
Need opinions on Whiteflash pendant

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Mar 16, 2005
Okay, so for my 5 year anniversary, the plan was to reset my current ering (1ct. princess) into a three stone setting. Thanks to Rainydaze, I found the perfect Ritani setting at my local jewelers that I have been using for many years. The jeweler said I could trade in my current pendant and it will basically be an even exchange (maybe will cost $50 - $100). Well, I have absolutely no problem with that what-so-ever....the pendant, while gorgeous was never going to be my final pendant. I was going to upgrade quality anyway. So, since I have money set aside that I am not going to use for the reset, I thought I would go for one of the beautiful Whiteflash pendants I have been seeing on here. The problem is, I love the 4 prong "floating look" and 3 prong martini set pendants equally. I think they are both beautiful and just can''t make up my mind. My max budget for this project is $2500. Any opinions or feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, can anyone tell me what Whiteflash''s upgrade policy is on their pendants? So, if I go for a .75 pendant and decide next year to go up to the 1 ct., can I just send it back and pay the difference or do I have to spend a certain percentage like a lot of stores?
Thanks a bunch:)


Jan 13, 2006
I'm affraid I can't tell you which one to get, that's such a personal choice. If nothing else, there's always eeny meeny miney mo.

What I can tell you is, if you purcahase an ES or ACA, they are both upgradable and you don't have to spend a certain amount. The one thing you should know though, is the next size you upgrade to may not fit in the same setting. So that's something to consider and talk to them about.

Good luck!


Apr 9, 2007
hi steph--great plan! Gotta love those 2 for 1 deals when they come along! (What''s better than one new piece of jewelry? Two!)
I also was torn b/t the 3 and 4 prong pendants. I decided to go with the 3 prong and I really love it. I think I would have loved the 4 prong too, but the 3 prong matched my earrings, so that swayed me the tiny bit I needed to be swayed.

And my stone is .75 too--like what you''re considering. It''s a great size for the 3 prong pendant. I didn''t have WF make mine, but a local jeweler did and it looks just like the WF one (although I will always believe the WF one would have been even prettier...).

I think if you pick an ACA or ES stone from WF, you can upgrade it later. Just give them a call or send an email. They''ll be happy to help. Good luck!


Mar 16, 2005
4,212 your pendant! That is the one that got me thinking about the martini setting in the first place. I think the .75 looks great in this style pendant. My current pendant is a .97, but it is not ideal cut, so I''m thinking with the better cut it will look great at that size. Thanks for the opinion!


May 1, 2007
ha! steph, this is too funny...... i sent my DH a link to two diamonds and the bezel pendent setting from WF yesterday....... the difference in price between the memoire eternity i was planning on getting and the bands i am now looking at leaves room for another treat if he so cares to surprise me!!! boy, are we ever on the same wavelength!!!!

if i wanted prong instead of bezel i don''t know which i would pick. they are both SO pretty. i wonder if the four prong offers any more security for the diamond, or if one has more tendancy to flip than the other? then again, in the size diamond you are looking at, it might be heavy enough to negate the flipping issue? are you planning to wear it every day, or is it a special occasion piece? either one would be gorgeous, i can''t wait to see what you decide!!!


Apr 9, 2007
what a nice thing to say! thanks. I have worn this pendant every day since I got it. I even slept in it the first night but decided that wasn''t a good idea!

I know you''ll love whichever you pick -- the 3 or the 4 prong. My jeweler said he actually thought the 3 prong would flip less--not sure why. It is sometimes a little flipped/pointed down towards my skin, but it''s easy to correct. I can''t wait to see what you end up with. WF always makes the most beautiful stuff!
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