
New AGS 0 Princess grading - any stones available yet?

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May 24, 2005
Hi everyone..

Long-time lurker, first time poster :)

I have been reading with much interest the threads about the new AGS 0 grading for Princess stones..

Can anyone tell me whether any of these stones have made it to market yet? And if so where I can find them?!

I followed a few links from the "stones for sale" section of the Infinity website to their dealers, however none of their online listings contained any of these Infinity Princess stones.

Any help GREATLY appreciated! Or if any of the online retailers who frequent this forum are planning on obtaining any of the new AGS 0 Princess stones in the next few months could let me know that would be great too!

Thanks heaps.
An email or a PM to these dealers, who are Pricescope regulars, will certainly help
Date: 5/25/2005 12:44:19 AM
I have been reading with much interest the threads about the new AGS 0 grading for Princess stones..

Can anyone tell me whether any of these stones have made it to market yet? And if so where I can find them?!

I followed a few links from the ''stones for sale'' section of the Infinity website to their dealers, however none of their online listings contained any of these Infinity Princess stones.
Hi Penny,

As far as our AGS-0 princess-cuts are concerned, they are definitely available with our dealers, although we did not produce a lot of them yet.

If you contact any of the dealers, they can certainly help you, since we also try to keep them abreast on the stones still in production. Unfortunately, I have the impression that they are a bit overwhelmed by the reaction to the first stones, and they do not have the time to put the details online.

Now, that is as far as our stones are concerned. There are probably other cutters who are also producing AGS-0 princess-cuts right now. I have no idea who they are, however, and where you can find them.

Live long,
Pennells, I'm currently working with a dealer to get one for myself. I just contacted a dealer and am currently waiting for the grade to return so I can make a decision from there. I think that's all you can really do right now.

I also know a local dealer that says they can get one for me as well. Their price seems a bit high so I'm waiting on the Infinity cut diamond to come back. Bad thing for me is I'm on a time crunch for an engagement ring. I might just have to go with the local place that has the tad higher price. We'll see.

Come on AGS!! Grade that stone! ;-)

Good luck!
Thanks guys for your responses :)

Luckily I''m still a few months away from actually purchasing... or maybe I should say unluckily - I don''t know if I can wait that long!!!

I will contact the dealers of the Inifinities as you have suggested :) But if anyone becomes aware of other AGS 0 Princesses becoming available I would greatly appreciate you letting me know!

Thanks again,
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