
Need Advice - What to do?

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May 13, 2009
Hello All,

I have been a long time reader of this forum, but obviously a first time poster. I come to you seeking advice on a situation that has transpired. I had purchased an e-ring from JA about 2 weeks ago (G - SI1 - 2.25ct) that I felt was the best diamond I could find with all the best measurements, cut, ect. I was planning on going forth with the proposal this coming weekend (dinner plans all set!), however, I had an interesting conversation with the significant other this morning before work.

We had been browsing local jewelery stores here in Atlanta (over the past 2-3 weeks) for the "perfect" diamond and she had picked out 2-3 stones in our price range. Being an avid reader of this forum, I knew I could get an awesome stone from one of the dealers on PS, which I did. I was able to not only get a better color and carat (and PRICE!!), but I would be willing to bet that this one outperforms anything we saw in the B&M stores.

During our conversation this morning, she mentioned that she would love to get a ring at Store X because she would love to build a relationship with them by buying all her future jewelry from them and getting the "loyal customer discount". Furthermore, she is not an avid "online" shopper and I am not sure if she would "approve" of this purchase and the online "stigma" she would equate to it (even though it''s a sweet diamond).

Therefore, seeming that I would want her to be happy, do I return to the e-ring to JA (without evening mentioning it to her) and go get the "crappier" diamond from the B&M store for the same price? Just an FYI, I really don''t want to propose twice either.

Confused in ATL,

Here is the idealscope pic to show how awesome it is:

G 2.25.JPG
What about giving her the JA ring and later start "building the relationship" with that jeweler by getting her some other piece of jewelry like earrings or a necklace?
Keep your stone!!! It would kill me if I were in her shoes and found out that you returned a better -- and BIGGER -- stone just so that some day down the road I might get a discount at a local jeweler! Next gift can come from the local folks, or maybe you can introduce her to PS and make her realize that the deals you can get from these vendors (price and quality) are far better than your local store, at least for diamonds. Good luck this weekend!
You could always give her the JA stone but leave the option to her that if she prefers the stones from the B&M she could trade (just make sure you''re in the return period!) I am pretty sure once she has the ring and sees how gorgeous it is she''ll be hooked. Make sure she looks at the stones outside too. Everything sparkles in a jewelry store!
go with the ring you have and pop the question!
Best of luck and congrates!!!!!!
I would propose with it, and then tell her the truth. That you already had it in your possession when she made that comment. Give her the choice. And as mentioned, you can definitely establish a relationship locally afterwards. I did with my online purchase. I started with cleanings, then bought a gift for someone. She can have both, if she likes!
Date: 5/13/2009 7:37:40 PM
Author: strmrdr
go with the ring you have and pop the question!
Best of luck and congrates!!!!!!
yep yep
I would go with the ring and propose. I just got my ring from JA yesterday and people are blown away by its beauty. They compared it to their own rings and have asked me where I got such a beauty. I visited some B&M stores before I bought the ring and the only stones that even came close were the Hearts on Fire Diamonds which cost twice as much as I paid for my JA.
Date: 5/13/2009 7:40:31 PM
Author: Ellen
I would propose with it, and then tell her the truth. That you already had it in your possession when she made that comment. Give her the choice. And as mentioned, you can definitely establish a relationship locally afterwards. I did with my online purchase. I started with cleanings, then bought a gift for someone. She can have both, if she likes!
Absolutely ditto! It''s fine to have a ''relationship'' with a jeweler but not if it means getting a lesser quality stone at a higher price. This may be the single most expensive thing she will ever own (jewelry wise) so get the best stone/best deal on this one and buy other stuff from the jeweler.

It''s not always easy to impart this info to people that haven''t done alot of reading and studying here. It''s not where the stone comes from that is important - it''s the stone itself!
I would stick with the ring but just pop the question before it''s too late to return it.
I would definitely keep the ring (MEGA ROCK), tell her after you propose, but my guess is once she opens
the box she will melt and will not care where it came from.
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