
need help on hard decision

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Nov 19, 2004
Hi everyone! I found a diamond that I believe to be "THE ONE" that I want. It''s pretty much exactly what I was looking for. Here are the specs:

Princess Cut
1.01 Carat
I Color
Depth: 70
Table: 67
Girdle: Medium to Slightly Thick
Cullet: none
Polish: Good
Symmetry: Excellent
Measurements: 5.57 x 5.57 x 3.90
Crown Height: 10.1
Crown Angle: 41.6
Pavillion Angle: 59.2
Pavillion Depth: 57.2
Girdle Thickness: 2.6

After spending over a month on here learning as much as possible, I know that this is a real beauty (correct me if I''m wrong), but the problem lies within price. My original budget for a diamond and setting combined was a total of $3200 - $3300. After being on here for awhile I''ve become somewhat of a diamond snob and only want "the best", so I would even consider going a little over that price if I came across that perfect diamond. This diamond is selling for $3766 and the setting I want is $475. That brings the total to $4241. I feel like I have to pass on it because of the price, but my other option doesn''t sound AS nice and yes it''s cheaper, but is it worth saving the money if the stone isn''t anywhere near as nice?

The other diamond that I have to consider, just because I feel the first one is out of my league is as follows:

Princess Cut
.98 Carat
I color
Depth: 74.8
Table: 70
Girdle: Medium to Slightly Thick
Cullet: None
Polish: Good
Symmetry: Excellent
Measurements: 5.47 x 5.32 x 3.98

And that''s all I have at this point. It will be about $3,100 for just the diamond. After running the DIY Cut Grading on, I know that every aspect of the first diamond is a "1A"... This second diamond, minus the Crown Height information, is all 1A''s except the table which is a 1B. Even if the crown ends up being a 2A, it will still be considered a 1B...

Is there that much difference between an Ideal Cut and a Premier Cut that an average joe would be able to tell? I would like to save the money, but don''t want to end up with so much less just to save about $700.

Any advice, PLEASE? Is the first one definitely worth $700 more (keep in mind that''s not just $700... that $700 that I really don''t have, but know that my girl is worth it)

I just want some input please from all of you experts that have already helped me out so much along the way up to this decision.

number 1 is far superior--why dont you set it in white gold to save --for now--700 seems like not a lot but it is ...i dont know what to say but i understand your dilemma
I like #1 a lot....i ditto about a plain temp setting.

Keep in mind that IA and IB, etc doesn't mean squat unless the depth and table and crown and pavillion angles "work together"
do you have, or can you get scope images of these diamonds? or have you seen them? #1 has better #''s, but that''s no guarantee...
I will work on getting a sarin on #2 and get idealscope images for both of them and get back as soon as possible... thank you though for you opinions and anymore that you want to send my way, they are all appreciated!
I think I''m just going to get the "cheapest" solitaire in white gold possible from WhiteFlash... that''s who I''m buying from. If I can get the setting for $134... that leaves me right at $3,900... I think I would have to go with that and just deal with the fact that I spent more money than I wanted to... What do you think?
you can always upgrade the setting--get a diamond you feel in love with---she will notice the diamond more than the setting anyway
Even though there is no idealscope image yet on the first one, I really need some people to reassure me that I made the right decision!

I went ahead with the first one and got the simplest white gold solitaire that Whiteflash made for a princess cut. Of course, I will still get to see the idealscope image before I commit 100%, but in my mind, I''ve pretty much already commited to this one. I''ve got the ball rolling and they are bringing it in for me. The total cost came to $3,900.00 exactly. Please tell me I got a great deal and that the extra $700 over my budget was way worth it. This is the biggest purchase I have ever made, and after months of looking... now that I''ve actually decided (pending the idealscope comes back good) on this one and actually determinded that I''m spending $3900, my stomach is churning and is in my throat right now. I really just need some good reassurance, PLEASE!
look it sounds like you looked enough to know what to buy--the stone looks fabulous on paper...its a ton of money yes but is 700 going to bankrupt you? if so DO NOT do it. If it is just a stretch for now.............. 700 is nt a lot to get the one your gut is pushing you toward--it sounds great!
Actually my advice to you would have been to keep looking and drop your clarity into an SI1 range to get the diamond down in price. Since you''ve decided to go with the first stone, I think you will be very pleased with it. You can always upgrade the setting later so going with the cheapest one available was a smart move. I would much rather put more money towards the diamond than the setting. Perhaps that will be a nice anniversary gift in a few years to let her choose a more elaborate setting.

Relax, it sounds like you''ll be getting a beautiful diamond and if you aren''t pleased you can always return it. Have fun with it and congratulations.
Hello. I am mainly a lurker around here, but I just had to assure you that (in my opinion) you went with the best bet. If you had gone with the "lesser" diamond you would be kicking yourself about that too. $700 is alot of money, but if you feel she is worth it (and obviously she is or you wouldn''t be asking her to marry you!
) then your decision is fine. Get a nicer setting as an anniversary gift if you want to upgrade later.
I think it is perfectly normal to be a little crazy feeling after putting so much money into one thing! Your intended is going to love it and she will be honored to know how much time, effort and thought you put in to it. Relax and''s going to be fine.

Hope that helps!!
wow, you''ve come a long way. i''m very glad we were able to talk you out of spending your hard-earned cash on that ebay horror show! your girl is going to flip for that stone.
when will you propose?
There has to be something very nice for the money.

It may feel that making a serious effort would make the ring special, but this doesn't need to be so. No jewel will beat the moment, ever !

Anyway, you must have noticed all those PS threads full to the brink with diamond alternatives. Here's one LINK and another (looking for a princess cut between 5 and 5.5mm square).
Date: 12/17/2004 1
4:36 PM
Author: reena

when will you propose?
New Years Eve... I know this is Rocky Talky and not Proposal Ideas, but since you ask Reena, I have to tell.

We are going to Chicago Dec. 30th through Jan. 2 (neither of us have been there).

New Years Eve, we have reservations at the Chop House (considered by some reviews one of the best steakhouses in America) that night. We are planning on going to see the fireworks at midnight, so after dinner we''ll have a little time. I''m going to suggest that we take a carriage ride... "something I''ve always wanted to do, but never wanted to do it in Nashville" (that''s where I live... why take a carriage ride around your own town?) On the carriage ride, I will have this bracelet that she has ALWAYS wanted wrapped up in the smallest package possible. I''ll attach an image of the bracelet below, but it''s got a locket that looks like an envelope and you can open it up and put little engraved messages inside. I got her that with an engraving that asks, "Will You Marry Me???". So I''m gonna pull this present out, wrapped in the smallest package possible, in Christmas wrapping paper, and tell her, "I wanted to give this to you at Christmas, but it didn''t come in till a couple days ago." She is going to completely think it''s a ring and get all excited and when she opens it up, she won''t know how to feel... it''s something she''s always wanted, but not the ring that she was expecting. She''ll put the bracelet on, open the locket, pull out the engraving, and I''ll pull the ring out of my pocket and get down on one knee and ask her then, right as she reads, "Will You Marry Me???"

Sound good?

That''s the easiest part... asking her parents for their blessing in the next week is gonna scare the (fill in the blank) out of me. It would be different if we have been dating for a year or so, but it''s only been 4 months, but we have both talked about it and are ready to commit. Her parents love me and I''m sure expect that we''ll get engaged someday, I''m just afraid of what they''ll think since it''s only been 4 months!

Anyway, thanks to all of you that helped me throughout this whole process of me looking for a ring. I AM SO GLAD I DIDN''T GO WITH EBAY!!!!!

Wish me luck with it all... especially her parents!

The Bracelet:

I''m getting her the mesh one, but posted the other one cause it shows how the engraving fits into the locket!
Ok, it showed an error when I tried to upload it. I''m gonna upload them in another reply and see if that works...
It sounds like a great plan and a very sweet proposal. I''d love to get the full story and pictures when you get back from your trip.

If you don''t mind me asking, how old is your sweetie? Does she still live at home with her parents? I''m just trying to put myself in their place if it were my daughter. At least they''ll know you only have the best intentions since you are offering a proposal of marriage. If they have doubts, perhaps you can reassure them with a longer engagement of 6 months or more? Just a thought.

Best wishes to you both!!
She is 25.

She lived on her own while she was in college, but now lives for free in an apartment that her Dad built off of their house. So technically she lives at home, but technically she lives on her own!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is such a sweet and wonderful proposal idea. congratulations!!!!
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