am two on one with the kids so I get much better sleep cause I sleep when they do. Then I get into a routine with just me and them, and when DH gets back it changes everything… I hope you can go with him. It may be ok… Can you take a happy pill before you get on the plane? Would that make everything more bearable? And yeah, your kitties will need a caretaker while you are gone. How is Tommy today? Construction projects are the things that scare me the most. They just take such patience and endurance. You seem like you can handle that kinda stuff. When we remodeled our place, I mentally checked out. DH handled all of it. I could not even talk about it because it stressed me out so much. You sound like you’re on top of it, and can DEAL. It will be awesome when it’s done. Just a long road there…
Kristie, omg, you have to bring up Jordache!?!? LOL!! Oh geez…I’m so embarrassed that I actually remember that brand…
JB, your halo and pear are just gorgeous. Yes, the cushion is pretty too, but I like the ones you have now more. And yellow gold bands are dangerous cause they are generally affordable, unless you look at Singlestone… Stop the addiction!!!!
Callie, keep rocking those “FM” shoes (know what I mean?) or maybe they’re not. I wish I could wear heels but my feet are too destroyed. Just be careful on steps...
Ovi, hope you are ok… (((hug)))


Oct 24, 2012
junebug17|1434045418|3887919 said:
Missy, I think you should give it a try for a few days and see what happens! I don't know, just by reading your comments it sounds like you might prefer the Edwardian earrings a little more. The fact that you are still thinking about them says something too. I do understand why it's a tough decision though!

Woo-hoo LLJsmom, so excited for you and can't wait to see it!!! :dance:

Missy, I agree with JB. If it's possible to test drive them both and see which you like better, which feels more like you, that will help you make the best decision. I am sure one will come up as the clear winner. You know, one you might really like but not actually wear that much, and one that you can see yourself wearing all the time.


Oct 24, 2012
It's "OUT FOR DELIVERY". Where is that USPS truck?!?!?! :appl: :roll: :doh: :lol: :dance: :think:


Oct 24, 2012



Jun 7, 2014
LLJsmom, I can't wait to see your new bracelet. When is it supposed to arrive? Are you excited? You had me laughing out loud with your FM comment. I haven't heard that comment in years. Years ago when I was working and our plant was terrible with shipping items to our customers on time I would have to attend monthly meetings in Detroit. I was a nervous wreck before going because I knew how brutal our customer could be. Two of my coworkers (who are still very close friends) told me to look scared and wear a dress and my FM shoes. It worked like a dream. They were even offering to pick me up at the airport. The shoes I bought most defintely are FM shoes. That's why I wont show them to my husband. There is no way he will let me return them once he sees them!

You are describing golf pretty acurately. Gone for hours (usually 4 hours to play). My husband isn't usually too tired when he comes home unless the heat is brutal. He also tries to go early in the morning so the whole day isn't shot when he gets home. I'm so used to it now it doesn't even phase me. He has golfed as long as I have known him. It's not like I didn't know what I was in for.

Missy, I'm glad you were able to get a good bike ride in but please be careful. People just don't pay attention like they should. Don't worry I am very used to wearing heals. I only own one pair of flats and they are flip flops. All my heels are about 3 1/2 inches high. I'm actually more comfortable in heels. It goes along with being short, which I hate. I'm so envious of tall girls.


Jun 8, 2008
OMG that bracelet is GORGEOUS LLJsmom! Love it on your delicate lovely wrist. :love: :love: :love:

I hope you LOVE it too!!!

Thanks Junie and Callie and LLJsmom for your earring feedback. Still thinking about it LOL.


Oct 24, 2012
So I got it. I don't love it. I don't hate it. I think it's very pretty and works with my other pieces. But I expected the white gold to be brighter. I threw it in my ultrasonic for a cleaning. With a loupe, I can see a nick on the turquoise. I can see some slight denting and scratching on the turquoise. But it is preowned, and I paid a lot less than if I got it at the store. Weirdly, I feel like I can wear it with a free mind. I'm not worried about not getting scratches on it since they are already there. I'm fine with that. I would definitely consider getting another one for my other wrist, but this new from the store, and I would get the yellow gold.

I have a feeling that VCA does not rhodium plate the white gold. I should look it up. Anyway, these are my thoughts so far...


Jun 8, 2008
LLJsmom, sorry it is not knocking you off your feet. See what you think after wearing it and living with it for a while. Can you return it if you decide you don't love it? I mean you did get a great deal and that certainly helps but you should love it if you are keeping it. Believe me I feel your pain with indecision about bling. Hoping you decide you love it after living with it for a bit.

I just listed my earrings and will see if anyone is interested. I am so uncertain about letting them go and I don't think I will be disappointed if no one buys them LOL. Though I do love that Edwardian pair. It is just bling after all. Did I just say that? :cheeky:


Oct 24, 2012
missy|1434048023|3887958 said:
LLJsmom, sorry it is not knocking you off your feet. See what you think after wearing it and living with it for a while. Can you return it if you decide you don't love it? I mean you did get a great deal and that certainly helps but you should love it if you are keeping it. Believe me I feel your pain with indecision about bling. Hoping you decide you love it after living with it for a bit.

I just listed my earrings and will see if anyone is interested. I am so uncertain about letting them go and I don't think I will be disappointed if no one buys them LOL. Though I do love that Edwardian pair. It is just bling after all. Did I just say that? :cheeky:

:) Strangely enough, I am totally fine not LOVING it. I do believe you get what you pay for, and I have never seen they turquoise butterfly IRL so that's what happens. It works really well with my stack, and it is super cute so I will wear this daily.

I am learning that I like the VCA yellow gold pieces more. And that is ok. I would still love a necklace.

Btw, I was so mad when I read about that guy that almost ran over the poor little ducklings. :angryfire: I would have busted out my keys and given him a new design on his car!! Thank you goodness you were there. What an @ssh*le!!

I just looked at the earrings you listed! Wow. They are gorgeous!! Do you just not get much wear out of them?


Jun 8, 2008
Thanks LLJsmom. Yes, he is a total assh*le and I was spitting mad. It took me a while to cool off I was so upset and angry. All the goslings were crossing the street so adorably in that straight line single file and they were taking up the whole road and all of a sudden I heard this motorist revving his engine and speeding up??? WTF. He was in a huge rush probably on lunch or something and late for the office and was hoping he could beat them before they blocked the whole road but it was too late as they were already blocking the complete road at that point.

His windows were closed but believe me he heard every single thing I yelled at him and he felt the pounding on his car haha. If his window had been opened I might have gone through it and well enough said. Yes sweet Missy can be violent if it is deserved and if any animals are harmed you don't want to be in my way LOL.

This AM we saw a baby deer on our ride! I was so excited. It was the first time I saw one so close. She (or he) just stopped at the side of the road and looked at us for what felt like a full minute. I daren't move to get my phone to snap a pic for fear it would startle her into the road or something. She was beautiful! :love:

Re the earrings. I got them less than 2 months ago and I love them but last weekend we were in Lambertville and I saw another pair I loved too and felt like they were even more me. But I am unsure so that is why I am only listing these for a day or 2. If it is meant for me to have the other pair they will sell and if not then it is not meant to be. The owner of the estate jewelry shop in Lambertville is holding the other pair for me for a few days till I decide what to do.


Jun 7, 2014
LLJ'smom, it looks fantastic with your other bracelets! I love it!


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I love the earring in Lambertville too. I just think they look a little different where the Grace style of earring you see more often. They are both beautiful. I just think the Lambertville pair have more of a wow factor (if that makes sense).
People can be so cruel when it comes to animals. I remember hearing something about serial killers hurting animals when they were young. It made sense to me. You have to be really twisted to hurt a poor defenseless animal. I'm also glad you hit his car. I'm sure that put him off guard. I agree with Greg. You had the situation under control and the babies are safe. Your comments about the deer made me smile. I often see deer where I live and it amazes everytime I see them. They are so sweet looking when they are with their babies.


Oct 24, 2012
Calliecake|1434049486|3887977 said:
LLJ'smom, it looks fantastic with your other bracelets! I love it!

Thanks Callie! It does work really well, as I thought it would. The blue is soooo cheerful and cute! I smile when I look at it. Although it is really small, which is what I wanted, it doesn't look awkward on my bony wrist. I think scale is quite important to what I consider visually appealing.

HOWEVER, I do think that as I look at it more, get used to this style on me, I could get used to larger pieces... Have I discovered VCASS?!? :lol: :lol:


Oct 24, 2012
Missy, I agree. If they get sold soon, then it's meant to be. If not, hang on to them. :) I know they look FABULOUS on you. If my ears could tolerate gold, I would want them. Is it 18k or 22k even?? It looks really yellow!! I'm not a dangly earring person, but I would LOVE those.

I'm like that with my LV wallet too. Gorgeous epi in purple. HAD to have the color, now I won't use it b/c I'm afraid of damaging it. I bought it new, NEVER used it, and am selling it for a loss, but still expensive. I'm not budging on the price. If anyone wants it they have to pay it. Otherwise I'm keeping it.


Jul 1, 2014
LLJs, it MAKES your entire wrist! It ties the others together in a fresh and upbeat way. Nothing staid, nothing pompous or old ladyish!

It is rhodium plated, I assure you, because cheap white gold unplated is GRAY and completely dull. I know this because of the setting Wink Jones sold me.

You could pay a jeweler to re-plate it/touch it up.

Honestly, I think that entire group on your wrist now ROCKS.


Oct 24, 2012
Thanks Kristie! You're so sweet. (((hug))) I do like it a lot. Maybe Missy is right. The more I wear it the more I will love it. Good to know it is plated. The links are so delicate I feel like I can't really see them.


Jun 8, 2008
It really looks so beautiful on your wrist LLJsmom. :love: I hope it does grow on you and you start loving it.

Did you post a link to your listing for the LV wallet/purse you are selling?
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