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Apr 28, 2006
I only have one photo, for now, as this was taken by someone at work, my daughter''s camera isn''t working and fiance has the other camera at work in NC this week.

~~It's gorgeous!!! Is it in the Ritani Endless Love setting?? Whatever it is, it's stunning...I'd love to see more pics!!!!

~ETA: Any specs??
Holy Toledo! That diamond looks huge!
What a spectacular ring!
It's tremendous!!!!!

More pictures puhleez!
Yes, this is a Ritani Endless Love setting, 1.76 ct, D SI1.

I''ve been engaged almost 2 years. When we were first engaged, my mail Jeep''s transmission died, and so the ring fund went to replacing that. We had a ring made of pawnshop stones and 2 of my grandmother''s broken rings. E2 was a fluke, I was browsing Ebay, and told FH how perfect this is, and maybe something like this for our 10th? Well, it didn''t get any bids, and the seller graciously sent me a buy it now offer...and FH said to go for it.
OH MY!!! It''s stunning! I wonder if that''s an antique cut marquise???

Can''t wait for about a million more pictures!!!!

Ooooh, I love it! I can''t wait to see more pics!!!!
Widget, it could very well be? The seller mentioned her mom got the stone as a pendant in the 1950s....she then got it a few years ago, had it mounted in a solitare ring, and now this...where could I go to find out more about this stone?
Oh, my finger size is 6.25, so I did not need to size this...
FH promised more pics this weekend, (he is only home every 2 weeks right now) I hope he stick to that!
Date: 9/21/2006 8:35:19 PM
Author: reader
Widget, it could very well be? The seller mentioned her mom got the stone as a pendant in the 1950s....she then got it a few years ago, had it mounted in a solitare ring, and now this...where could I go to find out more about this stone?
I''d probably start a new thread in RockyTalk asking in the title "is this an old cut marquise?"...or something like that. It would probably be best if you wait until you have more pictures.

I''m no expert, but your stone sort of reminded me the this one (below), which is in the clasp of a c. 1910 bracelet. Don''t you think they''re sort of similar?''s just lovely. Really looking forward to more pictures!


Very similar! This one has a bit less of a culet appearance...I do have the photos from the Ebay auction...
This is my original e-ring btw...

original e-ring.jpg
Very very pretty. I usually don''t like MQ. But this one is stunning.
To tell the truth, I don''t either! I was daydreaming over a 2.0 ct J colored oval on Whiteflash, and started Ebaying for the heck of it.

You must get more pictures of that stunningly beautiful stone and ring IMMEDIATELY! I can''t wait a moment longer!!!!! Truly gorgeous. That stone looks FABULOUS and the perfection on that setting....I am lustfully drooling right now!!!!!!!


Tell us everything you know about it!!!!!!
About the best I can do is snag a photo from the auction. The one photo I have was taken by a supervisor at work who wasn''t supposed to use the camera for anything but work. He kindly slipped outside and took one shot at sunset (that''s why its so yellow looking) and ran back inside. Measurements are 12.55 x 6.22.x 4.14mm...I think that''s probably a bit off for its weight, I have no idea where to check cut proportions for this shape. The seller is the best---she sent at 346 pm on Friday and my buddy brought it out to me on the route at a bit before 1 pm.

None of us at work have seen a stone this big up close before, one girl has a one carat princess, but its really yellow in comparison. Only a few people know I have it....
I love it
It''s absolutely beautiful. Please post more pics
It''s beautiful! I love the setting, and I''m starting to really like marquise!
This is the shot I snagged from the auction.

Reader, your ring is stunning!
I can''t wait to see more pictures, especially hand shots!
Beyond gorgeous!! What a fantastic ring! :)
As long as you guys don''t mind bitten nails, lol...if I get tomorrow off, I''ll try to get my nails done...hummm....I wonder if Wal-mart could snap a few pics and put on a disk? Hadn''t thought about that until now..
How very delicate yet simple! It''s beautiful!
wow that is fantastic!

IT is a beautiful ring, and I KNEW that a dela could be had on EBAY you just have to scour and find it!!!

yeah for you!!!!

DO you mind sharing how much it was? SO i can gage if I will ever be able to get one too!!

oh and can''t wait for more pics!!
$3,050 with shipping. That''s why my FH said to do it now.
Next, hopefully some earrings?
~~I love that pic!! It''s so pretty!!
I love this ring! Ritani really does a nice job with halos, they are delicate, but add something to the stone.
Now THAT is a super dealio!!
I love that you got such a super deal. I agree with Widget, it looks like an older-cut marquise.

You rarely see marquise cuts on PS, but I really like them. They face up so large for their carat weight. And in such an awesome setting, you couldn''t go wrong.

I''m like that too. I think I want a certain diamond shape (I''m a fancy cut lover too), but then I see a completely different shape that takes my breath away.

Good for you!!
Awesome awesome deal! I was watching that ring, but her asking price was a bit high so I didn't bid. I'm glad she offered you a much lower price!

I have a question tho... she had it listed as a different color and clarity grade in the auction. Did she find an appraisal or something that indicated it was a D/SI?
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