
Never Forget!!!!!!!!!!!! 9/11


Aug 4, 2008
The day the Eagle cried


The day the evil hit us square in the face.

They ran in not away

The buildings are falling
The buildings fell.

But the flag rose
The dead cried out for justice

God Bless the U.S.A


The Memorial Stone at the Flt 93 crash site in Shanksville, PA reads:
LETS ROLL- Those gallant passengers and flight crew members of United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001,
defeated the coward terrorist hijackers and their intended purpose. -
Blessed are the peacemakers...
for their heroism has allowed freedom to go on ringing. WE HONOR YOU

Bless and comfort the families affected by the September 11th attacks.
Keep them safe and hold them in your loving arms.
Let them know that we are thinking of them this day.

Lord I ask your protection for those fighting terrorism all over the world.
Guard them and protect them and keep them safe.

Lord please bless the U.S.A and keep her safe.

In Jesus’ name
Huge ****hugs**** to my Pricescope friends and family!
May you find comfort on this day that we will never forget.
Take the time to hold your family close.
Take the time to help someone.
Take the time to feel sorrow.
Take the time to thank the hero in your life.

but most of all....
Never Forget!!!!

Thank you for posting this again. It is a beautiful tribute and I appreciate the opportunity to see it and read it again.

As has become our family tradition, we will take a moment of silence tomorrow and make time in our day to watch a couple of great movies remembering the events: World Trade Center and Flight 93

We will never forget.
I knew I would find this tribute again today, but I wasn't sure whether it would be up at 3 AM when I happened to get up for the dog. I suspected that you would put it up at midnight, though, Karl. Thank you, my friend, You never forget to honor the fallen and the brave who helped those in need.I add my prayers.

Thank you for starting this thread again Karl. September 11th, 2001 is a day and a time I will never forget. 14 years ago yet it is burned in my memory like it just happened. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families who lost loved ones because of the evil that happened that day. And hugs to my PS friends and family.
As always, a heartfelt thank you Karl for this touching memorial.

We will never forget.
Thank you for posting this Karl.

If it wasn't for this post Karl I would not have realized it's 9/11 as early as I did.
What a horrible day 9/11 was, I absolutely do not dispute that. Let us also not forget how this impacted the world, not just the victims in New York.


Thanks for posting this. I will never forget.
Started today as I have for 3 years now. Asking "A" what happened on this day. How many buildings were hit? What buildings were hit? How many buildings collapsed? How many airplanes were hijacked? What happened on the 4th plane?

We will never forget. We will raise "A" to never forget.
I will never forget the smell of burnt jet fuel and rotting human flesh that lingered over lower Manhattan for months....
I was right there that day and like lioness wrote it is burned in my memory. Everything about that day and the days, weeks and months and yes even years that followed. The weeks and months after were a surreal nightmare. I will never forget the pure evil that caused this horrific tragedy. The loss of so many innocent lives that day and then the loss of people suffering from the aftereffects in the years that followed. The first responders and others who sacrificed their futures to help and then suffered the consequences. No, I can never forget.
missy|1441982308|3926560 said:
I was right there that day and like lioness wrote it is burned in my memory. Everything about that day and the days, weeks and months and yes even years that followed. The weeks and months after were a surreal nightmare.

Thank you for posting a part of your story, missy. I wasn't going to post any of mine (yet again), but not forgetting means telling our stories to others (like A), doesn't it?

I was not there. Nor was my husband. But my husband not being there was a fluke. His office was not in one of the towers and so he probably would not have been killed that day (although one never knows), but his office was then very close to the towers. He happened to be in rural Massachusetts for a one-day off-site conference with other bankers-in seclusion-that day. I saw what had happened while using the computer and posting to another diamond group. One vendor from Mexico who was also a pilot immediately knew the significance of a plane hitting the first tower, even before all the news media did. I ran to the television and it was I who broke the news to the people at my husband's conference in Massachusetts. Many of the men were from the same bank where my husband worked. One lived in New Jersey and we didn't know if he would be able to get home to his family that night since so many bridges were closed (all the ones between Manhattan and Connecticut). We offered him a guest room for the night. But all he wanted was a clean shirt. Like my husband, he was desperate to get in to his office. (And, like my husband's office, his was off limits-guarded by the National Guard, waist deep in dust and rubbish. My husband sneaked in anyway on the first day he was able to get into Manhattan.)

My daughter was in elementary school. Miraculously, no parents of children from her school were killed. Almost all fathers and some mothers from the town commute to New York city to work and our town lost many people that day. But not all parents were accounted for that day or even the next. Cell phone service was down. Bridges were down. People were walking, not taking trains or cars. It was unreal.

The patriotic aftermath in which we helped each other now seems unreal, too. I wish we could return to that feeling. It was not xenophobic-at least as I remember it-but pro-neighbor.

I had forgotten it was today but I will never forget that it happened. Thank you, Karl.
Thank you for posting this beautiful tribute. I think all of us remember that day and the days that followed as if it were yesterday. Thank you for sharing your stories Missy and Deb. We all should also remember how everyone came together during this time. We were all Americans and it didn't matter what race or religion you were. We were all family and did what we could to help those struggling.
I plan on doing a couple random acts of kindness today.
Always in our hearts...
Thank you Karl for this touching tribute. We will never forget.

Missing my friends Doug Cherry and Ted Luckett.
Thank you for posting this tribute Storm. It was a day I will never forget.
Thanks Karl.

I took my parents over to the Bush Library in Dallas this February and there's quite a large part dedicated to this day. There were videos playing over and over and I had to walk away. I think some of the volunteers feel the same way. There weren't very many in that part.