
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Hi Tourmaline, nice to have you here :bigsmile:


Jun 8, 2008
Welcome Tourmaline! It's so nice to see you here. :wavey:

Haha, Jimmianne is right. This thread is mainly about kittens, bunnies (in some cases killer bunnies), weather (I'm in the NE too and I'm with you...too cold here!) and Netflix. With an occasional diamond or 2 thrown in for good measure.

Which brings me to your gorgeous 5 carat diamond and its beautiful setting. :love: And I am so honored it was your inspiration ring. Please feel free to post pics of anything you want here. You might be able to tell we like pics here LOL but it's totally OK if you are not comfortable posting them. As Kristie said we will just have to post more to make up for it haha.

I am sorry you have sensitive skin too. I am hoping with the weather warm up that is coming things will keep getting better skin wise for everyone who is suffering. I am glad you found relief and that is interesting about your chronic hives going away with a yeast free diet. I am trying to think what do I eat that contains yeast as I don't eat bread (miss it though). I get hives all the time. Thanks for the info and I will look into it.

Kristie, I like polarized lenses and especially in sunglasses with a few exceptions which I will list below. They block certain reflected light thereby reducing glare. For the most part they improve comfort and visibility and make everything sharper and clearer though they are not a good idea under certain circumstances. Those being downhill skiing because it might prevent you from seeing icy patches by blocking light coming off them. Also not great for LCD displays and LEDs and sometimes it can make it more difficult to see your mobile phone and computer and car dashboard. But for everyday activities I think they are great and most of my sunglasses are polarized.

I also recommend finding a shape that protects the side of your eyes too so UV rays cannot sneak in that way. Regarding color of the lens you should try on different colors to see what is most comfortable for you. For example in Maui Jim sunglasses I prefer the bronze tint as it makes everything very sharp and clear and has a good amount of light transmission. But the grey tint blocks the most light so is good for bright direct sunlight.

Which brings me to my sunglass search today. Success! I actually bought a pair that I wasn't intending on getting as I wanted a plastic frame and ended up getting a semi rimless one. Hope I don't regret that as the sunglasses I got seem more delicate than sturdy but they are so comfortable and light. They look a little bit like another pair of MJs I have that are also semi rimless but they are different. Anyone want pics? LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys their Saturday night and don't forget to set your clocks ahead for DST. Kristie, does Arizona follow DST for some reason I remember something about Arizona not following DST...



Mar 18, 2009
missy|1425648999|3842742 said:
Backstory for those who are interested and don't know dad gave this to my mom in 1972. They got it at Cartier on 5th and it is from Lightning Ridge. It was very romantic because my dad loved giving my mom beautiful things and my mom is not materialistic at all. In fact both my parents are the opposite of materialistic. She never wanted him to buy her things and he was always trying to buy her things LOL. They have one of the best marriages I know and are still very much in love 51 years later. Anyway a number of years ago my mother insisted I take it and wear it because she wasn't wearing it anymore and wanted it to be loved by someone who appreciates it and would enjoy wearing it.
Your ring is one of my favorite on PS. It's a great example of a colored stone being the center of attention, with a great quality, classic setting.


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, Gosh I leave here for a day and I'm lost. I read all the posts, ate dinner, now I can't even remember what I read. I need a spreadsheet I keep up!

Missy, You have never come off as bragging EVER. I love your pictures. The pictures of your jewelry is what PSers live for. You're collection is stunning and I am so glad you are kind enough to share if it with us. I have also loved hearing about the stories of you and Greg and seeing the pictures of your beautiful wedding. And don't even get me started on how much I love seeing pictures of little Francesca. I forgot to tell you that last Saturday we were watching so HGTV about beach houses. My husband has heard on more than one occasion that I love your beach house. One of the shows had beach houses in I believe New Jersey. My husband asked if your house resembled one of the ones we we watching. I'm went thru this entire thread looking for a picture of the house and could not find it, which is strange because I could swear i have seen a picture somewhere. Well I showed him the picture from the back deck. When I showed him, he looked up and said WHOA, I love Missy's beach house too. He said he didn't need to see the house. The deck area was more than enough for him.

Your new glasses look great you! Do you have a hard time finding sunglasses you like? Thank you for the kind words about my diamonds. I really am grateful I have them. They make me happy.

Marcy, Im sorry you were so worried about Marty and am thankful he was okay. Your moms conversation with the police made me laugh. I would have been just as frantic as you were. I would also be a little nervous about staying with family for 2 weeks. You are at the beach so you can always grab a book and go read by the water. If I were you I would a make frozen mudslides and sit on the beach if things started to get tense. I would probably gain 20 lbs but at least I would stay really happy and I really don't even drink. Although 2 weeks with my family would probably drive me to drink a lot! Family dynamics can be tough. I love our families but am not sure I would survive 2 weeks. Although if we were with my husband's family I know I would have a great time with my sister in laws the first week. Did you and Marty go shopping today? I hope the poker party is going well tonight.

Jimmianne, I can't wait for the new diamond to arrive. I think a lot of us here can understand about how your perception of diamond size has changed. My husband was laughing at me this morning and told me I lied to a PSer this AM in a post when I told her I felt 5 carats was too large for me. He says that as soon as i get the 4 carat I talk about, I will begin to want a 5 carat ring. The problem is after a month on your finger they really do shrink. I only think diamonds look large when someone else is wearing them. You sound like such a fun mom. My nieces and nephews are in their early 20's and I love spending time with them too.

Kristie, I missed you this afternoon. What did you do today? Please, please call about the prongs on Monday. I want you to love your ring. I helped a friend look for her mother of the bride (groom) dress. The dress she wants can only be found in New York. No one in this area has the dress. She can order it but she will not be able to return it if she doesn't like it on. I told her we may have to go to New York so she can try it on to. Is Finn feeling better?

OV, I hope you are dancing and can't wait to hear about your weekend. I know it's only been a day but it feels like you have been away from here for much longer.

Junebug, I hope you are relaxing and enjoying your weekend. Hopefully you will get warmer weather this week and your driving will be much easier. Thank you for your kind words regarding my ring Junebug. Where are you on your yellow diamond search? Anything looking promising at the moment? It's such a big decision when the costs are higher.

Welcome Tourmaline! I love you ring and am happy you decided to join us here! You won't get any arguements from us on wanting winter to be over.


Jun 17, 2009
Missy, good choice on the sunglasses, they look great! Love the somewhat delicate look to them. The style and shape are very flattering on you. Very cool pic of the hawk, such a beautiful bird. The water looks so pretty at the beach house.

Calliecake, I'm having a good weekend, thanks! It's going by very quickly lol. Yes, I think it's supposed to be a bit warmer here this week, if it hits 50 it will feel like a heat wave haha! How is the weather for you right now, has it warmed up a bit? I'm a bit stalled in my ring quest, I'm having second thoughts about sinking so much money into one piece, it might be more fun and rewarding to buy several pieces instead. Niel's ring is really tempting me! As much as I love halos, I would like a solitaire as well and I just really like the ring. And I'm still dreaming of a bangle as well. I just have to figure out what I really want, so who knows what I'll end up doing - it's fun to think about anyway - I will keep everyone posted, hope I don't end up boring you all!

Hi Tourmaline, so nice to see you here! Hope you just jump right in and join the fun. I absolutely adore your ring, it is so gorgeous! A 5 carat diamond is a truly special and wonderful thing! :love: I'm with you on the weather - I am so sick of it and can't wait for some warmer temps.

Marcy, hope you're having a good weekend so far!


Jun 7, 2014

I completely understand your thoughts on not knowing what you want to do at this point. Diamondseekers tagline is ringing in my ear as I type this "when in doubt, don't". I'm not sure those are her exact words. Have you wanted a yellow diamond for a long time? Niels ring is gorgeous. Beautiful Marquise are hard to find and that stone is beautiful. The price was extremely good. Which way are you leaning toward? Are you also thinking of a diamond bangle bracelet?

I often wish I would have fallen in love with something less expensive than jewelry. I stopped in a jewelry store the other day that a gold bangle that looked like the Cartier love braclet minus the screws. It was love at first sight but much to large on my wrist. I was quite disappointed when I found out it could not be ordered in a smaller size. Doesn't it seem like we are always on the hunt for something!


Jun 8, 2008
Happy Sunday morning girls! It is going to be dark for a while here due to losing that hour but oh I am looking forward to it remaining lighter at the end of the day. :appl:

Thank you pregcurious! That is such a lovely compliment. The black opal ring is special to me because it represents the love my parents had and still have for each other and as you pointed out it sure is pretty. The colors are ever changing and it is difficult to get a great picture. This is a ring that really needs more than any other IMO to be seen in person. The biggest problem with the ring as you know is that it is very fragile being an opal so I am careful when I wear it. Definitely not a good everyday ring but if it was I would want to wear it everyday. 8)

I hope you don't mind me asking what did you decide to do with that GORGEOUS moonstone necklace you have? I so love that necklace and was wondering what you decided to do with it. And I am very excited for you about your 2 new DK rings that are being made. Looking forward to seeing the finished red spinel and jadeite (and I know they will be beautiful!) rings.

Callie! So glad things went well Friday WOOHOO!!! I am so relieved I cannot even tell you properly but I am and glad you are enjoying the weekend.

Haha about what Jeff said about the beach house. LOVE that lol. Tell him if he comes with you in October we can definitely visit the beach and the house. And (if the weather cooperates and I sure hope it does) we can serve a lovely meal out by the water. Greg can do his manly grilling and the men can mill about the grill talking about man stuff LOL. It would be so great if Jeff and Bob and Marty and Junebug's dh could come and visit too. I can see them all now just hanging around the grill with Greg haha.

I think I have posted the front of the house somewhere on PS. Let me see if I can find it here for you guys. But I'm with Jeff anyway. Who cares about the house with the backyard haha.

Thanks for the sunglass compliment. No, I really love a lot of styles on me but the biggest problem is finding a comfortable pair because for some reason (probably my fat cheeks LOL) many pairs rest on my cheeks and they irritate my sensitive skin. Either that or they leave marks on my nose. So that is the challenge. I wish I could wear the glamorous huge sunglasses but they usually hurt my too sensitive skin. LOL I have been wearing my huge Maui Jim sunglasses since I lost my favorite pair and they are so huge. OMG ridiculous but I feel glamorous wearing them. Greg assures me I don't look ridiculous but well I think maybe I do. But I do love the coverage they provide me so I am going to continue wearing them along with the new pair and the many others I have. I just like having variety with sunglasses though I do tend to wear one pair (the pair I lost) the most. We shall see if this new pair becomes my new favorite and I wear it the most often or if I fall back on my other rimless MJ sunglasses which are bigger and provide more face coverage. That pair reminds me of the 70's for some reason.

Ooh, I hope you and your friend come to NYC to try on that Mother of the Bride dress Callie. If you do we will have to plan a fun day together!

I like the idea of the Cartier LOVE bracelet for you without the screws that is just like the one you found and I am sorry it was too big for you and couldn't be ordered in a smaller size. I don't get the allure of being screwed into a bracelet at all and I know it is a big PS trend or at least it seems like many PSers have or are coveting the Cartier LOVE bracelet. Personally I cannot wait to get my jewelry off as soon as I walk in the door when I get home LOL.

Do you have any plans today? It is supposed to be in the mid 40's here YAY! We plan on walking around today to enjoy the weather and maybe go to the Brooklyn Flea. It is a huge flea market and there are always great vintage (albeit expensive) finds there. I totally agree with you in that it does seem we are always on the hunt for something but that's because we love searching for beautiful finds. The process of the search can be very enjoyable and oh when we find something special that rush of adrenaline feels so good not to mention the satisfaction of finding something so special.

Kristie, what's going on with Finn? How is he today? I am sorry he isn't feeling well! :blackeye: And I sure hope he is feeling much better today. Biggest hugs to Finn and Maggie and please kiss and hug them from their Aunt Missy. I am sending lots of PS dust to Finn right now and hoping he is well!

Have you heard back yet from Melissa and Wink about the prongs? It's great that you have friends who are in the field and can advise you about this. I would have had no clue though I agree with you that it would make me nervous to file down prongs with the spessarite already in the setting. I am glad you caught this before there was a potential issue. That stone is too gorgeous and rare in its size to take any chances.

Junebug, I totally understand your hesitation. When you sink a lot of money into one piece you cannot get the more frequent gratification of adding new but smaller pieces to your jewelry wardrobe. OTOH when I look back on all the smaller jewelry pieces I have collected I think what huge diamond I could have bought LOL. You cannot win haha. I think a good mix is best. That is one or 2 significant pieces with a a variety of smaller beautiful pieces so you get the best of both worlds. Only you know if that yellow diamond itch needs to be scratched. I think if you find the *perfect* for you yellow diamond ring the decision will be a lot easier to make. Wishing you lots of good luck in your search and I know when and if the right ring comes along it will be yours and in the meantime there is no rush. As I wrote before, enjoy the hunt because that is a good part of the fun IMO.

I do love Niel's marquise ring though and that is a good price right? I know nothing about the marquise but it does seem very reasonably priced and I can see where that might be tempting you...

Marcy, I miss you and hope you are having a great weekend. Looking forward to catching up with you soon.

Ovi, thinking of you and hoping you are enjoying your weekend getaway.

Jimmianne, one more day closer to getting that OEC...very exciting. :appl:

Have a great morning NIRDIs!
ETA: Adding a just taken Tommy pic. He is so SWEET.




Dec 9, 2013
Missy - your house! So beautiful. I love the design with the various roof shapes.

Callie - I thought about DS's line when deciding to send back the 1st OEC. It was so beautiful but was 90% yes and 10% doubt. DS [and Missy saying "take your time" ] helped me be true to myself.

We are springing forward!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you Jimmianne! Here's a pic we took at the beach house a while back that I just came across again while searching for the beach house pic for Callie. I am posting this for you because when I saw it I thought of you! We have lots of wild bunnies near us at the beach. And they are springing forward right with us. :appl:



Dec 9, 2013
That is one handsome beach bunny!


Nov 17, 2013
Missy, I love the story about your opal ring! And I love the architecture of your house! Our house has an interesting living room with a very high cathedral ceiling. I don't feel comfortable posting a picture of it here, but I will surely post jewelry photos. :)

Jimmianne, I think it's great that you are taking your time to find an old diamond that you love, rather than giving in to instant gratification (which is a weakness of mine). That recut was really interesting! I haven't done anything with the diamond, though I have dreamed of trading it in toward an old cut one.

Thanks for the welcome, everyone! This last month has been very challenging for me, because my husband had two back-to-back business trips that caused him to be gone for a whole month except for a day and a half in the middle. We have 4 kids, and the logistics of life in the snow have gotten me down this last week, I have to admit. My kids are lovely, but I am having a bit of trouble seeing the loveliness this week. It will pass. My husband will be home late tonight (YAY!!!), and Spring will follow soon.

Here are a couple of pictures of one of my favorite pieces of jewelry, a big ol' vintage aquamarine ring. When I got it, my mom said "When I was young, we called that sort of ring 'gaudy'." Hee hee. The first picture was taken by the dealer who sold it to me, and the second picture (not as good a photo) is mine. The tourmaline ring was a present from my grandmother. She and my grandfather had bought it in Brazil years ago. I love that one, too. Both of these stones exhibit plechroism...colder in color when viewed from one direction, and warmer from the other.




Jun 17, 2009
Missy, your beach house is gorgeous! Love that style. Tommy is such a sweetie, I want to reach into the pic and snuggle with him. Nice shot of the bunny! So cute :love:

Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from re expensive purchases. I don't know, even with my decent budget I feel I can't get that much bang for my buck with a yellow diamond ring. The settings alone are quite expensive, never mind the diamond. The marquise ring just seems like a great value and I really like it. A nice way to get a good sized solitaire without spending a lot lol. Niel has a good eye for diamonds so I'm pretty confident it's a nice stone. Unfortunately, I guess I don't have to think about it anymore because it's on hold! I have to admit I'm disappointed. Ah well, you snooze you lose, I'll find something else I love I'm sure. Thanks for listening!


Jun 17, 2009
Tourmaline, both your rings are gorgeous! I can get lost in the beautiful blue of that aqua. And the tourmaline is a lovely shade of green and I love the setting. My goodness, I can see where this past month has been challenging for you, a month is a long time to be on your own. I'm glad your dh will be home soon.


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, thank you for posting the lively picture of beautiful Tommy and your house. The house looks very much like something my builder would design and build. When we built ours I should have kept my mouth shut and just let him work his magic instead of telling him what I wanted. My house probably would have turned out prettier.

I am with you on the live bracelet. I was like a kid when I found the bracelet the other day. It was perfect. No screws (I just don't like that look as much as a plain bracelet) and I could take it off every day. Oh well it's no goof if it falls off my wrist everytime I put my arm down.

Jimmianne, I hear Diamond seeker in my head everytime I am in a jewelry store LOL. She is influencing women she doesn't even know exist! Too funny. I really think you are handling you search very smart. I serious doubt you will have regrets once you find YOUR stone.

Junebug, I certainly know what you mean about thinking you have a healthy budget and then the dissapointed feeling when you begin to see just how expensive your dream ring will be. If I had one wish it was that we I knew I would have a healthy budget two years in a row. I would have just saved the money about bought my dream ring with what I spent on two rings. Everyone here could have helped me my get a killer stone, I would have told you girls along with Gypsy and Niel what shape I wanted and just bought whatever everone told me to, no questions asked, I trust everyone here so much.

Tourmaline, I lOVE your rings!


Oct 4, 2013
Oh this thread is what I needed. Cute furbabies and amazing jewelry.
Just blazed through the thread for pics and thank you for the cheer up.
I am sorta new to PS.
I have not posted much and should (underline this) post about how PS got me my amazing (to me) OEC.
I need pointers on how to take good pics of my diamonds.
I read the wiki but still. And then I am clueless and useless when it comes to being able to post the pics.
I loved to see your furbabies and jewels. It reassure me I am not crazy old cat lady. Other people love their pets and rings a lot.
Thank you.


Dec 9, 2013
Phanie|1425834014|3843836 said:
Oh this thread is what I needed. Cute furbabies and amazing jewelry.
Just blazed through the thread for pics and thank you for the cheer up.
I am sorta new to PS.
I have not posted much and should (underline this) post about how PS got me my amazing (to me) OEC.
I need pointers on how to take good pics of my diamonds.
I read the wiki but still. And then I am clueless and useless when it comes to being able to post the pics.
I loved to see your furbabies and jewels. It reassure me I am not crazy old cat lady. Other people love their pets and rings a lot.
Thank you.

I hope you will start taking pictures. Your beautiful OEC wants you to posts photos here lol
Def. a learning curve [as I discovered, but if you get started you'll get help/feedback] but a fun way to deepen a bond with a stone : )


Jun 17, 2009
Calliecake, thanks for your kind words, and for understanding. I'm so sorry about the bracelet, it seems like when we finally find something we like there is some issue with it. I hear you about second guessing past purchases, and feeling that maybe you'd do things differently now…but on the other hand, it's nice to have variety too, and I am sure your rings are beautiful. I guess it's a tough call that everyone struggles with!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi NIRDIs! :wavey:

Jimmianne, I am glad to hear your daughter is home and her housemate is home in France. That would be a fabulous time for you and your daughter to go visit him. How exciting for diamond number 2 to be on the way soon. 8.5 mm is huge! I am so excited to see it. I swore when I got my ½ carat for my ering I’d never get something any bigger. I think even if I quit reading and posting on PS DSS would have set in with me anyway. I love your summary of what this thread is all about.

Missy, thank you for reminding me of DST. Off to change a few more clocks. You are so right about finding gems and diamonds that have quirky / wonky personalities. I’d rather be able to know that’s my diamond when I get it back without having to take it to the mall and have a jeweler show me my certificate number on it. IMO you don’t need perfect certs or stats to be a stunning, beautiful knockout diamond or gemstone.

I know what you mean about cell phones. There was a point they seemed like a luxury and now even kids have them. I don’t know what I’d do with mine or my iPads. Smart devices; bringing the world to your door.

Our rug is safely back in place and I was very careful not to trip over it when it was rolled over. Luckily Wyoming has no humidity so things dry very quickly here.

Marty did play poker and won about $90. He told me I should come down and at least play $20. I might next time they have a poker game.

I love your pictures of the hawk, backyard at the beach and you in your sunny glasses. I have red Ray Bans that I bought just before I quit wearing contacts so I had prescription lens put in them for sunglasses.

Hi Junebug! This is a fun outlet and I like seeing everyone’s pictures and hearing how everyone’s day / week is going.

Kristie, I hope you aren’t disappointed with your ring either. A Fish Called Wanda is one of our favorite movies. We just watched it the other day. Kevin Kline is fabulous in that movie.

It sounds like you were a very good and caring teacher to your students. I always hate to see or hear about the difficult and challenging life that some kids have. Both my sister and I had friends from very dysfunctional homes and my mom really went out of her way to give them some security and normalcy when they were at our house. She taught both of them to sew and cook and when my mom passed away both those girls send me a note saying if my mom hadn’t helped them out and taken time with them they probably wouldn’t have turned out the way they did. It really makes a difference just caring and paying attention to them.

I am with you Kristie; I love seeing everyone’s pictures.

Hi Tourmaline, it’s good to see you here. I think we all wonder about that other diamond that maybe would have been better but it sounds like you have a beautiful diamond. How much snow have you had where you live?

We had a busy weekend. Yesterday we went out for a late lunch early supper and since I was pretty hungry the wine went to my head pretty quickly. I was blathering away like a complete idiot which was amusing Marty. After we ate we wandered around Hobby Lobby and then I sat in the car while Marty went in to a hardware store. I am reading some books that I can’t put down so I read while he shopped.

Last night we watched the 3rd of the Hunger Games movie. This morning we had breakfast then went grocery shopping. I cut up a pineapple and didn’t cut myself. Sweet. Marty is cooking stuff on the grill for dinner today.

I am working on laundry, reading and will write a check to the CPA for doing our taxes. Once that check clears I can split up the remaining money with my sisters and close my dad’s checking account. My successor trustee job will be done. It’s kind of sad but a good thing to be done with every thing.

Have a great Sunday and good day tomorrow.



Jul 1, 2014
THUD! The green tourm, love the hue and THE SATURATION! :appl: The aqua is a stunner too, it says HELLO I"M HERE PEOPLE! rather than gawdy :lol: Thank you for sharing those pics, much appreciated! We love the eye candy here, we do!

Marcy, Bob is the executor of his mom's estate. We hope to have it completed this summer. We've been waiting on Bob's brother and Bob's niece in order to complete it. Its been 3 years this summer. I told Bob if anything AT ALL looks to be holding up a completion by August that we'll go there in July to GET. IT. DONE! I don't believe the ILs 'like' me, they've met me once but as I understand things in Bob's FOO the spouses of the children exist to be disliked and gossiped about behind/backs, so I've just been fulfilling that role HAHAHA. I don't mind, actually, I just get a book out and read and cogitate on what I'm gonna buy in Jackson Hole bwahahahaha!! I hope you can get your work on it all wrapped up. Your mom sounds like a good soul to do that for the neighbor girls. They will never forget her. I remember every neighbor who had a kind word for me, much less allowed me into their homes and to the dinner tables.

MOVIE: I watched "St Vincent" with Bill Murray and Melissa McCarthy. It was great, funny and touching at the same time. I can definitely recommend it. Saw The Judge too a few weeks ago, I love Robert Downey Jr and Bob Duvall and it was a great movie too. Next up is Whiplash, and I can't wait to see it matches up to my experience as a conservatory student and musician. The profs at USC could take you apart verbally without breaking a sweat. Thank god I only had my time in that hot seat once. What your fellow musicians say about you is MUCH WORSE and much more painful. :lol:

Callie, I hate those lock you up bracelets!!! I tried one on once and I immediately felt claustrophobic and was tempted to run around waving my arm in the air saying Take It Off! Take It Off!!! I know the one you mean, they were very popular in Los Angeles when I was living there.

Its really warm here today, low 80s, I hope all of you are sniffing the air where you live and saying "Spring is around the corner!?

Missy, love the pic of Tommy, he wants to play some more on the bed and then he wants to go out there and hunt up some beach bunny! Tasty!!!! He is one beautiful cat, those eyes. The Turret on your beach shack, I love that! You are the princess of the castle.

Jimmieanne, waiting for pics and your response to the stone!!!

Junebug, is it getting close to your trip? I was reading a story in the Style Section of today's NYTimes and there was an article about a man who went to live with his mom and care for her. The article referenced all the recent books about boomers and aging parents and it mentioned the book by Roz Chast. Can you get this at your library? I did and I laffed SO SO hard and nodded the whole way through, btw my parents and my grandparents.

Ovi, you're doing so great. We support you in whatever you decide BUT are we glad you did the brave thing? Of course we are. And we know that life/universe will reward that commensurately. :sun:

Phanie, good to see you here! Yes, we are all about the furbabies, the faux furbabies, the bling and good food and friends. Welcome!


Feb 5, 2014

I am back even if for a short time tonight.

OMG, Marcy a Fish Called Wanda is a blast! I cannot tell you how many times I watched that movie and I can never get sick of it, I could watch it anytime again.:)) My mom has never seen it and her and her husband are huge movie fans and have quite the collection of DVDs and we have been hunting for a Fish Called Wanda forever. I saw it when it first came out when I was still a kid. Love it! You sure got great taste girl. One of the best comedies of all time.

Tourmaline, I love your tourmaline ring, thanks for stoppping by.

Missy, my wonderful friend, you know how much I missed you and that house is so special, what a view, atmosphere and architecture, your babies and their pix are previous! Keep posting them. I also love your sunnies, they look really awesome on you, bring out your facial structure so well. How is your skin? You do look great on the photos I have to say.

Kristie and Callie I am going to read your posts soon but at least we got to talk some in the meantime. I do want to read everything you wrote here though.

Junebug I will read about your quest for the HG ring. Same goes for you Jimmianne and it is never easy and perhaps there is no HG ring as there are many and so often we fall for something unexpectedly, other times we plan things for a long time and in both cases our bling is special. Often spontaneous things are best as to designs and purchases but perhaps that is easy to say when you are doing this as work, passion and have experience. I would normally caution others against that. I just know that in my case I sometimes think about setting stones for a year or more like I have a pair now and then boom I get an idea that is totally different from what I have been thinking of originally and just decide to go with that and love it at the end. I enjoy whatever pix and ideas you post

I promise to stay in touch from now on and write a lot more now.:)))


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning everyone!

Tourmaline, WOW, I love your rings. Blue is my favorite color and OMG that vintage aquamarine is AMAZING. :love: I have a big aquamarine but I bought it way before I found PS and I also knew nothing about gemstones when I got it in Florence so many years ago. It has a huge window and is not a good quality stone in any way. I was so foolish and I impulsively bought it when Greg and I were in Italy and won't say how much it cost but way too much. :oops: I would LOVE having a ring like yours. Beautiful. And not gaudy in any way. And I love your tourmaline ring too. The fact it was your grandmother's makes it that much more special. Thank you so much for sharing these pics with us. And also for teaching me something new. Plechroism- cool word and cool meaning. I would love to see these rings IRL.

I am sorry your dh has been away on business for so much of the last month and I am glad he is back home again. I am sure you and the kids were thrilled to see him and I hope he is going to be home and not away on any more business trips for a very long time now. I cannot even begin to imagine how challenging that must have been for you. 4 children, no matter how lovely, (and lol I loved what you wrote about having trouble seeing their loveliness last week haha) are not easy to care for 24/7 all by yourself. YAY for your dh being back home with all of you!

Junebug, thank you and Tommy wishes you could hug him too!
I am sorry the marquise ring sold but I am a big believer in what's meant to be so I feel that ring wasn't meant to be for you. I also totally get what you are saying about yellow diamonds and their settings being so expensive and that's why there is no rush. If and when the right ring presents itself to you the decision will be an easier one. Right now the ring you are dreaming about hasn't found you and vice versa but keep looking and enjoying the search because it just might find its way to you. And if not as you say there is so much beautiful jewelry in the world I am sure you will find something special and something you love when the time is right. I have found some amazing pieces when I least expect it.

I hope you enjoyed the weather here yesterday. It might soon be time to visit the Lambertville estate and antique jewelry place. Who knows what treasure(s) we might uncover there. :love: It was pretty nice weather wise yesterday here and I hope by you as well and I even wore my lighter leather jacket. It was a good feeling not wearing my heavy winter coat!

I am a bit sad because we went to visit the rescue kitties at our local neighborhood place and I wanted them all. So many sweet cats and kittens. Of course Greg was very firm on no more cats. I know the traveling back and forth to the beach house with 4 cats is difficult enough but OMG I so wish we could adopt another rescue. Yesterday there were so many I fell in love with... I mean I fall in love with them all but I felt there were quite a few yesterday that would have fit in with our animal brood.

Callie, thank you and I am sure your house is beautiful! And as for the bracelet I wonder if you cannot get exactly what you want made for you. How difficult would that be I wonder? If you are in love with that type of bracelet without the screws I think it would not be that challenging a job with the right jeweler/goldsmith. Perhaps ask Orsi what she thinks as she would know what that would entail.

How is your darling niece doing with her Accutane treatment? I know last we chatted about her she was improving and I wonder if her face is all clear at this time? How about your other dear niece and her engagement ring search? Any news? Sorry we are a nosy bunch I guess LOL. I feel as if they are an extended part of our PS family somehow though :bigsmile: and I hope they are both doing well.

Phanie, welcome to the NIRDI thread! We are glad you are here and please jump in and join us. I am glad our furbaby and jewelry pics have cheered you up and please don't hesitate to post pics here. We love pics of anything that interests you. And OMG we would love pics of your gorgeous OEC. I like Jimmianne's philosophy about taking pics as a way of getting closer to your diamonds LOL. I am not any help with how to take good pics because mine suck but that doesn't stop me from sharing them here LOL. If you have an iPad I find that takes better pics than the mobile phone but I have a Samsung smart phone so if you have an iPhone that might take better pics than my smart phone.

Anyway, we are glad you are here and hope you stay and enjoy posting here. :wavey:

Marcy, so glad Marty won some money. Next time definitely join them as I am sure you can teach them a thing or 2 and any money you win can go into your next bling project. :appl: Glad the rug is safely back where it belongs without incident. Greg has a few pairs of Ray Ban sunglasses but I love Maui Jim. I feel the optics are super crisp on them. And I agree that it is good to have prescription sunglasses even if you wear contact lenses. I know sometimes I don't feel like putting in my CLs for a short trip out and I will just put on my Rx pair of sunglasses. Easy peasy.

I am glad you and Marty enjoyed the weekend and that he is back from his business trip. This was the shortest one yet no? And thank goodness he is home safely. Tell him he cannot travel to anymore dangerous areas please. How are the killer bunnies and bears handling his return? Are they behaving themselves I hope. They must be getting excited with the weather warm up as I imagine they will spend more time outside soon. A rest for you perhaps. :cheeky:

Kristie, your post made me laugh when you wrote about you filling that role in Bob's family lol. ILs can be strange and I'm with you. I prefer to be spending my time with someone else or by myself rather than spending any real time with the (S)ILs. My MIL is OK these days so I have no complaints with that that relationship these days. Though my max capacity for visiting is a day. No longer please.

Thank you for your movie recs. Have you seen the series Mozart in the Jungle yet? It's on Amazon Prime. We started watching a while back and were enjoying it but then we got distracted with other shows and forgot about it. We have to get back and finish watching the series. It was enjoyable and I think you might like it.

We watched a good movie on Netflix last night that I highly recommend to you girls. The House at the End of Time. "La Casa Del Fin De Los Tiempos". It was very good and the ending was satisfying which can be a rarity in "scary" movies.

Haha thank you for elevating me to Princess of the castle LOL. I remember Greg and I were disagreeing about the architecture style of the house and his friend Nicholas and his wife were visiting us from London and I asked Nicholas what type of house do you consider this and he said it's a Castle house. Hahaha. But Francesca might take issue with you calling me the Princess of the house as she thinks she is. I compromise letting her be the Princess and I am the Queen. Fair arrangement don't you think? :cheeky:

I cannot believe it is 80 by you already. That's what I am worried about happening here. I don't want to go right from the freezing cold to boiling hot. I LOVE spring and autumn and hope we get both this year. Give me 60s/70s with sun and crisp air anytime! Though 80 doesn't suck after dealing with the frigid temps we had this winter. 8-)

Sending lots of hugs and love and well wishes to dear Finnie boy. Keeping him in my thoughts and prayers and hoping the specialist can help him!

Ovi, I am so happy to hear you had a great time this weekend and I agree with Kristie. It was great to get out of your comfort zone and go for it. And it paid off! How is Sapphie doing? She must have missed you as I know you did her. Hope she is well and also please let us know how your mother is doing. I hope she is much better!

Thank you for the compliment on my skin. It varies and I can cover it with makeup thankfully though at times it looks quite cakey depending on how much I need to cover. :knockout:

The (iPad) camera for whatever reason doesn't really pick up the bumps and redness on my face all that well so my skin looks better in the photo than IRL but I will say I have some decent skin days and that day I got my new sunglasses was one of them. The very next day (as I shared with Callie and Kristie) I got new bumps. Sigh. One step forward and 2 backward but I am ever hopeful that I will keep improving.

I actually see my derm tomorrow and I wish I had an appointment in 2 weeks vs tomorrow as it is too close to my last appointment to be that helpful IMO. But he is booked up so many months in advance so I take what I can get. Today is my final Ivermectin dose (it was only in 2 doses. First 4 pills first day and last 4 pills 10 days later which is today). I am going to ask him about SIBO treatment but I have asked him this before and he doesn't want to allow me to do it as I think he feels the treatment is harsh. But I am going to try convincing him anyway. Wish me luck.

Big hugs to all of you and have a great morning!


Dec 9, 2013

I'm the executor for my Mom's estate and we are in the third year too. We were almost done a year ago but then the IRS audited the estate and that is still ongoing. It has been a nightmare! That audit triggered an audit on the family business which we sold after she died, so now everything is in limbo and the IRS agent has been on sick leave since the first of the year!
I am very disappointed in my gov't. I never before understood the level of our powerlessness.
Well, kind of a negative post for the start of a new week!

I woke up thinking about Miss OEC and that I should really buy a tractor instead. She is arriving on Tuesday - so hurry up Grace! before I have a Kubota in the shed instead of an OEC on the hand. One of the names I thought of was "Kubie" for Kubota, but Kubota means "sunken rice paddy" so maybe I'll think of something more glam.

Oh - by the way- have you seen the Mrs.Box website? She has the prettiest velvet ring boxes made from vintage velvet.

Must go back through the posts or do a search. What was the marquise that got sold?


Jun 8, 2008
Noooo...OEC over tractor Jimmianne! I thought we had discussed this already. :devil: :cheeky:

JK! But remember the OEC will be (can be) forever. A tractor only has so many good years yanno? :Up_to_something:

I am so sorry about what you are going through re your mom's estate and the audit. Wishing you final and successful resolution soon!

Here is Niel's marquise that is on hold right now that Junebug was considering.

One more day for the OEC's arrival. Ooh so exciting. Will she or won't she be "The One". :love:

Queen Kubota perhaps? :wink2:


Dec 9, 2013
missy|1425905113|3844213 said:
Noooo...OEC over tractor Jimmianne! I thought we had discussed this already. :devil: :cheeky:

JK! But remember the OEC will be (can be) forever. A tractor only has so many good years yanno? :Up_to_something:

I am so sorry about what you are going through re your mom's estate and the audit. Wishing you final and successful resolution soon!

Here is Niel's marquise that is on hold right now that Junebug was considering.

One more day for the OEC's arrival. Ooh so exciting. Will she or won't she be "The One". :love:

Queen Kubota perhaps? :wink2:

Dear Princess Missy, you're funny! I truly appreciate you keeping me on track!
If I open that box tomorrow and it is NOT the one, I am weaning myself off online shopping and coming to NY to have lunch with you & visit Adam :naughty:
So I hope it is the one...and I hope it's NOT the one!

Is this a work day for you? I know your Thursday is your Friday, but is your Monday your Sunday?


Jun 8, 2008
Haha Jimmianne, now you have me unsure as to what I am hoping for re Queen Kubota. :think: If you love her I won't see you till October but if you don't love her perhaps you will come sooner and we can visit Adam.

Hmmm that's a tough one. How about best of both worlds. If you love her you come here so we can celebrate (and with more than just lunch :appl: ) and Bea needs a new friend anyway as the kitties are getting on her nerves. :lol:

And we can still visit Adam. :bigsmile:

And if you don't love her well the above still applies. :appl:

Haha love that. Back on track. Got it...trac(k)tor hehe. That darn autocorrect was really fighting me on that word haha.

Today is not a workday. I only work Wednesdays and Thursdays. So Tuesday is my Sunday. :rodent: I know it doesn't seem like a lot but well it sure feels like more days than it sounds LOLOL. :lol:


Dec 9, 2013
ah yes...
on track means off trac :lol:

and when my neighbor asks why my field isn't mowed I'll just stick my bejeweled hand in his face.

This works!!!


Dec 9, 2013
Jimmianne|1425907742|3844237 said:
ah yes...
on track means off trac :lol:

and when my neighbor asks why my field isn't mowed I'll just stick my bejeweled hand in his face.

This works!!!
oh dear, that sounded harsh. I would never do that! Forgive my enthusiasm.


Nov 17, 2013
Thanks for liking my rings! I do wear the big aquamarine pretty often, and I always get a kick out of the fact that it's so big. Hee hee. The dealer estimated it to weigh 27.5cts.

My husband got home late last night and he says I should think of something nice to do for myself this week, like get a massage. Interestingly, the two littlest kids have been's the 8yo that has been the most challenging, and the 10yo a not-so-close second. By bed time last night, I was in a terrible state, but this morning they were little angels as they got ready for school, and we didn't even talk about yesterday or the last week. We'll see what happens now that Daddy is home. He does travel a lot for work. He's home now for a couple of weeks.

I am taking my mom out for lunch today and we'll go shopping for birthday presents for my soon-to-be 3yo. He has requested surprise eggs, which are, apparently, a thing now with little kids. There are YouTube videos that show people opening them - little toys and/or chocolate in plastic eggs. Hopefully I can find a whole bunch of different kinds.

Marcy, that's so sweet that your mom helped those kids who needed it. As for snow, we've had a TON, and we still do. It was 20 degrees this morning, but I hear it will be in the fifties later this week. I'll believe that when I see (feel) it!


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls, I hope everyine is doing well today.

Missy, I hope you have a fun day planned today and how wonderful that you were able to wear you leather jacket. I want to throw my winter coat out I'm so tired of looking at it. It's starting to warm up here too. It's may be up in the fifties tomorrow. My niece is doing great. She has been out with her friends much, much more which is a wonderful sign to me. As long as she is having fun and enjoying her life I'm happy. She pretty much stayed in the house by herself when her face was doing badly. I heard from her much more then. So I know she is busy which is such a good sign. I hope the derm appt. goes well and you get some good news. I just so wish they would come up a plan that solves the issues quickly for you. I'm off to go dress shopping today. I hope this goes well today and my friend finds her perfect dress. You know how it is, when you need to find the perfect dress it is no where to be found.

Jimmianne, I remember your comments about your mom's estate and the audit and it truly sounded like a nightmare. My husband was the executor for my MIL and it was a pain as well. We were so grateful that they had everything set up so well but it still was a lot of work and appointments with accountants and lawyers for my husband. There was one financial planning company that were worse than ambulance chasers. It's hard enough to get thru the loss of losing your parents without knowing there are people out there trying to benefit from their death. I was also surprised at the length of time it took for everything to be completed. I thought it would take a couple months and had no idea it drags on for years. I remember telling my husband a while back what you were going thru because it sounded so upsetting to me.

Oh my gosh a diamond or a tractor? How will you ever decide? Sorry I'm teasing you. I do get it though. If you need the tractor, you need the tractor. Practical purchases are just not nearly as fun. I know I will be replacing more landscaping, trees and evergreens, this spring. It's so costly and it feels like such a waste because it's not like I'm going for different look. I'm just trying to get my yard to look like it did a couple years ago before the crazy winters wrecked havoc. I would much rather have the money go toward jewelry. If you keep the diamond you have to name her.

Kristie, I am with you on the love bracelets. I just can't sleep with bracelets on. I also don't like the look of the screws things on the outside of the bracelet. I'm going to look into having one or two made and see what the price will be. I know the jeweler that had the bracelet that did not fit me would have given me a good price. I hope you are enjoying that 80 degree weather. Please think if us cold weather Girls when you are enjoying that sunshine. How is sweet Finn doing this morning. Good luck this morning. You know I'm thinking of you and here if you need me. Please feel free to call me later today if you need anything. I will be thinkng of you!

OV, I am so glad you had a great weekend!!! I will email you later today.

Tourmaline, I'm know first hand how hard it can be when you have a husband that travels a lot. Those month at a time trips are killers and I don't even have children. I can only imagine how rough it must be for you. Do you have family nearby that can take the kids for a day so you get a break? Please feel free to vent here anytime. You will get lots of sympathy from Marcy and me. My husband was gone more than half the time for five years and Marty's husband still travels frequently.

Junebug, I hope Zoe is keeping you company. She sounds like such a little sweetheart. Did you are a good weekend?


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmieanne, I am SO SORRY to hear of your experience with the estate and the IRS. I'm a huge proponent of flat tax---with a flat tax you don't need the IRS as it exists now because the tax code would be virtually nonexistant. Corporations would be paying taxes too, what a concept! Anyway. Sending all good diamond dust your way that this gets resolved quickly and in your favor.

Tractor? Heehee, Bob, my DH, says you must have BOTH and you must ride that tractor wearing your bling, YES to waving the hand with the OEC while driving, (you know your neighbor is plowing 1-handed because he has a beer in the other!) and you also must dust off your tiara when readying the fields! :lol: Just because you've bought a tractor does not mean you must let down your personal standards!!!

Missy, you and Greg are so kind to volunteer at the animal shelter. So kind. Finnie is doing pretty well today, yesterday was bath day and it was hard on him, having to stand in the sink while Bob baths him. Finn and Maggie both like to go garbanzobonkers after baths, running around the house like crazy little beasts. That also is taking a steep toll on him for the duration of the day. I gave him 4 Wobenzym this morning and he seems to be getting around okay. I'm calling the ortho surgeon's office today to schedule a consultation appointment. Its time to get the information and get some quality imaging (CT/MRI) and really look at the options.

Callie, its good to hear your niece is widening the ol' horizons :D I always feel like LIVE LARGE while you can, life is full of opportunities to go small later on.

Junebug, if you super liked that marquise soli ring, I bet ya GOG (where the stone is from) can find you a similar stone to your specs and that matte finish soli setting, that can be done in a snap for very very little money. Think on what kind of marquise you like in terms of shape, for example, do you like a fattie or do you like a skinny one? I thought NIel's was very nicely proportioned, btw. You never know if that sale will hold, although I do believe Niel's listing for it said SALE IS FINAL.

Yes, how is Zoe doing? Any more pics of Zoe to share?

3 weeks, kids, for my spessartite garnet from Wink and Melissa. Looking forward to sharing pics with you when it arrives!

Tourm, who WOULDN"T like a giftie prizie egg! I think those sound great!
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