
Need help deciding between 2 antique cushions!


Jun 21, 2010
Last week, I wired funds to ERD for a lovely 2.07ct cushion that I posted in another thread. I'm currently on vacation, so I had them delay the shipment until I returned. But since it's not in my hands yet, I can't help but continuing to look in the meantime! :rolleyes: And so now, an AVC has caught my eye. I REALLY want to make sure that my BF and I make the best decision possible for the price and I am hoping for some help! I've reserved both of them, but I'd like to make a decision by very early next week so as not to hold up the inventory for the stone/dealer I decline.

The first stone is 2.07ct, I, VS2 ACB from ERD:
-I love the spread and carat weight on this one, as well as the PERFECT square ratio. I haven't seen it yet, so I am a *little* concerned about the warmth. If we chose this one, it would probably be set as a solitaire in a pave band.

The second is 1.67ct, H, VS1 AVC from GOG:
-I love the pastel colors that are indicative of an AVC, as well as the better color. I just wish the ratio was a little more square. If we choose this one, I would probably halo it.

I am SURE I would be very happy with either of them, but not being in NYC, it's kind of expensive to have both shipped to an appraiser, then to return one so that I can look at them side by side. I've met with each of them a year ago and would be confident with a purchase from either dealer, so there isn't any concern in that area either. What do you all think?!?
The ERD one -- I think the ASET shows that the "maltese cross" will leak. That is, the reflective parts of the pavilion are the diagonals, not the mains (that form the cross), if this makes sense. Have you seen the diamond IRL? Does it exhibit this behavior?

The GOG one looks fantastic. I don't normally say that about GOG AVCs, not really a fan myself, but this particular one looks like a beaut.

If you're torn, really, I would have both shipped to an appraiser near you. Last time I checked, GOG would do this for a $500 refundable deposit + RT shipping (under $100, if I recall, and they only charge you shipping if you don't purchase the diamond). And ERD has an inspection period too...should be something similar.

Better judge with your own eyes?
I knew which AVC you were going to post before I even opened the link, ;)) I was drooling over this one myself last week sometime. I agree the ASET on this beauty lloks like it's going to preform much better than the one from ERD and I can only imagine what it would look like in a halo!! :love: If it were me, hands down I would want the AVC, but if you have seen the ERD stone in person, you will have more direct knowledge of how the stone performs then anyone else and are in a better position to make a final decision. Good Luck, either way I can't wait to see hand shots!! :appl:
Thanks so much for your comments! I am thinking that you are both right and the only way to judge is in person. I'm starting to make arrangements to compare them with an appraiser next week. And I'm just hoping I can stop stressing about it until then! :errrr:
I love the AVC from Gold Old Gold. I love this style of diamond. I definitely prefer this one to the one from ERD. Good luck on your final decision and I can't wait to see the finished product!
the GOG one says it is purchased...did you buy it?

Between these two, I would pick the one from ERD because it is so much larger (and more square) but you can't go wrong!
Both are beautiful! But I'm inclined to go with the AVC... It's just stunning. Among other things I like about this one is the Kozibe effect (that's a fancy word meaning "hall of mirrors" effect.) I love the reflections of reflections of reflections of the culet, etc. But just to be sure, I'd have them both sent and would inspect them. It's so hard to tell from a photo, even with a good appraisal and even with a spinning video. The money you'll spend on shipping is negligible compared to the size of the investment. What's more, this way you'll never wonder whether you made the right decision. You'll know you did. Can't wait to hear which one you pick!
I think many chunky cut diamonds throw pastel colors. All three of my OECs do. There are just a lot of amazing photos of AVCs on here so I can see how one might think that is something unique to them.... but it's not.
I reserved it today to have it shipped down to a local appraiser at everyone's suggestion so that we can compare the two in person. I think my BF and I are going to make a whole date night out of it :D I can't believe how nervous I am about this! I was so set on the ERD until I saw the AVC and remembered all of the gorgeous photos I have seen on here of other's rings and how much I LOVE them. But like slg47, I also love the size and spread of the ERD. I just hope it has pastel colors like was suggested here. That is the part that makes me like the AVCs so much. I am also worried now about leakage in the cross on the ERD.

slg47|1309992765|2963156 said:
the GOG one says it is purchased...did you buy it?

Between these two, I would pick the one from ERD because it is so much larger (and more square) but you can't go wrong!
well comparing the two in person is the BEST way to decide!
I wish I could take all of the cushion experts here with me! I would have never even discovered vintage style cushions if I hadn't stumbled upon PS!

slg47|1310008254|2963390 said:
well comparing the two in person is the BEST way to decide!
Eskiez|1310008663|2963398 said:
I wish I could take all of the cushion experts here with me! I would have never even discovered vintage style cushions if I hadn't stumbled upon PS!

slg47|1310008254|2963390 said:
well comparing the two in person is the BEST way to decide!

well I certainly am not an expert by any means. my advice would be to get the one that 'speaks' to you. I think you have two beautiful stones and you should get whichever one your eyes are more drawn to! and then post lots of pics of it :)
pixies|1309998877|2963227 said:
I think many chunky cut diamonds throw pastel colors. All three of my OECs do. There are just a lot of amazing photos of AVCs on here so I can see how one might think that is something unique to them.... but it's not.

I"m curious pixie. How many August Vintage Cushions have you compared to generic vintage cushions with varying ASET's? You speak as if you've seen and compared many. I'm curious to know how many have you seen?

Kind regards,
Rhino|1310010159|2963415 said:
pixies|1309998877|2963227 said:
I think many chunky cut diamonds throw pastel colors. All three of my OECs do. There are just a lot of amazing photos of AVCs on here so I can see how one might think that is something unique to them.... but it's not.

I"m curious pixie. How many August Vintage Cushions have you compared to generic vintage cushions with varying ASET's? You speak as if you've seen and compared many. I'm curious to know how many have you seen?
Kind regards,
I'm thinking you misunderstood what I said.

I'm not claiming any particular stone to have superior optics over AVCs. AVCs are regarded to be top of the line in that regard. I am just saying I've seen other stones throw pastel colors too, just not AVCs or AVRs.

Some people may have never had the chance to see antique stones in person as not all towns have stores that carry them so I just thought I'd say that I've seen other stones that display that particular characteristic. I'm sure most would not have the tight optics of a newly minted stone cut for optics. I wasn't say to purchase the ERD stone over the other stone or that AVCs aren't special. I think AVCs are lovely. I live near Carmel and like to peruse the bevy of shops there that carry older cut stones. The original posted just said that was a characteristic that she liked so I just stated that it is possible for other stones to display those colors as well. That's when checking both stones out with your own eyes (or video if not possible) would come into play. I didn't purport myself to be an expert at all, I didn't say the ERD stone would, I just shared an anecdote -- that I've seen pastel colors in other antique stones.

Having seen AVCs and AVRs last year in your store, I know how lovely the cut and performance are. But based on your comment above, I was wondering if it is your belief that they are the only stones which have pastel color characteristics? As Pixie suggested, that is one of my favorite features of the AVC and am wondering if your experience indicates that a precision cut like the AVC is the only way to obtain that. Thanks!
Thanks for clarifying pixies. When you stated they were "not unique" I immediately flashed back to the hundreds of vintage diamonds i've had the opportunity to analyze over the past decade and thought ... an AGS Ideal AVC is not unique?! :sick: One day if you're ever in my neck of the woods let me know beforehand and I'd love to show you the varying appearances, differences in brightness and contrast patterns one can obtain within the vintage facet structure. We'll have a rock party. :rodent:

Also, please don't misunderstand me. AVC/AVR is not for everyone nor are they the only diamonds in the world where you're going to catch pastels. What is unique about them though is the way they do it, which you'd have to see to appreciate and is why I asked you if you ever made the comparison. Till this day we like to show people variety and selection and never do I criticize where a person's personal preference lies. I always encourage precisely what Eskiez is doing. Look at them side by side, decide what's most important to you and go with it.

Kind regards,
I owned two AVCs in the past - L and J (both a bit smaller than 1 carat). Still have one and about to send it back to GOG to upgrade to a lovely round crispy H.
And I'm a big fan of old cuts and own few large OECs and a 3.6 antique cushion. I'm by no means trying to say anything bad about AVCs and actually Pricescope’s community fascination with them convinced me to buy one (L, .82, still posted on GOG site) and than exchange it to J .89.
I did notice pastel colors in AVCs, but in my opinion it is partially due to the fact that they tend to trap body color more than rounds and more than comparable color larger antique OECs and OMCs. My observation based on my limited experience with diamonds (two years of obsession :)) is that round high color crispy diamonds will return more of a clean deep colored flashes in most lighting conditions. Lower color, crispy OECs and OMCs even in large sizes will hide the color and still reflect deep colorful flashes.
AVCs that i owned did not posses those qualities and returned pastel colors. To me it felt like the cut does not hide the color as well as OMCs and antique cushions, and it stops short from sending big flashes of deep colors, and instead just reflects pastels.

This is strictly my opinion, and I hope no one on this site especially Rhino finds it offensive.
Never Inna. IMO that's the beautiful thing about trade up policies. =)

Just a note about the pastels. That is not a result of trapped body color. Vintage diamonds, right out of the gate have a "warmer, softer" appearance to them. Pastels and the size of the reflections will be the result of gathering/collecting ambient light and the ability of the pavilion facets to kick them back to the eye and are best observed on shady or strong ambient light days. Take it outside on a sunny day under a shady tree and you'll see precisely what I'm talking about.

All the best,