
New FCD purchase


Jan 4, 2008
I received 2 new addiions to my fancy colored diamond collection today. I'm sorry the picture is not the best. These stones really are a perfect pair. One stone is fancy light greyish blue and the other is fancy brownish purple pink.They are pretty tiny at 0.13 ct each, but they have great sparkle. Any suggestions as to what I should do with them? I was thinking maybe earrings.

pink and blue new.JPG
susiegrneyes|1328057461|3115986 said:
I received 2 new addiions to my fancy colored diamond collection today. I'm sorry the picture is not the best. These stones really are a perfect pair. One stone is fancy light greyish blue and the other is fancy brownish purple pink.They are pretty tiny at 0.13 ct each, but they have great sparkle. Any suggestions as to what I should do with them? I was thinking maybe earrings.

Maybe a bypass ring. I wouldn't do earrings as the color is a bit delicate on each one, but next to each other, it's more apparent, and I think they would compliment each other. :))
Thank you for the suggestion TL. Great idea.
Any other FCD's you may own? What about a 3 stone pendant? either vertical or horizontal with the marquises on the ends (or top and bottom) and another FCD (or white...) stone in the centre?

I agree with TL that the contrast is best noted together rather than apart, as in earrings.

They are beautiful stones :appl:
and another vote for a bypass ring....
create something unique.....

i love them both. nice purchase!
Here's a picture of a simple marquise bypass:

I think a pendant like this, but with your marquise diamonds, would look great. The white diamond halos would make the colors pop:


I'm just so happy that there are more FCD people with items I can drool over! I like the bypass ring idea more than a pendant or earring. The size and colour suits the ring more than the other two options I think.
Very cool.
Do you have plans to set others in your collection?

I really like those multi FCD rings.
Maybe you can set them all in one piece. :naughty:
Enerchi said:
Any other FCD's you may own? What about a 3 stone pendant? either vertical or horizontal with the marquises on the ends (or top and bottom) and another FCD (or white...) stone in the centre?

I do have several others. The rest of my collection is pictured below.

pregcurious- I love the pendant you posted, but I wonder if these stones would be too small. They are only 4.7x2.6mm

Kenny- as for the rest of my collection- I was planning on a pendant based on the Tiffany swing drop pendant

sparkly things.JPG

No question that they'll be great in a bypass ring!
Oooh...I'm missing all the fun. Lovely acquisitions there Susie so I went and had a quick look and wondered if any of these had any appeal...

On the other hand...perhaps this is too casual?

Okay some serious ones...I saw the yellow and white first posted so here's a ruby version with a few melee...

Last one...what about replacing a couple of the leaves with the 2 marquise?




Thanks for all the great suggestions Starzin.

I like the 4th one you posted the most. I tend to like more modern sleek designs. The first one I posted below has the same sort of feel. The second one has the halo effect to emphasize the color of the stones.


bypass leaves.jpg
I think I was in a bit of a silly mood last night it was so late when I posted, apologies.

Looking at the two examples you've given I definitely prefer the bezel to the halo or prongs. I think it's mainly the prong settings that put me off bypass rings.

I really think that last little 4leaf design could be a wonderful inspiration in the hands of someone like Adzia on Etsy if you were looking to keep the cost of the setting down. Bulking it up a little and making the shank much nicer would do wonders for it in the hands of any jewellery artisan.

What is your ring size and what metal do you prefer?

Here's two more - the gold bypass has the diamonds set at a slightly different angle and the band has an interesting arrangement I really like. You could look at setting just one of the diamond areas.


No setting advice but they are very lovely. Very fiery and unusual. Congrats on your find!
Actually thinking a bit more about Adzia and leaf inspiration, you might consider adapting a portion of her leaf ring and putting it on a plain band - minus the milgrain and just bezeling the diamonds.

Or take the bottom 3 leaves and put a small round bezelled diamond there...the idea I'm trying to put across is flowing the two marquise in the same direction on a band but offset.

Or even like this one on JBEG - again minus the milgrain. You can get a better idea of how it would look on a plain band, offset leaves or not.




susiegrneyes|1328145244|3116866 said:
Thanks for all the great suggestions Starzin.

I like the 4th one you posted the most. I tend to like more modern sleek designs. The first one I posted below has the same sort of feel. The second one has the halo effect to emphasize the color of the stones.

I love the bypass leaves! The halos really help with the color, and are perfect for those sized stones!
Have you had a chance to update the group shot with the 2 new additions? I'd love to see more pics :love: :naughty: :love: :naughty:
Starzin- I wear a 6 and I prefer platinum or white gold. I really like the petal shank setting you posted. I wish I could find 2 more to match and I would reset one of my white diamonds like that.

LisaRN- thank you.

Anonymous- Here was my best attempt this evening at a group shot.

complete collection9.JPG
Very beautiful collection. :love:
I hope you don't mind that I brightened up the pic a bit and tried to make the white card look closer to white, well, neutral gray actually.
(It still looks a little rosey on the bottom and a little violet on the top.)

Photographing FCDs is a real pain especially trying to get several FCDs of different colors to look true in the same pic.

Kenny- I don't mind at all. I haven't managed to get a decent picture under artificial lighting. Without the flash it was too dark. With a flash, the colors were a bit washed out. I admire your ability to get great shots of you FCDs. Maybe if I get some sunshine here tommorrow I can get a more representative shot.

Well done Kenny! :appl: Susie your flash photo also shows us the blue more clearly so well done too :))

Yes I think that petal side on the JBEG is so lovely - it would work all ways...CS centre/dia sides...or dia centre/cs or dia sides...just up to imagination really and it's very dainty-fying ( :eek: ) for a large centre stone.

Now to the task at hand. I did a bit more Googling last night and saw something which lead me to an old thread of TL's :eek: which had this little number in it. This would be really nice with your two marquise diamonds in WG. Pink on the inside where the green is I think and the blue where the yellow is.

What do you think? And guess's apparently a Stuller setting or was around 2 years ago.

Did you ever do anything with those two gems TL?

ETA: Well I went to see if it is still available and yes it is and I found these as well

Since I have no experience of Stuller or even know what sort of price range they are it might be better if you looked to see if there is anything I missed that you like. ring&page=1

The bad news is there are a LOT of settings for multiple gems for gemaholics - check page four for this and two others in the bottom row of that page :naughty:




Great pics! I love seeing group shots of multicolored diamonds. Yours look amazing together. Thank you for sharing.
I found a third diamond to make it a trio. What do you think of using them in a ring like this? (Excuse the cotton ball)

trio of marquise.JPG
YES. I think those three would be amazing together in a ring.
That's a lovely trio of FCDs. :lickout:
:cheeky: :love: :cheeky: :love: :lickout:

I would set them all vertically (N-S), with the yellow in the middle and the other two set slightly higher and lower than the center stone. Maybe have them even on a slight diagonal angle.

Kind of like this, but in a more delicate and refined setting, but you get the idea of the placement.

Thank you for the compliments Kenny and distracts

TL- I'm not sure the sizes are different enough for that arrangement. He's a picture of them together lengthwise to give you a better idea.

Something about the N-S center stone and E-W side stones really speaks to me, but I know that it's not pratical to set them that way due to the curved nature of a ring.

marquise trio 2.JPG
Beautiful set susigreeneyes! Love the addition of the new yellow marquise - gorgeous combination and love the sizing of all the stones. That 3 stone will be a knockout!
I really liked you tiffany swing pendant idea. Could you hang the three N-S with small round diamonds between?