
need help finding a setting?

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Aug 18, 2004

I found a setting I think my girlfriend will really like, but I don''t want to get it for 2 reasons: 1) i consider it to be overpriced at around 3-4k and 2) i don''t want a tension setting.

Here it is: (click on the picture for additional views).

Does anyone have any suggestions on places to look for similarly styled settings that are not tension? Any particular designers? stores?

That looks really unsafe to me.
i have never seen anything like that! what is it that you most like about it?
Date: 1/14/2005 9:10
9 AM

I found a setting I think my girlfriend will really like, but I don''t want to get it for 2 reasons: 1) i consider it to be overpriced at around 3-4k and 2) i don''t want a tension setting.

Here it is: (click on the picture for additional views).

Does anyone have any suggestions on places to look for similarly styled settings that are not tension? Any particular designers? stores?

PLEASE BE SURE YOUR GIRLFRIEND LIKES CONTEMPORARY--WAY OUT MODERN AS THIS IS.............................most people do not. They choose something classic or even just simple. You may already know this is her "thing" and if so disregard my comments.....................but this is extremely different and she will wear this for the rest of your lives hopefully.
Not sure I could swear anyone else but myself would surely love this ring to death - it is one unusual design if there ever was one. Niessing makes these very precisely twacked pieces and I would think thrice before attempting a knock off... not that I know anyone who does that!

Anyway, the ring I saw down that link is not a tension ring. Something like that might be feasible by another jeweler, but... you know, I am crazy enough about Niessing to say this wholeheartedly
Is it this one ? On top of it all it appears to be a rather substantial ring (unless the diamond used is not too large - the whole design seems calibrated after the size of the stone), perhaps not the greatest thing for an every-day pieces if it is intended as such. But a great modern piece, at least IMO that is.

so ANA you are a modern design gal?
I too love this ring! It is so unique. I like bold, different styles! I wouldn''t want that as ering, but as a fashion ring...most definitely! It would look awesome with a beautiful colored stone as well.
Thanks for all the replies.. I realize that the ring is very unusual/modern.. what can I say.. my girlfriend is an architect, and she does not want to have something that everyone else does.. she always goes for the one of a kind look, and i haven''t seen my people with settings like this one (plus, I received a tip from one of her friends that she would like this one or something similar).

The only thing I have ever gotten out of my girlfriend during casual conversations about this topic is that she would like something that is not completely symmetrical (like this one), with the diamond not in the center, etc. So far, however, I haven''t found much that I believe she would really like. Any ideas on stores to look at? I know a jeweler I can go to that can make a setting I draw up, but I am not an artist, and need some things to look at/reference..

Also, I believe she once mentioned to me that she likes how it looks when the diamond is partially embedded into the setting (i.e., not sticking out with prongs holding it). I don''t care much for tension (for cost, insurance, and other reasons), but I am open to getting a setting that is somewhat like a bezel setting (I think that is what it is called), but where the diamond is partially embedded in the setting..

Thanks again for the replies, and any other input would also be appreciated!
Date: 1/14/2005 9:10
9 AM

I found a setting I think my girlfriend will really like, but I don''t want to get it for 2 reasons: 1) i consider it to be overpriced at around 3-4k and 2) i don''t want a tension setting.

Here it is: (click on the picture for additional views).

Does anyone have any suggestions on places to look for similarly styled settings that are not tension? Any particular designers? stores?

Hi, this ring is not a tension setting.

An example of a tension ring (also by Niessing) is shown here...

Stephen Tan
Charlotte Atelier

I think my picture can''t be viewed. Here''s another...

Stephen Tan
Charlotte Atelier

Date: 1/15/2005 11:54:17 AM
Author: windowshopper
so ANA you are a modern design gal?
Sure that !
Date: 1/15/2005 42:38 PM
Author: bizgk

Thanks for all the replies.. I realize that the ring is very unusual/modern.. what can I say.. my girlfriend is an architect, [...] I believe she once mentioned to me that she likes how it looks when the diamond is partially embedded into the setting (i.e., not sticking out with prongs holding it...

Thanks again for the replies, and any other input would also be appreciated!
Well, how about letting her design the ring ?

I could not begin to imagine a designer by trade not appreciating the opprtunity

It would be much easier for you to pick a diamond and present it in a dispozable setting.
Speaking of diamonds encrusted in the setting... this is the most classic design species that comes to mind. These rings are made of wood-grain metal (= "Mokume Gane") - thought I'd mention, since this is one material hardly ever used outside designer jewelry collections. Always handmade, definitely a showpiece.

PS: The name of the respective mokume makers are James Binion and Steve Midgett... There are others of course. I would have liked to find a representative ring design by Stephen Walker (link to site) but there doesn't seem to be any online. Grain models and colors are particular to each artist.

Take a look at
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