
Now I really did it :((


Mar 26, 2006
Oh, dear Missy, I can't tell you how sorry I am to read this! You have been though so much and this is certainly the last thing you need. I really hope you get some pain relief (most importantly) and that there is some way to work out your job. Biggest hugs outgoing to you my fried.


Jun 17, 2009
Very distressed to hear you are in so much pain missy :(sad I think you mentioned in one of your posts that the doctor said the pain would be bad for a few days because of the swelling (I think)…I'm hoping and praying the pain starts lessening very soon for you - big hugs, thinking of you!!!


Jul 27, 2007
Missy.. so awful to read this news. I am so sorry to hear about your accident. This must all feel so surreal and overwhelming. I hope you will soon find some relief from your pain. It just sounds like you have had so much on your plate, and now this. I'm glad you can come here and vent, or share. Sending loads of PS dust your way.


Jun 8, 2008
Sharon, the ride went well, thank you for thinking of me. I sat in the back with my leg across the seat and 3 of the cats in their carriers on the floor of the back seat and little princess Francesca couldn't be contained in her carrier wailing so we took her out and she sat on my lap the whole ride. She was an angel.

Traffic was not too bad and my parents met us at our apartment and brought some food and helped us unpack and also brought me a foldable wheelchair. Which I was resistant to at first but I can see where it might come in handy so right now Greg is retrofitting it so I can keep my leg raised while sitting in it. Oh and my mom helped me wash my hair in the sink using woofmama's wonderful suggestion. I sat in the wheelchair on pillows and was up to the sink while my mom wet my head. Thank you again for that woofmama.

Thank you for the healing dust Andelain. Much appreciated!

Lyra, thank you for the Batiste dry shampoo suggestion . I will look for it. I love to wash my hair every day and that is not going to be possible. It's just too difficult so maybe a dry shampoo can help extend the washes a bit. I hope they are better than the dry shampoos of the 70's/80's LOL. Not too effective and that was the last time I tried them.

Thank you Yenny! (((Hugs))) to you too.

Elliot thank you. I am feeling a bit better as this whole thing is settling in my head. Took me a while to absorb it all and I know I am in for a long haul but I am in a better place emotionally right now.

Elisa, I appreciate that info. I spoke with my girlfriend yesterday who's an ob/gyn and she mentioned the same things. My toes are swollen and they were not yesterday but I think I am OK. They hurt like heck to move though and I am concerned about that. I am glad I have that appointment tomorrow though and thank you for sharing that. Please don't worry about scaring me. I am not one to hide my head in the sand and I want to be proactive and prevent any major complications. I definitely am in the camp of knowledge is power.

Sky, I agree completely. I am sorry about your friend. :blackeye:
This past December a former classmate had a car accident and is now a quadriplegic. A terrible tragedy for him and his 2 little girls and his wife. Really sad. Believe me I realize how much worse it could have been and putting it all in perspective is important. Fingers crossed that my appointment tomorrow goes well because I am nervous about my prognosis. I am so active generally that this is quite the shock to me and I think the biggest challenge I face is that I am going to have to change everything about my life for a good chunk of time. But as long as I can regain full or even most of my function I will be thrilled.

Monnie, I am so sorry about your neighbor. How awful. Helmets are not foolproof. When the paramedics and police came to the scene they asked me about half a dozen times if I hit my head. I did not but they seemed to not believe me or something because they repeated the question a number of times. Head injuries can be horrible. Hope your neighbor recovers fully.

Thank you dear Dee Jay. I appreciate your warm thoughts and big hugs to you too.

Junebug, thank you so much. I don't want to distress you please. I appreciate how caring you are. Posting on PS about what I am going through helps me in so many ways but I certainly don't want to cause stress to anybody. I am feeling a bit better right now but it changes from hour to hour. I was quite nauseous after I took my 3:45 pain med and the anti nausea med did nothing so for about 2 and a half hours I just sat next to my dh on the couch while we watched tv trying to be still and overcome the nausea. It worked and I am feeling much better now!(((Hugs))) to you dear Junebug.

ETA: My dh just finished retrofitting the foldable wheelchair and here's a pic. Very useful to have a handy dh. Please excuse the outfit. I changed into it when my mom was washing my hair because I got pretty wet and didn't want to ruin a nice dress. Haha I cannot believe I am posting this on PS. Must be the drugs fogging my brain! I mean if I was thinking clearly there would be bling in that pic. :cheeky:



Jun 17, 2009
I'm so glad you made it back home safe and sound missy! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel badly, I just wanted to convey how sorry I am for all of this! Don't be afraid to let me know how you are feeling, I promise I won't get upset haha! I will continue to hope and pray things get better for you soon, my heart goes out to you and I am thinking of you as you make your way through these next few days.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
missy, hope you feel better soon... :))


Jun 8, 2008
junebug17|1404090146|3703479 said:
I'm so glad you made it back home safe and sound missy! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel badly, I just wanted to convey how sorry I am for all of this! Don't be afraid to let me know how you are feeling, I promise I won't get upset haha! I will continue to hope and pray things get better for you soon, my heart goes out to you and I am thinking of you as you make your way through these next few days.

I know Junebug! Thank you so much for being here for me. I cannot adequately express how much that means to me. (((Hugs))).

Thank you again Dancing Fire. I appreciate that.

Siamese, that is exactly how it feels-surreal and overwhelming. Thank you for your PS dust and good thoughts.


Mar 29, 2005
Missy -

Seeing the picture of you in the wheelchair tells me that they two of you are already starting to adapt and that will serve you very, very well.

Here's one thing that I had to learn over time, and because you remind me of me, I'm going to share with you. Your friends and family WANT to help. They will feel better if you let them. Your task is to figure out what they can do that will be the most useful. I still struggle with this sometimes, but we just went through an extended hospital stay for my husband. We had neighbors come every evening to feed and potty our dog for TWO MONTHS. They were happy to do it because they can't have a dog and this way they could stop by and play with ours every day and they could be of use when we needed it. Not everyone will want to pitch in, but for those who do, they'd rather do something than stand on the sidelines. Let them. The funny thing is that some of the people who are most able and wanting to help are not the people you'd think. But that's okay. Everyone does what they can.

Hope all goes well with the doc on Monday.


Jun 23, 2005
Glad you made it back home without too much further pain. Come on Monday and the surgeon - hope he can get you to surgery quickly so that the healing can begin in earnest!


Sep 19, 2004

You are doing well. Hang in there.

You look great in the picture considering. The dress is OK; and a lot better than many other things you could have been wearing... ;-)

Life is worth living if you do it right,



Sep 1, 2009
I'm sorry you're going through this! You've had so much to deal with already.

DH had a very bad tib/fib break in 2004. We were only friends at the time so I wasn't around for all of the initial stuff, but it was awful for him. He has a steel rod in his leg along with pins/screws to this day.

I'll come back later to write in more detail but just wanted to send you more hugs and pass on the big things DH thinks you need to know ASAP.

Pain meds and being unable to move much can cause severe constipation. Do something about it BEFORE it becomes a problem.

A break that severe can allow gunk to get in where it shouldn't and cause clotting problems including in your brain. Know the symptoms and be proactive.

Being inactive and having your leg covered for so long can lead to fungal issues.

Stay off your leg as the dr says, but also get up and don't baby it too much when they say you can start moving again. His leg never mended correctly (even after another surgery to try to correct) so he's still got holes in his bones. The orthopedic guy said that could be because he was too careful with it when he was supposed to be getting it moving again. Listen to your drs and therapists.

Get back to whatever normal activities you can as soon as you can (consistent with following your dr's orders about staying off your leg) as it is very easy to fall into depression. Not being able to do the stuff you love is hard.

And he is as active as he ever used to be. In fact, he's doing more physically than he did before he broke his leg. It is still painful at times (as it never healed correctly), but most of the time it does not slow him down at all.


Jun 8, 2008
Rainwood, thank you for sharing that with me. I hope your dh is doing well and thank goodness you had such good neighbors to take care of your sweet dog. It will be something I need to get used to because I don't like inconveniencing others at all but I can see myself getting over that pretty quickly. These last few days have proven to be challenging and humbling as I cannot do even little things like getting out of bed or a chair by myself yet. The cast is so heavy I cannot move my leg without help right now. My dh goes back to work tomorrow and I am not sure how I am going to get through the day by myself but I will be OK. I know I will. I just need to block any other kind of thoughts from my head. One day at a time. Thank you so much for your help.

MissGotRocks, today's D day. Seeing the new surgeon this morning. So much I am nervous about. Little things like will the SUV car service show up and on time I hope. How will traffic be. Will the wait for the doctor be long as the secretary in his office put me on his schedule friday afternoon so last minute. Will he be able to help me? How long will I have to wait to have surgery so I can start healing. And my list of worries goes on and on. Not being able to work out and exercise is making it difficult to deal with my noisy brain and my worries as you can see. I know I am getting ahead of myself but it helps me to get it out because then somehow it calms me. Thanks for the good wishes and thanks for letting me vent.

Perry, haha, thanks. I hope the next picture is better. Ha, I wish the next picture could show me walking/dancing/jumping but I guess that's going to have to wait for a while.

TooPatient, Oh my, I am so glad your dh has almost fully recovered.I am sorry for his complications. Sounds like a terrible ordeal for him. Thank you and your dh for those tips. Yeah, I am concerned about all those and not sure what I can do besides follow doctor's instructions. Unfortunately the constipation (sorry if that is TMI) is already happening. The doctor warned me about that but just told me to take Colace and drink. Not working well. And the more I drink the more difficult my day is re bathroom because it is quite the painful chore getting to the bathroom and back and so far my dh has been around 24/7 (middle of night pee breaks suck because I have to wake him up which I so don't want to do but it's that or well you know) so not sure how I am going to deal with that. I was hoping I would be stronger by now but my leg is so painful and heavy with the cast that I can barely move it. Scary about those blood clots. I will ask the doctor about that and what I can/should do. And holes in the bone. OMG that sounds terrible. I am so sorry he is still dealing with that. :((

And you are so right. Being unable to do anything let alone activities I love is terribly difficult and it's only been 3 days. I keep telling myself one day at a time one day at a time (one hour at a time, one minute at a time when it gets very hard) and just breathing and focusing on what is happening right now and trying not to project too far ahead into the future. Thank you so much for sharing this with me and hugs to you and your dh.


Sep 3, 2009
Missy, I'm glad it's Monday & you see the surgeon today. Here's dust that he puts your worries to rest & can fix your leg up quickly. Once you get a start on things, I think many of your concerns will quiet down -- inaction breeds the bad thoughts.

I think you're cute in your photo! Even broken, I've wished all my life for legs like yours -- nice & slim! :cheeky: They'll be carrying you around sooner than you fear, I'm sure.

Once you get the pain under control, after surgery, I really think life will look brighter. Yes, you'll be stuck unable to do things you want -- not being able to exercise is a bummer but it's temporary -- and knowing your curious, intelligent self, you'll find ways to entertain yourself that may bring you a whole new side of life, who knows? I'm not being a Pollyanna -- so often events that feel like doom actually turn out to have a blingy lining!

We're waiting to hear how the appt. goes & sending the sparkliest dust to you!

--- Laurie


Sep 20, 2009
You look cute in the photo..don't worry about the dress, it looks comfey for a broken leg. DH is pretty awesome to rig your wheelchair like that. I think it is great you can write about your feelings in a hard situation. I hope you get great news today. Healing dust sent.


Sep 1, 2009
DH drank olive oil to get his digestion moving again. A fair amount (something like a cup).
He only did this after more than a week and nothing else working. Well.... it worked. It was very fast and very effective. He spent hours in the bathroom because he couldn't make it down the hall between the bed & bathroom fast enough.

Maybe in smaller doses it would keep things going without the extreme response?

The thing that got him was a pulmonary embolism. Thankfully, he survived! I don't know if there is a way to prevent it, but it was thanks to someone knowing the symptoms and getting him to the hospital (including arguing the paramedics who thought he looked fine!) that made the difference for him.

He said to also make sure you knew that the various medications with Ambien can cause hallucinations. Less scary if you know what is happening.

Do you have something you could do while sitting that would keep your mind occupied and let you feel like you are doing something? If you can't do your full job (DH said you'll likely be on so many medications for a couple of months that you really couldn't until at least then), could you do something like paperwork or file reviews & phoning patients?
Another thing to try might be volunteer work. Something like making blankets for the homeless or hats for cancer patients?


Aug 11, 2008
Missy-I am so sorry this happened to you!

I had a family member that had an accident in April. They ended up with a 'bad' grade 6 Tibia and Fibula fracture, one of the worst the surgeon has ever seen-he is one of only a handful of surgeons in the nation that it trained to handle trauma's of the nature. So, I know too well the road you will have ahead of you-hang in there!!!

Wishing you a full, speedy and uncomplicated recovery.


Dec 17, 2008
Thank heaven for parents right? So glad you got your hair washed. Dirty hair can really put a damper on a persons mood
(well, in my case). Just make you feel gross.

I hope you are able to get scheduled for surgery very soon and you are able to move forward with getting healthy again. I know its
a long road...but one day at a time.

Take care


Apr 19, 2004
woofmama|1404003058|3703022 said:
Hi Missy,

Many years ago my sister fell on the ice and had a terrible break to her leg. She was in a cast to her thigh for four months. We got her a wheelchair so she was able to make her way around the house. She also had long hair so we would pull her wheel chair up to the sink, shove a couple of big phone books on the seat for her to sit on and have her lean back into the sink to wash her hair. My mom and I took turns washing it for her every couple of days.

I think you need a nurses aid staying with you during the day. Please try to get someone, you'll need help with meals and using the bathroom.

I see WM gave you good advice on the ADL stuff. You might need (professional) help post-op if your break is surgically reduced. And a few old nurses tricks to keep your leg dry include the use of plastic garbage bags while'd be amazed how they can be secured to keep your leg dry or around your shoulders, at the sink, while washing your hair. Always have a nice towel handy if you are sitting in your w/c while eating or drinking--cover your lap first as spills from hot or cold drinks or crumbs from food can be problematic and annoying.



May 29, 2009
Hi Missy,

Hoping that your visit to HSS went well!
Sending you lots of healing dust.
You're a tough cookie - keep hanging in there!


Dec 9, 2013
Glad the trip is over and was not too terrible, Missy.

One of my "kids" [I host interns on my farm] was in an auto accident and compressed her ankle & leg with several breaks.
A year later she is starting to hike in the mountains again!
But the hardest part for her was being with family 24/7, being taken care of all the time, being away from her routines and not being able to do the things we all do to stay upbeat & centered in life. I'll bet it is very common to feel some depression with the situation.

Hang in there!
and keep writing to us - every detail - as you go through this ordeal!

here is some 19th century bling for you : ) lot-577-sapphire-and-diamond-necklace-late-19th-century.jpg


Jun 8, 2008
JewelFreak|1404127336|3703673 said:
Missy, I'm glad it's Monday & you see the surgeon today. Here's dust that he puts your worries to rest & can fix your leg up quickly. Once you get a start on things, I think many of your concerns will quiet down -- inaction breeds the bad thoughts.

I think you're cute in your photo! Even broken, I've wished all my life for legs like yours -- nice & slim! :cheeky: They'll be carrying you around sooner than you fear, I'm sure.

Once you get the pain under control, after surgery, I really think life will look brighter. Yes, you'll be stuck unable to do things you want -- not being able to exercise is a bummer but it's temporary -- and knowing your curious, intelligent self, you'll find ways to entertain yourself that may bring you a whole new side of life, who knows? I'm not being a Pollyanna -- so often events that feel like doom actually turn out to have a blingy lining!

We're waiting to hear how the appt. goes & sending the sparkliest dust to you!

--- Laurie

Thank you Laurie. I know you are not being a Pollyanna and I appreciate your upbeat post. It really helps. It has been a tough day. I held it together though so you would be proud of me. Didn't cry till I got home.

The orthopedic surgeon at HSS who I met with today and is doing my surgery next week did not sugar coat my injury or prognosis. I have a Pilon fracture and he said I will not be able to regain 100% of my function back. They will try to get me as close as possible but it is not possible to be the way I was before. No high impact like running etc but I should be able to cycle again. But I will be aware that something is not right with my ankle. I will feel it. One year after, 2 years after but it should get less painful with time. Right then I felt like crying when he said I won't be able to get my whole function back but I didn't. I listened and asked more questions and he did say that since I am so motivated and not a slug (his words not mine) like some of his patients I will do better than those who are not as motivated. Haha big endorsement. I'll do better than those who don't care and won't work at getting better.

Oh and how funny his name is Wellman. I cannot make this stuff up. Dr Wellman LOL. Well that's something. :cheeky:

I repeated all the tests I had done at the hospital in New Jersey unfortunately. CT scan, Chest x-ray, EKG, blood and urine tests and I am not done. I have to go back to see the medicalist (?) who will clear me for surgery. They could not fit me in today. What a PITA. Now my dh has to take off another day to take me all the way up there. Plus I am under very strict orders not to move except to go to the bathroom and now I have to go through that long trip again. Not happy about that. But I am looking forward to just getting this surgery over with so I can get the healing started. It's going to be a long haul and I am trying to remain upbeat. Depression wants to come in I can feel it but I am fighting it hard.

Oh and thank you for the pic comment haha. Here's one my dh took right before Dr Wellman came and saw me today. I hope Perry approves of this dress. This is more of a doctor visit dress don't you think? It's navy btw. Not sure the color shows up correctly.



Jun 8, 2008
moneymeister|1404137265|3703733 said:
You look cute in the photo..don't worry about the dress, it looks comfey for a broken leg. DH is pretty awesome to rig your wheelchair like that. I think it is great you can write about your feelings in a hard situation. I hope you get great news today. Healing dust sent.

Thank you moneymeister. I appreciate being able to share my feelings here. My dh is pretty awesome but I can see this is wearing him out. He has to go to work this week as many days as he can and I know he feels badly about leaving me alone but I know it cannot be helped. Writing about how I feel helps. I am scared and trying to stay brave. I hate hospitals so much and a bit terrified of having to stay there for 5 days (how long the surgeon estimates I will need to be there) and I always thought my dh would stay overnight with me. But when I asked him he said he would but then he wouldn't be able to get any sleep and I realized it's not fair for me to ask him to stay. I'm not a baby. But I am haha. So I have to suck it up and put on the big girl panties and just deal. I know he would stay but knowing how difficult it would be for him I just don't want him to now. So yeah,I am scared. And just waiting now to get this surgery done. Thank you for listening.


Jun 8, 2008
TooPatient|1404137767|3703739 said:
DH drank olive oil to get his digestion moving again. A fair amount (something like a cup).
He only did this after more than a week and nothing else working. Well.... it worked. It was very fast and very effective. He spent hours in the bathroom because he couldn't make it down the hall between the bed & bathroom fast enough.

Maybe in smaller doses it would keep things going without the extreme response?

The thing that got him was a pulmonary embolism. Thankfully, he survived! I don't know if there is a way to prevent it, but it was thanks to someone knowing the symptoms and getting him to the hospital (including arguing the paramedics who thought he looked fine!) that made the difference for him.

He said to also make sure you knew that the various medications with Ambien can cause hallucinations. Less scary if you know what is happening.

Do you have something you could do while sitting that would keep your mind occupied and let you feel like you are doing something? If you can't do your full job (DH said you'll likely be on so many medications for a couple of months that you really couldn't until at least then), could you do something like paperwork or file reviews & phoning patients?
Another thing to try might be volunteer work. Something like making blankets for the homeless or hats for cancer patients?

Thanks TooPatient. Olive oil. I will have to remember that and try some. The PA today recommended senna pills and prunes. Yummy. No I kid I really do like prunes but hope they don't cramp me too badly. No BM for a couple of days. So it may be olive oil here I come.

Not sure I will be able to do anything for a long while. I am under strict orders no moving except to go to the bathroom. He prescribed an anti-inflammatory shot every night I have to take in my stomach/side area because of potential blood clot formation since I am not moving. My dh will give it to me. Cannot wait. The fun keeps coming. :wink2:


Jun 7, 2014
Missy, Hoping your doctors appointment goes well today and he gives you some positive news to focus on. Please keep telling yourself that this bad situation is only temporary and everything is fixable. It breaks my heart that you're having to go thru all if this. Sending lots of dust your way and waiting for the update from today's doctor visit.

Sunsweet has prunes called orange essence that actually taste pretty good (and I don't like the taste of plain prunes).


Jun 8, 2008
stepcutnut|1404138703|3703746 said:
Missy-I am so sorry this happened to you!

I had a family member that had an accident in April. They ended up with a 'bad' grade 6 Tibia and Fibula fracture, one of the worst the surgeon has ever seen-he is one of only a handful of surgeons in the nation that it trained to handle trauma's of the nature. So, I know too well the road you will have ahead of you-hang in there!!!

Wishing you a full, speedy and uncomplicated recovery.

Hi Stepcutnut, thank you for your good wishes, I really appreciate that. I hope your family member is doing well now. What they went through sounds terrible. :((


Jun 8, 2008
tyty333|1404140462|3703756 said:
Thank heaven for parents right? So glad you got your hair washed. Dirty hair can really put a damper on a persons mood
(well, in my case). Just make you feel gross.

I hope you are able to get scheduled for surgery very soon and you are able to move forward with getting healthy again. I know its
a long road...but one day at a time.

Take care

Hi tyty, thanks and yes, that is so true. Problem is I feel the need to wash it every day so here I am again needing it washed. But I am going to wait till tomorrow and hopefully someone can help me. I think my parents are busy all week but maybe when my dh gets home from work tomorrow. Each day ahead feels like an eternity and not in a blissful sort of way. But one day at a time as you say and I will be OK. I have books, PS and movies. What's wrong with that? :))


Jun 8, 2008
canuk-gal|1404143715|3703774 said:
I see WM gave you good advice on the ADL stuff. You might need (professional) help post-op if your break is surgically reduced. And a few old nurses tricks to keep your leg dry include the use of plastic garbage bags while'd be amazed how they can be secured to keep your leg dry or around your shoulders, at the sink, while washing your hair. Always have a nice towel handy if you are sitting in your w/c while eating or drinking--cover your lap first as spills from hot or cold drinks or crumbs from food can be problematic and annoying.


Hi Sharon, thanks for the advice. We bought something that covers the leg while I shower that was very helpful when I took a shower at the beach house. Problem in NY is there is no room in the showers to sit down so not sure how I am going to do it because I can only stand on one leg for a minute or 2 without getting off balanced and very fatigued. Will keep all your recommendations in mind, thank you!


Jun 8, 2008
Smores84|1404149984|3703833 said:
Hi Missy,

Hoping that your visit to HSS went well!
Sending you lots of healing dust.
You're a tough cookie - keep hanging in there!

Thank you smores. Sometimes I'm tougher than other times. Feeling less so right now but working up to getting it back! Thanks for the healing dust!


Jun 8, 2008
Jimmianne|1404150027|3703835 said:
Glad the trip is over and was not too terrible, Missy.

One of my "kids" [I host interns on my farm] was in an auto accident and compressed her ankle & leg with several breaks.
A year later she is starting to hike in the mountains again!
But the hardest part for her was being with family 24/7, being taken care of all the time, being away from her routines and not being able to do the things we all do to stay upbeat & centered in life. I'll bet it is very common to feel some depression with the situation.

Hang in there!
and keep writing to us - every detail - as you go through this ordeal!

here is some 19th century bling for you : ) lot-577-sapphire-and-diamond-necklace-late-19th-century.jpg

Ooh, thank you for that beautiful bling Jimmianne! Pretty! :love:

That's good news about your intern. Glad she is back to hiking and such and thanks for sharing that with me. And yes I think depression is going to be one of the bigger challenges for me in this situation. I cannot do any of the things I love doing for a very long time and I am truly at the mercy of others to care for the most minute details to the larger tasks. Frustrating. Even something like getting a cup of coffee first thing in the AM is something I have to wait for my dh to do for me. :cry:


Jun 8, 2008
Calliecake|1404154337|3703879 said:
Missy, Hoping your doctors appointment goes well today and he gives you some positive news to focus on. Please keep telling yourself that this bad situation is only temporary and everything is fixable. It breaks my heart that you're having to go thru all if this. Sending lots of dust your way and waiting for the update from today's doctor visit.

Sunsweet has prunes called orange essence that actually taste pretty good (and I don't like the taste of plain prunes).

Thank you Callie. I keep telling myself to stay strong and brave and not be such a baby but that lasts for a short time and then I start thinking about it all and start crying again. I feel weak and pathetic and I know that is self defeating but it is so hard to force myself to feel differently when I know what is ahead and also am dealing with the pain and inability to do almost anything/everything by myself. It's just so overwhelming. Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulder. I know you are right. It is only temporary. I will get through this. And I will be A-OK.

And thanks for that prune rec. I will try it as soon as I feel it is OK to ask my dh to do yet another thing for me. So frustrating. Cannot even go to the market down the block.
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