
New Steven Kirsch Creation!


Jul 13, 2011
Because I've received so many great tips from others on this forum, I decided I had to give back and let everyone know about my new setting created for me by the great Steven Kirsch.

First of all, Steven was truly a pleasure to work with. He was professional, knowledgeable, and of course, quite charming! I went in looking for a halo for my round 1.56carat diamond similar to what others have had done on this forum. When I actually went a second time to drop off my ring, I had changed my mind and wanted a more complicated design. I discussed my changes with Steven, who instead of getting annoyed by my changes, was very excited about them! For about an hour, we discussed in detail exactly what he could do. Basically, I asked for petals (made of marquis diamonds) to be incorporated into the design and that would visible from the side. Steven went one step further and said he would outline the marquis petals with melee!

The final product is a work of art--it is so perfect!

I would highly recommend Steven Kirsch to anyone looking for something that only an artist and master craftsman can create!




I love the petal design :)
Absolutely beautiful! Very unique with the petal design...really sets it apart from other round halo designs. Drooling! :appl:
All I can say is...WOW!!!
Wow I love the changes! So pretty! :appl:
Stunning! :appl:
Very pretty, it reminds me if the Novori Tulip settings, only more intricate.
Amazing!! :love:
beautiful! looking forward to more closeups and hand shots !
OMG! Your ring is gorgeous! I love that it is so origianl. It is a piece of art! WOW!
I'm amazed by this ring! I love how it combines a perfectly executed traditional halo and then adds such a lovely surprise flourish! I wonder how this setting would look with different cuts...somehow I doubt the effect would be as elegant, but I'd be curious to see it with a cushion or emerald. Can't wait to see hand shots.
Wow, what a gorgeous halo! Love the petals.
I am totally in love with your ring!!! :love: I have never, ever, EVER seen such a design before! It looks so romantic and beautiful, almost out of this world! Do share more pictures with us!
You have a gorgeous and unique ring. :love:
Wow! It's gorgeous! Can we get some handshots???
I like seeing whatever he makes because I'm thinking of using him in the future and so far, everything he's made has looked perfect. Your new ring is absolutely lovely. Do you know the size of the stones in your halo and shank?
Way cool! I would love to see some real life shots, and some hand shots! Your photos are great but I have an idea that they are not doing
this beauty justice! What a great design! :love: :love: :love:
So pretty and I adore the setting! We'd love to see some pictures that you've taken yourself and handshots.
Your ring is simply exquisite!!!
Absolutely amazing! I can't believe how delicate of halo he made around the marquise. Simply amazing. Wear it in good health!
WOW!!!! That ring is amazing. I can't wait to see more close up pics and hand shots when you get it. Congrats :appl: :appl: :appl:
My jaw just dropped!! What an incredible ring!!! I can't wait to see more photos :love: It's like nothing I've ever seen before...
Wow that is stunning! I love the petal design :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Gorgeous :love: cant wait for handshots!
I can't imagine a more beautiful halo design! It's remarkable!! :love:
how unique and beautiful~~ :appl:
That is beautiful! The marquises are a lovely touch, what a fantastic idea - and the execution is fabulous :appl: :love:

I'll be waiting for your handshots!
wow, simply stunning!!1
Congratulations! Very beautiful ring with the marquise petals underneath :love: :love: !