
Need help finding my Cushion Diamond


Jul 3, 2016
Hi Pricescopers

I've been lurking through the forum for the past month and educating myself about diamonds before I went ahead with the big decision. All I can say it's been a very educational experience and i've become more picky about my choice which isn't a bad thing :wall:

Alright let's get down to business - my girlfriend has hinted that she wanted a cushion cut with the following specs:

Shape - Cushion
Colour - G or better
Clarity - SI1(If eye cleaned)
Carat - 1.6-1.8
Ratio - Squared/Rectangular
Max $ - 11,000

One of my local jeweler sent me a cushion cut that they claimed had a lot of brilliance however they only had one image and I'm currently seeing if they have other images I could look at. Unfortunately they didn't had any ASET imagery for me to look at. (Note: I'm in Australia so the price below is quoted in AUD)
GIA: 5172588941

If the wonderful community here could provide any other recommendations or feedback for my cushion cut hunt I would really appreciate it. I still have quite some time left about 2~3 months so timing isn't a huge issue yet.
That has a high probability of being a very nice stone, actually. It's DEFINITELY worth investing.

I'll post some options for you.

FYI: I am ignoring your 1.6 as a floor. With cushions a 1.5 could EASILY be larger than a 1.6. And you are cutting a HUGE portion of the selection of best diamonds available in your size budget range by restricting out 1.5-1.59 range. :love:

Hi Gypsy,

Your right I was definitely limiting my option my setting my minimum carat threshold at 1.6, I could definitely see there's a whole field of options with what the options you listed below.

Thanks for sending this over Gypsy they all look like they tick the box in terms of I just have to figure out which one is good. What's your opinion about the first rock I listed? It looks like it has potential but when you compare them to the other rocks you listed it appears the other diamonds slightly edge out the one i showed.
I can't compare them. The ones I posted for you all have excellent light return confirmed by an ASET. There is no ASET of the stone you posted. I don't have the same amount of data. The picture looks promising. That's all I can say. Can you get an ASET image of that one?
Yup I'm already seeing if I can get the ASET analysis, if it turns out to be a pooper I'm definitely getting one of the diamonds you recommended (They all look like winners especially the one you marked).
Just got feedback from the jeweler that he wouldn't recommend the other diamond which makes my decision easier. It has come down to either of these two.

The one on the left is more rectangular and has better optics but the actual photo of the diamond the right looks more appealing. Thought I get some last feedback before I pull the trigger.

I think the rectangular one is going to be really finger flattering and it's a lovely stone with great optics. That would be my choice, personally.
I have no expertise on cushions (Gypsy is the expert) but I wouldn't trust any jeweler to give you unbiased advice when it comes to their competition's diamonds. They make the most money with the least amount of work on mark ups of their diamonds and are never going to tell you to buy your diamond elsewhere. Take everything they say with a [heavy] grain of salt.
aftereffects15|1467774966|4051909 said:
I have no expertise on cushions (Gypsy is the expert) but I wouldn't trust any jeweler to give you unbiased advice when it comes to their competition's diamonds. They make the most money with the least amount of work on mark ups of their diamonds and are never going to tell you to buy your diamond elsewhere. Take everything they say with a [heavy] grain of salt.

That's a great point. Who exactly told you the D wasn't going to work out. I see a lot of potential in it, truly.
aftereffects15 your definitely right about that, however the diamond in question was actually listed under their own stock list but would have to be called in for further information/analysis.

His feedback on that diamond were possible issues with the cutting/haziness and there might be better choices out there, but funny enough he didn't try to push or sale anything else and just told me there could be something else better down the line.

I might think about just risking it and call it in and see if it's actually a winner or a dud.
Would you be able to tell? Sometimes it takes an and experienced eye to tell the difference.

Now that we know the full story, I wouldn't risk it. Unless you want to get the ED diamond and have that one called in and then compare them side by side. That is a great idea.
Gypsy|1467790109|4051959 said:
Would you be able to tell? Sometimes it takes an and experienced eye to tell the difference.

Now that we know the full story, I wouldn't risk it. Unless you want to get the ED diamond and have that one called in and then compare them side by side. That is a great idea.

I just checked with the jeweler and he said he was able to check through his B2B channel and confirmed that the diamond was indeed cloudy with it's strong florescent color so definitely no deal.

I'm definitely leaning towards the ED option you sent me now Gypsy. What is your opinion on this one? Very similar in terms of specs besides the color/clarity downgrade, but optical performance is identical.
sealingthedeal|1467944925|4052846 said:
Gypsy|1467790109|4051959 said:
Would you be able to tell? Sometimes it takes an and experienced eye to tell the difference.

Now that we know the full story, I wouldn't risk it. Unless you want to get the ED diamond and have that one called in and then compare them side by side. That is a great idea.

I just checked with the jeweler and he said he was able to check through his B2B channel and confirmed that the diamond was indeed cloudy with it's strong florescent color so definitely no deal.

I'm definitely leaning towards the ED option you sent me now Gypsy. What is your opinion on this one? Very similar in terms of specs besides the color/clarity downgrade, but optical performance is identical.

Very nice!!! I like that.

Is it eyeclean though?
I'd be concerned with the eyeclean on that one. But BOY is it a GORGEOUS stone right???
Eye clean is definitely something that has to tick the box, otherwise YEA it's a winner in every other aspect :)
*Cross my fingers
Notice on James Allen you can now take the magnification down to 1 x, when looking at the stone like this which is the diamonds actual size?, it does not show the black other than as black/white scintillation in my opinion.
Update on the other diamond I was looking at, unfortunately or fortunately the vendor was able to check whether the diamond was eye-cleaned and it turned out it wasn't. However I did see this other diamond that was a bit bigger, slightly lower in optical performance and colour H but same price point as this one . Would you guys suggest sticking with the original or grabbing the larger size diamond since my girlfriend always hinted she wanted a larger diamond if possible. (Note: This will be set in a halo setting)

1.75 | H Color

On to the fun part - the cushion will be set in Harry Winston inspired halo which I'm currently engaging with several vendors to have a look at. It'll most likely be CAD/CAST due to my budget.

The following specifications I already locked down which includes:
Paving on the shank to go down to 9 & 3 O'Clock position just for increased durability
Finish: Platinum
Design to accommodate a flushed wedding band
Ring Size: 4.75
Shank Thickness: 1.7/1.5
Paving type:?

Would you guys have any suggestion for other specification in the design of the ring? I know I want an elegant halo design that's proportion correctly to not overwhelm the main diamond but also showing very minimal metal in the halo.

Thanks again for everyone's help so far! It's a very nerve racking journey but the PriceScope community has made it easier to navigate.
I would buy the 1.75, it's lovely.

Go for it.

What I would recommend for the setting depends on who you use. Who are you asking quotes from? Shank thickness should be 1.8 minimum.

V-cut pave. 20%. Tilt. I would do 10 and 2 instead of 9 and 3. Platinum. David Klass or IDJ vendors and maybe WF. Diamond point size = .75 for halo.
Hi Gypsy,

Thanks for your input, are you recommending 10 to 2 because it looks better aesthetically?

So far I've engaged BE and will be reaching out to David Klass soon. What do you mean by 20%? Is that the tilt degree?
Yes, it's a tilt degree. Tilted halos look better all around.

See the Victor Halo versus the Leon Halo in the below. You want the Victor Halo look. The Leon shows a lot of metal from the profile, which is not as aesthetically pleasing.


10 and 2 for two reasons:

1. Finger sizes fluctuate and if your lady ever needs to size up a 9-3 means that you lose the half eternity. 10-3 means if she sizes up the top of her finger is still covered.

2. Rings spin. You want more coverage to allow for a little spin with pave still showing.
If your lady wants to wear a wedding band flush with her engagement ring then you will want to tell the vendor to design the gallery in that way.

What that looks like:

Cathedral Shank:

Not Cathedral Shank: (I don't recommend pave on the stems, but if you like them you can have them).

This halo by BE is tilted: so they can do the tilt halo.

So there is more than just saying "HW halo"... there are a few more decisions to be decided.

The ones in the post above (showing the tilt in the halos by Steven, Victor, and Leon) show the look of a 'normal' gallery with a 'donut'... we do NOT recommend pave on the donut. The donut prevents a flush fit wedding band.
Gypsy|1468553786|4055647 said:
Yes, it's a tilt degree. Tilted halos look better all around.

See the Victor Halo versus the Leon Halo in the below. You want the Victor Halo look. The Leon shows a lot of metal from the profile, which is not as aesthetically pleasing.


10 and 2 for two reasons:

1. Finger sizes fluctuate and if your lady ever needs to size up a 9-3 means that you lose the half eternity. 10-3 means if she sizes up the top of her finger is still covered.

2. Rings spin. You want more coverage to allow for a little spin with pave still showing.

Thanks Gypsy for all the great suggestion. The Victor Halo setting does have a bit of elegance due to the tilted halo, I'll incorporate that into the setting specification and the donut design is definitely out of the picture.

I was a bit confused at first when you meant 10-2 since I was thinking that would result in less paving but realised you meant 10-2 the other way around haha, but thanks for the tip I wasn't even thinking about ring spin till you mentioned it.
That's what I am here for.

Please come back an update the thread, especially with the finished ring. 8)
Quick update...I've commissioned David Klass to work on the ring while we wait for the diamond to ship to his office. Below is his initial schematic design -
I have specified for the setting to have
  • .75pts for the Halo
    20degree tilt on the Halo
    Donut design incorporated cause my partner seem to prefer that design more which means the wedding band will curve to accommodate the Donut. However I did mention to leave off the melee on the donut. Overall pretty happy with his first attempt besides taking off some of the melee on the shank to increase durability. Happy to hear if you guys have any other opinions on his first design.

I would square off the halo a little more and make the donut smaller/tighter. And I'd probably do smaller stones (1.3mm??) in the he halo so there are more of them, your stone is not small and I think shrinking the halo stones down to fit one more to a side would be better. What is the halo tilt angle on that?
Hi Gypsy -

Are you talking about the stones on the shank? I think they're @ 1.6mm and the stones on the halo are 1.0mm although the number of stones aren't represented correctly graphically based on the number of stones in the table.

I also made some sketch from your advice:

Squared the Halo a bit more...

Smaller Donut:

The halo doesn't look like it's angled 20 degrees, but I have yet to confirm with David.

Thanks for your help!
Hi guys it's been awhile since I last updated - First off I would like to thank the community at Pricescope for their wealth of information and especially Gypsy for helping me out throughout the process. I felt that I learnt a lot and glad that I came upon this website since I felt that the end result was better than I originally envisioned due to the community.

My fiance was quite surprised and happy with the ring and we both can't wait for the wedding date. As promised, I've included several photos of the ring that David Klass sent me and also the final photo with the ring on my fiance hand. I was quite happy with the end result from David Klass and felt that he was easy to work with throughout the entire process and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him.

David Klass Photo's

Proposal Photo
It's beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS!