
Now I really did it :((


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne, get down with your BAD SELF! Look at that Portuguese cut! That is a fabulous jewel! Is it a pin or a pendant? Where from? You're teasing us here, deets please! :appl:


Jul 1, 2014
Callie, you asked me about my Optivisor a while back.

I first started using one when I was repairing musical instruments---its hands free magnification. I like a lot more than my loupes. I don't know a jeweler who doesn't use an optivisor.

I take my 10x loupe to shows, its on a cord around my neck to i don't have to fish for it in my purse. But at home, its Optivisor.

If you like being able to safely examine your stones and jewels, you might invest. Amazon carries them.


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1422284963|3822194 said:
For Missy!
__1_2.jpg __1__1_.jpg

OMG LOVE!!! Thank you Jimmianne! You always post the prettiest pieces. I needed that visual today. Now if you could somehow figure out a way I could see that beauty in person that would be sweet. :cheeky: :bigsmile:

Ovi, hope your Monday is going smoothly and that you and Sapphie are feeling well. Thinking of you. Oh and I got La Mer samples yesterday. Soft cream, cleansing gel, regular cream and the serum (soothing). I am not trying it yet as I have had a bit of an exacerbation of my POD but as soon as it calms down I will test apply to a small area but not till my face is less reactive.

LLJsmom, I'm glad you had a good Sunday relaxing with your kids! Always a great way to spend a Sunday.

Junebug, how was the rest of your weekend? Are you getting any of the snow we are expecting tomorrow? We are planning for a blizzard here. Greg's work sent everyone home this afternoon because it is getting pretty dangerous out there already and tomorrow he will be working from home. Glad for the company and now I am just hoping we do not lose power. But I am making sure my iPad is charged just in case. Without power I cannot get internet (as I am sure cable vision will be down too if we lose power or even go down by itself always a strong possibility) but I can read on my iPad as long as it is charged. But hoping none of us lose power or internet. I am very dependent on both. :read:

Please do not shovel the snow. Let your son handle it or perhaps you can hire someone? It makes me nervous because I always hear about people our age having heart attacks from shoveling the snow so please be safe. Let the young ones handle it. It's good for them. ;))

Marcy, how did the rest of your weekend go? Is it still in the 50's there? It's not even half that here LOL. Bet you're glad you are where you are now and not here haha. Hope you are having a good Monday and that the days fly by till Marty's return. 5 more days woohoo! Tell those bunnies and bears to keep behaving themselves because I am keeping an eye on them. :bigsmile:

Kristie, your gem show is coming up so soon! I bet the excitement is building. I love that Optivisor. Cool. I could use one of those for hands free magnification all the time right now. I mean I should just attach it to my head lol. I cannot see a thing up close anymore. Thank goodness I can just zoom print on my iPad and Macbook air and Samsung phone. I have no clue how I am going to even read the PC computer at work LOL. Those reading glasses just don't do it for me. :wink2:

Callie, hope the rest of your weekend was fun and that you enjoyed Downton Abbey Sunday night. Now get packing girlfriend! ;))

Hope everyone is safe and warm and dry where they are and enjoying their Monday. :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Hi Girls!

Missy and Junebug, Please be careful tonight and tomorrow. Hopefully the storm won't be as bad as predicted. I'm still only on Season 3 of Downton Abbey but I am definately hooked.

Missy, Please stay in the house the next couple days. Snow, ice and your ankle probably aren't the best combination. Tomorrow is the perfect day to snuggle on the couch and watch your favorite Netflix picks. I'm sure Francesca will agree with me!

Junebug, Please don't try to shovel. I'm sure you son will do an excellent job removing the snow for you. When is your husband scheduled to leave for the Super Bowl? Do you have anything fun planned for when he is out of town?

Kristie, Did you have fun on Saturday? Please tell us about your new outfit? Are you counting down the days to the show? The Optivisor seems very cool athough it probably isn't the best idea for me. It will just lead me to wanting a higher clarity diamond!

OV, I hope you had a good day at work today. Are you working a lot this week? Did you get much snow? How is Sapphie feeling? I hope your cold is beginning to get better and you gave been able to get some rest.

Marcy, How was work today. Are you still having warm weather? We are going to have freezing rain tonight. I much prefer snow to ice. You must be thrilled that Marty will be home soon. Do you have any plans for the weekend or do usually not plan anything when Marty comes home. I'm sure he will be exhausted after this trip. It always takes them a day or two to get their sleep back to normal.

Jimmianne, Wow! Is this your ring? Very pretty!!! The color of that stone is gorgeous.


Dec 9, 2013
Calliecake|1422317505|3822422 said:
Jimmianne, Wow! Is this your ring? Very pretty!!! The color of that stone is gorgeous.

It's for sale on eBay... 52 carat GIA Morganite, $75k...with Free Shipping!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Kristie, you have a very good point about why not to buy a white sofa. Those rabbits get the drop on Carl and me more than I’d care to admit. Marty just loves scaring me! How many days to the gem show? I had an optivisor once. They work great. I bought a little beginner kit to learn how to mount gemstones. I quickly decided that was a skill I would never, ever possess. I tried studs and some of those little gemstones shot out across the room and I never found them.

Ovi, it takes me about 3 to 4 days to adjust when Marty goes on a trip then about the same number of days to adjust when he gets home. I haven’t had to cook much for a month. That will be tough next week. Getting up early 3 times a week isn’t too bad. I hope you had a great day.

Junebug, I hope you don’t get a ton of snow. I had on the weather channel at work today and the forecast sure looks they all of you are expecting a lot of snow. I am sure there are many storms and blizzards coming to our neighborhood soon. Carl enjoyed his outing to test furniture. I am glad you enjoyed a nice dinner out this weekend. I am with Missy, please let your son handle the shoveling.

LLJsmom, you had a nice TV marathon with you kids this weekend. That’s great!

Jimmianne, the morganite in that stone has great color.

Callie, I am going to have to watch some Downtown Abbey. I agree, ice is far worse than snow. Stay safe; hopefully you can stay in until the ice melts. We are having nice weather so hopefully that is coming your way. I am very excited Marty will be home this weekend. Usually I don’t plan anything because he is either really antsy and we run around doing things or he passes out on the couch. I can’t plan for it so I just wait and see. Has your niece found her diamond and engagement ring yet?

Missy, I am glad Greg came home early and can work from home tomorrow. I hope your electricity stays one. Good plan to keep your iPad charged in case. I had a quiet day yesterday and we are enjoying 60 degree weather today. Something is wrong with this picture you are cold and snowy and we are warm. Sadly we’ll get more snow in the next few months. I think this week will go by fast but Saturday will be painfully slow.

My right rear tire has been caught up in deflategate. I got a very loud alarm telling me my right rear tire is underinflated. I am going to try and go to the tire dealer about 11 am tomorrow and have them check it for me. Hopefully that’s not a very busy time.

I picked up some groceries on the way home. I should be good till Marty gets home now.



Jun 8, 2008
Good morning girls! It's a beautiful snowy morning here in NYC. Sooo pretty right now though as people and cars start traveling it will quickly get dirty and dark but I am enjoying it now!

Marcy, I love white couches and we are thinking of redoing the beach living room with all white furniture eventually LOL. My idea of course. We are right in the middle of repainting there and I think white couches would look beautiful in that room. And then my future all white kitchen there will complete the picture. Those darn kitties better behave around those white couches if they know what is good for them that's all I can say. They seem to enjoy ripping up the furniture in both homes though lol. :wall: I bet your teddies and bunnies do not do that. Yet another advantage of your furbabies over mine haha.

I can see why it takes you time to adjust on both ends-when Marty leaves and when he returns. Not cooking is always a time saver that's for sure. But the advantage of having him back I know outweighs the pain of cooking. 4 more days!

I hope the rest of your winter remains mild and that you don't get a lot of snow or cold. So far so good here. Our shareholders bought a new plow that our super and the super at the next door building are sharing and they are doing a nice job out there. Of course I plan on staying indoors today I think. I used to love going out with Greg in the huge snowstorms. We would go to Prospect park (only a few blocks from where we live) and play in the snow. Now I have to be so much more careful as the cold destroys my face...sad about that but there is something to be said about staying warm and cozy at home. And since we have power Woohoo it's all good!

They just announced subway service is resuming at 9AM. That's a relief as NYC never shut down the subway before for a winter storm so that was weird to me. YAY for subway service around the clock as it should be in a big metro area. :appl:

Callie, I just love the fashion on Downton and the fact that the women all seem to have worn sensible shoes (low heels) during that era. I would definitely fit in I think. Except for the hair as there is no way my hair would behave and do what it does on those women haha. But still perhaps I could have started a new trend. You never know. :cheeky:

Are you all ready for your trip? So lucky to be going to where the sun and warmth are right now. Enjoy every minute away from the cold and harsh winter weather! And yes, Francesca is quite happy I am staying home. She just loves laying on me sucking up all my body heat. And I do the same to her. Love their body temp of 101 or so. It's like a furnace that just won't quit LOL. Economical and efficient!

Ovi, hope your workweek is going well and that you are in a good place. How is Sapphie doing? And when you have time please update us with how work and life is going. Miss you!

Junebug, hope you didn't get too much snow and that someone else is shoveling it all for you.

Kristie, Hi there... hope you are getting ready for your gemstone trip and enjoying the anticipation of it all.

LLJsmom, hope you are having a good week and all is going smoothly. Have you done any more running this week? Is your son going to join you on the weekend perhaps?

Jimmianne, not sure if you are still reading but OMG please buy that ring so we can all enjoy it here...pretty please. :naughty: :cheeky:

I forgot to share the fact I went to PT yesterday morning and it started snowing very hard around that time and when I finished with Victor and started home it was treacherous especially since I was wearing only my sneakers and no snow boots since the meteorologists did not properly warn us the snow was going to be coming down so hard at that early hour yesterday morning! Ooh I was careful but it was tricky going!

And I also forgot to share with you guys that I got another (and my last for a long while I hope!) pair of SW boots Sunday while at Short Hills. The SW store was having a 50% off sale so how could I pass that up yanno? They had the FIFO boot in black suede in my size and I did not yet have the Fifo style so of course I had to purchase them LOL. Greg was like of course get them. He is the sweetest man alive IMO and lucky for me because no one else would be able to put up with my moods this past year. LOVE my sweet dh so much and it has nothing to do with the fact that he doesn't mind me buying up a storm and everything to do with the fact that is he always supportive no matter what I/we are dealing with and just loves me unconditionally as I do him. Sorry for the digression ladies. I just couldn't help myself.

Enjoy the (snowy for some) morning everyone...I will check back later and hope to chat with you. (((Hugs))) to everyone. :wavey:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, I'm so glad you are okay and the storm wasnt anywhere near as bad as they were expecting! The first thing I did this morning was check the weather to make sure everyone was safe out East. Deb said it wasn't nearly as bad as predicted where she lives in Connecticut.

I just saw a super bowl commercial for Go Daddy that I hated! I think anyone who loves animals will feel the same.

Its so funny to hear your Diwnton Abbey comments. I would never make it without my heels and make-up. Yesterday I looked up the actors online and they look completely different in real life. I could not get over the difference in O'Brien and Mrs Hughes appearance on the show and in real life. They do not even look like the same people. I do love the clothes though.

My niece just texted and said her skin is beginning to look better. She had a chemical peel and said it helped a lot. I would have thought the peel would have the opposite effect.

Marcy, I hope the tire pressure just changed due to temperature fluctuations and there is not a problem with actual tire. A few years ago my husband wanted Chipotle as soon as he returned from every trip. He would call me from the limo and tell me to be ready to go as soon as he got home. This went on for about a year. I was starting to think he was crazy. I hope this week is going by quickly for you. Do you have anything fun planned the next couple days before Marty returns? My niece has not decided on her stone yet. I'm keep telling her to not feel pressured and take her time. The diamond I found I felt had too much color. She wants a very white stone but I have no idea how much color her eyes see. I keep telling her she needs to wait until she falls in love with a stone. I just don't want her to get caught up in everything, pick a stone, and then not be happy with her choice. I also told her if something bothers her a little about the stone to pass. It will bother her a lot more as time goes by. I hope I'm giving her good advice.

OV, Do you have a busy week ahead with work? I hope all is going well with you and you are staying safe.

Jimmianne, Oh honey, that ring is a little out of my budget! The color is gorgeous though.

Kristie, Junebug and LLJsmom, I hope all is well. I miss you!


Jun 8, 2008
Callie, so glad your niece is finally having some improvement woohoo!!! Really happy for her! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Here are a couple of snow shots my sister sent me this morning. The kids are having so much fun. :bigsmile:





Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Your nieces are soooo cute. The pictures make me want to be a kid again!


Feb 5, 2014
Missy, I also love the idea of white furniture, lots, reminds me of the Mediterranean, perhaps with some blue or green accents. Love antique white furniture especially the real cottage style French ones and antiques, yummm.... I do not dare, now with only two kitties maybe but not this home and not right now, it is a nice dream though. My babies also loving ripping up furniture.

I am still watching Sapphie, she is eating but goes through ups and downs, is still on meds so we will see once she comes off of them. I am sleeping with her and enjoying her. How much I have missed her daughter Stella for the last year and a half and now that she is alone, I realized that Sapphie really started mimicking the way Stella was with her, only difference is Sapphie chirps too. Love her to pieces, love my Vinnie too but wish they got along.

It will be busy tomorrow and the day after, very scared too, never know what the evening or tomorrow brings, what revenge they have in the making for me, ex and his family. I have fear about my job and many things, otherwise just real tired now about everything and of course the weather is contributing to that as well, some snow, terrible winds before and now temps going down, I am getting headachy. I think though that one day I will start enjoying my freedom, it is just hard to think ahead with a divorce coming my way, knowing that things could get a lot worse before they get any better. But I must remain positive and I often am, I have many plans in my business and focusing on that. Later on some outings or trips could happen too. At the moment I am definitely not ready to meet guys even though I could and perhaps it would make me feel better but no thanks. I need my time to heal.

Missy, I tried the La Mer when my skin was the most aggravated, it actually helps calm it instantly, it is supposed to but of course wait if you prefer. Real curious if it works for you as well, it has for so many people for whom nothing else had.

Marcy I think this is the hard part about distance marriages that you always have to readjust, distance relationships can work for a while and be very exciting but with marriages it can be tough as you are living together but apart. I am sure it has many advantages too but it must be confusing to live almost a double life, still, I am so happy that it is working for you, that is the main thing.

I am sure I have forgotten to say hi to many of you but thinking of you all, Callie, Junebug, Kristie, would love to talk to you and really thanks to many of you for thinking of me and writing to me, LLJsmom I miss you, have not talked to you in a while. Hugs to you all and have a great day.


Jul 1, 2014
Love the pics of your nieces, Missy, thanks for sharing the Snow Day Fun! Hot chocolate for everyone WITH giant marshmallows!

I went to Nordie's today, out of mascara (Lancome Definicils), also bought some Ray Ban boyfriend-style sunglasses and a pair of shoes to wear to the show in Tucson. The shoes are BZees and they are MAD COMFY! Stretch uppers and trainer-type soles but super cushiony and supportive without being stiff. Affordable, under $60. Highly recommend!

I looked at all the skin care items cause I got there promptly at 10 AM and no one else was there. Missy, it was parabens, fragrances, mineral oil, dyes, you get the picture. I'm going to Whole Foods tomorrow to see what is what there.

I'm getting the house ready for the dogsitter, She is 26, college grad, works at Mayo. Just adorable. The company is smart, she works with the uber wealthy patients. The dogs loved her (they do not love everyone, one of my clarinet students, Finn would get up and leave the room and not return until she left--and she was an excellent player so it wasn't poor quality playing that drove him out.).


Feb 5, 2014
Hi Kristie! Wavey!

Yes, I used to use Dr. Hauschka (sp?) and they sell that at Whole Foods, it was also a wonderful brand. The problem with all naturals sometimes is that certain herbs, essential oils can also cause allergic reactions, sometimes even more so than the non natural products. But Hauschka was very good. I doubt that they are oil free though as most naturals are not. It is hard to know what will work and what will not, I also used that brand in my twenties. Clinique I used ever since I was 18 on and off and then moved on to Lauder and now La Mer (all three Lauder products) because La Mer is great for really problematic skin. I still like researching other brands especially naturals but doubt that I will switch now, if something is working, why change it? Hope you have a great day too Kristie, hi to Finn!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies,

Missy, fresh white snow is so pretty. I think white furniture looks really nice. Too funny you kitties want to tear things up though. I admit my furbabies don’t give me many hassles. I would definitely rather have Marty here than gone but it does take some adjustment for me. That is great NYC didn’t get hit with as much snow as they expected. Other areas are really having the snow pile up though and those poor people who are dealing with flooding too. How fun to go play in the snow in the park. I would have done that too before my knee problems. Now I worry about falling too much. We get our worst snowstorms in March and April but we’ll see how it goes in the next few months. I am relieved you made it home from PT on treacherous sidewalks. How exciting to order a new pair of boots. You’ll have lots of boots to show off at work in a few weeks. Your nieces are so cute and they are obviously having a lot of fun. I need to get myself one of those bear hats.

Callie, I am setting here thinking how awful a chemical peel sounds for your niece. I am glad to hear it helped her but ouch! My tire had a nail in it. I thought the tire dealer wouldn’t be too busy at 11 in the morning. Wrong! I was there about 90 minutes but I am glad to have it fixed. That is funny your husband wanted Chipolte when he got home from a trip. I haven’t noticed Marty really wants something when he gets home. He probably misses his espresso machine more than anything. I think you are giving your niece very sound advice about picking her diamond. This is something so special so you definitely want her to love it.

Ovi, I love antique white furniture. It is so rich looking. I am sorry you are so full of worry and angst about things your ex and his family might try to pull on you. How long do divorces take there? Are they easy or a long drawn out process? It will be difficult to go through but it is a big step to begin moving forward with your life. I can’t say I like Marty being gone this much but I also realize it’s his job and there isn’t much I can do about it so I try to adjust. Right now it’s working.

Kristie, you are dressing up in style for the gem show. I have some red Ray Ban’s that I had them put prescription sunglasses in after I quit wearing contacts. I just couldn’t give them up. I’ll have to check out BZees. That is interesting Finn didn’t like one of you students. It really makes you wonder what Finn was thinking.

Junebug, it sounds like that commercial should have been pulled. What were they thinking is right.

We had another high temperature day here today. We got to 70 degrees. I’ll try to remember this day when our spring storms roll in.

Poor Marty didn’t sleep well last night. They were performing maintenance on the hotel and the lights kept turning off and on and that kept him awake. He may go back to Azerbaijan in late March. Which translates to me the blizzards will start in late March.

My studs are starting to make my ears itch and the section of the posts that are in my ear when I wear them are turning a copper color. The jeweler suggested oxidization but I pointed out that would be the entire post not part of it. Then they suggested cleaning them. I do that every day. I sent them pictures and they are showing their jeweler. I bought them in late October so it doesn’t seem like they should be doing that in a few months.

Take care!


Jun 7, 2014
junebug17|1422408673|3822989 said:
Calliecake, just wanted to pop in for a sec to let you know Go Daddy pulled the commercial and it won't be aired. I can't even find it on the internet, thank goodness. Just the description of it made me ill. What was their advertising department thinking?

Will check in with you all soon!


The commercial was aired on the Today Show this morning. Natalie Morales stated she did not like it before it aired. I was stunned that anyone would have found the commercial amusing. I'm so glad it has been pulled. Thank you attaching the Huffington Post story.



Feb 27, 2007
Calliecake|1422411893|3823015 said:
junebug17|1422408673|3822989 said:
Calliecake, just wanted to pop in for a sec to let you know Go Daddy pulled the commercial and it won't be aired. I can't even find it on the internet, thank goodness. Just the description of it made me ill. What was their advertising department thinking?

Will check in with you all soon!


The commercial was aired on the Today Show this morning. Natalie Morales stated she did not like it before it aired. I was stunned that anyone would have found the commercial amusing. I'm so glad it has been pulled. Thank you attaching the Huffington Post story.


And seeing how cute that puppy is just made me more angry.


Jun 7, 2014
Marcy, The puppy was adorable and tiny. He has the sweetest face. I suppose you can tell it was love at first sight!


Feb 27, 2007
Calliecake|1422416091|3823046 said:
Marcy, The puppy was adorable and tiny. He has the sweetest face. I suppose you can tell it was love at first sight!

Callie, I am not surprised. He is absolutely adorable.


Dec 9, 2013
Just between us - the new GOG banner ad made me chuckle...

GOG PS banner ad: "Looking for professional help?"
my response: "No thanks, I would rather stay addicted to sparklies."


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning everyone!

The snowstorm wasn't as bad for us as they predicted thankfully but I feel for those who got 30 inches plus! Hope everyone is safe and warm and I am glad you guys did not get much or any snow!

OMG I do not know the commercial you are talking about but I am glad it is not airing now and I am not looking for it either. From the sound of it I would get upset so staying away.

Callie, thanks. I do and I don't want to be a kid again. I do because life was easier and more carefree but I don't because I was a perfectionist in those days and put a lot of stress on myself that I just don't do anymore. And I just would not want to relive taking exams and boards and such so though there are plusses to being that age again I think I will stay right here LOL. Though there are days I want to go back especially when I am having my meltdowns over my face. ;(

I wonder if it was the chemical peel that helped your niece or the fact that the Accutane is most likely kicking in a bit right now. In any case I hope she continues to improve and heal and let her know we are all cheering her on please. As for your other niece I am glad she is not rushing into any decisions re the ring. I wish we could all join you and her in the search but we are there in spirit!

Marcy, ugh sorry about your tire but glad you got it fixed despite the wait. I cannot believe you got to 70 degrees yesterday. That is nuts. What the heck? Enjoy it while you can and I hope your next few months are calm and mild as well. Not 70 degrees mild (cause that's just crazy LOL) but I bet you would be pleased with 40 degrees for the rest of the winter right? I know that would work for me haha.

I am sorry Marty had a fitful night's sleep and I hope he doesn't have to go back to Azerbaijan in March. And I especially hope you have no blizzards coming your way at all. I hope none of us do.

That's weird about part of the post changing color and irritating your ears. Are they gold? I react somewhat to gold and prefer platinum though I do not like the weight of platinum for my earlobes.

Marcy, you and I both need to get one of those bear hats LOL. But be careful because you know how your bunnies and bears are. Next they will be wanting human head hats OMG so tread carefully. :cheeky:

Kristie, as you know I am not surprised and I am sorry your skincare search was not successful. These ingredients are in everything it seems. I am not sure the OCM is agreeing with my face as I keep getting new very small though pustules in the same areas (nose and cheeks) and I think it is probably due to the OCM or the oil itself. Not sure as I wrote before I feel like I have to be a detective and right now my skills are lacking.

I did not find Whole Foods to be much better unless you are looking for organic cold pressed oils. That's where I got my hemp oil (refrigerated section) and some of the other oils I have in my repertoire. I also got a lip balm there-unpetroleum no vaseline lip balm. Good luck and let us know how your Whole Foods search goes.

One moisturizer I do have (that I forgot to mention to you yesterday in my email) that doesn't seem to have any of those NO GO ingredients is from La Roche Posay called Cicaplast.

I have only tried it a few times and not sure yet how my skin reacts. As I wrote before I don't feel like I am being a very successful detective because my skin can take some time to react or sometimes it is immediate. But I have to take it slowly. The reason I have not used this too much is it stings (very slightly though) when I apply but the hemp oil does not sting at all so that's why I have been reaching for that over this. Any stinging is not good IMO as that means something is not right.

I am glad you found some great shoes at a fantastic price too! I will have to look those up BZees as I never heard of them. Love comfortable shoes and they are my number one priority right up there with looking good of course. But I would never sacrifice comfort for fashion and I never have. I am too sensible for my own good I guess.

I am very happy you have such a good and reliable dog sitter. That is everything for peace of mind when you travel. You know your babies are in good hands.

Ovi, how are you? How is work going? I am sending you bucket loads of PS dust for a smooth rest of the week. Don't be nervous about work. Everything will be OK. They will see the truth.

I hear you about natural ingredients causing allergic reactions especially for those of us with lots of allergies. It is such a fine line we are walking all the time with regards to what won't cause a reaction. Truthfully I am exhausted with this whole business and want it to be over with already. So tired of dealing with my skin. I agree with you. Since you have the skincare that is working so well for you why would you change? Keep with it and keep your skin looking beautiful. I can only hope one day I will get there or close to it...

Hang in there Ovi. We are all on your side cheering you on and here for you anytime. We love you lots. It will all be OK. (((Hugs))).

Junebug, how did your snow totals fare? We didn't get much at the beach. Around 9 inches I think. Hope you had a good "snow" day and got to relax and enjoy the pretty snow.

Jimmianne, haha that is priceless. And I guess fits us all to a T. :oops: :bigsmile:
Hey, I can think of (much worse) addictions anyway. :halo:

LLJsmom, how are you? How is your week going? Thinking of you and hoping all is well. Miss you!


Jun 17, 2009
Hi everyone!

Missy, love the pics of your nieces, they are adorable! It's a shame they live just far enough to make getting together more often a little more difficult. I'm so glad NYC wasn't hit as hard as expected. I was pleasantly surprised by how little snow we ended up getting - only a few inches, really. Shoveling turned out to be not a big deal at all and I took everyone's advice and let my son handle it - although I did clean off my car lol. I do feel badly for those in other areas who got more, and are without power. That is really rough. Yes, that commercial was upsetting, it made me feel a little physically ill so you are definitely better off staying away from it ! I'm just so glad the company pulled it. I usually don't call people names, but seriously, whoever thought that commercial up and approved it are idiots!

Marcy, wow, 70 degrees - I wonder if that's some kind of record for Wyoming! - Enjoy the little taste of spring, it must feel great! Sorry to hear about your reaction to your earrings, how frustrating. I guess some kind of allergic reaction? Hope you can figure it out. And yay for Marty coming home soon!

Calliecake, I'm glad your niece is seeing some improvement. A step in the right direction makes all the difference in how someone feels. How fun that your other niece is shopping for a diamond, I wish I was lol! Sounds like you're giving her great advice. She's looking at round brilliants, right? Color is a tricky thing, everyone has their own personal preference and people differ in their tolerance of color in a diamond. Personally I'm comfortable in the G to I range for MRBs, but some prefer less color. G is a lot of peoples' "sweet spot". The more diamonds she looks at, the better feel she'll have for what she prefers. And it might be a good idea for her to check out the mm measurements of the diamond, just to make sure it's facing up the right size for its carat weight. Some diamonds are cut a bit deep and can face up smaller than they should. My husband is actually out of town for the week! He's stopping at home on Friday for a bit (I'll be at my mother's so won't see him), and then heading back to the airport for the Superbowl. I am actually just looking forward to hanging out with my kids and watching the game in the comfort of my family room lol! Actually, I like to watch golf (don't judge me :D ) and there's a tournament on this weekend so I'll be tuning in for that too.

Ovi, hope you are doing ok, so sorry you are stressed and worried - but hang in, I know things are rough right now but everything will work out. I find myself battling anxiety over a bunch of stuff and am finding a little comfort in simple pleasures these days. Thinking of you and hoping for better days for you soon!


Jun 8, 2008
Thank you Junebug! And I am so glad you let your son do the shoveling. We are supposed to get some more snow Friday but hoping it is only a few inches for us all. I'm ready for spring. Have I mentioned that already. :cheeky:

I am definitely staying away from that commercial and hope I don't accidentally have to see any of it. Sounds horrendous. And I cannot even open that other thread here discussing the dog. I can only deal with happy animal threads these days. :((


Feb 27, 2007
Jimmianne|1422448774|3823137 said:
Just between us - the new GOG banner ad made me chuckle...

GOG PS banner ad: "Looking for professional help?"
my response: "No thanks, I would rather stay addicted to sparklies."

Where is the Like button? :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi Ladies!

Missy, I feel for those places that got 30 inches of snow. That is a lot of snow. I am glad you didn’t get that much. Sadly we are back in the 30’s and 40’s here again with some snow in the forecast but only small amounts. I’ll vote for no more blizzards and highs in the 40’s for a few months. Who do we contact to order this up? The jeweler thinks my posts are showing build up or residue from something. I don’t use gel, hair spray and none of my other jewelry turns color from my skin. I am not quite buying it. They are 14K yellow gold. They did offer to refinish them for me but it would just happen again. I thought the same thing the weight of platinum for earrings. For studs it may not be too noticeable. I don’t know what I’ll do since I wear my studs most of the time. I definitely think we need bear hats.

Junebug, I am glad you didn’t get much snow either. I feel so bad for those who had flooding too. How awful! Yes, our local weather bureau said we did hit a record high for that day. We are back to normal today, sunny and a chilly lazy wind – one that goes through you instead of around you. I’ve had trouble with 10K gold earrings but not 14K. The left one was itching like crazy about noon and I just spun it in my ear and it got better. Tonight I might try a polishing cloth on it; but those seem to have a residue on them and I worry might make it worse. Marty watches golf a lot and I’ve got so I will put it on even when he’s gone. It’s something that doesn’t require my constant attention.

My cleaning lady came today and I went out to supper with a friend so all I’m working on tonight is washing a batch of towels. I sure wish Saturday would hurry up and get here!

Take care.


Jun 8, 2008
Good morning ladies. I hope everyone enjoyed their evenings and had a good night's sleep.

Marcy, yes, we need those bear hats for sure lol. Are the earrings bothering your ears or just changing color? If they are irritating your ears can you just replace the posts with platinum? That should not add too much weight at all.

Only 2 more days till Marty arrives home! That will pass quickly. It's been a long haul and I am thrilled for you he will be returning home soon. I can only imagine how difficult this time has been. Just think how sweet your reunion will be. One advantage of his being away is you get to miss him that much more and vice versa. Though I am sure you would prefer for him to be home more...2 more days!!! Woohoo!!!

Callie, Kristie, I know you are getting ready for your respective trips and I wish you safe travels and have a great time! We want details when you get back. Have fun!!!

LLJsmom, I know you have your hands filled right now and wishing you a smooth week till your dh returns. (((Hugs))) to you and the kids.

Ovi, hope the rest of your workday went well yesterday and we will speak soon. Hope you had a good (and uneventful) evening.

Junebug, more snow on the way...hope it's a very small snowfall because I need to get to my hairdresser this weekend and I am not in a snowy frame of mind. Have your son on standby just in case lol.

Jimmianne, did you buy that ring yet? :devil:

Enjoy the day ladies!


Dec 9, 2013
Missy, I hope you enjoy your day!
No, I did not buy that ring yet, but I have been looking at sparklies online since the sun came up!

Must be the winter weather causing the itch - anyone else plotting a next project?


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1422536996|3823759 said:
Missy, I hope you enjoy your day!
No, I did not buy that ring yet, but I have been looking at sparklies online since the sun came up!

Must be the winter weather causing the itch - anyone else plotting a next project?

Thank you Jimmianne. I don't have a project planned however if the perfect antique diamond drop earrings popped up at the right price well I wouldn't say no if you kwim. ;-)

Have you been searching for something specific?


Jul 1, 2014
Jimmianne|1422536996|3823759 said:
Missy, I hope you enjoy your day!
No, I did not buy that ring yet, but I have been looking at sparklies online since the sun came up!

Must be the winter weather causing the itch - anyone else plotting a next project?

Jimmianne, I have a Loliondo spessartite garnet, the true Fanta color, 11-mm cushion, concave pavillion, that I want to have set but I can't even settle on the right color of the metal---yg? wg? one of the colored golds like red or peach or green or rose?

Until I figure that out I'm spinning my wheels. What to you think for color of the gold, anyone??????


Dec 9, 2013
azstonie|1422548454|3823870 said:
Jimmianne|1422536996|3823759 said:
Missy, I hope you enjoy your day!
No, I did not buy that ring yet, but I have been looking at sparklies online since the sun came up!

Must be the winter weather causing the itch - anyone else plotting a next project?

Jimmianne, I have a Loliondo spessartite garnet, the true Fanta color, 11-mm cushion, concave pavillion, that I want to have set but I can't even settle on the right color of the metal---yg? wg? one of the colored golds like red or peach or green or rose?

Until I figure that out I'm spinning my wheels. What to you think for color of the gold, anyone??????
that's a tough one!
any metal would look beautiful - do you have a picture? I highjacking this thread?!
if so, apologies

my next project will be large & sparkly. In what year, I don't know. Meanwhile some simple things in the works - sterling and rose gold primitive/tribal-looking ring guards for my asscher and [from the same local artisan] pendent setting a small champagne OEC I got from Fortekitty a while back.
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